Severed Destinies (25 page)

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Authors: David Kimberley

Tags: #Fantasy

Many of these recruits will end up being sent either to Turambar or Calden for their first assignment,” stated Jolas. “Turambar is relatively quiet but Sarin usually orders any newcomers out into the woods to train further in different terrain. He is a tough taskmaster when it comes to patrol schedules too.”

What of Calden?”

Very different. The first time a recruit stands on the eastern battlements and stares out into the Skardan pass, they understand the anxiety that the veterans based there feel every day. Imagining an army of Skardans approaching is enough to terrify even the officers at Calden.

It’s more the thought of what is happening beyond the pass, I expect. Many soldiers spend their nights wondering what the Skardans are doing on the other side.”

Talgan turned to face the older nobleman. “Have you told this story to these recruits yet?”

Maybe later,” smiled Jolas. “When they are ready to be shipped out.”

Shall we walk?” Talgan asked him, pointing along the battlement they stood upon towards the steps leading down into the barracks interior.

As they approached the steps, footsteps could be heard below and the councillors watched as a tall, blond-haired man emerged from the gloom of the interior. Dressed in chain mail and bearing a white tabard emblazoned with a crest showing two polearms crossed over a sun, he greeted them with a broad smile and a slight bow.

Good day to you, my lord Jolas. I noticed you watching the recruits and thought I might speak with you.”

Jolas moved forward and shook the soldier firmly by the hand. “It is good to see you again, Arlath. Allow me to introduce Talgan Akalla, who as you know is also on the king’s council.”

Talgan moved forward. “So this would be Arlath Thellis, who I have heard so much about.”

With a respectful bow of the head, Arlath shook Talgan’s outstretched hand. “It is good to meet you, my lord.”

How goes the training?” Talgan asked him. “I hear you have excelled in most aspects so far.”

Arlath’s pale blue eyes glinted. “My training has been intense but enjoyable. I look forward to joining the king’s army proper.”

I hear your father was in Vylandor recently,” Jolas remarked.

Yes. He only recently travelled back to Kaeril but it was good to see him.”

Well what can I do for you, Arlath?”

I was wondering whether you knew when Lord Orgillian and his son would be arriving in Vylandor?”

I’m afraid not. They have obviously been delayed somewhat. Why do you ask?”

My father and Lord Orgillian had kept in touch over the years since they last saw each other. Lord Orgillian knew that I was already amongst the recruits here and he wanted me to show Gorric the ropes once he arrived.”

Well, I’m sure they will be here soon. If we hear anything, we will let you know.”

Thank you, my lord.”

Talgan watched Arlath intently as he spoke with Jolas. The son of Duke Thellis held himself confidently but Talgan detected a hint of arrogance, which was only natural considering that Arlath knew he was being looked at as officer material for his future in the army. Also blessed with looks that no doubt made him irresistible to the opposite sex, Arlath had reason to be arrogant. However, Talgan could not help but wonder whether this attitude would get the young recruit into trouble when exposed to the reality of his duties outside Vylandor.

Will your officers not be wondering where you are?” Talgan asked Arlath, drawing a curious glance from the recruit.

I did tell them I was coming up here to speak with Lord Jolas,” he replied, locking eyes with Talgan for a moment.

them?” Talgan frowned.

I meant that I asked whether I could speak with Lord Jolas.” Arlath looked back to the older councillor. “Thank you for your time, my lord. I must return to training.”

Arlath spun on his heel and quickly vanished below.

What was that all about?” Jolas asked.

Just because he is the son of a duke, it doesn’t mean he can dictate what he does and when he does it. He needs reminding of that.”

Jolas rolled his eyes. “You need to smile more, Talgan. Lately you have been quick to anger and your words are often accompanied by venom. Arlath is a model recruit and is setting the standard that others strive for.”

I believe it is important for all recruits to understand humility. Sometimes even the best of us need to be brought back down from their pedestal.”

Jolas studied Talgan’s face for a moment, seeing his concerned expression. “You sound like something is playing on your mind, my friend. What is it?”

Talgan shook his head. “Ignore my ramblings. I have not been sleeping well and I am just worried about Afaron’s plans to visit Naskador.”

We are all worried,” cried Jolas, slapping him on the back. “Now, come on, lets get you out of here before you upset any more recruits.”



Chapter 21


The journey from the settlement had been a sombre affair.

Rynn sat in the back of one of the wagons, staring north. He was almost expecting to see an army of the black-armoured invaders catching them up. He thought of his time in Barentin and images of Forven’s body kept entering his mind. A chill ran along his spine when he thought of the cleric’s body still lying in the mud at the back of the destroyed tavern. He was the only person who could mourn Forven’s death. Something had happened to the rest of the order in Boraila and he was angry at himself for not finding out where they had gone. Of course, he knew that they had either been killed or taken away but he began wondering why Ardan had kept him from the same fate. Three times he had encountered the invaders and each time he had escaped.

Rynn looked over his shoulder at Varayan, Khir and Kithia, who all sat lost in their own thoughts. They were the reason he had escaped death so many times, especially Varayan. It seemed that a lifetime had passed since the thief was trying to steal their money.

Rynn caught Kithia’s eye and she smiled. He felt his heart lift when she did so and quickly returned his gaze to the road behind them. His feelings for Gorric’s sister were getting stronger by the day but he was reluctant to dwell on them. Why would such a strong and independent woman be interested in an acolyte who could hardly fend for himself?

He saw the way that they all looked at him ever since he healed Ilkar’s wound. The mere fact that the corporal was walking and talking again was a miracle. Ever since he had been compelled to read the scroll back in Turambar, Rynn had felt a strange energy within him. He did not know how he healed Ilkar though. It was as if someone else had taken control of his body and he was simply observing like the rest of his companions. Occasionally, symbols from the scroll flashed in his mind and he desperately tried to make sense of them.

How’re you feeling?”

Rynn was jolted from his thoughts by Kithia’s voice as she moved to sit opposite him. He looked into her green eyes and, for a moment, thought he saw apprehension in them. She had been frightened by his actions at the settlement and he longed to reach out to her; to hold her and show that she should not be afraid of him.

I feel…tired,” he said, forcing a weak smile.

We all are. You should try to get some sleep though. We do have a few more days left before we reach Vylandor.”

I will sleep when I know those killers aren’t following us,” shivered Rynn, glancing back to the road.

We’re safe for now.”

We thought that at Turambar too.”

Kithia placed her hand on his leg. “It is a difficult time but we still have each other.”

Kithia…” Rynn wanted to tell her how he felt but the words refused to come out. “I’m sorry if I scared you back at the settlement.”

I was just shocked, not scared. I still don’t understand what happened though. I assume it has something to do with the scroll you read.”

Rynn nodded. “Yes, but the strange thing is that I can feel that power within me yet I cannot focus on it. It frightens me that I simply became a spectator in my own body.”

Perhaps in time you will begin to understand it,” shrugged Kithia. “I have never seen anyone use magic before. I had heard tales of it but to see it right in front of me was…exhilarating.”

Rynn heard the excitement in her voice and felt himself blush. “To think that, just prior to leaving Boraila originally, I had been talking to Forven about the magical arts. Within the space of a few days, I have witnessed the dark powers of magic and now I apparently am a magic-user…of sorts.”

Kithia leant closer to him. “Well, you’re still Rynn to me and I’ll never forget our first meeting. I will always remember the look on your face when I leapt on you from the wardrobe.”

How could I forget that?” smirked Rynn.

Kithia laughed and moved her hand from his leg to slap at his face playfully. “You were lucky my brother was there.”

When you two have quite finished your lover’s quarrel,” shouted Varayan. “Some of us are trying to sleep.”

Kithia gave a scowl in Varayan’s direction and Rynn drew in a deep breath as he gazed at her, glad that this journey born of darkness at least allowed him to spend more time with her.


Karrid and Jolas stood staring down at the map of the Rotian Kingdom, which had been unrolled and pinned down onto the table in the meeting chambers.

Well?” Afaron glared at them both from the head of the table.

Our army stands at over six thousand,” said Jolas, glancing at the king. “Once the new recruits here in the city are fully trained, it will be much higher. It is all well and good taking word to Talabec, Kaeril, Shulgard and the rest that they are to increase their recruitment efforts but we do not want to push them too hard.”

I agree,” added Karrid. “People will think that there is a reason for the army to grow so quickly and may start panicking.”

Afaron sighed. “If this kingdom is to grow, then we need an army to support it. Morassia rules nearly all lands in the north and Skarda the lands in the east. We barely cover the west and so we need to begin turning our eyes to Karnath.”

So you plan to expand the kingdom south,” stated Jolas. “We’re not planning on conquering our neighbours, are we?”

Afaron scowled at the sarcasm in his old friend’s voice. “Of course not. However, what happens if we expand only to find Skarda doing the same. Or what if Skarda finally realize that the Rotian Kingdom is weaker than they think. The war against them meant that we had to rebuild and I know that we could not survive if they came again now.”

Are we not going over old ground here, my lord?” Jolas asked. “We can only do so much at once and the training here in Vylandor is producing some excellent soldiers.”

I don’t doubt that.” Afaron pushed himself up from the chair. “I intend to leave Vylandor soon and travel to Kariska, followed by Shulgard and Karthain. I will then return via Ashgar. It will take some time but I will review the available resources as I visit each.”

What of Naskador?” Karrid tapped his finger over the notorious city on the map.

We will wait until the infiltrators have been fully trained and they will lead the way,” replied Afaron. “I intend these men to be more than just spies. They need to be ruthless in order to bring down the thieves of Naskador.”

Jolas traced a line from Naskador along the river. “Have you thought about Barentin, Tamriel and Boraila?”

I have. The north of the kingdom is my next focus. Border posts, new roads for trade with Morassia, more bridges for easy access, more men posted at Turambar…there is much to be done there.”

Afaron walked around the table, coming to stand between the councillors. He looked down at the map and smiled.

Our ancestors wrote of dreams they had for the kingdom to flourish and so it shall.”

Jolas turned to face the king. “Who shall be joining you on this expedition to the eastern cities?”

Are you volunteering?” laughed Afaron, clapping him on the shoulder.

No, my lord. Somebody has to stay here and run the kingdom in your absence. I merely wondered whether you are taking your personal guard only or whether you will add to the entourage.”

Perhaps some of the council could join you,” Karrid said, shrugging. “I haven’t been east for some time…not since Arelya was little anyway.”

I hear your daughter has grown into a very beautiful young woman,” Afaron noted, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Karrid frowned at him. “Arelya is headstrong, like her mother. Not your type I fear, my lord.”

Don’t worry,” Afaron told him, giving Jolas a knowing look. “I won’t be looking for a queen until I return from the east.”

Perhaps Toresin should accompany you this time,” suggested Jolas. “He does seem to think that he runs the city when you are away. We have had several arguments recently and I feel he may need time away from his beloved Vylandor.”

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