Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (38 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

“All right,” Luci said, not wanting to seem
ungrateful nor talk badly of Priest’s wife. “I’m ploughing through
school as well. Lisa let me help her with some clients last week.
But I practice on Tooth.”

Bell blinked. “Come to think of it, he does look
unusually well groomed recently.”

“Just don’t overdo it with his kindness. You can use
some of the money you earned so far and buy a mannequin,” said
Dolly, joining them in the main room.

“And what? Buy a fake beard?” Luci moaned, making
Bell laugh out loud and pat his head.

“You can grow out your own,” said Bell.

Dolly gave a dark chuckle. “He’d need to grow
anything first.”

Luci pursed his lips. “I can’t help having fair

“Like your mom.” Priest’s lips curved into a slight

The silence that followed made Luci want to crawl
under the table and hide his ears. Bell walked up to him and pulled
him up by the arm. “You know what? Let’s have a beer back at the
club. You can finish it tomorrow.”

Relief was so overwhelming Luci released a long
breath of air.

“Since when is he allowed to drink?” Dolly

Priest ran his fingers through his hair. “I’ll join
you later.”

Luci couldn’t be quicker to grab his bag. Bell
pushed him outside before he could even say his

With his hand on top of Luci’s shoulder, Bell seemed
aggravated like a cornered grizzly bear. “Fuck.”

I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would go that way.”
Luci looked up at Bell. He had so many of Dolly’s features. Black
hair, dark eyes, olive skin. When Dolly
had mocked him for not being able to grow a beard,
Luci hardly bit his tongue, wanting to say that at least he didn’t
have to worry about an unwanted moustache. Unfortunately, he had to
remember Dolly was doing him a favor in the first place.

“I know. Wish Mom would get over it. It’s been
years, and your mother...” He sighed. “Yeah, why would she be
jealous just because she sees you?”

“It’s not like I’m gonna seduce Priest.” Only now
Luci remembered to pull his hair out of the bun.

Bell sighed, stopping close to the club
He put his hands
in his pockets and looked at the road, his expression souring by
the minute. “Yeah.”

Luci followed his gaze, unsure what to do. “Did I
say something wrong?”

Bell massaged the base of his nose. “Nah. I’m just
pissed off. Mom won’t let go of the past, and Dad feels guilty so
he won’t make a stand.”

Luci ran his fingers along the dirty door. “It would
have been easier for him if he never found me.”

Bell folded his arms across his chest and sighed.
“Don’t be stupid. I don’t need more people pissing me off.”

Luci laughed nervously and rubbed his cheeks. “You
wanna see my new cat?”

Bell pulled him closer and walked straight into the
clubhouse. “Is that the gray kitten Dad got from the rescue?”

“You’ve seen him?” Luci followed. “He’s so cute I
can’t bear it. He crawls into Tooth’s beard in the morning and
massages it like a pillow.”

Bell’s face broke into a wide smile. “And the
thing’s still alive?”

“Yeah! I keep an eye on it.” Luci unzipped his
hoodie as they walked up to the empty bar. “I make sure it doesn’t
mess Tooth up too much. But at least I get to comb his beard later.
Actually, I was meaning to ask… What’s Tooth’s real name?”

squinted and stopped Luci by the arm. “Jason, why? Listen,
don’t overdo it, yeah? The grooming, the beard, you wanna know his
name. Things like that might make a guy uncomfortable.” He bit his
lip and looked at the floor. “Everyone sees you like

Luci swallowed, his stomach clenching with nerves.
Was he really this obvious? He walked behind the bar to get them
beers from the fridge. “I kinda… What are people saying?”

Bell leaned over the counter and looked at Luci
with what seemed like genuine concern. “We were talking about it
with the guys, and we’re kinda... worried, you know. Tooth will get
pissed off with this gay... stuff eventually.” He swallowed and
opened his hands. “I could cover for you
so Dad doesn’t know if you wanna look for a

Luci’s face was scorching with the heat of a
thousand suns. “Oh. I… If I tell you a secret, would you promise me
not to tell anyone? Even Tooth? Especially Tooth?” His heart was
beating so hard it was about to pop out of his chest. Luci opened a
beer to cool himself down before the confession.

Bell stepped back. “What did you do?”

Luci took a big gulp of beer. “You have to

“Promise. Now, out with it.”

“I had sex with Tooth,” he blurted out with his eyes
wide and staring at his brother as he clutched his bottle.

went so pale for a moment Luci was afraid he’d drop to the
floor. “The fuck?” He started shaking his head. “No

“I know. It was after your birthday. I got so drunk,
and talked too much, and then we argued, and then it kinda…
happened.” Luci’s voice trembled against his will. He flinched when
Bell grabbed his arm, squeezing so hard it seemed to drain blood
out of Luci’s hand.

“You could have told me sooner...”

“Why?” He glanced at Bell’s thick fingers on his

Bell licked his lips, jaw trembling like a rabid
dog’s. “Can’t believe this fucker’s using my own brother like

“Huh? What? It’s not like that at all. This is an...
um… happy secret.” Lucifer awkwardly patted Bell’s shoulder.

Bell’s nostrils flared as he leaned over Luci with
his brows drawn tightly together. “No, it’s not. Dad didn’t take
you in so that a straight dude gets off with you just because he

Luci swallowed and leaned back, watching Bell with
his heart in his throat. “He’s not straight,” he whispered. Maybe
he shouldn’t have said anything in the first place?

Bell laughed, but the sound was so unpleasant, Luci
wanted to already throw himself between Bell and Tooth. “And how do
you know that? I’ve known Tooth for years!”

Luci couldn’t even wrap his head around Bell’s
reasoning. “We had sex, Bell. I told you.”

“I had a guy suck me off once, doesn’t mean I’m
gay,” hissed Bell. “I’m gonna fucking kill him!”

Luci couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “What the

And just like in the stupidest sitcom, Tooth chose
this moment to show up. “Lucky, have you seen Manson?”

made a pirouette worthy of a drunk Kung Fu master and sent
his fist straight into Tooth’s face, knocking him into the

Luci screamed and grabbed Bell’s midsection to pull
him back. “Oh, my God! What are you doing?”

Tooth rolled down the wall, only to grab Bell’s legs
to bring him down.

No! Bell! You promised! Stop it,” Luci yelled at
him, but he couldn’t stop the two bulls
who had already locked horns, ignoring his cries
for attention as they rolled over the tiles.

“What the fuck is your problem?” rasped Tooth,
squirming to immobilize his opponent, his face red, hair completely
out of order.

“My problem is a straight guy using my brother for a
cheap fuck!” Bell growled, and Luci could only hope no one would
hear this. He couldn’t believe Bell of all people was defending his

Tooth stopped moving, and his eyes darted at Luci.
“What the hell?”

“Get off me, you faggot!” rasped Bell, fidgeting in
Tooth’s arms.

Luci covered his face in shame. “Tooth, he

Tooth closed his eyes and gave a low grunt. “Can you
shut up till we’re upstairs? Or do you want everyone to listen?” he
asked Bell.

Bell finally stilled with his face dark and flushed.
“We can talk upstairs,” he spat.

Tooth slowly pulled away, but from the way he tensed
his muscles, it was clear he would be prepared for an attack this
time. With his chest heaving he gestured to the door. “Go first,

Luci clenched his fists so hard his nails bit into
his skin. “I’m sorry,” he muttered, so ashamed, so disappointed
with Bell. Then again, he knew his brother had good intentions.
What a cock-up.

Tooth stretched his neck and gestured for Bell to
go first.
Bell spat on
the floor. “I’m gonna break your nose, Tooth!”

Tooth shook his head and followed with his hands
folded on his nape. Luci could only imagine what his boyfriend was
thinking right now. Tooth probably wanted to break

Luci made his climb upstairs quick, not to prolong
the awkwardness. It was nice that Bell was so protective, but he
completely misunderstood the situation.

Even heading this funeral procession, Luci was ready
to stop the burial, and as soon as the door closed, he moved to
stand between the two giants who could easily squash him with their
sheer weight.

Tooth tugged on his beard, pacing to the wall and
back. “Luci, what did you tell him?”

“I just… I was so happy I wanted to share it with
someone,” Luci moaned. “He promised not to tell.”

“Happy?” growled Bell, bristling up. He rushed
toward Tooth and only Luci’s body stopped him from attacking again.
“He’s using you. I won’t have it!”

Tooth brushed his hair back with a low growl.

He’s not using me!” Luci tried to push Bell back,
but it was like shoving a rock. “I went after

“So? He’s our fucking VP! He should know better than
to go for it!”

“Bell,” muttered Tooth, standing by the wall with
his hands folded on his nape.

“Fuck you!”

Luci jumped right in. “Why would he not ‘go for it’?
Is there something wrong with me?”

Tooth knocked his fist against the wall. “What did
you tell him?”

Luci swallowed and looked back at Tooth. “I told
him we had sex. In secret. I mean, I told him in secret, not that
we had sex in secret. Though we did have it
in secret
I suppose…”

Tooth and Bell’s eyes met over Luci’s head, and the
heat from their clash made Luci flinch.

“That’s not how it is,” growled Tooth, grasping
Luci’s wrist.

“What’s it like then?” Bell clenched his fists as
Luci stepped closer to Tooth.

Slowly, the strong, familiar hand slid around Luci’s
body and pulled him close. “We’re an item, okay?” said Tooth in a
quiet voice. Its rasp went straight to Luci’s muscles and made him
melt against his lover. Fighting a smile was impossible.

Bell frowned and took a step back. “What?” was all
he managed to choke out.

Tooth’s chest heaved against Luci, and he was
pulled closer against those hard pecs, with a better view on the
stunned expression on
Bell’s face.

Tooth cleared his throat, resting his chin on top of
Luci’s head. “I’m gay, all right? It’s not anyone’s business.”

Bell’s eyes were wide open. “I can’t believe this
shit. I thought you just… I don’t know. Had some weird fetish, or
that you were the kind of guy who waits for his princess or some
shit. Fuck.”

Tooth squeezed his arms tighter around Luci. “It’s
not anything weird, Bell, all right? I treat him right.”

“Priest doesn’t know, does he? He wouldn’t put Luci
here otherwise,” Bell answered his own question, and his frown
resembled Priest’s more than ever before.

“No one knows,” muttered Tooth, gently brushing
Luci’s hair out of his face.

Bell swallowed, shaking his head. “Fuck... can’t
believe no one noticed.”

“I’ve never had a proper guy before. I just wanted
to share,” said Luci to Bell, but dared look up at Tooth. “I’m

It’s all right,” said Tooth, but his eyes also
darted to Bell.
With all
expectations on him, Bell faced away from them with a low

What the hell... You want me to lie
to Priest?”

Lucifer stroked the top of Tooth’s hand. “Why not?
You promised.”

Bell raised his hands only to dramatically drop
them. “It’s different if it’s under the club roof. Hooking up
doesn’t count!”

“Really?” Tooth slid his hand down Luci’s side and
grasped his hand. “You think he doesn’t need someone to take care
of him?”

Luci squeezed Tooth’s big, hot hand with a smile. He
loved what those hands could do to his body. He used to be too
afraid to trust anyone, to be dependent on them. With Tooth
everything was different. Luci could always count on him.

Bell ran his fingers through his messy hair. Luci
could read his dilemmas right off his face. “He’s a kid,

“No, I’m not. I’m almost twenty!”

Tooth bit his lip. “Bell, you know he’s gonna be
hooking up anyway. Come on, who do you think’s gonna keep him safe?
I wouldn’t be going into it if I weren’t serious.”

“Wipe that stupid grin off your face!” Bell pointed
at Luci with a groan. “I suppose it is better than some random

Luci bit the inside of his cheek not to laugh.

Tooth sighed. “Come on, yeah. It is the real deal.
Just ask yourself: would you have a problem with Astaroth dating

“I suppose I’d rather she dated someone within the
club. When she’s Lucifer’s age.” Bell took a deep breath and
wrapped his arms on his chest. “You’re responsible. I guess.”

Tooth stepped closer, gently pulling Luci along.
His shoulders were stiff as he approached
Bell. “Look, Brother, I didn’t coerce him into it,
and I’m not gonna hurt him.”

Luci couldn’t help the happiness tingling in his
heart. “We just work really well together.”

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