Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (52 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

Luci ran to him before he could even make a peep.
Seconds later, his arms were around Tooth’s neck and he hugged him
ly, unwilling to
ever let go. “Finally,” he uttered in a small voice.

He gasped when those big, oh-so-familiar hands
squeezed his ass and pulled him up into a deep, longing kiss.
Tooth’s beard tickled his chin. The simple soap Tooth
had used in prison did nothing
to mask his natural musky scent. It made Luci’s head spin. With
Tooth holding him up, he arched into the kiss and pulled himself
up, wrapping his legs around Tooth’s hips. It was no effort for
Tooth’s strength to hold him. No whistling behind them could make
Luci unglue himself from Tooth.

They eventually let go, and Luci was lowered back
to the asphalt, which
felt too hard after flying in Tooth’s arms, even if for a bit. But
there were others who wanted to have a scrap of Tooth to
themselves, and he couldn’t be that selfish. He would have all of
him eventually, so for now his hand would be enough.

The guys exchanged hugs and welcomed him back, but
real party awaited
at the clubhouse. Milk had already told Luci they had considered
employing go-go boys, but they wouldn’t since Tooth was
. Milk
made sure to emphasize that fact. At least the topic of the blow
job Luci gave Milk never ever came up again, as if it had never

They got into the car and sped back to
He sat with
Tooth in the backseat, melted into one body, hugging tightly. They
did talk to Don, who served as the driver, but it didn’t prevent
them from being focused on one another. Tooth was ecstatic with
Luci’s barbering diploma, and throughout the whole journey, they
never stopped talking. After the incident at the hospital, Ghost
had his medical license suspended, and nobody could predict whether
he could gain it back. He was closer than ever with the Nails, and
even got himself a proper bike, but that didn’t seem to be enough
of a compensation for so many years of hard work gone to dust. Luci
tried to talk to the guy, cheer him up, but Ghost wasn’t very
chatty nowadays and spent all-too-much time by the computer playing
online games.

Luci was surprised when Don parked the car by the
salon, and all the bikes joined in. Dolly had never apologized
after causing Luci so much grief, but she
’d backed off and even tolerated him in her house
during holidays, though she mostly ignored his presence. At work,
she barely talked to him, but at least the backstabbing and
swearing at him was over. Getting his diploma also raised his
profile at the salon. He wasn’t sweeping the floors anymore. He was
actually building a whole group of regular clients who came to
. Okay, so
most of them were bikers, or biker’s friends, but these guys needed
him more than the average non-bearded Joe. He also paired up with
Astaroth who had her mobile styling business, and he went with her
when styling guys was needed. Not to mention that it was just fun
to go with her because she styled all sorts of alternative people.
Pin-up girls, entertainers, did stage make-up for some rockers. It
was really cool to be a part of that, and that was one of the
reasons why he got a car instead of a bike of his own.

Don looked back with a mischievous smile. “Tooth,
cover his eyes,” he said, tossing back a bandana, and Tooth was
ready to comply. Did he know what was going on?

“Hey. What’s happening?” Luci looked around but had
no qualms about letting Tooth tie the bandana around his eyes. He
would trust his man with his life.

You’ll see.” Tooth’s mouth brushed his ear, and he
was slowly led out
the sidewalk in front of the salon.

Luci could hear all the men breathing, moving their
feet gently, but they were otherwise silent as Tooth led him

“So Luci, I have something to show you,” said Priest
just as another hand touched his shoulder.

“Guys, what is this? If this is a mock-wedding, I
will kill Milk with my hair clippers,” he said, holding on to the
front of Tooth’s T-shirt.

“Nah, it’s something better,” said Milk from the

“Go on, boy. Look at it,” muttered Priest.

Tooth pulled the bandana off his eyes, and there
was so much to take in he didn’t know where to look first. A
relatively small room, but thanks to a large mirror and a
floor-length window it didn’t
seem all that cramped. Decorated in sleek black and white with red
accents, the tiny barber shop had all he could need and more,
including a large logo with demon wings over the mirror. It read
‘Lucifer’s Barber Shop’.

Luci ran his hand over the black leather of the
professional, retro-looking chair in front of the mirror. All the
tools he could need were laid out on a counter to his right,
whereas to the left was a big sofa and an armchair. He could
already imagine Tooth coming here to sit around waiting for him, or
to just come for a… coffee. There was even a coffee machine by the
counter. Brick walls were adorned with
black-and-white photos of some of Luci’s satisfied
customers, and his framed barber’s license featured prominently
among them.

“Oh, my God…” Luci was trying to hold back tears,
but couldn’t anymore when he saw a metal plate under a photo of him
with Bell from Bell’s birthday party. ‘In loving memory of
Beelzebub’, with the date of his death underneath.

You thought there was a different business opening
here, didn’t you?” asked Milk with a wide smile. He walked over and
gave Luci a pat on the back. “Why do you think you got the
last few days off so

Tooth looked around with his eyebrows raised high.
“Oh, wow. That’s much more than I expected. Great job, guys.”

“That’s because I planned the interior design. You
guys would just put a chair in here and call it a day.”

Luci turned to the voice only to see Asty, who
entered the shop with a wide smile. She gave Luci a kiss and hugged
Tooth with her free arm. “Good to see you, old man.”

He’s not old,” Luci complained, but laughed and
leaned in to kiss Tooth. “This is so amazing. I’ll be able to book
clients in and everything.” A place of his own. All he needed now
was to o
fficially start
the business.

Priest stood by the door with a smug smile. “Tooth
forked half the money.”

Damn right. Congratulations, Lucky,” said Tooth,
pulling Luci against his chest with a wide smile. His mouth brushed
against Luci’s ear again, and he whispered, “
So proud of you.”

Luci hugged him tight
ly, feeling as
as never before. Not just because of this amazing barber
shop. His man was out of prison, he would be starting his own
business, and he had a family around him. In a strange way, even
Dolly was a part of the picture. Wasn’t a vicious aunt a necessity
in a family? You didn’t choose your family the way you did your
friends so her presence made it all the more real.

“Thank you so much,” he said before going for a
quick hug to his dad. “Thank you. I don’t know how to repay

“Hey, don’t even start.” Priest shook his head and
gave Luci a masculine slap on the shoulder. “You’re my son, all
right? Every parent wants to give their kid a good start.”

Luci grinned at him before walking back to Tooth.
Everything was falling into place. “Thanks,
Dad. How do I thank you, then?” He looked
into Tooth’s eyes with a grin.

Completely ignoring another round of whistles,
Tooth shrugged. “You could donate
ten percent of your earnings this year to Voices.
They have a homeless LGBT youth shelter downtown.”

Luci gave Tooth’s beard a tug. “That’s my man,
always caring about others.”

Tooth grinned and leaned down, giving him a chaste
kiss. The pull to stay joined was unbelievably strong, and Luci
longed for nothing else than some time alone.

“Get a room, guys,” said Don, but there was no
viciousness in his voice.

Luci backed off, holding on to Tooth’s big hand.
’d missed those
pronounced veins and rough-skinned fingers. “I was kinda thinking
we could get some time to talk with Tooth, before we go to the

.” Milk snorted and Luci wanted to slap him over
the head. At least Kat would be there, which would keep Milk
occupied with something else than mocking his and Tooth’s
relationship. He knew it was all good-natured, but one had to put a
stop to it at some point.

Priest sighed. “Yeah, that’s fine, we have stuff to
do back at the compound anyway. Just don’t take half the night,

We need some Tooth too,” wailed a prospect, much
to the fun of all
other men.

“Yeah, yeah, we’ll be there in no time.” Luci
discreetly sneaked his finger under Tooth’s belt.

“And Tooth,” said Priest, throwing something into
the air. “Your bike’s here. You just need to walk around the

Tooth’s chest expanded as he looked at the keys he
caught. He pulled away from Luci and gave Priest a quick hug.
“Thanks, man. And I
see all of you shortly, yeah?”

“Sure, we know you need some time with your old
boy,” said Milk.

Luci put his face in his hands, but it
kind of a funny name for it.
Old Man wouldn’t really suit him. Or old gentleman for that

He and Tooth watched everyone else leave, holding
hands in silence. No words were needed for now. As soon as they
were alone, and he heard the familiar bell that accompanied a
closing door, Luci wrapped his arms around Tooth’s middle and put
his face against the hot, fragrant neck. It was soft, even where
the beard grew out of it. It was only a detail Luci would take care
of tonight. “I missed you so much.”

Tooth sighed, and his arms slowly moved to circle
Luci’s body. “You’ve grown taller. I only noticed now,” he
whispered, trailing soft, soothing kisses down Luci’s jaw.

“Yeah, I’m not that silly boy you met two years ago.
I’m gonna have my own business.” Luci ran his hand up Tooth’s back
and all the way to his long wavy hair.

Tooth hummed, closing his eyes. “I know. I’m glad
you could make it.”

“You know how many guys hit on me?” Luci murmured
with a little smile, sliding his other hand down to unbuckle
Tooth’s belt.

A sharp intake of breath cut through the air, and
Tooth’s fingers tightened on Luci’s shoulders. He nuzzled Luci’s
ear. “Does this place have a back

“There’s Dolly’s office…” A sense of mischief filled
Luci’s mind when he thought of fucking on Dolly’s desk. The salon
was closed this evening so there would be no one to walk in on

Tooth swallowed and leaned down, holding Luci’s
head in place. When their lips met, it was as if there were
fireworks exploding underneath Luci’s skin. “I hope you

Every time. I
told them that I have a boyfriend. That he’s a biker and
that he comes out of prison soon.” Luci grinned and gave him one
more kiss before pulling Tooth out of his brand-new barber shop,
locking the door on the way.

As they passed through the corridor that led them to
the salon, Tooth’s hand slid lower, cupping Luci’s ass and letting
one of his fingers massage the sensitive flesh around Luci’s crack.
Even through the denim it sent a spark of pleasure to Luci’s cock.
“Good. No one would want to cross me. I think we should let them
know from afar.”

Oh yeah?” Luci led them into the office and
on the light. He
couldn’t help but grind against Tooth’s hand. There was such a
sense of freedom to just being able to touch like this. “You want
me to get a new tat? ‘Tooth’s biker bitch’?”

Tooth chuckled and pushed Luci deeper into the
office with a quick kiss. He pulled something out from underneath
his jacket and rolled out the fabric. It was a denim vest with the
club logo and large lettering that read “Property of Tooth”.

Luci’s heart skipped a beat when he ran his
fingertips over the patches. He knew he’d never be a Nail, he
didn’t even want to, but this? He couldn’t get any closer. He
already imagined himself wearing it and it wasn’t just about him
showing others who his boyfriend was. It was Tooth staking his
claim on him, agreeing for anyone who’d see it to know how close
they were. If their bond wasn’t obvious before, now it was. It was
commitment and pride. He wouldn’t be Tooth’s secret, or something
Tooth would hide when it suited him.

Tooth…” Luci looked up
at him, not even knowing what to say.

A small smile graced Tooth’s lips. “I had Milk get
this for me. Will you wear it?”

Luci’s grin was about to split his face in half as
he nodded vigorously. “Hell yeah!” He turned around with his arms
back for Tooth to put it on him. He was so giddy his fingers
trembled. He couldn’t believe Tooth
had organized all of this from prison. In
comparison to that, the party Luci helped to prepare and the food
he cooked felt like nothing.

“Not so fast,” said Tooth, and Luci’s skin went
aflame when Tooth’s beard brushed against his nape. “I want you to
wear it on bare skin.”

Luci licked his lips and unbuttoned his shirt as if
his life depended on it. “You wanna fuck me in it?” he whispered,
putting his shirt away.

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