Read Sexy Behaviour Online

Authors: Eva Corona

Sexy Behaviour (7 page)

“Yes”-said Ryan.  He started to fold the blankets, wrapping one around her so she would stay warm.

“Thanks.” Said Ambar, looking up at him and smiling.

As they made their way back through the jungle, doing their best to re-trace their steps, when suddenly Ambar slid, almost falling into a deep ditch.

“Help!” she gasped. Ryan turned around, saw her fall, and dropped the bag.

“Grab my hand!” he shouted.

Ambar grabbed hold of his hand tightly as he pulled her from the ditch.  He managed to pull her out, though fell down in the process.

“Ow!” he screamed. “My ankle.”

Although Ambar had fallen and had a few scratches, she had not injured herself.

She tried to help Ryan stand; yet he could not put any weight on his ankle.

“You go back to the study centre.  Go while the rain has stopped.  You can get help then, tell them where I am.”

“No” said Ambar.  “I am not leaving you here.”

He looked at her warmly.

Ambar searched the jungle for two long sticks and then began tying the blankets to make a stretcher for him.

With tenacity and determination she began pulling him through the jungle undergrowth, slowly and gently, trying not to go over any sharp rocks along the way.

“Are you okay?” she kept asking.

“No are you okay?  I feel bad, you dragging me like this, I must be so heavy for a delicate girl like you.”

“I’m fine,” said Ambar, struggling on.  Yet it was true, he was heavy and she was very tired.  She kept needing to stop to rest and after three hours they had barely covered the distance which had taken them minutes the day before.

Ryan was an interesting man.  He loved nature and travel, and had been around the world, with lots of fascinating stories.  He could see that Ambar did not want to open up much, and had decided that he would do most of the talking in order that she may begin to trust him a little more.   He made her laugh and Ambar began to feel very comfortable in his company, and for the first time in weeks, happy.  She even started to feel glad that they had got stranded and were able to spend this time together.  She found him reassuring, gentle and kind.

He had only been living in New York for a few months, and Ambar, having lived their her whole life, started to tell him tales of the city, the different parts, different memories.



Chapter 7


As the sun began to set that night, they decided to stop and rest for the evening.  The day had been dry and Ambar decided to find wood that was not too damp in order to build a fire.

She left Ryan and went off in search of firewood.

“Be careful.” Said Ryan softly as she headed off.

Ambar smiled at him warmly.

“I will.” 

She came back and spent put together the fire.

Ryan looked on at her with admiration.  She had been so attentive, so caring, so practical.

They sat together by the fire in silence.  Both tired after a long day, they ate some little of the food they had brought, taking care not to use all the supplies, not knowing how long it would take them to get back to the camp.

As they lay to sleep that evening, Ambar had no choice but to lie with him on the stretcher, as they did not have blankets to spare.  Though they lay in each other’s arms, Ryan only held her, and though his hands ached with desire to touch and caress her, he stayed still.  Ambar felt her body longing to be touched, longing to kiss him, yet she stayed motionless, just hearing his breathing, and the sound of the exotic birds evening song.

When they awoke together the next morning, in each other’s embrace, they lay together, silent, enjoying the warmth of each other’s bodies, and the beautiful sun rays, streaming through the leaves of the incredible century old trees above them.  Feeling a warm rush of blood tingling through her, Ambar did not want to get up and leave the warmth of his embrace.  Yet she did so.  They had practical matters to attend to and she promised herself she would not fall in love.  But she liked him.  She really really liked him.

They made their way and after a couple of hours had come out of the deep jungle undergrowth, where the trees cleared and they could see the spectacular view of the mangrove shores.  The cacao groves embraced the land and banana and coconut trees showed themselves.

Ambar ran excitedly toward them, collecting bananas and coconuts that had fallen from the trees.

“Oh my God!  This is heaven!” she exclaimed.

“If you were not injured of course.” She said as she sat beside him, laying the collected fruit on the floor.

“Mmm, even though I am injured, it is still heaven.” He smiled as he peeled the banana.

“I feel like such an invalid.  Hardly a knight in shining armour.”

“Hey” said Ambar.

“You fell rescuing me remember? You are still my hero.” She smiled at him, her eyes flashing.  His heart stopped.  She was so beautiful when she smiled.


Chapter 8


That night they lay together on the stretcher.  The day had been clear again, and now they lay under the stars, with a view of them twinkling.  It was the first night they were able to see the stars overhead, as before the trees had sheltered them.  The sight was incredible, certainly nothing like the New York sky.

“Oh my God” said Ambar, as she stared up at them, her eyes filled with wonder.

Ryan began to stroke her arm softly, tracing his fingers along her skin.  This time, Ambar responded to his touch, desire overwhelming her.  Unable to resist anymore, she climbed on top of him, sucking gently on his lips, holding on to his hips with her legs.

“Oh my God” he groaned as he pushed his pelvis into hers. 

Slowly she began to unbutton his jeans.  His penis was hard and throbbing and she began slowly to suck him, holding his balls together in her hand, circling the head of his penis with her tongue.

Ryan lay there stunned.  She had seemed so shy, and yet now with such confidence it was like she had no restraints, and was wild and free. 

She began to strip in front of him slowly, and then, naked, she climbed on top of him, placing his penis inside her, riding him, slowly at first and then building into a wild orgasmic frenzy.


Chapter 9


When Ambar opened her eyes that morning she saw three butterflies fluttering beside them, vividly displaying their dazzling pink and orange colours.

“Ryan” she whispered to the sleeping body beside her.

Ryan slowly opened his eyes.

“Look” she pointed to the butterflies.

Ryan smiled. 

“Beautiful” he said.  “I wish I could wake up here every morning.”

They lay together stroking each other, softly caressing.

“Shhh.” Said Ryan suddenly.

They were silent and then could hear what seemed to be voices in the distance.

“It’s Jess!”  Ambar suddenly jumped up.  Looking over into the distance she could make out the bodies of Jess and Luciano and what seemed to be a rescue party.

“Hey!!!!!”  She shouted.  “Over here!”

Jess and Luciano turned and saw them and began running towards them, the rescue party running behind.

“Thank God!” said Jess.  “We have been looking for you for days!  I was so worried!”  She ran to Ambar hugging her tightly.

“What happened?”  Ambar explained that Ryan was injured and needed help.

The rescue party quickly called for medical assistance and Ryan was taken to hospital.  The others headed back to the camp.

Ambar and Jess sat together in Ambar’s room that evening.

“So?” asked Jess.  “Did anything happen?” she said naughtily.  Ambar blushed.


“Great!” Jess exclaimed.   “I want all the details!”

Ambar laughed.

“What about you?”

“Oh my God!” said Jess.  “All I can say is Italian lovers called Luciano are the absolute best!  I had the hottest sex in my life last night!”

Ambar giggled and then told her what had happened with Ryan, and that she really liked him.  The two girls sat talking until the early hours of the morning when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

“It’s Luciano!” Jess exclaimed.

“Can I leave you darling and go to his room?  Tell me if you want me to stay.”

“No” said Ambar reassuringly.  “I’m going to sleep now anyway.  You have fun.”

“Darling Luciano does sound like fun!”  She jumped up and ran to the door.

“Hey baby.” She said seductively to Luciano closing the door behind her.

Ambar curled up in bed to sleep, thinking about Ryan.


Chapter 10


The next day Ambar, wearing a white linen suit, waited outside for the taxi.  She had just been given the address of the hospital that Ryan had been taken to.  Jess was still off somewhere with Luciano, and Ambar had decided that she had to see him.

When the taxi pulled up outside the study centre Ambar climbed quickly inside.  The taxi drove along the spectacular shorelines and Ambar looked outside at the stunning azure seas outside, reflecting and surprised at how quickly her feelings had grown for Ryan.

When she arrived at the hospital she was told that Ryan had checked out and was heading home back to New York.  Dismayed and disappointed Ambar called for another taxi to head back to the study centre.

When she arrived Ryan was waiting for her outside.

She felt relief sweep over her.

“Ryan.” She said

“How are you?” she looked down at his leg, with the ankle now covered in a plaster cast.

“Well, you know” he laughed.

“I can’t finish the course!”

“Oh” she said disappointed.

“Of course.”

“Listen Ambar.” He said slowly.

“I really like you.  I want to stay around just to be with you.”

Ambar smiled.

“I really like you to.”



As the four boarded the plane back to New York the following week and settled into their seats, the girls and Luciano excitedly pulled out their diplomas, stating they had completed the wildlife course.

“I’m sorry you didn’t get one Ryan.” Said Jess to Ryan, holding on to Luciano’s hand.

“Hey I got hundreds of those things!” said Ryan.

They all laughed.

Ambar rested her head on Ryan’s shoulder.  Happy and in love.

“What do you say when we get back to New York, you come over to my place and I cook you dinner.” Ryan whispered in her ear.

“Sounds like fun.”









Chapter One


We visited Portofino every year, an idyllic fishing village in Italy.  This year was to be my nineteenth birthday.  Every year I had to be home at midnight though this year I could stay out later.  I was so excited.  All the action seemed to happen at night.  I looked out of the window at the sunlight streaming across the water and the bobbing of the fishing boats.


I heard my father calling me downstairs.  I raced downstairs.

“Your mother and I are leaving.  Make sure to lock up if you go out”.

“Ok Daddy.” I went back upstairs and gazed again from the window hoping to see him, Bruno.  I watched my parents getting into their white Mercedes and drive across the gravel path through the gates.

Though I only saw Bruno in the summer months, I thought about every day throughout the year.  Last year, the night I was leaving, we had our first kiss.  He even touched my tits.  He didn’t know I was virgin, and I didn’t plan to tell him.  Oh my God, just thinking about him made my whole body tingle, everywhere.  The things I wanted to do to him I had never thought about doing to anyone, and I mean anyone.

As I watched from the window I had to run my eyes as I saw his dark curly hair, and muscular body, tanned and shirtless, walking up the path beside my house.  Bruno looked up at the window.  I didn’t know whether to run or hide.

“Ashley!”  He waved up at me before I had a chance to move.  I felt myself blush.

“Hey! Bruno!”  I waved back and ran down the stairs, and before I could think about what I was doing I had opened the front door and called him inside.  He opened the gates slowly, and turned to smile as he looked at me.  He put his arms on my waist and kissed me on the lips.  I felt myself getting wet, my nipples getting erect and my whole body tingling.

I stood there, waiting for another kiss, my body quivering, though he had turned to walk inside.  I followed him.

He sat at the kitchen counter and looked at me, smiling.  I looked at his body, his shorts, and his arms.  I tried to stop myself thinking of doing so many naughty things.

“So, how have you been pretty lady?”  He asked in his adorable Italian accent that was just oh so sexy.

I felt myself blushing again.

“Good.” I said defiantly as I walked over to the water jug and poured myself a glass.

“Do you want a glass of water?”

“Yeah sure, why not?  In this sun, so hot, I’m always thirsty!” He laughed.

“So how are you?” I stammered.

“Good.  I been missing you.”  He pulled me over toward him. “I been missing you a lot”. He said, almost whispering now. My breath shortened, he kissed me, and I almost gasped as he began to unbutton my shorts.  He pulled his hands up over my tits, squeezing my nipples, rubbing them, holding them.  I moaned.  I felt wetness between my legs and my knees felt weak.

“Oh baby, I have really missed you.”  He continued.

“I missed you to.”

“Yeah?   You didn’t forget me?”

I looked into his deep green eyes and shook my head.

He smiled, his eyes twinkling.

Softly his fingers stoked across my belly button, and he slid his hands under my panties, holding my bum.

“Good girl.” He whispered as he pulled me closer toward him.

I took his hand, led him over to the sofa and sat him down.  As he sat on the sofa looking up at me I looked down at him seductively, and straddled him, pushing myself into his hard penis, which I could feel between my legs.

“Oh.” I groaned.

We kissed on the sofa, and I felt myself going crazy with desire for him.

“Baby, I gotta go back to work.  I see you tonight at ‘La Raja’?” 

I nodded and didn’t say anything.  He got up and went to the door.  He blew me a kiss and went outside.

“Oh my God!”  I moaned to myself as I collapsed back onto the sofa, touching the wetness between my legs.

‘La Raja’ was the village bar.  I couldn’t wait to go.  And tonight I had no curfew.

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