Sexy SEAL Box Set: A SEAL's Seduction\A SEAL's Surrender\A SEAL's Salvation\A SEAL's Kiss (64 page)

Brody couldn’t help but laugh. Sure, the sound was strangled and a little painful. But it was the best he could do with the blood streaming south so fast his head was spinning.

She tugged at one sleeve, the red fabric tight from wrist to shoulder. Then she tugged at the other to loosen it, too.

“And then there’s the issue of you thinking I’m ashamed of you. I figure after we’ve had our way with each other’s bodies a few times, we’re going to be hungry. We can go to the nearby café and get something to eat. Since I figure you’re really good at sex, even if I am on top, what we’ll have been doing will be obvious. That should take care of that issue.”

He made some sort of choking sound, sure if he had any blood left in his brain it would have been words of protest.

Then she let her dress fall to the floor. Brody actually gulped trying not to swallow his tongue.

She was gorgeous.

Ivory limbs glowed like silk, the long sleek length of her interrupted by tiny pieces of black lace. He didn’t know where to start. At the top, where the lace cupped the gentle slope of her breasts. Or at the bottom, where it was barely held in place by two tiny strings.

His gaze as hot as the blood rushing through his body, he decided to settle for the middle. At the cherry-red jewel decorating her belly button.

Screw friendship. And screw good sense.

He was gonna let Genna Reilly seduce him.



many opportunities to be ballsy and brave in her life. So she figured she’d been saving up, and this was the perfect time to put every bold instinct she possessed to work.

She didn’t want Brody’s thinking she was ashamed of him standing in the way of whatever they were building together. If it took being outed to her parents to prove that, then fine.

She wanted Brody Lane.

And, dammit, after ten years, she was finally going to have him.

Except he was standing there, fully clothed and still wearing his coat, one hand flexed as if reaching for the doorknob.

And she was standing here, almost naked except her undies and high heels. It wasn’t that she minded the almost-naked part. It was the clothing inequality that bothered her. And the fact that he wasn’t making any moves to change it.

Her bravado waned a smidge. What had she been thinking? That he’d take one look at her underwear, lose his mind and do her against the wall? Clearly her thinking needed an adjustment. Since her state of nakedness did, too, her fingers itched to grab her dress.

Then she saw the look in his eyes. It was as if the golden depths had turned molten, his gaze was so hot. She saw his jaw clench, and the pulse at the base of his throat was pounding hard.

Relief surging through her, washing away the nerves and making way for desire, Genna almost did a happy dance right there in the entryway.

He wanted her. Maybe not enough to grab her and do her against the wall, but that look made her think that maybe she could change his mind.

Knowing that, she didn’t feel naked anymore.

She felt powerful.

“C’mon, big boy,” she said, her tone husky and suggestive. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Brody laughed, just as she’d hoped he would. Then, his eyes still hot and locked on her body, he shrugged off his jacket and stepped closer. Close enough to touch.

She didn’t wait for him to make the first move.

She’d said she was seducing him, and she meant it.

So she grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him closer, ignoring the ping as one of his buttons flew off and hit the wall. In heels, she was tall enough that all she had to do was tilt her head back to meet his mouth. So tilt she did, one hand wrapping around the back of his neck and holding tight.

As his mouth took hers, she was grateful she was holding on. Oh, my. Her mind spun in a slow, delicious circle.

It was like he was starving and she a feast.

His tongue swept in, plunging deep. Demanding a response that was hard to offer while her body was melting into a puddle of lust.

But Genna did her best. Her tongue danced with his, their lips sliding in hot need against each other. The moves rolled, one into another, and she could barely think as the passion pounded through her veins.

His hands swept along her arms so light and soft they were barely there, leaving tingles of needy heat. He reached her wrists and bracketed each loosely between his fingers.

Then, so fast she didn’t even realize what was happening, he had her up against the wall.

Genna almost came right then and there. Her core throbbed, wet and hot. Her thighs trembled and her mind went completely blank. All she could do was feel. And she felt incredible.

Trapped between the cool plaster and his hard, hot body, she wrapped one leg around his thigh to pull him closer. He gripped her hands, both of them, and lifted them above her head, anchoring them there with one of his while he slid the other into her hair to lift her face closer.

His kiss was voracious.

His teeth scraped her lower lip, tugging it into his mouth, then sucking. Genna whimpered. His tongue swept over the tender flesh as if soothing it, then plunged into her mouth again.

His fingers skimmed along the back of her neck, tugging at her hair to hold her mouth in place, totally at his mercy. A part of her reveled in the power he had over her. That he demanded.

Another part, though, wanted to make demands of her own. She wanted to touch him. To run her hands over those muscles and feel how hard they could get. To measure the tantalizing width of his shoulders, the rigid length of his thighs. And all the other hard, wide and long things he might be willing to share.

She shifted to release her hands from his grip. But he wouldn’t let go.

A thrill surged through her system, from the tips of her fingers to the aching bud between her thighs. She tugged harder, but his grip didn’t change. He was in control.

Or so he thought.

Unable to use her hands, Genna slid her foot down the back of his thigh to his calf, using the move to press her core tighter against his hip. Then she slid her foot back up, gripping him tight.

He growled, low and sexy in his throat.

She arched her back to press her breasts against his chest. The move made her nipples tighten to rigid buds, aching for attention.

As if he’d heard their plea, he skimmed his hand down the side of her throat and slid it between their bodies to cup her breast. She swelled, aching and needy, against the lace of her bra trying to get closer to the hard warmth of his palm.

Her breath came faster now. Her pulse raced and her heart pounded so hard, she was sure he could feel it.

“More,” she breathed against his lips.

“How much more?” His fingers dipped between the edge of her bra and her skin, rubbing his knuckles back and forth along her nipple. She squirmed, pressing herself tighter against his thigh, desperate to ease the mounting pressure there.

“Everything you’ve got,” she gasped.

He leaned back. She gave a shuddering sigh, her arms moving to reach for him. But although he lowered his hand so her arms were bent above her head, he didn’t let go.

Instead, he used his free hand to pull the lace cup of her bra down so it lifted her breast. For a long, exhilarating moment he stared. His eyes were hot, intense. His breath short and the look on his face as needy as the desire contracting low in Genna’s belly.

He brushed one finger, just the tip, over her nipple.

Genna whimpered.

He leaned forward, this time touching his tongue to her pebbled peak. He pulled back just a little and blew.

Genna’s thighs quivered, her clitoris trembling. She pressed harder against his thigh, undulating, desperate to relieve the pressure.

His free hand skimmed over her stomach, fingers leaving a hot trail all the way to the slender elastic band of her thong. He traced the lace from front to back, then reached out to cup his large hand over her butt, squeezing her cheek and pulling her tight against him. Angling her perfectly.

Oh, God.

Her body started shaking.

He bent his head, taking her nipple into his mouth. Sucking hard. Swirling his tongue around, nipping, then swirling again. His hand slid beneath her thigh, his fingers touching the wet bud there. He gently pinched her clitoris, making her cry out.

So close.

Her body was so tight.

The orgasm right there, just out of reach.


She needed it now.

He didn’t bother pushing her panties aside. Instead, with a quick snap of his fingers, he ripped the lace so the fabric fell to the floor between their feet.

Sucking hard on her nipple, it wasn’t until he pinched the other one that she realized he’d let go of her arms.

Unable to remember what she’d wanted to do with her hands, unable to do anything else, she gripped his shoulders so tight her nails dug into his flesh.

He slid two fingers along the length of her swollen clit. Up, then down, then up again.

The climax coiled tighter.

Then he thrust one finger inside her, swirling while his thumb worked her bud.

The climax snapped.

Genna’s head flew back against the wall, her eyes closed tight as stars exploded in time with the orgasm pounding through her.

He didn’t stop sucking or thrusting.

She didn’t stop coming.

Not until everything went black, the stars behind her eyes fading. The orgasm was still coming in tiny shudders now, her slick flesh still vibrating around his finger.

Her breath tore from a throat so dry, she had to try three times just to swallow.

He shifted, leaving a chill where his body had been.

“Where are you going?” she cried, not done with him yet.

“I want to taste you.”

Ohhhh. The walls of her insides quivered again, a tiny orgasm exploding at his words.

But as much as she wanted to score as many climaxes as she could, she wanted something else more.

She wanted to touch him.

To see him.

For more than ten years, she’d dreamed of seeing him naked. Fantasized about what his body looked like. She wanted—no, needed—to see it. Now.

She grabbed his shirt, still loose around his shoulders.

“Not yet,” she said, shaking her head.

His eyes met hers. The golden depths were molten with desire, narrowed in question.

“Strip first,” she told him. “It’s only fair.”

His lips quirked to one side and he gave her body a considering look. Genna followed his gaze, realizing he’d pushed her bra beneath both of her breasts, the black lace vivid against her pale white flesh and berry-red nipples. Her panties were shredded, leaving the only other thing on her body a belly-button ring and a pair of black heels.

“I can strip later,” he said, his words husky as he reached out one finger and slid it between her legs before lifting the wet proof of his handiwork to his lips. “I’m hungry now.”

Genna’s knees almost gave out. She had to take a couple of deep breaths to clear the haze from her eyes, then she forced herself to shake her head.

“Strip,” she repeated, pushing the fabric of his shirt off his shoulders. And oh, baby, what shoulders they were. Pure muscle beneath silken flesh. Leaving him to deal with the buttons at his cuffs, she smoothed her hands over those shoulders. He was so warm, so hard.

She shifted forward, her lips brushing against that flesh.

She breathed in deeply, inhaling his scent, filling herself with his essence. Forgetting her orders, forgetting everything but exploring his chest with her mouth, she kissed her way over the delicious range of muscles, pausing to flick her tongue over one nipple before continuing her exploration.

She heard a thud, followed by another. But it was the weight of his slacks and belt hitting her toes that got her attention. Because that meant he’d gotten down to the good stuff. The stuff she wanted to play with most.

Unable to resist one last kiss, she then leaned back to check him out.

And almost came again, right then and there.

“Oh. My.”

It was like she’d died and gone to heaven.

He was even bigger than she’d dreamed.

Her eyes locked on his penis as he stepped out of his pants, his toes pushing his socks off one foot, then the other. The move made that very, very large erection bounce.

Before she could look her fill, he dropped to his knees.

“What are you doing?” she objected.

“I stripped.”

With no further explanation, his hands cupped her butt cheeks and pulled her closer. His tongue pressed between her damp curls, flicking and sucking.

Genna felt herself drowning again as desire washed over her.

“No,” she gasped desperately. “Not yet.”

His tongue paused. She moved fast, before he could overrule her. Or put that tongue back to work. One more lick and she was going to explode.

She fell to her knees, pressing him backward so fast he was too surprised to protest. As soon as he was on his back, she leaned down and took him into her mouth.

“Hey, now,” he growled.

Still bent low, her hair trailing along his thighs, she shot him a mischievous smile.

“But I’m hungry, too.”

He arched one brow, then shifted. Grabbing her by the hips, he lifted and turned her as if she weighed nothing. Now her knees straddled his chest and she was flashing him everything else. Before she could be embarrassed or self-conscious, actually before she could even blink, his tongue was back at work.

What’s a girl to do,
she thought, letting the sensations take over and bending low to slide her lips over the long, hard length of his arousal. Her head moved up and down, her mouth sucking and tongue swirling in time with his. His fingers gripped her thighs. Hers were braced flat on the floor. He pulled back just a little, blowing cool air over her wet flesh.

Genna’s breath was coming in whimpering gasps now. She was so close, her body tight, the climax coiled low and intense. She lifted her head so her tongue danced around the velvet tip of his penis, then she sucked it into her mouth like a lollipop.

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