Read Shades of Grey Online

Authors: Natalie Dae and Sam Crescent

Shades of Grey (10 page)

He pushed the door open, allowing Sarah to walk out first.

No attack. No sounds of movement. No sounds at all.

Bunch of fucking bastards.

Outside, he walked Sarah to her car on the rise, hand on her back. “Can you give me a lift to my place, honey?”

She frowned at him, one half of her face lit by the overpowering lilac, neon light shining from Macy Jo’s gaudy sign—a four-foot tall, half-nude cowgirl flashing her tits. “You didn’t come here by truck?”

“Uh, no. I ran.”
He’d stripped, put his clothes in a rucksack, shifted, then carried the bag in his mouth all the way here. The backpack was stowed under a bush—he could pick it up another time.

“Ran? Jesus, you’re crazy. That’s one hell of a way on foot.” Her frown deepened, then the creases completely disappeared from her forehead. “I’m not sorry I came here, you know.”

“I didn’t think you would be.” He stroked her hair, loving yet hating her impulsiveness all at the same time.

“I’m sorry it got out of hand, that he pushed himself on me like that, and I’m sorry I lost a friend but—”

“Lost a friend?”

She nodded, gaze straying to the bar door then roving the sign, sadness in her eyes. “Macy. She called for the deputy and John—damn lot of good that did, they didn’t show—but when you spoke to them all like that…” She sighed then swallowed. “She never stood up and said anything. She’s as scared of Clark as everyone else. That or she’s so down in trade even his cash is welcome.”

“Ah, fuck. I’m sorry you had to see that. She’ll call, try to explain, I’m sure.” He rubbed her back.

“I don’t care if she does. I won’t be answering it.” She clamped her jaw.

“Now that’s just silly.” He sighed, wondering if she’d ever see things from someone else’s point of view over her own. He cared for her deeply, but that trait of hers drove him crazy.

“Call how I feel silly again and you’ll be running back home as well.” She unlocked her car and opened the door.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“I know, I know. Just get in, will you?”


She didn’t take him to his place, instead driving right past the turn, continuing towards her ranch. Travis never said a word. He’d much rather be with her, keeping her close, than roaming about as a wolf outside. Although the rain had stopped, the air had a distinct nip to it that even his pelt wouldn’t fully keep out. Yeah, being inside, albeit in her spare room, held greater appeal.

As her car trundled on, he let his anger cool to a simmer, trying to see things rationally. He thought of Clark the last time he’d seen him, vulnerable on the floor like that. Now Travis knew what the man was playing at, what he had in mind, he’d prepare himself for an attack. Although Clark had said he liked keeping people in suspense, Travis just couldn’t believe he’d be afforded the same option. Could Clark leave things as they were for God knew how long, watching Travis manage the men and being close to Sarah? Was he that wily, that prepared to wait?

No, Clark would do something and do it soon. What, though, he had no idea. Maybe he’d sneak into the house again one night, overpowering Travis and taking Sarah against her will—two birds with one stone.

The thought sent him cold.

As they pulled up to the ranch house, Sarah cut the engine and got out, tossing the keys onto the seat for Travis to lock up with. He did, rushing so he could scope the perimeter and go inside the house before she did. He wanted to check every damn nook and cranny. She wasn’t pleased about her control being usurped, her frown and
of disapproval told him that, but he didn’t care. He was going to take care of her, seeing as she wasn’t in a rush to take care of herself. Allowing her to trail behind him as he searched the rooms—he’d rather that than leave her alone outside—he proclaimed it safe as they returned to the kitchen.

“You want me to stay?” he asked.

Better to make sure than assume.

“If you like.”

She busied herself filling the kettle, getting mugs out for tea, and he sat at the table watching her jerky movements while keeping an ear cocked for strange sounds outside. What he wouldn’t give to find out why she was so…so fucking
. If she told him, he could maybe help her through it, find ways for her to cope without being so abrupt and icy. Hell, he’d heard tell throughout his life that women were an enigma, but this one was the queen. He resisted asking any questions, thinking he ought to just be quiet until she offered conversation.

She didn’t, thudding a mug of tea onto the table in front of him and plonking herself into a chair opposite. She cupped her mug with both hands, and he studied her face for signs of stress. They were there all right—tight lines beside the corners of her mouth and eyes half-lidded from the frown that seemed to live permanently on her brow—and he longed to make them go away.

“So, we’re one man short,” she said. “I’ll put an advertisement in the paper.”

So that’s how she was going to play it, was it? Sweep what had happened under the damn carpet, let it fester in her head, keeping her emotions tightly under wraps. Had he expected anything less?

“All right,” he said, letting her lead the way. If he pushed, he’d likely meet up with a fucking high brick wall. “We’ll manage well enough without him. If we’re honest, Clark had a habit of making it look like he was busy while in reality he did fuck all. We’ll continue the same way without him, getting the same amount of work done, I’ll bet.” He sipped some tea.

“So you think it’s pointless taking on a new man, is that what you’re saying?” She stared at the tabletop as though it offended her, like she wanted to kill it…or someone.

“No, I’m not saying your suggestion is pointless.” Was he really in the mood for another argument with her? He bit back a sigh in case
pissed her off as well. “What I meant was, we can manage just as well until a new guy comes along.”


She sipped, he sipped—sipped until their damn mugs were empty and the kitchen was full of tension. About to call it a night—it was obvious Sarah wasn’t going to offload her worries—Travis stood and stretched.

“Take me to bed?” she asked, still murdering the tabletop with her stare.

Her suggestion startled the shit out of him, and he lowered his arms, looking down at her with his mouth gaping. Did she just want him to fuck the night out of her, erase everything that had happened so she only had him and what they were doing to think about?

Or did she actually want

Chapter Eight




What the fuck did I just say?

Sarah supposed her request should have come with at least a little eye contact. Did she even want to give herself to him? Never before in her life had she been so relieved to see a man than when she’d seen Travis standing in that bar doorway. She knew deep down how scared they all were of Clark, and it was so stupid because Clark was a big dumb loser, his cronies’ loyalty the only thing going for him.

She shuddered.

“I’d better go,” Travis said.

He moved to leave, jolting her out of her reverie and into action. Sarah only had Travis in this world and she wasn’t going to let him go. Her daddy had told her she’d know when she met the right man—and she was sure Travis was that man.

She reached out, catching his arm. “Please don’t leave.”

His shoulders slumped, and he turned back towards her. Her heart beat frantically. What could she do? Lay on her back with her legs open and demand to be fucked? What was the correct procedure for suggesting intercourse other than what she’d already done—asking outright? Great, now she was sounding like some sort of teacher.

Get your shit together!

“I want you to stay.” Licking her lips, she placed one of his hands against her breast.

Instead of him taking over, he just stared at his hand on her body.

“Please, Travis,” she said.

He swallowed then pulled his hand away—
didn’t move away, though, but settled her in his arms, taking her lips in a brutal kiss. His lips were hard and bruising as he controlled her body, forcing her to accept his tongue, weakening her defences with his explosive kiss.

He moved his mouth from her lips and down her neck, sucking at her collarbone. She whispered his name, sensations bombarding her virgin body. He sunk his fingers into the thick strands of her hair.

Her knees buckled as he circled her waist with his other arm, holding her steady.

“You taste so good,” he growled, pulling away.

Sarah whimpered with longing, wanting his lips all over her body.

“Do you really want this, Sarah?”

His question was so stupid—she didn’t want anything else—but she was thankful for his concern, for making sure she knew what she wanted. She nodded, the only movement she was capable of doing.

She expected him to take her hand and lead her to the bedroom to make long, slow, leisurely love, where he kissed her into sweet oblivion. Instead, he thrust her against the nearest wall, his actions animalistic as he tore at her clothes. She was surprised at how turned on she was by his aggressiveness. A thrill surged through her, and her cunt grew wet, nipples perking to the point of pain. Her shirt and short denim skirt were disposed of within seconds until she stood in her simple bra and panties, surprisingly unselfconscious, proudly showing him what she had to offer.

“Take your bra off,” he demanded, removing his shirt and jeans.

Her pussy responded to all of the glorious muscles on display. She wanted to lick every square inch of him, to feel his warm skin on hers, his hands roving her body, his mouth doing the same. She wanted… God, she wanted so much, all at the same time, and her head lightened with the assault of sensations and thoughts bombarding her.

What would his arms feel like beneath her palms as he grabbed her hips and thrust inside her? Would it hurt? She’d ridden horses all her life, knew her hymen could have been broken years ago, but having a solid cock inside her… And from the look of the bulge in his underwear, his cock was a generous size.

She rid her mind of those thoughts and her body of the obstructive bra, her breasts falling out, heaving as she took each indrawn breath.

Travis reached out, cupping each breast, his thumbs running round her tight nipples. She bowed her head back, and he circled one nipple with his lips, still caressing the other with his thumb. Sarah crossed her legs, her pussy demanding attention, her clit swollen and pulsing. She was on fire for more. He lifted her up, and on instinct she wrapped her legs around his waist, his thick cock seating between her pussy lips.

They panted and moaned, holding each other, lavishing attention on their bodies.

“I want you, Travis,” she cried, thrusting and grinding her slit on his black, brief-covered cock.

A rending tear and her panties were gone. How had he managed to move as fast as he did?

‘A wolf looking through your window. I shot the little fucker in the foot before he could get any closer…’

Clark’s words invaded her mind. Wolf and speed… She shook her head, not wanting the image intrusion of such a creature. She wanted Travis—her heart, mind and body needed this man. He called to the part of her she’d kept long-buried underneath layers and layers of attitude. To finally sense her true self again, so close to the surface, dying to get out… She was adamant not to let her go again.

She deserved to be a woman. To crave love and sex and all the delightful sins in between.

“I want you, baby. I’ll always want you,” Travis rasped.

His words were wonderful to hear. Sarah leant down and kissed him, savouring the feel of his tongue on hers, the heat of it as he explored her mouth, the thrill of it zipping pleasure right down to her cunt. He reached down to pull himself free of his briefs, aligned his cock with her entrance, and she opened her mouth to warn him, to tell him…

He stared into her eyes and thrust home.

His unbelievable speed halted her warning, and, before she could stop the reaction, Sarah screamed in pain. Her mind and body were ready to accept the pleasure, but he was too wide and thick. An unbearable sharp pain and fiery burn took the pleasure out of it. She sunk her nails into his skin, marking his flesh. Tears sprang to her eyes and she sobbed.

This was not supposed to happen. She should be on a wave of bliss and happiness.

“Shit, fucking hell,” he cursed.

He stilled all movement and hugged her tight, breath ragged. Sarah laid her head against his neck, her eyes closed while she grew accustomed to his length and width. He stroked her hair and soothed her with kind words, his tenderness making her fall in love with him just that little bit more.

“You should have told me, honey.”

He didn’t move but held her tighter, his cock still hard and strong. Every movement he made created an answering kick of pain in her body.

“I forgot… Going too fast…” She couldn’t look at him and see the pity in his eyes.

“I never knew you would be untouched. I assumed… I thought you… Shit!” He kissed her cheek. “I’m honoured to be your first, honey.”

Sarah already knew in her heart he would be her last. Never again would she allow a man to get this close to her. She loved being in his arms and feeling his love as he calmed and relaxed the ache within her.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, the sound muffled by his neck. “I’m on the pill, if that makes you feel better.” She flushed at her admission then went on quickly to cover her embarrassment. “In case, you know, you were wondering. I have terrible cramps. The pills help. I’m not on it because I want to sleep around, I—”

“Shh. It’s okay. You don’t need to explain. You want me to carry on? Are you all right? Does it hurt?”

“It’s okay. I’m okay.”

“I’m going to start moving. Tell me right away if you need me to stop. I’ve got you. Just hold me, baby. Let me do the work.”

Even though it was hurting a little, she didn’t want him to stop. Sarah had wanted him to be her first for a long time. He was the only man she’d ever trust with something so precious.

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