Read Shades of Pleasure: Five Stories of Domination and Submission Online

Authors: Tawny Taylor

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Erotic Romance, #romantica, #domination and submission, #erotica for women, #domination and submission romance, #erotic bondage

Shades of Pleasure: Five Stories of Domination and Submission (25 page)

Menage Erotic Romance)


Tawny Taylor

Smashwords Edition


Copyright ©2012 Tawny
Taylor All Rights Reserved

Some ties can never be severed.


Illusion. A word shaded with nuance, making the men who
practice it—the masters—enigmas. Particularly when they magically materialize
from the shadows of a woman’s past.


It’s been fifteen years. No longer the tormented young men
Blair knew and loved so long ago, Damon and Trey still know how to touch her
heart, how to draw out her secrets, and how to bring her to the edge of
ecstasy. Blair has two weeks to unravel the ties that have bound the three of
them together. Two weeks to solve the mysteries veiled by her seductive
masters’ illusions.


And two weeks to surrender to the smoldering desires burning
in her body as she submits to their darkest demands.


(Previously published as Masters of Illusion)




“We want to give you some special, memorable moments,” Trey
answered, tightening his hold on her hand. The oddest sensation, a bizarre blend
of hot and cold, swept through her body. His thumb stroked across her palm,
sending the slightest quiver of heat up her arm. “Will you let us?”

“I guess that depends. How long can you stay?”

“Only a couple of weeks,” Damon answered.

Her heart dropped to her toes.

A couple of weeks. A couple meant two. That was only
fourteen days at the most. How would she say goodbye after spending two weeks
with her guys?

How would she say goodbye after spending an hour?

She couldn’t.

“I understand,” she said, nodding. “I want to make the most
of the time then. I’ll spend every moment I’m not at work with you.”

Damon’s smile was more a pained expression than a gleeful
one. “We were hoping you’d say that. Every minute is precious, which is why I
can’t wait another second to do this…” He leaned closer, brushed his mouth over
hers, and she swore the world stopped spinning for a split second. The universe
stopped whirling and all the galaxies crashed together, creating a mighty
explosion in her head.

Oh God, how long had she been waiting for this moment?

Eager to deepen the kiss, she released Trey’s hand and
looped her arms around Damon’s neck. Turning in her chair to face Damon, she
pulled until her chest was flattened against his. She parted her lips, inviting
him inside with a moan. But he didn’t accept her invitation. Instead, he
sprinkled torturously soft kisses over her mouth.

She could see some things had not changed. “You tease,” she
murmured against his mouth.

“You love me anyway,” he whispered between kisses.

Did he have that right!

Trey decided right then was a grand time to skim his hands
around her sides and lean into her back. She was now wedged snugly between the
two sexiest, most amazing men in the universe, and she never wanted to leave.
She gave a little mewl against Damon’s mouth, wishing her skirt wasn’t so snug
around her thighs. For the first time in fifteen years a pounding heat was
slowly gathering strength between her legs and she was in the perfect position
to grind away that ache against Damon’s legs. If only she could part her legs.

She knew it was just a matter of time before they were
naked, their slick bodies gliding over one another. In a way, she’d known it
since she’d taken her first look at them. She felt the heat in their gazes. Saw
the desperate wanting they were trying so hard to hide.

She wasn’t afraid or struggling too much with that awful,
nagging guilt.


“Damon,” she murmured, tightening her hold on his neck.

“Soon, sweetheart.” Leaning back, he gently unclasped her
hands and lowered her arms. “Forgive me,” he whispered, looking as dazed and
breathless as she felt.


Chapter One

Damon Butler dropped his head and closed his eyes, letting
the decadent pleasure of his lover’s cock stretching and filling him, carry him

Oh yeah, so good
. One slow inward thrust, followed by
an equally slow and torturous withdrawal.

He’d been fucking Trey for years, and it was this magical
every time. The guy knew exactly what Damon needed, how to bring him to the
cusp of orgasm and then stop, slowly building the need inside until he came so
hard the heat swirling in his belly blazed through every cell in his body.

Every single time he was sure he’d die from the pleasure.

“When I see Blair,” Trey murmured, digging his fingers into
Damon’s shoulders, “I’m going to fuck her pussy just like this. Slow and deep
at first, and then hard and fast like this…” Trey slowly amped up the pace of
his thrusts, driving his thick rod deep into Damon’s hungry ass.

Damon’s legs, shoulders and back tightened as another jolt
of erotic hunger licked up his spine. “Yeah. Fuck yes.” He could see her now in
his mind’s eye. Blair’s pouty lips pursed, eyes closed, sweet face flushed as
Trey’s cock pounded into her slick, tight passage.

His body rigid from the waves of heat simmering through his
veins, Damon felt his mind being tugged out of the moment, into the past. But
he fought the urge to sink into those memories, focusing on the sounds of skin
striking skin, the delicious flavor of Trey’s kisses lingering on his tongue.
The scent of Trey’s skin teasing his nostrils.

So close already.

Damon wrapped his fist around his cock and squeezed. “We’re
both going to fuck her, at the same time. You’ll fill her sweet pussy. I’ll
cram her ass full of my cock. She’ll be begging us for more.”

“Shit yeah. God, the thought of having her again makes me
want to come.” Trey gripped Damon’s hips and drove into him harder, rougher,
with a desperation Damon had never felt in him before.

Sensing Trey was on the verge of losing the self-control he
always exercised so flawlessly, Damon pumped his cock faster, matching Trey’s
almost frenzied pace.

This was good, better than good. They hadn’t seen Blair in
years, yet she was already bringing something new and exciting to their
relationship. They’d finally found her, after years of searching. He could
hardly wait until she was there with them, lying beneath him, submitting.

Trey’s blistering hot, hard body bent over Damon’s, skin
gliding over skin, short, panting breaths teasing Damon’s ear and making him
hot and cold at the same time. Goose bumps sprung up all over his back, and he
growled, tipping his hips, taking Trey’s dick as deep as he could. “We’re going
to make it good for her. So good she’ll beg us to do it over and over again,”
Damon vowed, meaning every word he uttered.

“Yeahhhh. Oh fuck.” Trey’s body stiffened. He groaned. “Too
fast. Gotta stop.” Trey eased from Damon’s ass, leaving him achingly empty,
charged up with sensual need and frustrated to the point of desperation.

Now that was a first. Trey’d been so close to losing
control, he’d had to pull out. Damn, that was hot.

“No, dammit.” Damon sagged against the back of the couch. “I
was so close.”

“Tell me how it’s going to be with Blair,” Trey whispered against
Damon’s neck. “And fuck me while you tell me.”

His body like an overtightened spring ready to snap, Damon
lubed up his cock then spread some lubricant over Trey’s anus. “She’s been
looking for us too. Waiting. Hoping. It’s going to be even better than it was
before. We’re all older now. We understand each other’s needs. We know how to
give, not just take.” Damon eased into Trey’s ass, mesmerized by the sight of
Trey’s back and shoulder muscles rippling and bulging as he moved into


“The magic we shared years ago with Blair, that wasn’t an
illusion. It was real. And real magic never goes away. She still loves us as
much as we love her.” Damon fell into a steady rhythm, his hips rocking back
and forth, driving his rod up Trey’s tight ass. His mind filled with images
from the past, memories of the many sweet moments the three of them had shared
as teens. The first time he’d fucked Blair. The first time he’d watched Trey
fuck her.

Their bond had been like nothing he’d experienced since.
Three people who shared the same soul, same heart, same mind. When Blair had
been ripped away from them, he and Trey had been left with a huge gaping wound
that had never healed.

And then there was the physical part, the way their bodies
had been made for each other. He loved fucking a man and being fucked. But he
also craved the feeling of Blair’s soft, lush body beneath his. And Trey shared
the same needs as he did, along with a deep-seated need to dominate. Both
bisexual. Both active Doms in the BDSM scene. Both looking for the one
submissive who would make their lives complete. And both still very much in
love with one woman, their Blair.

His body reacted to Trey’s soft moans and the sensual
memories. More simmering pleasure gathered in his gut. He pounded into Trey
harder, faster, taking him the way he liked, needed.

“Yes, more. Don’t stop.”

Trey was just about there again. So was Damon.

“We’re going to give her everything we couldn’t then,” Trey
vowed, sending more sparks flashing and flaring in Damon’s body. “She won’t say
no. Right?”

“Not a chance.”

Three months. They’d been planning for tomorrow for three
months. And that was after fifteen years of searching for her. She’d changed
her last name, moved a few times, obviously running away from something. She
wouldn’t run anymore. She wouldn’t need to. They’d take care of her, love her,
protect her and cherish her, like they’d promised to do all those years ago.

Finally, they’d have their chance to make up for their

Damon’s heart soared to the stars as his body was swept up
in a vortex of carnal pleasure. “We don’t have to wait much longer. We’ll be
together, complete. Happy.”

“Yes, happy,” Trey echoed on a moan.

* * * * *

“Oh gawd, tell me they won’t be sawing people into pieces,”
Blair Groves joked as she thumbed through the program her friend had just
handed her. “Because you know how I am about blood.”

“Puh-leez!” Her best friend, Sandy Schubert, rolled her eyes
and shoved a ticket into Blair’s hand. “You know there won’t be any blood. It’s
all illusion. Fake.” Dressed in full magician-wannabe regalia, Sandy looked like she could be part of the show rather than a member of audience. “Oh cool!
They’re selling DVDs.” Impatiently, she hustled Blair toward a booth selling
overpriced videos and t-shirts. “Oh, this is perfect. Here. Put this on over
your tank top.” She tossed Blair a t-shirt emblazoned with a couple of men’s
faces with glowing eyes—printed in real glow-in-the-dark ink!—and the words,
been mesmerized by the Masters of Illusion


It was official. Blair’s social life had hit an all-time
low. “This shirt is so cheesy it smells like limburger.” Blair grimaced. “I
can’t wear this. Just look at it.” Even as an eight-year-old, she wouldn’t have
been caught dead going to a magic show, let alone wearing a t-shirt advertising
one. Everyone knew magicians were creepy.

Case in point, Wally the Amazing, the magician who’d
kidnapped a little girl from a nearby junior high last week. The child had been
twelve years old.

It didn’t help that Blair was in a crappy mood today, after
being passed by
yet again
for a promotion. She’d watched not one, or
even two, but three people hired after her get promoted ahead of her because
she didn’t possess one silly piece of paper.

Some mistakes in life came back to bite her over and over.

Sandy donned her best pout. “Come on, Blair, be a sport. You
promised to have fun…or at least fake it. You know how much this means to me.
It’s my
Remember what I did for yours…”

“I knew you’d get back at me for that someday.” Blair gave
her friend a weak smile. Like Sandy had so kindly pointed out, last August
Blair had dragged her to the
Dancing With The Stars
live show. Ballroom
dancing made Sandy’s teeth ache. The poor girl had been in agony the entire
show, and because she’d gritted her teeth for over two hours, her TMJ had acted
up for weeks afterward. She was definitely due a nice birthday night.

Time to buck up and be the best friend Sandy deserved. Blair
took a few deep breaths. After all, it wasn’t Sandy’s fault she was stuck in an
entry-level job and barely made enough money to keep her in ramen soup.

“Fine. I’ll wear the tacky t-shirt with the glowing eyes.
Just for you. But that’s it. I’ve gone above and beyond to make your birthday
special. So…happy birthday.”

Blair yanked the garment over her head and poked her arms
through the sleeves. “Great, now I’ve got two sets of eyes on my boobs.
Literally.” She swallowed a sigh and whispered, “Of all the millions of radio
show call-in contests to win, why’d it have to be this one?” She followed a
jubilant Sandy as she wound her way through the milling throng in the theater’s

Sandy glared over her shoulder. “What is your problem today?
You’re not your usual cheery, sunshiny self tonight.”

“Nothing I want to talk about now. Sorry I’m such a grump.”

“Don’t worry about it. You
tell me later,” Sandy stated.

“Yes. Later.”

Turning again to face forward, Sandy continued through the
lobby. “Anyway, I was totally geeked to win these tickets. This show’s been
sold out for weeks and you don’t want to know what the scalpers were asking.
It’s a small fortune.”

Blair smiled at her friend’s back. “I’m sorry your boyfriend
couldn’t make it instead. On your

Sandy went silent and stiff, and Blair was immediately sorry
she’d said such a stupid thing. When Sandy had called to invite her yesterday, Sandy had claimed it didn’t bother her that her boyfriend hadn’t been able to come.
Obviously, it bugged her more than she was letting on.

“Eddy couldn’t find anyone to take his shift,” Sandy grumbled, wiggling through a group of teens. “He was very disappointed he couldn’t
come with me. I could tell.”

“Yes, of course he was disappointed. I’m sorry for bringing
it up, sweetie. I’m in a kind of crappy mood tonight, but I’ll try not to let
it ruin your special night.” Blair gave Sandy’s shoulders a squeeze, and at her
friend’s forgiving smile, released her so they could continue toward the
theater’s entrance. “Magicians are sadists, you know,” Blair teased, echoing
the threat Sandy always used whenever Blair tried to interrupt her when she was
practicing. “They like to think they’re gods, and they get off playing with
sharp stuff.” She slid a glance at her friend, who sent her back a faux-angry
glare. They both burst into hysterical laughter at the inside joke. The people
nearby gave them bewildered stares, which made them laugh even harder.

They entered the semi-dark theater, showed their tickets to
the usher then headed down the narrow aisle to the very front. Of course they
had first-row seats.

The lights dimmed, signaling the beginning of the show.
Blair settled in for a long, tedious program, which she expected would be
filled with predictable illusions presented with the usual theatrical flourish.
A pair of men—gorgeous men—dressed in the standard magician uniform, black
suits and gloves, stepped out onstage, and the audience erupted into applause.

Wow, they hadn’t even pulled a rabbit out of a hat yet.

She glanced over at her friend, who was also clapping like
mad. Then she turned her attention back to the stage, watching, growing
increasingly absorbed as the two men performed trick after trick, involving
scarves and birds, panthers, big boxes with uber-skinny assistants and lots of
sharp stuff—knives, swords, arrows.

Oddly, these two kept the theatrics to a minimum, no plumes
of smoke or flares of flame. No blinking lights or distracting music. The
show’s tone was dark and mysterious, intimate. Seductive and, even though they
didn’t show a bit of skin, surprisingly erotic.

It was the stories they told as they performed their tricks.
They were about faraway lands and obscure legends. Fascinating. Sensual.

The Masters of Illusion, as they called themselves, had
striking faces, their features cut in masculine angles. And they both wore
their dark hair long. She’d always had a weakness for men with long hair. Maybe
that was why she was practically enthralled an hour later.

And then they stepped forward. One of them, the taller of
the two, announced, “We need a volunteer from the audience.”

As expected, Blair’s friend started waving her hand like a
maniac. The magician glanced at Sandy but then his gaze inched to the left. The
corners of his mouth quirked into a wicked smile.

Oh no, he’s not going to…

He pointed. At Blair. “We have our volunteer.”

“No, no.” She shook her head, but the usher in the aisle
didn’t accept her refusal. Neither did her friend, who was squealing like a
stuck pig.

“You’re so freaking lucky!” Sandy exclaimed, shoving her out
of her seat.

Blair stood and followed the usher down to a side exit,
around to the backstage door and through a maze of magic stuff. And then she
was onstage, under all those hot, blinding lights. Standing between the magicians,
who looked a whole lot bigger—and better!—from this vantage.

“What’s your name?” the magician on her left asked,
thrusting a microphone at her.

“Blair,” she said, staring at him.

“Please, join me in giving our lovely volunteer Blair a warm
welcome,” he said, blessing her with a big smile that revealed a pair of
adorable dimples and the world’s most perfect, blindingly white teeth.

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