shadow and lace (20 page)

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Authors: Teresa Medeiros

Rowena's fingernails dug into the stone. The chestnut mare in the courtyard tossed its head, nickering softly. Rowena gripped Marlys's hand. "Will you help us?"

Marlys nodded.

"Papa…" Rowena began.

"I shall get him free of Caerleon before Gareth can kill him. He deserves no more."

"And what of you?"

Her white teeth flashed in a carnivorous grin. "Gareth cannot kill me. He loves me."

Little Freddie was standing outside the curtains.

Rowena knew he had heard every word. He extended an arm to her. "Shall we go home?"

"Home," Rowena repeated. "To Revelwood."

"Keep off the main roads," Marlys commanded. "Stay away from Revelwood for at least a week. The bread will last if you are sparing. Eat only when you are hungry." This earned her a dubious glance from Irwin.

"Must we steal the mounts?" Rowena said from the back of the chestnut mare.

"Would you care to be run down by Folio?" Marlys arched one eyebrow. "Or hunted by Gareth's wolfhounds? Most of them are trained to kill, you know." Rowena did not know and wished she had not asked. "Anyway," Marlys added with a smirk, "I'd never allow you to steal our horses. These mounts belong to Blaine. Even if he catches you, a flutter of those eyelashes will probably save you from the hangman."

She jerked Rowena down by the neck of her woolen kirtle. Her eyes nervously scanned the horizon. Between the stark branches of the trees, the black sky was melting to gray. "Heed my words well. Don't let him find you. Gareth hates to lose anything that belongs to him."

Rowena straightened in the saddle. "Soften the blow, won't you? Tell him I never belonged to him at all."

Marlys nodded with an approving smile. Rowena had to grab the bridle with both hands as Marlys smacked the mare's rump with a hoarse cry. The mare bolted. The other horses followed, stretching their long legs in an exuberant canter toward freedom. The damp, chill air filled Rowena's lungs but failed to drive out the oppressive heaviness in her breast as she left behind the shadow of Caerleon and its master forever.




Western wind, when will thou blow,

The small rain down can rain?

Christ, if my love were in my arms

And I in my bed again!




Chapter Eleven




Marlys tumbled into bed with a groan. The flat, pale sun had done little to warm her chamber. She thought of reaching to the end of the bed to drag the coverlet over her, but the contemplation of such motion after finally laying down her aching bones drew another groan from her throat. She threw herself on her face and burrowed deep into the feather tick.


The bellow warned her an instant before the thunderous rapping exploded on her door. With a last spurt of energy, she flopped over and dove headfirst into the counterpane bunched at the foot of the bed. As the door crashed open, she curled into a ball, knowing the inert lump she had become had little chance of fooling her brother. She was right. The flat side of his sword smacked into her rump with a twang that sent the blade vibrating into song.

She popped up with a growl. "Suppose you had inadvertently whacked the wrong end? You would have brained me."

"Methinks there are as much brains in one end as in the other," Gareth shot back. He faced her like a savage twin, his hair tangled in a dark web around his face, his eyes red-rimmed and wild. "Where are they?"

"Who?" Marlys sank back on her knees and gathered the coverlets around her shoulders like a shawl.

"You know who. Fordyce and his damnable litter of pups."

"How should I know? I was abed as soon as Dunnla gave me my milk bath and coiffed my curls."

One eye fluttered prettily at him. Gareth plucked a twig from her matted hair. "A new fashion, I suppose?" His gaze dropped to the feet poking out from under the blanket. Their soles were as black as the grubby tunic she wore from yesterday. She jerked them back. He grabbed her big toe and twisted.

She howled.

"Where?" Gareth demanded.

She pounded on his shoulders with open palms until he freed her toe. "What do you care of Lindsey Fordyce's comings and goings? You could have tossed him in the dungeon last night if you were hoping for public confession. 'Twas you who chose to torture Rowena instead of him."

He had the good grace to color. " 'Twas Rowena's insolence that demanded my attention. Fordyce had enough ale in him to keep for a few hours. He was fair pickled 'ere I went abovestairs."

"As were you."

Gareth chose to ignore that. "If not for your cursed interference, the fool would've slept till I was ready to conclude our dealings."

"He has no dealings with you. You heard him. He barely recalls holding Father's fief."

"We both know he lies." His shaggy head bent over her as his voice lowered. "If you do not tell me where they are, I swear I shall see you married to Blaine yet. The priest may not come to Caerleon, but I shall have you dragged before him. 'Twould suit Blaine's sadistic streak to finally have a chance at taming you."

Marlys gave an injured sniff, but Gareth knew her well enough to duck before her hand whistled past his jaw. He caught her fist in his. "Shall I have the joyful banns of your upcoming nuptials read in the village? Or would you prefer to tell me what you've done with Fordyce?"

Marlys glared up at him. "The bandy-legged little rooster has gone scampering for home."

Gareth loosed her and started for the door. Marlys buried her mouth against her knee, muffling her words. "Let the puppy go, Gareth."

Gareth stopped. "What did you say?"

Marlys lifted her head. A woolen fuzz clung to her tongue. Gareth turned, his face white. Marlys realized she had made a terrible mistake, but it was too late to bite back the words.

Pained bewilderment twisted Gareth's features. "You let him take Rowena?"

Her brother's vulnerability was more than Marlys could bear. She summoned a smirk to her lips with an effort he would never see. "She begged I give you a message. 'Soften the blow,' she said with that tinkling little laugh of hers. 'Tell him I never belonged to him anyway.' "

Gareth's breathing was suddenly the only sound audible in the chamber. With mingled relief and regret, Marlys watched a cold mask of fury slip over his features.

His hands balled into fists. "When I get my hands on her, I shall leave no doubt in her mind as to whom she belongs to."

Marlys stretched out her long limbs and rested her head on laced hands. "You should have thought of that before she fled from you. A dark-eyed bastard in her belly would have kept your memory fresh." She watched him through slitted eyes, expecting a curse, or maybe even a blow. The speculative gleam in his eyes frightened her. She rolled to her side, faking an indifferent yawn. "Tell Dunnla if she disturbs me before nightfall, I shall cut off her head."

"Aaaah, the sleep of the innocent. Free of any unsightly twinges of conscience."

"I told you long ago. I have no conscience."

"For once," Gareth said, "I must agree."

The door softly closed and Gareth was gone. Marlys jumped out of bed and stumbled to her knees before the window. A moment later, Gareth appeared far below, leading Folio out of the stables at a run. Without slowing, he flung a long leg over the stallion's back and drove him through the castle gates.

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