Read Shadow of Danger Online

Authors: Kristine Mason

Tags: #Romantic Suspense

Shadow of Danger (29 page)

Instead of clocking Will in the jaw as John had expected, Lloyd cupped the other man’s head and...

Oh. My. God.

…kissed him.






Chapter 21



Celeste locked the deadbolt on the front door, then rested her forehead against the wood. Even though Will and Lloyd had left, the tension within the house remained.

“That was interesting,” she said, trying to lighten the mood as she turned to face John.

He leaned against the banister, arms folded across his chest. With his face impassive, he nodded. “That’s putting it mildly.”

Was he mad? At her? She hadn’t exactly planned on going under tonight. As for Lloyd and Will, she thought John had handled that shock quite well.

Other than turning beet red when Lloyd lip locked her brother, he’d showed no reaction. Even when Lloyd threatened to kick John’s ass if he breathed a word about them being gay, he hadn’t flinched. Instead, he’d told Lloyd he didn’t care about his and Will’s relationship, and that the only one John did care about was the one he had with her.

At that point, she’d been anxious for Will and Lloyd to leave. She’d wanted to be alone with John. The trance had left her more exhausted than she’d been when she’d lain down earlier for a nap. And after the day she’d had, all she wanted was to curl up against him and absorb his warmth and strength.

She glanced at the clock. “I guess dinner’s out,” she said, still trying to keep her tone light, and hoping she was misreading him. That he wasn’t angry with her, but maybe the situation.

Another nod.

“Look, I’m sorry about tonight,” she blurted and tossed the afghan she’d had wrapped around her, on the floor. “I need to get dressed.” She needed to distance herself from his probing gaze. “If you still plan on sticking around, I’ll make us some sandwiches.”

In two strides, he had her pinned to the door. “You better believe I plan on sticking around. And quit apologizing. Nothing that happened here tonight was your fault.”

“Really? Lloyd would never have outed himself and Will if it wasn’t for me.”

He ran a finger along her cheek. “It seems to me like it was a long time coming. Maybe tonight was just what they needed. A little push in the right direction.”

His soothing voice, the trail of heat his finger left on her cheek, and the assurance in his eyes made her smile.

“Besides,” he said. “Now I know Lloyd doesn’t have a thing for you.”

“What?” she half-laughed. “You thought Lloyd had the hots for me? That’s just gross. He’s like a brother to me.”

“I see that now. But you’re so gorgeous, fun, and smart, I couldn’t help being jealous every time he was around you.”

“So you’re not mad about tonight? Because
you were kinda giving off that vibe.”

“Is reading my aura part of your talents, too?” he asked with a wry grin, then tilted her chin with his finger. “I’m not mad, at least not at you, more like at myself.”

“What are you talking about? You didn’t do anything wrong. Actually, I’d say you were in the right place at the right time.”

“It’s more than that. Honey, I...need to be honest about something.”

Her breath hitched at the regret in his dark eyes, and the guilt lining his face. Confused, she asked, “Was it something I did during the trance?”

“No, it was something I did, or rather assumed.” He released a deep breath, the warmth of it brushing against her lips like a caress. “When I got here tonight, with the way the door had been left open, at first I thought you were in trouble. Then, when I caught your and Lloyd’s reflection in the mirror, with the way you were on the floor, and the way Lloyd was over you, I instantly thought...” He looked over her shoulder.

“You thought Lloyd and I were having sex.”

He moved his gaze to hers. “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you, and that I assumed the worst.”

She settled her hands around his neck. “You’re human, John. I don’t blame you for how you reacted. You’ve been betrayed in the past, and trust is new to you. If the situation were turned around, I might have assumed the same thing.”

He ran his palms along her arms. “How is it you know me better than I know myself.”

She shrugged. “Didn’t I tell you I was a mind reader, too?” She gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “Now let me go change, and then I’ll make us something to eat.”

“Nope. You’ve had a rough night, even if you don’t remember half of it.” He gently sifted his fingers through her hair until he found the small lump at the back of her scalp. “How does your head feel?”


“Good, but I still want you to take it easy, not wait on me. Why don’t you go upstairs?” He turned her toward the steps. “And relax in the tub. I’ll bring you up a glass of wine and then
make us something to eat.”

Not willing to fight such a tempting offer, she headed upstairs, then paused and looked over her shoulder as a thought occurred to her. “You know I don’t remember my trances or anything that’s happening around me during them. Why did you tell me about how you’d assumed Lloyd and I were...ya know?”

“Because I don’t want any lies, half-truths or misunderstandings between us. Ever.”

Her heart melted. “Thank you,” she managed as she wondered if he could be any more perfect. She’d never met a man like him, and doubted any others would compare.

When he slid his gaze to her bare legs, the heat in his eyes sent a wave of desire straight between her thighs. He cleared his throat, and quickly looked away. “Head upstairs,” he said, his tone now rough and husky. “I’ll be up in bit with your wine.”

She took a few steps, the sexual tension thick between them, even as she began distancing herself. Swearing she could feel his hot gaze still on her, she looked over her shoulder again and caught him staring at her ass. “I thought you were heading to the kitchen.”

“It’s pretty tough to move with a view like this.”

“How about now?” she asked, and shimmied out of her panties.

With a groan, he said, “You’re killing me.” Then he disappeared around the corner.

Smiling at the promise of what was to come, and pleased the night would be salvaged after all, she turned on the faucet and finished undressing. After several minutes, she added a couple drops of scented oil to the bath water, then stepped into the tub. She sloshed the few inches that had accumulated over the cold porcelain, then relaxed into the tub, lying back and letting her toes receive a massage from the forceful spray gushing from the faucet.

As the water rose, the fragrance of vanilla and hazelnut mingled with the steam filling the small bathroom. The heat from the lapping water, the scent from the bath oil, and the memory of John’s hot gaze had her primed and ready to explode with sexual need. Yet she couldn’t stop her mind from wandering. She couldn’t stop the guilt from interfering with what her body and heart wanted.

John had admitted to assuming the worst when he’d arrived tonight. He’d apologized for believing she’d cheat on him, and for not trusting her.

Because I don’t want any lies, half-truths or misunderstandings between us. Ever.

His words echoed in her mind. She wanted to dunk her head in the water and drown them out. While she hadn’t lied or told any half-truths, Ian’s secret, make that her secret, might fall somewhere in between.

From the moment Ian had revealed the truth, she’d wanted to talk to John. He had a logical spin on everything, and she valued his opinion. But she’d promised Ian she wouldn’t confide in John, and while she owed the man nothing, he could hold a valuable key to her future. Not necessarily the job offer at CORE, but more importantly, information about her mother that only he knew.

Although he’d given her better insight into her gift today, he’d told her there was so much more for her to learn. So much more he could teach her about the trances, the visions, and how to handle being a medium. She needed to know these things, especially after what had happened tonight.

As the bath water lapped against her breasts, she thought back to when she’d lain down for a nap. She suspected she’d slipped into the trance when she’d cleared her mind and had stared at the ceiling fan as it made hypnotic, lazy circles.

She frowned. She’d stared at that ceiling fan before, and had never had a trance because of it. Maybe it had been her state of exhaustion. Or maybe something else had been the trigger. Either way, she needed to know how to control her gift. She needed to know the true capacity of its power.

In order to obtain this knowledge from Ian, she had to keep the secret of her parentage from John. A condition she didn’t like, but would endure, even if she suspected Ian’s reasons for keeping John in the dark were more than he’d described. Sure, she understood, Ian didn’t want John distracted from the investigation, or worried about the boss’s daughter’s involvement. Still, after how upfront and honest John had been, not only tonight, but last night when he’d told her about Renee, she wished she could be just as honest.

Ian said he’d stick around Wissota Falls for a couple of days. She’d keep his secret from John until he left. Then she’d tell him the truth. John would understand. He had an easy way of rationalizing things without allowing his emotions to be involved. And he worked for Ian, so he likely understood his boss better than she did. 

With a deep sigh, she let the heat in the room and the aromatic fragrances relax her. Thoughts of Ian fled and were replaced with John. The way his hungry gaze had traveled along her bare legs, the way his eyes nearly devoured her when she’d slipped off her panties. 

A small rap at the door made her jump. Water overflowed onto the floor and she quickly shut off the faucet.

“You’re supposed to bathe, not swim in the tub,” John said with a chuckle as he closed the door behind him.

“It’s not

He set the wine glass on the counter, then placed a towel in front of the tub. It instantly soaked up the water.

“Okay, so I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”

As he handed her the wine glass, he arched a brow. “Why’s that? What were you thinking about?”

Heat that had nothing to do with the temperature of the room raced across her cheeks. “You,” she answered honestly.

His gaze traveled over her breasts as she scooted up a bit to take a sip of the wine. “Care to share the details?”

“Care to join me and find out?”

Smiling he let his eyes move over her body. “I’d love to, but if I hop into your tiny tub, you might end up with water stains on your downstairs ceiling.”

“We don’t want that,” she said, and took a sip of the wine.

“No, we don’t.” He kissed her forehead. “I checked the fridge. What’ll it be? A turkey or ham sandwich?”

“Don’t worry about fixing us something to eat now. Stay. Keep me company.”

He acted as if he weighed the decision, then a crooked grin slid across his lips. “I suppose I can suffer the torture of watching you bathe.”

She laughed and set her wine glass on the ledge in the corner of the tub. “Such a martyr.”

After replacing the wet towel with a dry one, he knelt on the floor in front of the tub. “Aren’t I, though? I guess if you’re going to make me sit here with you, I might as well put myself to use.” He dipped a washcloth into the water.

“An excellent idea,” she said as he began at her toes, then dragged the soaked cotton to her calf.

He moved the washcloth up her legs. “I thought so.”

Unfortunately, he bypassed the apex of her thighs, and drew circles on her stomach. Lying naked in the tub, with him fully clothed, had her more turned on than she’d imagined. The idea of having him wash her body, concentrating on every erogenous zone made her nipples harden, and caused a dull ache between her thighs. As much as she loved taking a long soak in the tub, a rare treat with her schedule, she wanted to forget the bath. She needed him on top of her, in her.

“So tell me about your day?” he asked, as he massaged her torso, her rib cage.

Was he kidding?

She didn’t want to talk about her day. She wanted him. Obviously he meant to torture her, though. Some martyr. “Seeing as how you know how it started, how it ended, and I’d already told you the in-between stuff when you’d called. Why don’t you tell me about your day?”

Shifting the washcloth, he edged closer to her breasts. Close, but still not touching.

“There’s not much to tell. Nothing earth shattering happened after we talked this afternoon.”

“Until you walked in on another one of my trances. And then there was that whole Lloyd kissing Will thing.”

He chuckled. “True.”

“Does it bother you that my brother and Lloyd are gay?”

“I could care less,” he said, still stroking her.

Considering John’s proclivity for honesty, she believed him. His opinion of Will mattered to her. She loved her brother, and couldn’t imagine being with a man who would be prejudiced against him.

She rested her wet hand over his, stilling his movements along her torso. “Thank you.”

“For what?” He met her gaze. “It’s like I told your brother and Lloyd, I don’t care about their relationship, I only care about ours.”

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