Sharing Our Boyfriends (BBW Gangbang Erotica)

Read Sharing Our Boyfriends (BBW Gangbang Erotica) Online

Authors: Tatjana Blue

Tags: #bbw, #voyeurism, #oral sex, #explicit sex, #party sex, #explicit erotica, #curvy, #drunk sex, #multiple partner erotica, #bbw erotica, #creampie gangbang, #nymphomaniac sex, #ffmm

Sharing Our Boyfriends

Tatjana Blue

Copyright 2012
Tatjana Blue



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It was not too long after everyone else
had left that Andy and Cindy started making out on the couch. Ross
had said they were like that, so I wasn't too surprised. Cindy was
short, dark-haired, big-busted, curvy-hipped, and pretty much oozed
sex. Every guy at the party had been looking at her. She'd made it
pretty clear she was with Andy though, so nobody made a big move on
her. They just watched her running her hands all over him while she
was laughing and bubbling to other guys the whole time, obviously
enjoying the attention.

I was glad someone was having fun
anyway - Ross knew I was feeling kind of down, and a birthday party
was the pretty much last thing I wanted, but he’d been so excited
about it that I couldn’t say no.

We had been casually seeing each other
for a year now, and I thought it was pretty obvious now that
nothing was coming out of it. We did stuff, had sex, and that was
that. Casual. No forward motion, no plans for the future, and
whatever passion there might have been at the start had begun
drifting away too.

I'd already pretty much decided to call
it off. Only Ross's insistence on this birthday party had kept me
from doing it already. He seemed to really want to have a
celebration, and his place was way too small, so we had it at mine.
It was a sweet idea anyway, even though I don't care about

So that was a stay of execution for
him, but I still knew it would all be over within the month. Ross
himself was a decent guy - I really couldn't complain. He was
stocky and dependable, and had a boyish grin and a decent sense of
humor that kept me contented with him even when I wasn't really
feeling any kind of heat any more.

Anyway the party had been fine - plenty
of people from work came, and my other friends. Cindy and Andy I
didn't know. Andy worked with Ross, and he'd mentioned the two of
them a few times in the weeks leading up to the party. Little did I
know about the plans he was hatching for me.

Cindy and Andy had seemed to make a
point of staying well past the end of it all though, after everyone
else had gone. She and Andy had started making out in my big
armchair, and had been at it for a few minutes when she suddenly
just ripped her own top off and threw it across the room. Ross and
I were sitting on the couch, and I was thinking about how to get
them all to just finally leave. That was when he poked me in the
side and pointed over at them, just as Cindy pulled her shirt up
over her head.

Andy caressed her breasts and they
kissed long and hard. She was a sexy little creature with perfect
boobs and slimly curving hips and a tight little butt - pretty much
the opposite of me. She was nice enough though. Even though I felt
every inch of my extra size relative to her when I was near her, I
couldn't bring myself to dislike her. She had such disarmingly
honest excitement about everything. She loved sex too, obviously -
it seemed like her every other sentence was about it. Even so, my
mouth dropped open when she just frankly undid his pants and pulled
out his bulging, erect manhood.

I looked at Ross, trying to figure out
how I should feel about this, but he just smiled back at

Andy was taller and thinner than Ross,
and had a distinct Southern twang in his speech. With his longish
blond hair he seemed like some kind of cowboy beach bum, and he was
frighteningly charming. He flashed his brilliantly white teeth
around and laughed and joked until he had forced everyone around
him into having a good time. I have to admit I had been checking
out his ass and the rest of him quite a bit all through the
evening. I thought I'd caught him looking over at me a few times,

Now, I had certainly never watched
other people having sex in real life, and I was truly kind of
fascinated with this development. Cindy was working away at Andy's
cock with her hands, really focused, and I couldn't help noticing
how swollen and pink it was. Her breasts were jiggling as she moved
her arms, and I watched Andy's fingers tracing circles around her
little red nipples. They were hard and sharp in his hands. She knew
we were watching her, too. She glanced over at us a couple of times
just to make sure. When Andy looked me directly in the eyes and
winked mischievously, I suddenly realized that I - we - were part
of whatever was going on here.

Ross had a hard-on as well now,
obviously, and it bulged up in his shorts. We looked at each other,
sitting there on the couch together, and he gave me another little

"Your call," he said quietly, for my
ears only, "We could all just go home now if you

Home, I thought. Then what? Suddenly it
didn't seem so appealing. Go clean the bathroom once I'm alone

Maybe I’d had a little too much to
drink already, but I finished off my whole glass of wine, set it
down on the table, then gave him a little grin and quickly
unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly. I reached inside and
pulled out his cock.

Cindy zoned in on this instantly of

"Oh my god, that's awesome you two.
That's the hottest thing I've even seen," she said.

I kissed Ross firmly on the mouth and I
started stroking him, just like Cindy was doing to Andy. I felt
kind of weird about it, at first, since the other two were now
watching us closely. I couldn't bring myself to look over at

"That's nice," he said, and let his
hand slide under my shirt to squeeze my breast gently.

I wasn't quite sure what to do next, so
I just kept playing with him for a while, until he whispered, "Look
at them now."

Cindy was full-on going down on Andy.
He leaned back with one hand on the back of her head, while she
bobbed slowly up and down on him. She was making a contented little
purring sound the whole time. I just froze there, watching them,
until I realized that Ross was unbuttoning my shirt. I let him do
it, and then I took off my bra. It felt very strange to have my
breasts just hanging out in the living room, with these two
relative strangers sitting just a few feet away.

Ross leaned forward and took one of my
nipples in his mouth. It started perking up almost instantly, and I
saw that Andy was watching the two of us now. I felt my usual
anxiousness when someone could see me naked for the first time - my
breasts without my bra sagged down too much, and I was always
conscious of my big blue veins! Never even mind the fact that I had
a roll muffining up out of the top of my pants for everyone to

This was just too much. I was getting
uncomfortable and thinking about making it all stop. Then I noticed
that Cindy's head had popped up from Andy's lap to watch us as

"That's so hot," she said again. "You
have such amazing nipples Anita! When was the last time you two did

Ross looked at me and smiled, and
shrugged a little.

I said, "Night before last. Ross stayed
over." Normally I don't think I'd get turned on by a simple
statement like that, but Cindy's eyes were watching us, big and
interested the whole time. Her fascination was kind of

Cindy wrapped her hand around Andy's
manhood again and said, "We did it this afternoon. Around 3
o'clock. I came twice."

Just telling us that looked like it
turned her on even more, and she bent over and kissed the tip of
him very quickly, and her eyes locked with my own the whole

"I think you're so sexy Anita," she
said. She ran her tongue around Andy's manhood then said, "I want
to have sex beside you and with you and everything. Can we do

"Um," I said, not knowing how to reply.
This whole situation was escalating way faster than I knew what to
do with.

Andy shook his head though. "First
things first Cindy," he said. "You have to do something

"Okay!" she said. I was surprised at
how quickly she agreed without even knowing what it was he wanted
her to do. The girl was kind of nuts. Undeniably hot

Andy smiled. "Make out with Anita," he

I know I looked stunned because he
grinned wickedly at me.

"Assuming Anita is okay with that of
course," he said.

Ross gave Andy a thumbs-up.

Cindy only had her little shorts on
now, and she jumped up from Andy's lap without hesitating. Her
breasts bounced up and down with her leap.

She positively skipped over to the two
of us and sat straight down in Ross's lap, and leaned over to where
I sat beside him and planted a very warm, soft, squishy kiss on my
lips. I was very aware that they had been wrapped around Andy's
big, hard cock only a few seconds ago. That was actually really
sexy though, so I kissed her back. I couldn't help returning it -
the girl was so sexual I think we were all getting a sort of
contact high from her.

I put my hand up and grabbed one her
breasts, and I felt her tongue dart between my lips.

"Hey!" Andy said.

I looked down to see that she already
had her hand wrapped around Ross's swollen manhood. She was giving
it a very thorough going over with her fingers, and Ross was just
grinning at me.

"What's the matter dear?" she said when
she looked over at Andy. "Does it make you jealous if I do

Credit where it's due I guess - Andy
could have been annoyed, but instead he just leaned back on the
couch with his pants unzipped and his erection standing out for
everyone to see. Personally, was too surprised to be

"Nope," he said, "But you're supposed
to make out with Anita."

"Okay!" she said and got off of Ross's
lap, then pulled me up off of the couch to stand in front of her. I
let myself be led uncomplaining into standing with her.

Then I wrapped my arms around Cindy - I
was very aware of her breasts bulging nakedly against mine. They
felt very warm. She wrapped her arms around my waist and held on to
my hips just above the line of my underwear. She stuck her face
forward and kissed me again.

She had beautiful lips - I had noticed
that the first time I met her - and they melted softly against my
own. I had never embraced another woman this way, and I was
surprised to feel my own body reacting to it. Very strongly. She
caressed my breasts, and I grabbed hers instantly in response. I
really wanted to take those firm little nipples between my teeth
and nibble on them, but she was just too damn short. She dropped
her head and did that to me instead, and I felt a bolt of pleasure
head straight down between my legs when her tongue shot back and
forth across my nipples.

Then she kissed me again and said,
"Bedroom. Let's all go to the bedroom, okay?" She looked right into
my eyes, and it seemed like a real question - she was asking me for

"Okay," I said, "follow me."

With that I took her hand and we walked
down the hallway towards my room. Cindy looked back over her
shoulder and said, "Are you coming boys?"

Nobody answered but you could hear the
thumps as they leapt up from their seats.


I threw the few coats still on the bed
down into a pile on the floor. Thank God I'd washed my sheets last
night! The bed was in pristine condition, and Cindy jumped onto it
without any hesitation. She patted the mattress beside

"Come lie down with me dear!" she

As I moved down onto the mattress she
shot her legs up into the air and somehow managed to kick her pants
off in one rapid motion that I didn't follow at all. She was
suddenly naked except for her tiny pink panties. The girl did have
a very shapely little body.

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