She's All Tied Up: Club 3, Book 2 (19 page)

“Puh-put your mouth on me, Jake. Please.”

He nodded his approval, his gaze warming. “Nice and sweet. Just the way I like to be asked.”

He hooked the chair with his foot and pulled it over in front of her. Then he braced one knee on the seat, his chin just above her breasts, and cupped her left breast in his hand, pushing it up slightly. “This one first.”

Carlie was mesmerized by the sight of her breast, pale smooth skin and dark pink nipple in sharp contrast to his hand, tanned, muscular and veined. When he bent his head to her and opened his mouth against her nipple, she felt a rush of heat and wetness between her thighs. Every iota of her concentration was on him.

His mouth was a revelation, a hot, wet vortex composed of circling lips and a rough tongue that played her sensitive nipple mercilessly. Every lick, every hard suck sent her higher up a slope of pleasure and need.

Carlie gripped the handholds so tightly her arms trembled and arched her back, pushing her breasts into his hands, his mouth. The restraints pulled at her wrists, sending a guilty thrill through her, increasing her pleasure. She couldn’t move at all. Jake was completely in charge of what happened.

“Mm-mm,” he approved, a deep rumble in his chest, moving to her other breast and squeezing the wet nipple he’d left behind. “You taste as sweet as you smell. I like your perfume, baby. Like it a lot.”

He looked up at her as he slowly ran the tip of his tongue around her areola, not taking her nipple yet. “You want me to suck this one?”

She nodded. God, yes, she wanted him to suck that one. She was going to die if he didn’t—and soon. “Yes. Please.”

He nodded his approval and put his mouth on her. Primed by the wait, this nipple was even more sensitive than the first. Carlie felt every pull, every lick twine clear down inside her, to her swollen, needy pussy. As he worked her nipple with his mouth, and pinched the other with his fingers, she moaned low in her throat as her pussy throbbed harder. Her heavy eyes closed.

Her hips jerked and began to move, circling slightly as she clenched her inner muscles. She moaned again. Oh God, she needed to be touched there, needed her own hand on her clit or his. But the restraints held her tight and his will bound her just as tightly, deliciously implacable. He would touch her there when he was ready and not before.

“She’s close,” said a new voice, deep and husky with amusement and approval. “Damn, Jake, I think you’re gonna make your new subbie come just from sucking her tits.”

Carlie’s eyes flew open, and she stiffened, a squeak emerging from her throat, her body jerking in shock as she looked straight into a pair of brown eyes, warm with approval. It was Mase. The dom stood inside the doorway of the room, watching her and Jake with utter unselfconsciousness.

And instead of leaping to his feet and hiding her from the man’s gaze, instead of demanding in possessive rage that he get out and leave them alone, Jake let her nipple go with a pop, watching her. “You know,” he said over his shoulder, “I’ll think I’ll give that a try.”

He looked down her body, his eyes narrowing on her panties. “Although, she may need a little help. And I do want to enjoy the full effect.”

Carlie jerked again, making a wordless sound of protest, this time yanking at her bonds as Jake reached for the bow at her hip. Gaze on his, she shook her head in silent entreaty. Another man was looking at her breasts, looking at her tied up like a wanton offering. She wanted to curl into a ball, hide against Jake’s broad chest.

He stilled, his hand on the small bow. His eyes narrowed dangerously, his voice level. “We done here, sub?”

She watched him, waited for any sign of mercy, of softening. Finding none, something deep inside her gave way with a silent sigh. She didn’t get to choose what happened here. But that meant, she also didn’t
have to
choose, didn’t have to worry or decide. Jake was in charge. She just wished Mase would go away—say, to Canada.

Slowly, she shook her head and bit her trembling lip.

But then Jake proved once again that he paid attention. His hand on her hip, he gave her a little squeeze, and looked into her eyes as he spoke.

“Mase, buddy, don’t think we want any company for the rest.”

Mase nodded, already moving backward. “I’m gone.” He winked at Carlie and pulled the door closed behind him.

Carlie let out a shaky breath, tears pricking behind her eyes. “Thank you,” she managed.

Jake stroked his palms down her ribs in a soothing gesture, giving her hips another squeeze.

“Some subs get off on an audience. You don’t; that’s okay. You change your mind, that’s okay too. Now, you still good?”

She nodded. “I just…I don’t want anyone to see me…except you.”

His gaze heated until the burn enveloped her with the heat of promise. “Yeah? All this is for me?”

He was looking at her as if she’d just offered him a gift—one that he’d been waiting for. Heart thudding and pussy spasming, both with excitement, Carlie nodded.

He jerked his chin. “Then let me take care of you, baby.”

Flick, flick.
The bows unfastened, and with a gentle tug, her panties came away in his hand, baring her mons and her new bikini wax to her dom. And he took full advantage, cocking his head to look at her in a way that told her he could see a lot.

“Now that is fuckin’ gorgeous,” he said, his voice hoarse. “Goddamn, look at you. Like a wet dream. Standing here in stockings and sexy shoes for me.”

He thought she was gorgeous. Still, after he’d seen all of her, with no clothing to hide behind, carefully chosen to flatter her good points and hide the rest.

Jake put one hand over her mons, the heel of his hand pressed low, so she could feel the warm, calloused edge of his palm against her ultrasensitive clitoris. Her body jerked in reaction. She caught her breath, exhaled on a breathy little moan.

He was touching her, here in the light, with her arms and legs spread so she couldn’t shift to hide, not even a little, and there were no sheets to pull over herself, so he could touch her underneath but couldn’t see her most intimate places. He could see
. He could touch everything, and she couldn’t stop him. This, along with his hand cupping her most private parts, was so exciting her pussy was beginning to clench in little needy spasms. It was all she could do to stop herself from writhing to ease the pressure.

He looked up into her eyes. “Likin’ this?”

She nodded, her cheeks flaming. “Uh-huh.”

He nodded. “Good girl. I can tell you are. Wanted to hear you say it. Wanna know how I can tell?”

Mesmerized by his sure gaze, Carlie nodded again.

He moved his hand, his fingers stroking gently into her swollen labia. “You’re wet, baby. Soakin’ wet. Feel it dripping on my fingers. Can smell you.”

He could smell her? She jerked in his hold, this time not with pleasure.

He smiled slightly, one corner of his mouth kicking up. “No, that’s good, baby. Scent of excited pussy, sweetest thing a man can smell. You smell like clean woman, nice perfume, hot and wet for me.”

He leaned closer, one hand lifting to cup the side of her throat, his thumb stroking her jaw. “You get what I mean?”

“Y-yes, Jake.”

“Good. Now, I’m gonna suck your tits, and you’re gonna come for me, baby. I want to feel it on my hand, understand?”

He expected her to be able to come from attention to her breasts? Real-world Carlie cringed in absolute embarrassment, although Submissive Carlie wanted to nod like a bobblehead doll sitting on the dash of his truck. Well, if she argued, she was afraid they really would be done for good, so she’d just agree, even though she was sure this was not going to work.

He pinched her nipple, hard. “I get the feeling you’re not with me one hundred percent. Don’t worry, you will be. Although there’s a spankin’ in your future for not believing me.”

A spanking? What the hey? Who did he think he was? And who the heck had she morphed into? An idiot who was even excited by this threat. The idea of being facedown over Jake’s lap, so he was free to do whatever he wanted to her bare bottom, oh dear Lord.

Jake chuckled at her glower. The deep sound warmed her, softened her just a little, so that when he got back to business, her defenses were down. She gazed into his beautiful eyes and watched his mouth as he suckled her left breast until she was pressing her mons subtly against his hand, feeling every tiny drag of his skin against her clit and her swollen labia.

“Mm, she likes that,” he approved. “Now for the game point.” He pressed a small kiss against her left breast, and moved back to the right one—the more sensitive one. He looked up at her. “Ride my hand. I want to feel you move. I wanna feel you work for it. Then I wanna feel your pussy come.”

He wanted her not only to submit, he expected her to come when he said. That settled it. She’d walked up those stairs and into a fantasy world. Would she ever get back? And if she did, would she still have her self-respect?

“Come on, baby,” he whispered and pulled her nipple into his mouth.

Carlie couldn’t help it, she moaned at the sweet sting as he used his tongue and the edge of his teeth on her nipple. It was so good, too good to fight. And she was a shameless slut, but the restraints added ten-fold to her excitement. She was tied up. She had to accept whatever he did, had to mind him, had to give in to him, to the pleasure he was giving her.

Head tipped back against the wall, she flexed her strong thighs and rocked herself into Jake’s hand, pushing herself against his touch. It wasn’t enough; it was too much. But his hand was getting slipperier with her arousal, and if she flexed her thighs just that much more, she could ride him harder, faster. And it felt so good not to have a choice. She had to do this, for him.

“You gonna come for me?” he asked.

Carlie nodded, whimpering as he stopped suckling her to speak.

“Tell me.”

“Yes, Jake. I’m gonna come…for you.” And then even as the words left her mouth, she was, her pussy quaking with unexpected pleasure as she rode his hand with frantic little movements, until it imploded inside her, and burst up through her.

When it was over, her head fell back, her eyes closed. She was grateful now for the restraints holding her up, because her limbs were weak, satisfaction humming through her even as she rocked her hips again, searching for more.

That had been shocking, sweet and…not enough. But she’d done it. She’d actually done it—come here, hooked up with the dom of her dreams, and she’d had an orgasm, a sweet, hard one.

“Carlie. Look at me.”

No, she really did not want to let his deep voice bring her back. Opening her heavy lids meant she had to look Jake in the eyes and face reality. Had she just made a fool of herself? What kind of woman got off on being tied up and fondled?

“Carlie. Eyes on me.” Jake’s voice snapped like a whip. Carlie’s eyes flew open. He stood before her, arms at his sides, face hard. And another part of him impressively hard as well. Her eyes widened, her pussy quivering in excitement. He was aroused, and oh, mama, what a package.

“Your mouth is open,” he said dryly. “That mean you want to fill it with something?”

Daringly mischievous now that she’d cleared the first hurdle, she nodded. “May I have a sucker, please, sir?”

He snorted, and she grinned. Making him laugh felt like winning a prize, especially when he stepped closer, his warm hands on her waist, his thumbs caressing the skin of her abdomen. He looked into her eyes, his heavy lidded.

“I give you a sucker,” he rumbled, “you gotta finish it. Can you do that for me?”

Carlie shivered, hard. “Does that mean…you want to come in my mouth? I’ve never done that before.”

He reached for her wrists, then stopped, his arms outstretched to bracket her as her words sank in. His gaze searched hers. “You’ve never given a blowjob?”

She shook her head, looking at his chin. “You could show me.”

He tipped his head forward, took a deep breath. Carlie bit her lip as it quivered. He probably thought she was some kind of remedial case, getting to her age without going down on a guy. And he was right.

Chapter Fourteen

“You don’t have to—” Carlie mumbled.

Jake moved, unfastening her arms and bringing her wrists down in one smooth movement. He tugged her bra free, tossing it on top of her discarded panties. Holding both her wrists in one big hand, he cupped her cheek with his other hand, his face close to hers. His thumb stroked over her lips. “You listen to me, baby. Do not think you know what’s goin’ on in my head. Whatever is going through yours, get it out. I’m about to come in my jeans just thinkin’ about being the first guy to get my cock between these luscious lips.”

“Oh,” she breathed. He liked that she hadn’t done it.

He nodded. “So here’s how this is gonna go, sub. I’m gonna hook your hands together, so.” He twisted something, and she looked down to find her cuffs had been hooked together, like a slave or a prisoner.

“Since you’re new to this, you get them in front. Later, I’ll expect you to wear them cuffed behind your back.” He patted her hip and then knelt before her to unfasten her ankles.

Then he rose and stood before her. He walked over and sat on the single chair, a simple armless chair, although with a padded seat and back rest. He held out his hand to her in a clear command. “C’mere.”

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