Shielder — A new Science Fiction Romance (Book 1, Shielder Series) (35 page)

Read Shielder — A new Science Fiction Romance (Book 1, Shielder Series) Online

Authors: Catherine Spangler

Tags: #romance scifi, #romance futuristic, #romance science fiction adventure, #science fiction romance fantasy romance fantasy futuristic romance futuristic romance

He paused, tension emanating from him. "She
developed a deadly virus—Ramos, we called it—and dumped it into
Torin's water supply."

Nessa gasped, horror slithering through

"Everyone in the colony at the time caught
the disease—everyone but me. I didn't drink the community water,
because I had a supply of Merlain spring water."

He drew a ragged breath. "The virus raged
through the colony. It was merciless, inflicting terrible suffering
before death occurred. The sick and the dying were everywhere. I
tried to formulate an antidote, but the Ramos kept mutating. In the

. . ." His voice broke and his grip on
Nessa's shoulder tightened.

She could feel his pain, could imagine what
he must have gone through. Tears filled her eyes and tracked down
her cheeks. "Oh, Chase."

"In the end," he continued hoarsely, "they
all died. I couldn't save anyone. All my medical training was
worthless. I failed them all."

Nessa put her arms around him. "How
horrible. But it wasn't your fault. Surely you know that."

He was silent a long moment. "I kept
thinking if only I'd known more about viruses, if only I'd stayed
calmer instead of panicking, if only I'd been able to get one jump
ahead of the Ramos. If only I could have saved

"You blamed yourself. So you turned your
back on healing, and became a shadower instead."

"Yeah." Chase held her tightly. "Dansan and
her soldiers took as much iridon as they could transport and
escaped to this quadrant. The only way I could pursue them without
interference was to apply for a shadower entitlement, which I did.
I picked up other wanted criminals here and there to keep from
drawing suspicion. They were space scum anyway, and didn't need to
be terrorizing innocent people."

Nessa lifted her head to look at him
wonderingly. "You turned away from healing. But you treated my
seizures and my shoulder. You gave me medicine. And you examined
the children. Why?"

He wiped the dampness from her cheeks, a
rueful expression on his face. "I tried to stay away from medicine.
I hated entering the ship lab. Then you came along with that damned
lanrax, and I found myself in there more and more. Then you brought
Raven and Brand on board, and I worried they might be carrying
disease or parasites. It became harder and harder to avoid

"Then I got the Orana and you saved my
life," she said softly. "You even created a vaccine against

He smiled at her then, and a dizzying relief
swept through her. That smile somehow told her he would be all
right. With Dansan gone, he could put the past behind him.

"Yes, I did. And I realized something that
really surprised me. I missed working in a medical laboratory,
analyzing diseases and formulating cures. If I hadn't been so
worried about you, I would have enjoyed what I was doing."

A blossoming hope took root. "Then you won't
continue as a shadower?"

Chase slid one hand along the side of her
face. "Would it bother you if I did,

She nodded solemnly.

Humor glinted in his eyes, and he kissed
her. A long moment later, he released her. "No, little Shielder,
I'm definitely not going to remain a shadower. It wouldn't do to
hunt my mate's people, now would it?"

Her heart swelled with joy, yet nagging
doubts remained.

"Are you sure you want to marry me?" She
almost succeeded at keeping the tell-tale quiver out of her

"Are you sure you want me?" Chase

"But my seizures and my leg—"

"Don't mean anything," he interrupted
fiercely. "They don't matter, but we can do something about them,
if you wish. It's your spirit and courage I love, those huge, dark
eyes of yours, that sexy mouth."

She pushed away, amazed. "My mouth is

He leaned over her, his eyes heated. "Oh,
yes. Very sexy. And I have lots of ideas on how you can use

He kissed her again, with more urgency this


* * * *


They were married ten ship cycles later, in
a Shielder lifemate ceremony, with Santerra's Council head, Captain
san Kincaid, officiating. They wanted Jarek and Sabin to stand with
them, so they waited until the two returned from delivering the
vaccine to Moriah's runners.

Nessa wore a stunning robe made from
cream-colored Saija silk, with matching slippers. Chase looked
breathtakingly handsome in a royal blue tunic and leggings, the
uniform worn by healers throughout the quadrant. Both outfits were
wedding gifts from Moriah, who had returned to Santerra with

Nessa had been surprised to learn that Sabin
and Moriah were mated. But now knowing Sabin was a man of many
mysteries, she suspected time would bring even more interesting
revelations. And she was glad to see that her two new friends
obviously loved each other very much.

Raven and Brand were there, wearing new
tunics and boots for the occasion. Also present, Turi and Lia
watched from their cases, each adorned with interwoven cream and
blue ribbons. Turi showed off outrageously, chattering and
performing flips, while Lia's advancing pregnancy necessitated she
sit regally through the event.

The weather on Santerra cooperated in full,
so they held the ceremony outside on a small rise, with striking,
multicolored mesas rising up behind them. The midafternoon sun
drifted through wispy clouds, contributing a magnanimous warmth.
The balmy breeze ruffled their hair in a gentle caress.

Even though they exchanged traditional
Shielder lifemate vows, Nessa and Chase didn't give each other the
customary leather bracelets. Not knowing where their travels might
take them, they decided against wearing obvious Shielder
adornments. Instead, Chase presented Nessa with an enormous, rare
topaz crystal on a gold chain. She gave him a crystal starburst
pin, the starburst being the universal symbol of the healer.

Moriah had procured both gifts on their
behalf from her remarkable storehouse of goods. She'd also brought
toys for the children, much to their delight.

Raven and Brand stood beside Nessa and Chase
while the vows were said. They both squirmed with excitement. Right
before the ceremony, Nessa and Chase asked the children what they
thought about living with them permanently. The answer was an
enthusiastic, jumping up and down, squealing, "Yes!"

Gazing into her new husband's glowing eyes,
Nessa thought her heart might burst, so great was her happiness.
She still found it difficult to believe Chase found her desirable,
although he'd certainly shown strong amorous tendencies these last
ten cycles. Just the thought of their bed play curled her toes and
fanned heated flames through her body.

"Wife," he murmured, leaning down.

"Husband," she breathed, stretching upward
and wrapping her arms around his neck.

Their lengthy kiss held the promise of a
long, sensuous night ahead.

"Ahem! Really, old man, you need to reserve
your strength for tonight," Sabin observed. When Chase ended the
kiss to glare at him, Sabin shoved him away none too gently.
"Besides, Jarek and I want a chance to kiss the bride."

Taking Nessa into his arms, he gave her a
brief kiss. "Take good care of the old man and the kids," he
muttered gruffly. "They're lucky to have you."

She smiled at him. "Thank you, Sabin, for
everything. It appears I was wrong about you."

He grinned. "Probably not. You're the only
one I haven't managed to fool."

She shook her head, not falling for his
smoke screen for one instant.

"Don't believe a word he says," Moriah
advised. Dressed in a gorgeous gold brocade robe, her copper curls
glinting in the sunlight, she drew the eyes of every male in the
colony. Not even Sabin's possessive glares could stem the admiring
glances. Seemingly oblivious to the stares, Moriah smiled at Nessa,
her amber eyes sparkling.

"I adore happy endings. I knew Chase
wouldn't be able to resist you in that robe. But that was just the
lure. Don't you ever doubt for a minute how beautiful you are, both
inside and out." She hugged Nessa and whispered, "But just for fun,
I brought you a special robe for tonight. It's very sheer,
guaranteed to drive Chase wild."

As if he needed any encouragement, Nessa
thought, returning Moriah's smile. "Thank you for everything,
Moriah. I've never had a friend before, but I'm proud to consider
you one."

Moriah's eyes glistened with tears. "The
feeling is mutual, my friend. We have to stick together to keep
these men in line."


"Jarek." She turned to her brother and
accepted his kiss on her cheek.

"I'm happy for you, sister. Chase is a good
man. Take care of yourself. May joy be your shadow."

She forced back the tears. After ten seasons
of refusing to cry, it seemed she was forever tearing up. "You
also. Spirit watch over you and protect you on your trip home."

He stepped back, taking her hand and
offering it to Chase. "On behalf of my family, I entrust Nessa into
your keeping. Cherish her and guard her well."

The warmth of Chase's hand enfolded hers and
he drew her against him. "I'll take good care of her."

"Nessa. Chase. Happy," Brand proclaimed
without a single stutter, cuddling against them.

Raven joined them, pressing close to Nessa.
"Can we call you mother and father?" she asked shyly.

Her heart in her throat, Nessa looked at
Chase. Smiling broadly, he nodded.

"Of course you may," she answered. "We're
your parents now."

"Okay, Mother," Raven chirped.

Laughing and crying at the same time, Nessa
knelt down and hugged both children to her. All these many seasons,
she'd been adrift and alone, with no true home, and no one but
Jarek to call family.

And now… Now, she had everything she could
possibly hope for.

Thank you, Spirit,
she whispered in
her heart.




Nessa paused outside the assembly hall,
trepidation edging out the excitement of returning home. She took
another look at the barren terrain and the gray haze drifting
around the distant rock formations.

The fine mist in the air dampened her hair
and face, and a brisk wind rippled her cape. This time, however,
her heavy tunic and leggings, along with her cape, blocked out
Liron's unrelenting chill.

Around the compound, Shielders halted any
pretense of working, their gazes riveted on Liron's visitors. No
one had spoken to her or stepped forward in greeting, although she
hadn't seen the old derision or loathing in their expressions. A
few had even nodded grudgingly at her.

She turned and faced the assembly hall's
huge double doors. No reason to delay further, yet she hesitated.
What if nothing had changed? What if she received the same
humiliating treatment she'd endured for ten seasons? She would hate
to be disgraced before Chase and the children. As if sensing her
anxiety, he caught her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "Shall we
go in?"

Offering an encouraging smile, Jarek pulled
open the door. Taking a fortifying breath, Nessa entered with Chase
by her side. Raven and Brand and little Celene followed behind,
each clutching a lanrax pup from Lia's litter. About four seasons
old, Celene was the sole survivor of a Shielder colony that had
been decimated by Anteks. Sabin had found her and brought her to
Nessa and Chase. She'd been with them one lunar cycle now.

The flickering solar lanterns threw odd
shadows on the stone walls, doing little to dispel the dimness. A
familiar musty odor wafted through the cool interior.

At the far end, the Council members sat upon
the raised dais. Captain Ranul san Mars stood before the dais,
waiting to greet his guests with traditional Shielder formality.
Beside him stood Meris and Elder Gabe san Ardon. Nessa had eyes
only for her parents as she and Chase walked toward the group.
Drawing another deep breath, she quelled her nervousness. She kept
her back straight, her head high. She walked evenly, without a
limp, thanks to Chase.

He had used tissue samples from her normal
leg to create new muscles for her damaged leg. Physical therapy and
exercise had strengthened the restored leg. Two laser surgeries had
eradicated the outside scarring. Her leg now appeared normal. She
no longer suffered seizures, either. Chase had fine-tuned her
medication until her condition stabilized.

A lot of physical changes, yet she realized
the greatest change had occurred within herself. Part of maturing,
she decided, lay not in material accomplishments, but in knowledge
and spiritual growth. Through Chase, she'd learned physical
appearance didn't determine the true depth of a person.

She fervently hoped that Ranul and Meris
would see that truth as well.

They walked up the steps to the dais and
halted before her parents and Elder san Ardon. Nessa addressed the
Council head first, as was the custom. "Captain san Mars."

His eyes impassive, he nodded briefly.

I present my husband, Dr.
Chase McKnight."

The two men clasped hands, making direct eye
contact, each assessing the other. Ranul broke the silence first.
"I understand we owe you a great debt, Doctor."

"That honor goes to your daughter, Captain.
Without her amazing bravery, the Orana virus would still be

Ranul's attention returned to Nessa. "So
I've heard. My thanks, Leonessa. Job well done."

The genuine pride in his voice warmed her.
She hoped those simple words represented the first step toward
reconciliation. At a loss for words in response, she nodded her

Never shy, Elder san Gabe stepped forward,
openly beaming. He grasped Nessa's shoulders. "By the Spirit, but
you did well, girl. A true Shielder, through and through."

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