Shifters Gone Alpha (3 page)

Read Shifters Gone Alpha Online

Authors: Michele Bardsley,Renee George,Brandy Walker,Sydney Addae,Lisa Carlisle,Julia Mills,Ellis Leigh,Skye Jones,Solease M Barner,Cristina Rayne,Lynn Tyler,Sedona Venez


Chapter Three


Jonas stood watch at the window holding the AK-47. The winter storm had fizzled, though lazy snowflakes still drifted from the black sky. He’d turned off the porch light. The Kunda would return—the only question was when.

He almost wished the ugly bastard would appear so he’d have something to do other than think about Alice. About her idiotic, moronic, self-sacrificing ass … he made a fist, the urge to punch something so strong his hand quivered. He understood why she’d done it. He did. But she hadn’t understood that he would not live without her. It would be like living without breath, without heartbeat.

Had she really believed that she somehow loved him more than he loved her? Or that he would simply work through his grief until he could find a replacement wife with a working womb?

He uncurled his fist and sucked in a ragged, harsh breath.

After she’d finished her bath, they’d sat at the tiny table to dine on soup and crackers. There was too much silence between them.

Now, while he stood watch at the window, Alice washed their dishes.

Underneath the oversized shirt—one of his, he noted—he’d watched the seductive sway of her breasts. The rigid points of her nipples revealed she was either cold or thinking about him. Maybe she was just thinking about what he was capable of doing to her.

He wanted her. Even now, as he returned his gaze to the snow-filled darkness and tried to keep his mind on business, his ears were tuned to her movements. He heard the patter of her socked feet on the hardwood floor. She stopped just behind him.

He turned to face her and nearly lost his ability to breathe. She looked so small and vulnerable. He knew better, of course. She always underestimated herself. She was scrappy, but she hated to be called scrappy. He studied her face—the upturned nose, the elfin chin, the sloped angles of her cheeks. Her hair wasn’t a single color. Interspersed in the cocoa strands were glints of auburn and gold. Her chocolate-brown eyes were flecked with green—too dark to be called hazel, but more complex than brown.

Alice’s gaze strayed to the window. “It won’t be back tonight.” She bit down on her lower lip.

. He could tell it was more information than she wanted to give him. But she wasn’t used to duplicity. She’d never hidden anything from him. Except this.

His heart turned over in his chest.

“We have better ways to spend the time,” he said.

She looked at him then. Desire heated her gaze. He stared at her and tried to restart his lungs. God, she was beautiful. He needed to get it together, but the knot in his throat stalled his ability to speak.

Jonas’s lips claimed hers, and he rejoiced when she melted into his embrace, accepting the rough assault of his kiss. His heart jackknifed and started a wild beat. Jonas dragged her jeans and panties down her legs, and she kicked them away. He walked her backwards then turned her around and pushed her against the small counter space between the sink and the stove.

She knocked the sugar bowl, tea box, and spoon off—all of which clattered on the floor at their feet. Her palms flattened against the laminate. She struggled for breath and her whole body quivered in anticipation, already wet and ready for him.

He fumbled his jeans open, pulled out his cock, hard and heavy, and slid it deeply within her in one smooth stroke. He felt a tension snap in his body as her slick heat gripped his shaft.

He anchored one hand on her hip, holding her firmly while he took her. He reached for her breast with his free hand, twisting her nipple, delighting in her groan of pleasure.

He slid his hand over her stomach and claimed her feminine core. He stroked her clit roughly, and knew from her breathy moans that she was very close to her peak.

“Alice,” he said, his voice low and hoarse. “I love you so goddamn much.”

She orgasmed instantly, and her pulsations triggered his own.

He shouted her name, “Alice!” then groaned as he came, his pleasure fierce.

After their shudders subsided, he leaned forward, resting his head between her shoulder blades. “You are beautiful,” he finally said as he withdrew from her. “I want to worship you.”

He rubbed the ridge of his shaft, which had started to get hard again as he thought of all the ways he wanted to make love to her.
This may be our last night
, he thought. If they couldn’t stop the Kunda then they would die together. He was prepared for that. His brother, Lucas, was the next in the bloodline. He served as beta now, but he’d make a good alpha. Jonas had only shared his and Alice’s secret with his brother, who’d promised to take care of the pack if neither of them returned.

As she straightened, he took her chin into his hand. “I truly love you, Alice.”

“I love you, too, Jonas.”

Her eyes glazed with desire. His balls tightened. God, she was so incredibly responsive. If the Kunda didn’t kill him, his raging lust for her would.

She wetted her lower lip with her tongue. He leaned down and swiped his own across her mouth. “Get ready for me, babe.”

* * *

Naked, Alice lay against the quilt and awaited Jonas. Her hard nipples poked into the soft material. Her skin prickled in the cold air. She should have been begging him to leave, not giving him every reason to stay. After all, the Kunda had warned her. She could get rid of Jonas and accept her fate, or the Kunda would probably kill them both. She’d never witnessed a sacrifice to Kunda, so she had no idea what to expect. Given its ghoulish appearance, she couldn’t believe it would be anything pleasant.

But she didn’t want to think about that.

Not now.

She studied her gorgeous mate. Those green eyes of his thawed the room in the same way they had thawed her heart. Her body heated under his weighted gaze.

“Stretch your arms above your head,” he commanded.

She complied instantly. She never felt more powerful than when she fully submitted to Jonas. She loved the way he cared for her, body and soul, when he took charge. In this moment, she needed to feel powerful. Needed to feel cared for.

Her breath quickened when Jonas rounded the bed and squatted down. He showed her the leather, fleece-lined cuffs. “These were in my pack. Remember, when we went to the cabin for our first anniversary?”

She nodded. “It was magnificent.”

It had been the first time Jonas had introduced her to true submission. He’d rewarded her trust by taking her to heights of bliss beyond her wildest imagination.

He placed the cuffs on each of her wrists, tightening the leather wraps. He picked up the short chain that connected them. “Break the chain if you need to.”

She nodded once, but she wouldn’t. She trusted him to take her to the very edge, physically and emotionally.

Jonas smiled. “Close your eyes, babe.”

She did. Now, she was completely vulnerable to Jonas and his every sexual whim. That both titillated and terrified her.

She heard him moving around. Without sight, her werewolf senses were super honed to every wisp of sound, from his heavy breaths to the rustle of sheets, as he joined her on the bed.

Her whole body quaked for Jonas. She craved him. His touch. His words. His approval.

Why on earth would she ever give him up? Why hadn’t she fought harder for them? For love? Guilt settled into her belly like acid.

His hands snaked around her thighs. His mouth pressed against her very core. Then his wicked tongue tortured her, sucking away the evidence of her desire while teasing her clit. His clever tongue darted in and out of her, the strokes rough and fast. Bliss coiled tight and hot. But just as an orgasm threatened to overwhelm her, Jonas pulled away.

She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

Her patience was rewarded as he inserted two fingers inside her and then started licking her clit again. The thrust of his fingers matched the thrusts of his tongue.

Just when she would’ve tipped over the edge again, Jonas withdrew his fingers and stopped the lovely tongue-lashing. Sweat dripped between her breasts and her whole body felt on fire. She wanted relief, but at the same time, the denial of her pleasure only stoked her higher.

Jonas kissed each of her hips and licked her belly. His tongue dipped into her navel and sucked out the moisture pearled in the tiny concave.

Without sight, every touch was exponentially increased. He was so good at torturing her.

She loved it.

“I’m going to take you,” he said in a low voice. His breath rolled over her left hip as he scraped his teeth across her flesh. Her heart stuttered as he stood up. He left for a brief moment. When he returned, he wasted no time fitting his cock against her entrance. He grabbed her waist and lifted her.

As he slid his cock inside her, she wrapped her legs around his waist and placed her shackled wrists over his head. Her arms clenched around his shoulders.

Oh, God. She inhaled a steadying breath, tightened her grip around his waist and neck, and used what leverage she had to meet his thrusts.

Her tender breasts rubbed against his lightly furred chest, her distended nipples getting electric thrills with every raw movement.

Jonas filled her, stroking her higher and higher.

“Alice,” he whispered, “my heart.”

Her bliss erupted instantly.

His groan intertwined with her low cries, and then he pressed deeply inside her, his hands digging into her as he came. Unbelievably, she went over the edge again, her whole body aflame as she rode a second wave into bliss.


Chapter Four


Alice awoke in absolute darkness. For a panicked moment she thought she was blind but then realized the fire in the cabin had gone out.

It’s always darkest before the dawn
. Her mother said that.
Wait long enough, darling, and the sun will come up. You’ll find your way again

It was close to sunrise. The silence was eerie, almost expectant. She couldn’t help but think of the Kunda. Was it outside? Waiting?

Or did they have more time?

She sensed Jonas next to her in the bed. The man didn’t snore.

Was he perfect or what?

A large, warm hand slid over her chest. Alice smiled as Jonas rolled on top of her and lavished attention on her breasts. He sucked her nipple into the warm cave of his mouth, flicking the aching tip with his tongue.

Alice wrapped her legs around his and pushed her slickening heat against his hard length. He tormented her other breast as one of his hands drifted down her side.

His movements were lazy, each touch and kiss designed to stoke the fires slowly. She writhed under him to touch as much of his body with her own. She enjoyed Jonas’s gentle conquering of her body. By the time his cock slid inside her, she was more than ready for his final subjugation.

He slid his arms under her shoulders and increased his rhythm. She wrapped her legs around his waist and met every thrust.

Jonas adjusted his angle and pounded into her harder and faster. She felt electrified. The sweet tendrils of orgasm coiled tightly.

He kissed her, slowly, gently, and once again, sent her over the sparkling edge. She arched against him, crying out, as she spun higher into the glossy bliss.

Moments later, he came, thrusting inside her until his climax waned.

Even as she reveled in the aftermath of their lovemaking, Alice sensed something was wrong. The darkness was not so much outside, but all around them. She suddenly felt as though she couldn’t breathe. Oh no. She’d selfishly let Jonas stay too long. The Kunda would take whatever it wanted now, and that might include her mate.


He understood what she couldn’t voice. He rolled off her and onto the floor.

The spirit appeared in a flash of orange flame.

Terror seized Alice. She heard the Kunda screech and felt its cold wail all the way to her soul. Its bony feet scrabbled on the floor as it ran toward the bed.

Where the hell was Jonas?

“You have to go,” she cried out. “Run, babe!”

“No!” he roared.

Panic had her twisting on the bed. She saw the multiple flares of lights before her ears registered the AK-47’s loud reports. In those brief flashes, she saw the tattered face of the Kunda.

“Just… just let me go, you stubborn ass!”

“Never!” he yelled.

You’re right, little werewolf. He is stubborn.

Don’t hurt him!

He made his choice

The Kunda was nearly to the bed. Jonas, naked and magnificent, fired directly into the creature’s face until the weapon was emptied. The Kunda gurgled and moaned, scratching at its face. Alice heard the metallic ring of bullets falling out its skull onto the floor.

Then it dove at her husband.

Alice heard the sickening crunch of snapping bone. Jonas’s thick cry of pain jolted her. Damn it! She rolled off the bed and onto the floor. She heard the vicious connection of fist against flesh. She flinched. Who’d gotten in that punch? The low groan was male.

“Jonas!” Heart pounding and palms sweaty, Alice stood and snapped on the lamp.

The Kunda had Jonas by the throat, squeezing the life out of him. Her brave mate struggled against the pressure crushing his neck, but she could see he was losing the battle. He tried to shift, but somehow the Kunda’s torment kept her husband in a half-changed state.

Please, Kunda! Please, spare him! I will go with you. You can have me. My soul. Whatever it is you want

Its sightless gaze found hers. The Kunda’s heavy sigh infiltrated her mind.
You are both stubborn. You fight well. You love more than any I have known before. Such qualities benefit the pack. Why did you call me for sacrifice?

I cannot have the alpha’s babies

It tilted its head. Then it released Jonas, who fell to the floor like a bag of bricks. Her husband flopped onto his side and clutched his throat. Jonas’s wide gaze was on Alice, fear and love colliding in his green eyes, but he was obviously incapacitated. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

“I love you!” she cried, throwing herself at the monstrous spirit.

The Kunda pinned her against the wall and put one large, bloody hand on her stomach. Its skeletal fingers pressed against her flesh. She felt searing heat all the way to her spine.

She closed her eyes. This was it. She would be sacrificed.

You will let him live?
she asked the spirit.

, said the Kunda.

Heat flared, and she gasped. She hadn’t thought about how she would die. But death by this internal fire was… was terrible. How could she be surprised, though? She was Fire Pack. And the Kunda was its sacred spirit.

When would it be over?

She choked back a cry.

The Kunda stepped back and removed its hand from her belly.

Now you can have the alpha’s babies

She opened her eyes and stared up at the Kunda.

You must ask the spirits for what you need, little werewolf. Sacrifice is not noble, if it is not necessary
. It reached out one bony finger and tapped the spot where her heart beat like a primal drum.
Trust in love. Always

The Kunda offered her a final, regal nod… and then it faded into smoke and drifted away.

“Alice,” whispered Jonas. He’d gotten to his knees, and he looked as though the color had been bleached from his skin.

“It’s okay,” she said. She kneeled beside him and stroked the hair away from his sweaty brow. She took Jonas’s hand and put it on her stomach. “The fire spirit healed me. Are you hurt?”

“Nothing I can’t manage.” Jonas leaned in and kissed her fiercely. “Don’t ever pull this shit again,” he said.

“I won’t,” she promised. She glanced at the bed. “Since we’re both going to live, you want to make a baby now?”

“Yes,” he said, grinning. “Hell, yes.”

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