Read Shifters of Grrr 2 Online

Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Wednesday Raven,Terra Wolf,Alannah Blacke,Christy Rivers,Steffanie Holmes,Cara Wylde,Ever Coming,Annora Soule,Crystal Dawn

Shifters of Grrr 2 (6 page)

He reached down and I felt his fingers touch my semi through my underwear and I broke our kiss to sigh.

My parents were downstairs and I as much as I wanted to take things further with Henry, I couldn't risk it.

"We have to be careful." I whispered, our faces still almost touching.

"I don't care who sees." He said back, looking into my eyes, "I've spent years pretending to be who they want me to be, I have to do things for

I knew what he was saying. In other words, he was going to go against his family and let the world know he was gay. If he did that, it meant that I'd be thrust into the limelight and
wasn't ready for that. I wasn't ready for my family and friends to know that I was gay. How could I explain what it was that I was feeling when not even I knew it myself?

Henry slid his hand away from my slightly wilting erection.

"We need to go somewhere private." He said, his lips touching my ear. "Get dressed and let's get..."

The door knocked and opened causing us both to jumped apart. I hurriedly covered my arousal with some clothes from beside me as my mom walked in with a tray of sandwiches.

She smiled at a flushed and red-faced Henry, offering him something to eat.

"I've made crust-less cucumber sandwiches." She beamed. "They're very Royal with afternoon tea. Would you like some? I've tried to make something British."

He looked at me.

"I suppose I could stay for a few, you see, Henry and I were going to leave shortly."

"Oh yes! Of course!" She turned to me also and frowned. "Put some clothes on Caleb for heavens sake!"

She set the tray down on the bed, smiled one more time at Henry and closed the door behind her as she left.

"I think your mother likes me." He whispered as we heard her walk away from the room and we both laughed.

We'd had a close call. My mom could easily have walked in on us and I just wasn't at that stage yet.

Henry crossed the room towards me and I felt his arm snake around my waist.

"Are you going to leave with me?" he asked.

I thought about it, thought about private time with no distractions and I knew just how much I wanted it.
it. I had to explore what the feelings were that I'd been having for him. I had to understand them before I told him how I felt.

He kissed me on the cheek, picked up the tray and opened the door.

"I'll be downstairs waiting."

I watched him leave before throwing myself onto the bed.

What was I getting myself into?

Prince Henry

The car pulled up alongside the River City hotel and I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Once I went in there, there was no going back. If I allowed myself to have sex with him and deepen my feelings for someone who wasn't a Winchester, my fate would be decided. I'd be without an heir, but again, I knew what I wanted.

I'd spent the whole night running over it again and again in my head. I wanted to be with him and I felt he was worth the risk.

Arabella was nice enough but she wasn't what I wanted. I couldn't bring myself to marry someone that I had no feelings for whatsoever knowing that the real person I wanted was out there somewhere.

The driver walked round and opened the car door. I looked back at Caleb, confused, watching me.

"I'll go first." I said, straightening up my shirt and getting out. I closed the door behind me and walked up to the desk.

The receptionists stared at me, stunned.

"Um, morning Prince Henry..."

"I'd like to collect the keys for the room I booked. Just to check in really."

It took four of them to fumble clumsily as they prepared my room keycard.

"On official business today?" one of them asked as they handed my card back. I nodded, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Yes, um, yes. Something like that."

She smiled and I hurried away as the hotel lobby started to fill with people looking at me and me only.

I shouldn't have gone there, I shouldn't have left the palace without security but I just wanted to be alive again. I wanted to do what I wanted, when I wanted and walking around without several suits following close behind made me feel free.

I let out the breath I'd been holding as the lift doors closed and all the people who'd started to gather were shut out.

They opened again to an empty corridor and I got out and hurried to the penthouse room door before I bumped into anyone else.

Inside, I sent a message to Caleb, giving the number and the all clear, my hand shaking as I pressed send.

This is what you want
. I told myself over and over but still, it didn't stop my nerves and as I sat and waited, I found them building up inside me.


I jumped as his message came through. It was time. Ignoring the stare of two women, I got out the chauffer driven car and hurried in, past the gossiping receptionists and towards the bright sign for the elevator.

The lobby was full of people excitedly chatting and I knew they must have received a buzz after seeing Henry walk through and even though I was trying to act as laid back as I could, it didn't stop me thinking that everyone knew who I was and knew who I was going up to see.

The elevator pinged as the doors opened and I jumped in, dabbing at the button to close them quickly.

The corridor of the penthouse was long and quiet and as I approached the door, it opened with a click before I touched it. I pushed it slowly, stepping inside.

Henry was there to greet me.

"Come in." He said. "Would you like something to drink?

I looked at the well-stocked mini bar that he'd opened and I knew just how expensive food was in hotel rooms.

He didn't wait for my answer and crossed the room, filling a glass with wine and coming back to hand it to me.

I took it, and he raised his to mine.

"To us and finding each other."

I took a sip before he slid it out of my hands.

"Come and sit with me."

I followed him to the bed and we sat down. He put a hand on my thigh and my cock stiffened as I tried to ignore it and concentrate on him, his nice features and his hypnotizing eyes.

"I don't know what's going on here," he said slowly, "but I really don't want to let it go. Ever since the night of my party I..."

He stopped and looked around me, thinking.

"... The minute I saw you, Caleb and heard you telling me off, I knew you were the one for me and I know it sounds soon and sudden but I've been living a lie for so long, I just want to be free."

I listened to him, hearing everything he said but still feeling torn. When I thought about him and what we could potentially have and how my stomach felt every time I heard his voice, I knew that I was in the right place, doing the right thing but there was also a small part that told me to be careful. Being with him could out my gayness and I just wasn't ready.

"I'm here because I want to be." I whispered.

He smiled, bringing a hand up behind my neck and pulled me closer.

Our lips met and it sent a bolt of electricity through my body and I jumped away, staring into his eyes.

We looked at each other for a moment and between us there was an unspoken mutual consent. We were both adults and we both knew what was coming next.

I reached out for him again and pushed him backwards.

He moaned as my hands moved down his body and I found his dick already a semi.

I undid his pants and heard his gasp against my lips. He stiffened in my hands as I massaged him and he arched his back with my fingers still wrapped around his now very hard cock.

I didn't know that this was what I'd wanted all along, but all I knew was that I was happy and I wanted to please him.

He rolled me onto his back and undid my checkered shirt with eager fingers, fumbling with the buttons before sliding it off my shoulder.

He looked over my body, eyes wide with lust as he ran his fingers over my abs and stomach.

"Keep going." I said, bucking my hips to his delight.

He undone the button on my pants and I kicked them off with my shoes and socks.

His eyes widened again as he caught sight of my full erection pressing against the fabric of my underwear. He put a hand on it and I groaned, throwing my head back against the bed.

He crawled up to my mouth and kissed me keeping his hands firmly in place.

"You don't know what you're doing to me." He said quietly between kisses as I tangled my fingers in his hair.

He broke away to look at me, deep into my eyes and then he kissed his way down my body. Short, brief kisses and I knew where he was going. I felt the mixture of panic and excitement.

He pulled my underwear away and my dick bounced and bobbed into the air like a homing beacon.

He stared at it and then, without warning bent over and covered it with his mouth. It felt good and I closed my eyes, half sitting up with the pleasure as I felt his tongue on me.

"Henry..." I heard myself moan as I squirmed beneath him. He knew exactly what do to make me almost spill my load in his mouth.

Even though I'd always known that women didn't get my pulses racing, I'd never had a man touch me in that way before and I opened my eyes to look down at his dark head, bobbing up and down on my cock and I groaned again. How my life had changed.

I threw my hands out to the side, grabbing anything I could which happened to be handfuls of the thick white sheets as the tension built up in me. God, the experience of having a man bringing me to orgasm was so pleasurable that I didn't know how long I could hold on for.

Could I really come in the Prince's mouth? Was that something that I would live to be mortified about?

I felt his hand cup my balls and I cried out.

"I can't hold on..." I groaned, fighting the battle with myself to last longer.

"Let go." He whispered with a mouth still full of my dick and I felt the pressure almost release.

The tension in my body built up so much that my vision was blurred and I heard myself calling out as wave after wave of pleasure rushed through me. I convulsed on the bed, shaking as I came and reached down grabbing handfuls of his thick dark hair in my hands.


My body jerked as I felt my cum spurt out into his mouth. He took as much of it in as he could and the sight of him sucking with my juice leaking from the corner of his mouth sent another wave of pleasure through me.

I released my tight grip on his hair and he ran his hands up over my stomach as my body shuddered with aftershocks.

I tried to regain my composure but I could barely move, laying spread out in front of him.

He let my now soft cock fall from his mouth and got up, wiping away the last of my cum from his lips.

"Oh God!" I groaned feeling the tingle over my body.

He laughed and laid himself beside me.

"I just..." I began, but he pressed his lips against mine, kissing me.

I put my hand around his waist and pulled at the edges of his shirt causing him to break away, roll off the bed and stand up.

We watched each other as he undressed, undoing the buttons of his shirt while he looked directly into my eyes. I sat up as he pulled the crisp white material over his arms and let it fall to the floor.

His muscles flexed as he pulled his belt off and removed his pants.

My eyes travelled down the front of him to rest on the bulge in his boxer briefs and I felt my own dick twinge again. Was it really possible that I could come again?

He crawled across the bed, straddling me and I saw his hard cock straining against the cotton, begging to be freed.

I reached out to hold it as he leant forwards, kissing me again and running his hands up over my arm to cup my face.

I didn't know where to put my hands so I ran them up his smooth, solid back. He arched it, moaning against my lips and pressing his raging erection into my stomach, pushing backwards and forwards.

He pulled back moaning slightly and looking at me.

"I shouldn't be doing this." He whispered.

I pulled his face back to mine.

"I want it." I said, hungrily devouring him again but he resisted and closed his eyes, breathing fast.

"Hey, you okay? What's up?" I lifted myself up on my elbows to fully take a hold of situation.

Our lips were inches apart.


When he opened his eyes again, I jumped.

They were wild, almost vacant and I saw a glimpse of someone else in them. I knew I'd seen that look before. Back when I'd been in his room and they were chaining him to the bed. He'd looked out of control, feral and lying there underneath him with his mouth almost touching my face, I saw it again.

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