Shifting Gears: The Complete Series (Sports Bad Boy Romance) (80 page)

I watched him take the water the trainer
was offering him. He swished and spit and then made his way out of the octagon
and straight over to me. I was suddenly in his arms and as we kissed, the crowd
around us cheered us on.



The next day Greg closed down the gym to
the public and they had a huge party for Paul. All of the usual suspects were
there and everyone had brought food. Poor Paul was still so sore that standing
up was a struggle, but you still couldn’t tell it by looking at him. He’d taken
a couple of the pain pills and gone to the party like the tough guy he was. It
was fun watching him talk to everyone about the fight. His face was genuinely
glowing with happiness. He finally had his life back. Mitch was out of it,
Marie and Victor were safe and he was the champion that he deserved to be.

I was picking something that looked like
mini-quiches and tasted like little bites of heaven off of Sam’s plate when I
felt Paul’s arms go around my waist from behind. The food was suddenly
forgotten and I let my body meld back against his.

I turned my head to try and look at him
and he kissed me.

That was enough for Sam. “Oh Geez. There’s
a cot in the back, you two.”

Paul grinned, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in
mind.” Sam rolled his eyes and walked away as Paul spun me around to face him.
I was prepared for him to come in for another kiss when I suddenly realized
he’d frozen somewhere along the way. I opened my eyes and saw that he was
staring at something over my shoulder and he didn’t look happy about it. I
twisted my neck around and saw Marie and Justin standing over by the far wall
and embroiled in what looked like an intimate, flirtatious conversation.

“What the hell is that about? How does she
even know that guy?” The brother radar was suddenly activated.

“I introduced them last week,” I told him.
“You should have seen them; it was like love at first sight.”

“Don’t say that!”

“Whoa, calm down. I was kidding about the
love part. But the attraction was definitely instant and definitely mutual.”

“A man is not what she needs right now.”

I laughed, “And just who are you to decide
that. How long has it been since your sister was comfortable enough with her
life to go out on a date?”

Paul looked like he was thinking that over
before he said, “Years. But still…Who is this guy anyways? I just started
seeing him around recently…”

“He’s a nice guy. He runs marathons and
he’s really good. He wins more than he loses. He’s a vegan; he takes really
good care of himself. He doesn’t smoke or do drugs…he speaks highly of his

“You sound like you want to date him,” he

“I did make him sound like quite the
catch, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you kind of did. As a matter of
fact, maybe I want to date him.” I hit him in the arm and even before he winced
I realized what I did.

“I’m sorry!”

He laughed and put that arm around me.
“It’s fine. I barely felt it. So you think this guy is okay to date my sister?”

“I do,” I said. “You know how much I like
Marie and Victor. I wouldn’t say that if I wasn’t really sure that he was a
good guy.”

“Fine. I’ll try to keep an open mind.”

A while later while I was joking with Mark
I noticed Paul had gone over and was talking to Justin. The conversation seemed
friendly but I’d be willing to bet that Paul was listing out the “Rules for
dating my sister.” Justin was a good enough sport though that I was sure he
wouldn’t take offense.

After everyone ate, Greg and Sam and Jeff
and some of the other fighters that we trained at the gym toasted…or more like
“roasted” Paul. They told funny stories about things that he said or did over
the time they had known him and everyone laughed.

It was a good time, but when Paul put his
mouth close to my ear again and said, “Hey sexy, are you ready to get out of
here?” I couldn’t say “Yes” fast enough.

Paul drove and when I realized we weren’t
going towards either of our apartments I said, “Are you kidnapping me?”

He wiggled his eyebrows and said, “I was
thinking about it.”

“Is it still considered kidnapping if I’m

“I don’t think so,” he said, “But I also
plan to do things to you.”

I felt a tingle in the lower part of my
abdomen. It had been a while since either of us had been healthy enough to “do
“What kind of things?”

“Things I can’t even talk about. There
aren’t any words for them…only feelings.”

The tingle turned into a rush of wetness
as we drove into the small lot alongside the arena where his fight had been the
night before. “What are we doing here?” I asked him.

“Things,” he said with a grin. He got out
of the car and came over and opened my door. “You’re my captive, remember? You
have to do what I say.”

“Okay, but if you’re planning on breaking
into this place, and we get caught, I revert right back into a victim.”

“Coward,” he said, taking my hand. He led
me towards the side entrance, stopping at a thin door that had a sign that
said, “Custodial Staff” on it. He knocked and it was opened by a small man with
dark hair and a mustache.

“There’s the champ!” he said, clasping his
hands on either side of Paul’s face. He noticed me then and said, “Hello young


“Mario, this is Jessie. Jessie, Mario.
He’s our link to this place so you don’t have to worry about the SWAT team
busting in on us.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jessie,”
Mario said.

“Thank you. It’s good to meet you too.”

I watched as Mario put a silver key into
Paul’s hand and said, “Just be gone before Sadie gets here at six. She’s a
grouch. Drop the key in the mail slot before you go.”

“Thanks Mario,” Paul told him. He took my
hand again and we went over to the big side door. Paul opened it and we stepped
inside. It was pitch black inside and the air smelled like left over stale
sweat from the night before. Paul flipped a switch on the wall behind us and
the lights came on. The place looked a lot bigger without all the bodies crammed
into it. The smell was still lingering, but everything looked shiny and clean.
He led me over to the octagon and opened it up. “After you,” he said. I stepped
inside and he stepped in after me.

I looked around and said, “I’m not sure
this is the best place to be with the champion. You might have a flashback or
something and want to defend your title.”

He used his body to press me up against
the side of it and said, “That’s why I brought you here. I wanted to teach you
a few moves.”

“Wow, I’m honored.”

“You should be,” he said, “I am the
champion after all.”

I twisted out of his grip and lifted my
leg, tapping him on the butt with it. “Take that, “champion.”

“Oh that’s how you want it to be, huh?” he
said with a grin. “Put those fists up; let’s see what you’ve got.” I put them
up and he put up his and we danced around, throwing fake punches at each other
until he finally grabbed my arm as I threw one and pulled me up against his
chest. With his mouth inches from mine he said, “Admit that I’m the

I giggled and said, “Do I get rewarded for
being a good girl if I do?”

He moved his hips slightly and I felt his
erection press up against my stomach. “I was hoping more for the bad girl,” he
said before he brought his lips crashing down onto mine.

When we came up for air I told him, “You
were amazing yesterday, just in case I forgot to tell you.”

“I’ve been inspired lately,” he said. He
wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly before leaning down and kissing
me passionately once more. I ran my tongue across his full, sexy lips and when
I got to the split in the corner he winced.

“Damn! I’m sorry, I forgot.”

“It’s a beautiful kind of pain,” he said.
He put his lips on mine again and as his tongue slipped back into my mouth; his
hands ran down my back and cupped my ass. He squeezed and massaged it as his
tongue explored all the caverns of my mouth. He began to move it in and out,
slowly and as he did, I sucked on it. I felt him moan against my lips and he
used his hands on my cheeks to pull my pelvis in tightly against his. I could
feel his erection straining to get out and I couldn’t wait to set it free.

I slid my hands up inside the back of his
t-shirt and ran my fingernails gently up his back as I slid his shirt off. My
body was tingling with excitement as I felt his hot skin pressed up against me.
I kissed his chest and ran my tongue across the smooth hard muscle while my
fingers continued to explore the muscles across his back and shoulders. I felt
his hands on my skin underneath my shirt and my breasts spilled out against my
shirt as he undid my bra.

He pulled it all off of me in one swoop
and then pulled me back up against him. I shuddered when I felt my hard nipples
against his hot skin. He brought his hands up and cupped my breasts while he
slid his tongue back into my mouth. He began kneading them and rolling and
pinching my nipples. I moaned into him and while he pinched and pulled on my
nipples I moved my hands down and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. I broke
our kiss and pushed them down, taking his boxers with them. He slid a condom
out of his pocket before I had them out of his reach. When I got them down as
far as his lower calves he slipped out of his shoes and stepped out of them.
The entire time, he had my breasts still held firmly in his hands.

I stood back up and took his hard cock in
my hand. As I stroked it gently he leaned down and put his mouth back against
my ear and said, “Having sex with a smokin’ hot babe in the octagon has always
been a fantasy of mine.”

“Hmm, well then by all means, let’s take
care of that fantasy right now.” I let my hand run down his shaft and between
his legs, squeezing his balls gently. Then remembering his ribs I slid my hand
gently up his side and said, “Are you sure you’re ready?”

baby, I’ve never been more ready.” His voice was deep and husky and his cock
was jerking against me. I wasn’t going to argue with any of that. I slid down
to my knees on the mat underneath us and looking up into his eyes I caught the
head of his cock between my lips and I heard him take in a sharp breath as I
began to suck on it gently. I let him slide in a little deeper each time before
letting it slide back out and starting over. I had my hand wrapped around the
base of it and I continued to squeeze and stroke and massage his balls as I
sucked, eventually taking it all it until the head of his engorged cock was
throbbing in the back of my throat. He moaned loudly and wrapped his hands up
in my hair. He started moving his hips more urgently, guiding my mouth with his
hands in my hair as he did. I licked and sucked as he pumped his hips until he
let out one last loud groan and in one swift motion he pulled me back up to my
feet. He kissed me again and then taking my hand, he led me over to the corner
of the cage. He kissed me again as he unbuttoned my jeans and then he slid his
lips down and let them find one of my swollen nipples as he pushed them and my
panties down. When he got them down as far as he could reach, I wiggled out of
them so that he didn’t have to stop what he was doing. After I stepped out of
them he moved his mouth over to the other one and used his tongue to lick and
rub and press against it. I felt the wetness begin to ooze slowly down between
my thighs. I suddenly felt his fingers stroking the tops of my thighs, playing
softly in the silky wetness there. He brushed his hand softly against my pussy
as he did, causing me to bite down on my own lip to keep from crying out.

pressed me up against the cold metal support beam and I did let out a little
cry of surprise. “Sorry,” he said with another sexy grin.

be,” I told him. “I’m so fucking turned on right now.”

I felt him still smiling as he covered my
mouth with his and let his fingers move up from my thighs and stroke the outer
lips of my pussy. “Mmm! You’re so wet, baby.”

“You do that to me,” I told him in a
breathless voice. I felt him shift his body and he kissed me hard and
passionately as his fingers magically rolled the condom over his sweet cock.
Then suddenly his wet fingers were back on one of my breasts and the head of
his cock was pressing against my wet opening.
He pinched my nipple with his thumb and forefinger and pulled his head
back so he could look into my eyes as he thrust himself all the way inside of
me. I cried out again, this time in pleasure and not surprise. I clung tightly
to his shoulders and arched my back as he pumped in and out of me. He was still
twisting and pulling on my nipples and it all felt so good that I actually
began to feel dizzy. My fingernails were digging into his broad shoulders and
my lips found his neck and sucked the supple flesh there in between my teeth.

“Oh fuck baby! You feel so good,” he
growled. He was moving fast, thrusting hard, and slamming his body into mine. I
wondered about the pain but I was so consumed with pleasure and he seemed to be
in the same place that I was, that I assumed the adrenaline and endorphins were
taking care of it for him. Every nerve ending in my body was screaming out with
pleasure each time his hips slammed into mine, pressing me up against the
corner of the cage as he drove into me and we both took what we needed from
each other.

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