Sidney’s Triple Shot [Apache Crossing] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (18 page)

“That’s enough, Lumpy. Sidney needs to rest for a little bit,” Tyce said softly as Sidney cried openly into his chest.

She heard the other two men leave, and it took her a few moments to realize that her men hadn’t moved at all. They still held her and touched her, just like yesterday morning when she had broken down in their arms. They were still there for her. In fact they were there at the expense of their business, which was their entire life. Noah had left the bar when Tyce called him and relayed Sidney’s request that he be there, and Xavier had called in a couple of employees to work tonight so that he and his brothers could stay home with her.

The last piece of ice surrounding her heart melted as the weight of her secrets lifted, and she sighed heavily into Tyce’s neck as the tears finally slowed. A hand under her chin brought her swollen eyes open, and she lifted her head to look directly into Xavier’s eyes.

“Thank you for telling us, baby. We needed to know. I’m so sorry he hurt you so badly, and I promise you that we will protect you with our lives,” he said as they shared a profoundly emotional moment. His gaze never wavered from hers, and he never once looked at her like she wasn’t worthy of him. His eyes held a slew of emotions that Sidney couldn’t quite accept yet, and she finally smiled a little at him.

“I know. I believe that you three will do everything in your power to keep me safe,” she said, and all three men smiled broadly.

It was Noah who shocked her to the bone with his words. “Damn straight, honey. You’re our woman now, and nobody threatens a Dawson.”

Sidney jerked her head around to gape openmouthed at Noah. “What?” she whispered.

Noah and his brothers exchanged a look before he smiled a little guiltily at her. “Sorry, I guess I got carried away. Maybe I should have reworded that. We hope that you will be our woman, but we will protect you regardless.”

“What do you mean
your woman
?” she asked, her voice still a shocked whisper. She was afraid to hope that he meant it like she wanted him to.

Xavier tugged on her chin again until she turned her dumbfounded eyes back to his. “Sidney, you know in your heart how we feel about you. We want you as our woman, long-term.”

“All of you? And me? Together?
of you?” she squeaked, feeling more than a little overwhelmed. Fantasizing about it and being asked to participate in it were two completely different things, and she wasn’t sure if she could handle a relationship with all of them.
Who am I kidding?
This is exactly what I wanted and didn’t think I could have, she thought. The thought drew a small smile to her lips, and she dropped her gaze to her lap again. She fidgeted under their watchful eyes, unsure of the right thing to say to them.

“Love, if you keep squirming like that, I’m going to take you right here on the couch.” Tyce growled against her ear, and she gasped, realizing that his cock had hardened and was now pressing into her soft ass.

“I…I…” she stuttered and felt her whole body tingling. She didn’t know how to tell them she wanted them, too, and she really was a little scared of taking them all on at once.

“Shhh…it’s okay. We’re pushing you too fast. We’ll just back off and talk about this later,” Noah said, trying to soothe her.

“No, Noah. That’s not it. It’s just that…well…I’ve never even heard of a real relationship like what you guys are asking me for. What would people say? Isn’t that illegal?” she asked, blushing at her ignorance.

“It’s not illegal to have a relationship, but it is illegal to marry more than one person. If we get that far, I would be your legal husband, because I’m the oldest,” Xavier said, and her face paled. They were talking about marriage now? When did they jump ahead to that?

She wasn’t going to start a relationship with three men. It was just a dark fantasy. There is no way they would find support in the community. She finally spoke again. “If people found out, they would shut your bar down.”

Noah laughed out loud, drawing her attention. “Actually, honey, Apache Crossing has a few unusual relationships around here. The population is fairly open-minded and wouldn’t really care one way or another.”

“Unusual relationships? There are people living here like that?” She couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice. She had envisioned dating one of these brothers, but certainly not all three. Now to find out that they really wanted to share her just blew her mind.

“Well, let’s see, there’s Ridge and Zane Anderson who own the hardware store. They are married to Marie Blake. Marie’s mother Jessamine was married to Josiah and Nathanial Blake. That would be Nathan and Jaxon Blake’s grandparents,” Noah said with the twinkle of amusement in his eyes, and Sidney realized that her mouth was hanging open when Tyce put his finger to her chin.

“Of course we also have Benjamin and Isaac, those two boys have been together for at least a dozen years now. They run Apache Estates, the local real estate company, and are two of the most honest men I’ve ever met. There’s also Melanie and Darcy, who drove to Iowa last summer when they made it legal there for them to get married. I think you met Darcy at The Bop. They are great women who are always laughing,” Noah said, and he started to laugh. “Honey, you should see the look on your face right now.”

Sidney blushed and ducked her head to stare at her lap. “I’m sorry, but this is new to me.”

“Don’t be sorry, love. We want you to ask questions. The last thing we want is to scare you off,” Tyce said softly, and he kissed her temple.

After a tense silence she spoke again. “How does it work exactly? And is this just a fling to get rid of some itch you have?” she asked, forcing herself to look them each in the eye as she spoke.

“You are not a fucking itch. Get that out of your head right now,” Xavier snapped angrily, and she flinched, pulling herself farther away from him and into Tyce.

“It works however we make it work, love. We just need you to be open-minded and let us show you how good it can be between us,” Tyce said softly, trying to soothe the rough edges of Xavier’s frustration. His arms held her protectively, and his fingers stroked her ribs on one side and her upper thigh on the other. It was deliciously wicked to be sitting on top of his hard erection with him snuggling her deeper into his embrace and running his hands over her.

“I’m not really that experienced with men, and I honestly don’t know if I can handle a man in my life at all, much less three of them. You guys aren’t easygoing men either. I don’t want to be bullied ever again in this lifetime,” she said sadly with a pointed glare at Xavier.

Xavier moved over to the window to stare outside with a heavy sigh, and she regretted her words. She didn’t mean to upset him. Pulling herself up off of Tyce’s lap, she walked over to him and put her hand on his arm. “I’m not angry with you, Xavier, but you have to be patient with me. All I have ever experienced from people that I have trusted has been harsh. I’m sorry I can’t help but be disenchanted with romantic relationships. I can’t let you in so easily.” Her voice cracked, and she swallowed hard. She never imagined herself talking to him like this.

He turned to her and held his hand out, waiting to see if she would accept him. When she placed her small hand into his much larger one, he tugged her in front of him with her back to his chest and his chin on her head. “Sidney, I think I’m falling for you, and I don’t like this feeling of being out of control of my emotions. I’ve never experienced it. I’m a dominant man, and I have certain needs that I’m worried you won’t like.”

Tipping her head to the side to look up at him, she frowned. “Like what?”

Xavier’s hesitation hurt, and she almost pulled out of his grip. “Have you ever heard of a Dominant-submissive relationship, baby?” She could feel her own heart thudding so hard she was afraid it would burst from her chest. She nodded, and he continued, “I’m a sexual Dominant. I need to be in control in the bedroom, no matter what. I need a woman that is sexually submissive and will let me lead. You’re submissive, but I’m worried that you will balk if I try to take control, because of what you have been through.”

The room was deathly quiet as Sidney mulled over his words. She thought back over her relationship with Robert, and how initially she had enjoyed his dominating ways. She liked taking care of him and pleasing him, so it seemed natural to do as he told her. She didn’t fully understand the lifestyle, and she had never pictured herself trying to live it, but if that’s what Xavier needed, then she hoped she would be able to handle it. She was willing to try anyways.

“So does that mean you need a woman you can physically hurt?” she asked.

He blanched at her question, his face graying. “No! Not at all, baby. I like a little bit of bondage, and discipline, but I’m not a sadist. I don’t need to hurt you to get off. I just need to have your complete trust. Ultimately, I will always be focused on your pleasure, but I want you to submit to me because you trust me enough to do so.”

She tipped her head to look around Xavier, to Tyce and Noah, who still sat on the couch listening to the conversation and waiting for her answer. “What about you two? Are you deviants, too?” she asked with a playful wink. They both grinned, and she could see their relief at her blasé reaction. She hoped that they understood she was trying to accept them the way they were.

Xavier, who didn’t see her wink, let out a loud growl. “Dominant, not deviant, baby. I’m not crazy, just a little bossy.”

“So what? We all have our kinks, Xavier. I have a few of my own, one of them being that I have a really strong urge for a ménage with three brothers,” she said bravely, looking him straight in the eye. She saw his blue eyes flash and his pupils dilate as he heard her words, her stomach flip-flopped, and desire pooled in her panties.

A moment later she felt Tyce at her elbow, and she turned to look at him. “Just for the record, I have a few perversions as well, but they mostly include playing with your pretty little ass,” he said with a wicked grin as he moved in for a kiss. She opened to him even though she still stood in his older brother’s embrace. She felt naughty and sexy as she held on to one man and kissed another. His tongue danced with hers and she moaned into his mouth. Her heart was racing in her chest, and her body tingled everywhere. She could feel Xavier’s hands sliding up her waist to cup her breasts, and then she jumped when he tweaked her nipples. Her cry caused Tyce to lift his head from her lips and smile at her again.

“Damn, you make the sexiest sounds, love,” Tyce said as he ran his hand over the curve of her ass.

She shook her head and then realized that Noah was standing on her other side, patiently waiting. She hadn’t even so much as kissed him yet. Tyce and Xavier had both kissed her, but she had yet to feel Noah’s lips. Stepping away from the older two brothers, she turned to physically press herself into Noah’s arms. His groan of pleasure as her full breasts met his broad chest encouraged her, and she lifted her hands to the nape of his neck, threading her fingers into his curly hair.

“Noah?” she whispered.

“Yeah, honey?” he moaned as he put his arms around her and cupped her ass. The movement pulled her stomach against his long, thick erection and made her shiver.

“Kiss me,” she demanded, and then she melted as he did just that. His kisses were so different from his brothers.

Xavier was demanding and controlling he took over the kiss and devoured her from the inside out. Tyce was teasing and tempting, and drove her crazy with kisses as soft as butterfly wings and then as sinful as the devil himself. Noah was like a man dying of thirst. He let her take over and control the depth and speed of their touches. He seemed to relish in the fact that she desired him as much as he did her, and he let her have her way. It was a heady feeling to have such a large man in her arms letting her be in control.

When they finally broke apart, Sidney was panting for breath and more than a little bit turned on. She could feel the heat on her cheeks and throat, and her jeans were soaked between her thighs. She wriggled a little bit against him and grinned when he groaned.

“Fuck, honey, you’re going to kill me!” Noah moaned into her throat, suckling and nipping at her collarbone.

She laughed out loud, and it seemed to be all the encouragement that Tyce and Xavier needed to join back in. Suddenly there were hands everywhere, stripping her clothes off and caressing her electrified skin. Goose bumps broke out over her arms as Tyce tugged her sports bra over her head and then took a hardened nipple into his mouth. Xavier was behind her again, but this time his hands were at her waist, unbuttoning her jeans and tugging them over her curvy hips. When her jeans and panties hit her ankles, she automatically stepped free of them.

All three men stopped to just stare at her naked body, until she grew uncomfortable at their penetrating gaze. She started to pull her arms over her breasts to hide them from view, but Xavier’s voice stopped her.

“Sidney, put your hands down. We want to see you. All of you.” His tone was sharp, so she didn’t even try to resist him, and instead stared deep into his blue eyes. There was no way she could deny the burning heat in those azure pools.

“Now what?” she asked, unsure of what to do next. She didn’t have to do anything as Xavier lifted her into his arms and carried her down the hallway to his room. She could hear Tyce and Noah following them, and by the sounds she suspected they were stripping their own clothes off.

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