Read SilkenSeduction Online

Authors: Tara Nina

SilkenSeduction (6 page)

“Good.” Evan took her glass and led her to the bed. “We’ve
both had an exhausting day. Why don’t we lie down and talk?”

“T-talk,” Temair stuttered, shooting a nervous glance across
her shoulder at him.

“Yes, talk.” Evan’s smile was reassuring as he helped her
onto the bed.

She watched as he handed her the glass, then walked to the
desk, refreshed his drink and joined her on the opposite side of the bed.

“Here’s to learning more about one another.” He tipped his
glass against hers in a toast, then took a sip.

Temair sipped hers as well. She liked the idea of getting to
know him. Especially if there was even the slightest chance of taking this odd
relationship to the next level. But what level would that be? She took another
sip. They already were intimate in a weird sort of way. God knows her feet knew
the length and size of his cock well, even if she hadn’t actually touched it,
flesh on flesh.

It amazed her that her feet held such skill, and that sex
while clothed in nylons brought her to a phenomenal release. It was an orgasm
her body still hummed from as she settled on his bed. With each touch he had
given her during their sexual play, she had noticed the sensation the nylons
gave to her skin. It was like an invisible, gentle, sensual lover’s caress.
That was something she could get used to, and it was something she never would
have noticed without Evan’s guidance.

Before Temair knew it, they were lying side by side, facing
each other, talking like old friends, even though he was several years her
junior. She wasn’t sure if it was the bottle of wine they managed to finish
between them, or the fact Evan was truly an easy man to talk to. Temair
couldn’t decide as the hours passed.

At some point before they fell asleep, Evan had her
comfortable enough to talk about the darkness that shadowed her life. Somehow
he knew she’d been hurt. Never had she discussed the level of verbal abuse
she’d gotten accustomed to in her last relationship. Her creativity and
business started to truly suffer while with that man. But when he turned from
hateful words to fists, Temair finally had enough and walked away, ready for a
fresh new life. This was something she hadn’t shared with her best friend,
Lisanne, for fear she would have done something irrational to the beast and
ended up in jail.

“Where is he now?” Evan asked with a gentle, caring squeeze
of her hand.

“Last I heard…” Temair shrugged, looking at him. “He was in
rehab. Court ordered after his last DUI, but at least he’s there.”

“You know it’s not your fault.” The sound of his accented
voice was soothing.

“I know,” she replied on a whisper. As if hearing Evan’s
comforting words were enough, Temair finally accepted the fact it wasn’t her
fault. She hadn’t made her ex-lover into the person he became. He did it to
himself, no matter what he’d drilled into her head when they were together.

Lying next to Evan, she realized she was a powerful woman.
She may not be the skinniest, most beautiful woman around, but she knew how to
work what she had to her benefit. The tingling sensations lingering in her feet
reminded her of a new sexual venture she planned to explore more, as she
absently rubbed them together. Evan brushed the hair from her eyes and touched
her face.

“You have a talent with gemstones that needs to shine and
the ability to make it do so. When I look at you, I don’t just see the artist.
I see a beautiful, strong, sexy woman with great legs.” He paused as a sly
smile crossed his lips and a devilish gleam filled his eyes. “And a phenomenal
pair of feet.”

He gathered her hand in his and placed a tender kiss to her
palm. He drew her hand to his chest and tugged her close as he lay back. His
eyes closed. His other arm wrapped around her waist and snuggled her to his
side, without releasing her hand from his chest. The rhythmic beat of his heart
seeped through her skin and urged her heart to match the harmony.

“Evan,” Temair whispered as she settled at his side. “Thank

The heat of his body caressed hers. Their breathing fell in
sync. Her head rested on his shoulder. Their hands linked on his chest in a
heartwarming connection of tenderness. Being in Evan’s arms was a welcomed
release from the hectic world of the jewelry convention. In the safety net his
presence provided, she faded off to sleep.

* * * * *

Sometime in the early-morning hours Temair woke, slipped off
the bed, and gathered her shoes. It was all she could do to force herself to
leave his room. Her conscience reminded her she had obligations. No matter how
bad she wanted to stay and explore this new sexual fetish, she had to go. She
needed to return home in order to be ready for the last day of the convention.
A glance at his debonair good looks as he slept weakened her resolve, and she
almost changed her mind.

At the door, she stopped as an idea struck her and she hoped
she wasn’t being silly with the gift she left behind. Shoes in hand, she
tiptoed from the room, closed the door and hurried to the elevator. For the
first time in her life, she felt liberated of her past.

A younger man found her erotically sensual, and that made
her realize she wasn’t old and unattractive, or stupid and lacking in
creativity. If a man of Evan’s stature found her interesting enough to lie on a
bed and talk the night away with, then she was beautiful.

She’d be damned if she’d fail. This was her time to shine
and today at the convention that was just what she planned to do.

In the lobby, she had the doorman hail her a cab. At this
hour it wasn’t safe for a woman alone to hop the subway or walk the streets.
Barelegged, she crawled into the backseat and smiled the whole way home.

Chapter Six


On a normal day, the lack of sleep would have made her
grumpy, but not today. A renewed sense of self-worth flowed in her veins and
she couldn’t—no, wouldn’t—fail. Temair made every effort to talk, peddle and
praise her designs to each and every person who came within six feet of her

This was her day and she knew it. It didn’t hurt she was
aware of the sensation her hose was giving her legs. She liked the subtle hiss
as she walked or crossed her legs. It made her pussy clench, knowing she wore
no panties, just the soft nylon against her clean-shaven flesh. Every move
tickled her sensitive lower lips and hardened her clit. Working all day on
spiked heels took on a whole new meaning, thanks to Evan. High heels and hose
were now an everyday wardrobe necessity as far as she was concerned. Her legs
never felt so stimulated and neither had her sex.

What did he have in store for her to learn next?
Anticipation kept her energy geared on high.

On and off, she caught herself scanning the crowd for him.
Each glimpse of a bald head set her pulse racing and her inner muscles
tightened. When closer inspection determined it not to be him, disappointment
only fueled her desire. Nothing was stopping her today.

When the buyer for one of the world’s leaders in watch
design stopped at her booth, Temair didn’t falter. Instead she whipped out a
drawing of several ideas she had for interchangeable jeweled watchbands and
faces. He was so impressed he handed her his business card, and set a time to
meet with her during the following week.

The moment he was out of sight, she flopped in the chair to
catch her breath.
Growing a backbone and facing her fears felt
good. Or maybe it was the phenomenal sex. The phone rang and she laughed as she
looked at the caller ID.

“You watching me again?” she teased when she answered.

“Wish I was,” he stated. A hint of sadness laced his sexy accent
and had her sitting upright. “I’m en route to the airport. Have to fly to
London this afternoon.”

“Oh.” Temair’s stomach dropped. He was leaving, just when
things were heating up. But what did she expect? He lived an entire ocean away.

“Temair, thanks for the gift. It’ll remind me of you,

An unstoppable grin crossed her lips and her spirits lifted
when she heard the unmistakable rustle of nylon and his deep inhale through the
phone. He liked what she left behind. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea after all.
Stretching her legs, she slipped off her pumps and rubbed her hose-covered feet
together, enjoying the friction and the phantom feel of his hands on her feet
she knew she would never forget.

“I almost didn’t do that.” She bit her lower lip. Goose bumps
rose along the flesh of her arms at the memory of the sensation of him slipping
them off last night. Hearing he liked that she left them hanging on the
doorknob made her legs tingle.

“I’m glad you did. I wanted to spend another evening with
you. There’s so much more we could explore…” She heard his heavy intake of air
and sensed he was truly disappointed he had to leave. “This matter came up
suddenly this morning.”

“I understand.” Temair sat tall and tried to sound
diplomatic, hoping he didn’t hear her sadness. What she really wanted was round
two in the lesson of erotic foot and leg play, but now…

“Business before pleasure,” she added on a false, cheery

“That seems to be the way of the world. If things were
different…” His voice trailed as if deciding it was best not to finish his
thought. After clearing his throat, he added in a promising tone, “Keep in

“You too,” Temair managed to say before he disconnected.

The erotic timbre of his accent lingered in her ear as she
closed her cell phone and dropped it back into her pocket.

“You too,” she whispered then stood to help the next person
who’d stopped to look at her designs. But her heart wasn’t in it.

* * * * *

Three weeks came and went.

Temair and Lisanne were busier than ever. The trade show
paid off. The watch company she made contact with dropped a contract in her lap
to design their new spring line of watches. The production and advertising for
it would start that winter. It didn’t leave her much time to create, but she
seemed to work better under pressure.

Customer traffic increased. Orders were placed and she was
working her fingers to the bone, making the most creative pieces of her
artistic jewelry career. It was as if a dark cloud had been lifted from her

She thanked Evan for that. Though she hadn’t heard from him,
and didn’t have the guts to email or call, she still thought of him, of the
sensations of pure pleasure he’d taught by simply loving her feet and legs.

Just thinking of him made her shiver, and she paused in her
work. She laid down her tools, turned in her chair, and stretched her arms over
her head and her legs out in front of her. A day hadn’t gone by where she
didn’t wear some form of hosiery and sexy shoes and think of him, of his hands
and the feel of his cock nestled in the grip of her feet. She liked the
empowerment she seemed to derive from the thought of their brief sexual
encounter. Temair wiggled her toes and couldn’t help but stare at the
fascinating appendages.

Sensual little buggers that at the moment were in need of a
pedicure. She snorted as she turned back to the jeweler’s bench. Maybe tomorrow
she’d take an hour and visit the nail salon. She shook her head, knowing no one
would ever love her feet like Evan.

“Hey, Temair,” Lisanne called as she entered the back room
of the shop. “You got a package.
Special delivery
from London.”

Temair froze and her lips parted slightly as she swallowed a
gasp. There was only one person she knew from there.

” Lisanne winked, tossed the package on the
bench in front of her, and turned to answer the ding of the bell above the
store’s front door.

The customer’s arrival gave Temair no chance to question
Lisanne’s odd comment.
What did she mean by that? Temair never
shared her Evan experiences with Lisanne. Curiosity fired to life. What was in
that box? And was she right to suspect it was from Evan? Could it be from
someone else?

Trembling fingers lifted it from the workbench. The package
was not large or heavy. In fact, it was light and the size of a standard
ten-by-twelve-inch box. It didn’t rattle when she shook it. She noted the
return address was marked simply as
, no actual address was listed,
nor was there any sign of postage.

Oh my god!
Her heart skipped a beat. He had a package
delivered to her. Temair’s insides knotted knowing he thought of her. How he
had it delivered didn’t matter. Her hands shook as she worked at the packing
tape and wiggled the box free of the brown paper wrapping. For a moment, all
she could do was stare at the white box. Curiosity got the better of her, and
she lifted the lid.

A beautiful pale-blue notecard sat on top of the neatly
folded tissue paper covering the present. She opened it and read, hearing his
voice inside her head.


For the loveliest set of legs I’ve ever experienced.

Wear these and think of me.

Until next we meet,



Temair peeled back the tissue paper. Carefully, she lifted a
black lace garter complete with silk stockings from the box. The stockings were
made of the softest, sheerest material. She smiled, caressing her cheek with
the stockings. This was a gift she’d cherish, whether she wore them or not
didn’t matter.

Evan Lyndsay had given her more than just a gift. Without
knowing, he gave her an adventure, a phenomenal memory, and the ego boost she’d
desperately needed to reclaim her life.

Wear these.
Definitely not without Evan to guide her
in the next level of foot and leg loving. He opened a door she didn’t want
closed. But she didn’t know how to explore it further without him. Not that she
truly wanted to, not unless he was the one to teach her.

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