Read Silver Fire (Guardians) Online

Authors: Victoria Paige

Silver Fire (Guardians) (36 page)

“Sophie, what the fuck are you doing here?”

Derek stalked over to confront her, but Quint blocked him.

“Stand down, Lockwood.”

“Fuck you, Quint,” Derek snapped as he shoved the other man away, vaguely aware of a fierce exchange of words between Cole and Viktor. Quint shoved back and before either one was able to throw a punch, men from both sides were quick to pull the two apart.

“Derek, stop it!” Sophie said loudly.

“Sophie, get your ass over here!” Derek growled, frustrated at the sea of bodies that separated him from his woman.

Sophie cast him a defiant look but made her way past the CIA team. Quint stretched his arm to stop her, saying, “Don’t let him intimidate you.”

Derek hadn’t had the urge to decapitate someone before, but Quint would well be on the top of his list today.

“Don’t be silly, he won’t change my mind,” Sophie replied.

Change her mind? Change her mind about what?

When she was within reach, Derek caught her hand and yanked her to his side. The temptation to blister her ass was as strong as the temptation to kiss her senseless.

“Were you talking to the CIA behind my back?” Derek hissed into her ear.

Sophie’s mouth was set mulishly; apparently he wasn’t going to get answers right now. He grabbed his files and moved to the empty chairs further away on the conference table.

“Okay, will everyone settle down!” Marissa said loudly, obviously giving up arguing with Viktor and preferring to lay out her plan.

“You do not give orders in my briefing room, Marissa,” Viktor said angrily.

Marissa exhaled deeply. “May I address the room, Mr. Baran?”

Viktor narrowed his eyes at the brunette, as if gauging the sincerity of her request. Marissa had an eyebrow quirked up. Viktor gave a slight nod and leaned back against the wall. The rest of the CIA team took their seats. Derek was pissed, but at the moment, he didn’t know where to direct his rage. He forced himself to listen to the CIA team lead.

“Normally our explosive ordnance expert, Lt. Chen would take the lead on this,” Marissa nodded to a lean Asian commando, who sported a burn scar over the left side of his face. “However, given the intricacy of the trigger design, we felt best to have Dr. Leroux as an adviser.”

“That was the plan all along, Marissa,” Viktor grit through clenched teeth, dropping all formalities and addressing her by her first name. “We were going to ask Dr. Leroux to come in when we’ve assembled the team for tacticals, and she could instruct your bomb expert what to look for, and how to disarm the zee bomb.”

“That plan is not good enough,” Marissa said, and Derek felt the anxiety in his gut twist further. He looked at Sophie, who was staring straight ahead while wringing her hands nervously. He was about to grab them to reassure her when Marissa’s next words stopped him cold.

“She will be accompanying the team to South Africa,” Marissa stated with finality.

Derek shot up from his chair. “The fuck she will! Are you out of your ever-loving mind?”

“Lockwood! Sit. Down,” Viktor barked.

“This is fucking insane, Viktor,” Derek continued furiously. “Over my dead body. I will not allow this.”

“I think that’s for Dr. Leroux to decide,” Marissa replied calmly. “She has agreed.”

“You’re insane,” Derek repeated as he glowered furiously at Sophie. “Come on. I’m taking you home.”

“No,” Sophie said defiantly. “It’s my decision, Derek.”

Fuck. Derek knew that tone. His jaw clenched tightly as he and Sophie had a stare down.

“Sit down, Lockwood.” Viktor sighed. “Might as well listen to this wild-haired idea. Continue, Ms. Cole.”

Under the table, Derek sought out Sophie’s hand and squeezed it tight. But it was more to reassure him than it was for her.


After the joint AGS-CIA briefing, they barely said a word to each other, but the turmoil of rage and anxiety rolled off Derek with so much energy, Sophie felt like she was suffocating. They were both quiet on the ride home. Derek was deep in thought and only the rapid ticking of the muscle in his jaw revealed just how upset he was.

Viktor was furious with the way Marissa Cole went around him to secure her cooperation for the mission. Sophie was scared, she could hardly shoot a gun, but how could she say no when the whole mess originated with her?

She watched Derek throw his car keys on the kitchen counter and make his way to the liquor cabinet to pour himself some whiskey. He threw it back, and stilled as if enjoying the burn of the liquor down his throat.

“When did she approach you?” he asked finally.

“When I was with Beth at lunch,” Sophie replied. “We were sitting outside on the bench. She pulled up in a car and asked to speak with me.”

“And you just got in with her?” Derek asked roughly. “What if they took you away, no questions. You do not just trust the CIA, Sophie.”

“They’re the CIA, Derek. You think if they really wanted to lock me down, they can’t get to me?”

“Not if I can help it,” Derek told her. “You forget, MDI has a lot of influence in DC, not only with politicians but with the different senate committees on Intelligence and the Armed Services. You need to trust me to keep you safe.”

“And I do—”

“Then what the hell are you doing accepting to go on this fucking mission!” Derek roared. He slammed his glass on the table and gripped her arms, shaking her. “You are going to distract me. I need to stay focused when I am on this job. Not worry about you!”

Sophie could feel her own temper flare. Of course she had thought about that. She was going to suggest an alternative, but she knew Derek would go ballistic with it too.

“Let’s face it Derek. Between you and me, I’m the more important asset here,” Sophie said coldly before delivering the coup de grace. “Maybe you should stay.”

She watched Derek’s face pale. His hands dropped from her shoulders, clenching at his sides before he backed away, his face shuttering.

Giving her one last expressionless look, he turned, grabbed his keys and walked to the door.

“Where are you going?” Sophie asked, surprised when he did not argue.

“I need to clear my head,” he said shortly. “Don’t wait up for me.”

He slammed out of the condo, leaving Sophie bewildered. How dare he just leave in what could be their most important discussion to date?

When Marissa Cole asked her to join their team, she thought she was joking. But after the brunette explained what was at stake, Sophie felt she had no choice. Everything required to ensure the mission’s success had to be done. Sixteen commandos including Marissa needed the highest chance of disarming the zee bombs, and their highest chance was Sophie.

“Viktor would agree with me if he weren’t so biased,” Marissa had told her in the car.

“He doesn’t know you’ve come to me directly?”

“No. He would alert Lockwood, and Lockwood would do everything to keep you from us. Viktor has no loyalties to the CIA, but those who had worked with him in the AGS—he keeps his loyalties and Lockwood has always been one of his best and trusted agents. Viktor would spit at the CIA before he betrays his friend.”

“Admirable,” Sophie muttered.

“So what’s it going to be, Dr. Leroux? Our briefing is in 45 minutes.”

“Sheesh, you don’t give people a lot of time to decide do you?”

“Makes them overthink things,” Marissa said with a throaty laugh.

Sophie grinned. “Makes sense.”


Derek could very well strangle her, but she was still her own person despite a very overprotective boyfriend, and she could damn well make her own decisions.

“I’ll do it.”

Staring at the closed door, Sophie thought sadly that Derek did not strangle her; he walked out on her.


Sophie woke and checked the clock by the nightstand. She could have sworn she heard a loud noise. It was 2:00 a.m. and Derek had been gone for almost eight hours. She heard footsteps shuffle to the bedroom. Was he drunk? Tempted as she was to check on him, she was still angry he took off the way he did. He had shown her so much patience in the past two weeks, she was surprised how easy it was to talk to him and just be around him. And now with the biggest discussion of their lives, he just disappeared. Yes, she was still mad at him. Sophie pretended to be asleep.

Which was why it was a shock when the blanket was yanked off from her and she was flipped on her front, Derek’s weight fell on her back and pressed her into the mattress.

“Derek, what?” she gasped.

She felt his warm breath fan her cheeks; he reeked of scotch.

“Need to fuck you hard,” he growled as he ripped her panties away and she immediately felt her nipples pebble, warmth pooling between her thighs. He cupped her mound before ruthlessly pushing a finger into her, his thumb rubbing her until she got so wet. “All I want to do is keep you from harm, Sophie, why won’t you let me?” he whispered hoarsely. Oh god, that felt so good, she thought as Derek ground his hardness against her ass while vigorously fingering her slick, drenched

Sophie couldn’t help the moan of pleasure from escaping her lips and that was enough to set Derek off. He worked his erection free and shoved so hard inside her, they both yelled.

“Ahh, fuck Angel,” Derek grunted into her neck, as his arm encircled her waist, hauling her against him, his other arm fully extended on her side to support them as he rammed his cock over and over inside her, his hips hitting her ass, the carnal sound of flesh slapping against flesh resonating in the room. Derek’s grunts of pleasure as he powered inside her, so guttural and primal, spurred her own arousal making her mindless with need. She was about to hit her peak when he groaned almost as if in anguish: “Not enough, not deep enough.”

He withdrew, flipped her quickly on her back, spread her thighs, ruthlessly exposing her before he slammed back inside her.

“Derek! I’m coming,” Sophie cried, digging her nails into his shoulders. Her orgasm, when it hit her, was incandescent, she felt like a super nova reaching critical mass and shattering into a million pulsating stars. She felt her sex spasming even as his cock continued to pound inside her.

“You’re never leaving me, Sophie.”

Sophie opened her eyes to see Derek staring down at her with an almost feral look that made her breath hitch. Animalistic possession. He moved above her, his cock hardening to that point of rapture, and Sophie marveled at the beautiful man who was claiming every inch of her.

“You’re mine!” Derek shouted.

“Mine!” he repeated as he thrust harder. “Damn you. You’re mine. Mine.” His choked, strangled voice touched her soul and for the first time, Sophie fully understood his consuming need for her. Because at this moment, she felt the same. She needed him. Completely. Desperately.

Derek squeezed his eyes shut as the intensity of his climax rippled through his body. He rocked into her one more time before he froze and the warm gush of his cum filled her. Yes, she was unequivocally his.

Derek untangled their limbs and collapsed beside her, not moving. He had never taken her with such ferocity and at first it frightened her, but she knew he would never hurt her no matter how drunk or angry he was. She snuck a peek at him and frowned. Asleep? He was asleep? He fell asleep on her after giving her the best orgasm of her life?

Shaking her head with amusement, she took pity on him and did her best to make him more comfortable, managing to pull his pants off. Then she crawled up beside him and stared down at his sleeping face—so relaxed now in repose. Sophie felt her heart swell in her chest. She was in love with this man. With a finger, she lightly traced the outline of his forehead, down his nose before resting on his lips. She kissed him lightly and whispered, “Just so you know, I love you too.”


Derek blinked his eyes open and felt the disgusting after-effects of a hangover.
Not again
. The last time he felt this way, he nearly lost Sophie. He noticed he was in the shirt he wore yesterday. What had happened? He remembered calling Jack and ending up in his penthouse. Maia left them to commiserate with each other after a couple of drinks and the conversation veered to how their women were screwing with their heads, and they should have said heads examined.

After he nearly passed out on Jack’s couch, Maia drove him home. He had no idea how she managed to get him into his building, but he suspected his building’s concierge might have helped.

He reached out to Sophie’s side of the bed and felt nothing but cold and empty space. Derek shot up in bed, his head was pounding and he was panicking. Where was she? Memories of the night before—or this morning—came back in flashes. He took her ruthlessly. Did he force her? His stomach roiled as he made his way out of the bedroom.

“Sophie!” Derek yelled. She was not in the kitchen or the living room. The coffee was made, but she was not in the condo. Cursing, he ran back to the bathroom, splashed water on his face and rinsed his mouth. He quickly donned a pair of jeans and made his way back to the kitchen. He was about to punch her number on his phone when he heard the door open.

Sophie walked in with a box of bagels.

“Oh good, you’re awake,” she said, smiling at him. When Derek just stared at her, she crinkled her brows and said, “Bad hangover?”

The overwhelming sense of relief he felt nearly brought him to his knees. She had not left him after all.


“I thought you left me,” Derek whispered, moving toward her. He clasped the back of her neck and pulled her gently to him, resting her head just below his chin. “Don’t leave me, Angel. I love you so much.”

“Why would you think I’d leave you?” Sophie asked, her words a bit muffled because her face was buried on chest.

“I was—I was afraid I forced myself on you last night,” he mumbled into her hair. “Did I hurt you, Sophie?”

She pushed back from him with an indignant look. “No! You did not force me. Who knew drunk sex could be so erotic?”

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