Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series) (12 page)

Dripping wet
, she followed him to the kitchen. A small puddle formed where she stood. She could see into the living room and down a long wide hall to the other end of the home. The place was open and airy and

Unpacking the basket with more earnest than was necessary, he pointed down the hall
. “The bathroom is on the right side if you want it. Don’t hurry on my account, though.” He glanced quickly at her chest as a smile played at the edges of his lips.

She frowned
. “Thank you, I’ll be right back.” She was soaked and really wanted to check her hair after their more than damp mad dash.

The bathroom was a sight to behold. Flagstone floors and teak cabinets, white-marble countertops and tub, a shower stall big enough for a small dinner party and soft, plush, white bath rugs. She scrunched her toes in the softness and wondered how they made a rug feel so incredible.


A linen closet provided matching white bath towels. She stared at herself in the vanity mirror, mortified that the rain had turned her blouse transparent. Now his behavior made a little more sense. There was a fluffy navy blue robe on a hook by the door. Biting her lip
, she eyed it.
I hope he doesn’t mind me borrowing this
. She slipped her arms into the sleeves, closed her eyes and sighed her pleasure. It was the finest thing she’d ever felt on her skin, lifting the lapels to her face she inhaled his fresh linen scent. Lightweight and so soft she couldn’t think of a comparison. She dried her hair the best she could using her fingers as a comb.

When she opened the door, she found a basket filled with his sodden clothes on the floor along with a note to place hers in it
too. Neatly folded next to the basket was a t-shirt and sweatpants.
Wow, what a thoughtful man.
She grudgingly put the robe back on the hook and changed into the clothes.

“Oh, good. You found the
m.” He had a gleam in his eyes. “Would you like a tour?”

Embarrassed beyond mortification she didn’t meet his gaze.
“Um, sure.” She was dying to see how he lived.

“I was overseas and only came home a few months ago.” He sounded as if he were apologizing.

She noted as she walked through a series of large open rooms, he preferred floor to ceiling windows with the drapes opened wide to allow natural light to flood each room. The interior of Simon’s house reflected his serviceman’s past as much as the exterior had.
Minimalist R Us could hold meetings here
. She saw few frills, everything to meet his needs without clutter, sparse but refreshingly clean.
Huh, I like this, I guess what you see is what you get with him. Perfect, I hate games.

“I love your house. I’ve never had much for possessions and learned to live on the essentials, so your c
lutter-free style makes me feel right at home.”

“I would like to hear about your life
, Rose, if you’re willing to tell me about it.”

I barely know him. What will he think? I have a strange feeling I should
tell him something. Well, I don’t have to tell him everything...

She sank into one of the recliners, avoiding his eyes. Breathing a heavy sigh,
she said, “Are you going to sit?” She looked up with a spark of challenge in her gaze.

Simon’s silver-blue eyes wavered between the couch and his other recliner, and something inside her softened and warmed. “If it would make you feel better.” He settled for the recliner facing her and waited.

“I’ve never fit in anywhere,” she began. “I was orphaned before I could walk. Even though I was still a baby and very adoptable, none of the families wanted me. I never understood why. Still don’t, but gave up trying to figure that out long ago. After a while, I accepted my situation and focused on getting to my eighteenth birthday and on my own. Anna and her sons, along with my foster brothers Jack and Michael, are the only people who have ever honestly cared about me. Even the men I’ve dated didn’t truly care about Rose the person, they were just after…you know. They would say all the pretty words and dole out the compliments but it was all for show.” She picked at invisible lint on the chair. “I’ve been alone for a long time.”

A frown creased his brow, the disapproval evident in his gorgeous eyes. “How long have you been alone
, Rose?”

“I’m thirty eight.” She felt better stating her age rather than the number of years spent feeling like an outcast.

“You never need to be alone again,” he whispered. “And those men were morons.”

He was staring at her.
Has he even blinked?
It was rather unnerving. “Why are you staring?”

“Because you’re beautiful.” He must have seen her stiffen in reaction to his compl
iment. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.” He sat up and looked pointedly at her before a smile lifted his sensual lips. He held out his hand. “Come on, I set the food on the table, would you like to join me for some long overdue lunch?”

She laughed and found herself relaxing a bit. “I’d love to, I’m starving.” Taking a seat, she fill
ed her plate. “So, Simon, what about you? What’s your story?”

She was incredibly curious about the man sitting across from her. She was sure he was attracted to her, though she had precious little experience with men. At least not the pleasant or welcomed kind. The feeling was mutual, but she was
on untested ground. She wanted to pursue him desperately but didn’t know how.
What did he like in women
A demur, quiet lady? A sizzling sex kitten? Pfff, yeah, like I could pull that off. NOT.

Filling his own plate he began, “I’m afraid mine’s pretty boring. I’m the sixth of seven sons. Most of us have built homes here on the plantation
,” he explained. “There’s Cade, Stefan, and Marcus, who you’ve met. Lucas, Seth, and Brian are traveling but should be coming home soon.”

“Anna said you were in the service?”

“Yes, I recently returned from four years in the Middle East with the Marines.”

“Was that difficult? Did you see any action?”

“It was very difficult and someday I’ll tell you all about it. Right now, I’d rather enjoy your company.”

Okay, no asking about his military past. Check.
She wanted to know more but she wouldn’t press. They fell into a conversation of basic friendly chitchat. The kinds of things people talk about on first dates.

She noticed he listened closely to what she had to say. He watched her with an intensity that was beginning to unnerve her. Men, who looked at her like that, eventually tried things she
didn’t welcome.
Simon isn’t like those men.
She smiled secretly to herself as her heart fluttered excitedly.

Placing her napkin on the table
, she stood. As he rose to help, she quickly said, “You stay sitting, I'll clean up. It’s a universal rule, the host doesn't wash the dishes.”

She stacked the plates, and then halted, eyeing the narrow gap between Simon and the cabinets, why did this room need to be so skinny? She would have to pass him to reach the sink,
Boobs or butt?

She turned her back to him and slid her behind across his already engorged manhood as she squeezed by. Mid-squeeze, his lips were right next to her ear when he sucked in his breath and let out a groan. Instant wet panties. She now understood the description of having butterflies in your stomach.
Well if that isn’t the most delightful and yet uncomfortable feeling.
She was breathing heavily from a five-foot walk across the room,
you’d think I had just run a marathon
. She gripped the cold porcelain sink like a survivor from the Titanic gripped a lifejacket. 
That man is way too potent.

Except for the epic groan, Simon hadn’t spoken during her offer to wash the dishes. Staring down at the running water, she felt the air move behind her.
How did he get behind me without making a sound?

She stole a glance at him in the reflection of the window. Her eyes clashed with his intense unblinking stare. They glowed in the dimly lit room. Tensing she thought
eyes don’t glow like that.
Then she reached for an excuse.
Maybe the light is hitting them at an odd angle.

She watched, mesmerized as Simon's eyes glowed even hotter the moment his fingertips touched the bare skin of her shoulder. They felt calloused, what had caused them to be so rough?
Hardened by work maybe
. The roughened skin raised a trail of goose bumps as they skimmed down her arm and up again. She throbbed between her legs. No man had ever turned her on like this. Of course, she had allowed only a handful of men to get near enough to her to touch her sexually.

Simon’s arm brushed hers as he reached past to turn the water off. A burst of electric sparks danced across her skin. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply as his scent enveloped her in a cloud of fresh linen.

With his breath warm on her neck and his teeth lightly scraping the skin she heard
growled in her mind.

Her eyes flew open in shock to lock onto his reflected still glowing gaze.

And his very long, very sharp teeth.

Too late, he snapped his mouth shut and turned from her view.

Spinning away, she stumbled from the sink and Simon. “What was that?” she squeaked.

She saw a dimmer switch and in a mad impulse turned the lights all the way up.

Looking away, he said, “Rose, please let me explain.” When he looked at her again his eyes were no longer glowing. When his lips parted his teeth were back to normal.

I thought Anna would have told you.” There was a long pause.

“Told me what?”

“That I’m a shifter.”


“I can shift shape from human to wolf.”

“Shut the front door!”

“Shut the…? What?” Now he looked confused.

“Never mind, it’s a saying.” She waved at the door then crossed her arms. “Shifters aren’t real. Everyone knows that. So, out with it, what just happened here? Your eyes were glowing funky and I swear I heard you in my head. Are you sure you’re not a vampire? You certainly have wicked fangs like one.” She was babbling.

“Vampire? You believe in vampires but not shifters?” he asked.

“Of course, I’ve met a vampire. I know they’re real.”

“When did you meet a vampire?”
he growled.

“When Anna and I went
into town, one named Etienne saved me from some muggers.”

He grabbed her by the shoulders. “What the hell
, Rose! You were mugged!”

, Simon, calm down. I told Cade all about it when we got back. They’re taking care of it.”

“You should have told me.”


“Because, it
’s my responsibility to protect you.”

“Since when am I your responsibility? I. Am. No. Man’s. Responsibility.” She emphasized each word with a poke to his ribs.

“You are. You’re my mate. That means I’m responsible for your safety.”

She stepped back from him. “I’m your what? You make me sound like a dog or something.”

“This has gone all wrong.” He scrubbed his hands through his hair. “There’s no going back now so I’ll just prove to you I can shift and then explain everything to you, okay?”

“Yeah, sure. Let
’s see you turn into a wolf,” she scoffed.

“I’m telling you the truth. Watch.” A huge wolf stood before her.

And ear splitting scream preceded her dash for the door. As she crossed the lawn, skirting the woods, she heard Simon curse in her mind.

Shit, I’m such a dumb ass, I should’ve thought that through.



Chapter 9



Explaining to Rose


Rose was
looking over her shoulder when she heard a growl emanate from the tree line. Her eyes snapped to the forest as a mangy brown wolf stepped from the shadows, followed by a grey wolf. Her lungs erupted in a blood-curdling scream as she skidded to a halt. Snarling wolves in front of her and footsteps pounding behind her. Trapped!

The grey wolf growled and bared its teeth as it leapt between her and the brown wolf. She stumbled back, away from their snapping jaws. A stone beneath her shoe sent her to the ground. She was scuttling backwards on her backside as fast as she could when Simon appeared in front of her.

He crouched between her and the growling wolves, his lips pealed back in a vicious snarl.

She gasped at the horrible sound coming from him and froze. For the first time in her life, she was so terrified she couldn’t move.

The wolf nearest her immediately crouched in submission and the mangy wolf ran, disappearing into the forest.

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