Sin (19 page)

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Authors: Violetta Rand

I quickly shed my sandals, jeans, and blouse, then sigh in ecstasy as I feel the luxurious fabric of my new lingerie against my skin. It’s a perfect cut, the baby-doll shorts covering only half of my cheeks. I check myself in the full-length mirror, admiring the color against my tan skin. The robe fits perfectly, too. Refreshing my makeup, trying to play the role of the spoiled goddess Glenda obviously wants me to be, I pad down the hallway, joining her in the dining room again.

The table is set now—the perfect service for two.

Glenda inspects me head to toe. “You look so beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I’m practically speechless, grateful this sweet and caring woman came into my life so long ago. Tears well in my eyes as I embrace her. “Thank you,” I whisper again.

“Listen, princess.” She pulls back. “I forgot my bag downstairs. Mind if I go get it? I bought a special nightie for myself.”

“Silk?” I ask, knowing she prefers flannel over everything else.


I laugh. “Go ahead, it’s not like I’m in any hurry. I’ll hang out on the balcony.”

I watch her leave, steal a grape, pop it in my mouth, then head for the glass doors, stepping outside. A surprising sense of peace settles over me. Maybe it’s because I realize I’m not alone. With friends like Glenda, Robyn, Marisela, and Dave, I can’t fail. Not anymore. And the papers inside my overnight bag, the ones confirming I passed all four of the GED tests without studying, confirm what my mother always told me.
You’re clever and smart, Macey—don’t ever forget it.
I stare heavenward into a cloudless nighttime sky, hoping she can see and hear me, knowing she’s with the angels.

“It took forever, Mom, but I did it,
for you.
” Warmth radiates through my body. Another tear trails down my cheek. “Wish you could be here…”

here, Macey.”

I twirl around. Joshua is standing in the doorway, shirtless and wearing a pair of dark blue silk pajama bottoms, looking as edible and handsome as I’ve ever seen. My heart somersaults and my mouth goes dry. I lick my bottom lip, suddenly realizing how trapped I am. “What. Are. You. Doing. Here?”

He steps outside, only a foot between us. “Do you really need me to tell you?” He reaches out, using two fingers to lazily untie the belt around my robe. It falls open, revealing the swell of my breasts, ridiculously accentuated by the cut of the bra. I shiver at the brief contact. I sag against the railing behind me, gazing into his hungry eyes.

I shake my head, suddenly aware that I’m eighteen stories high, on display for the whole world to see. Maybe there’s a drone lurking overhead, waiting for a woman like me to get half-naked to snap photos that will be plastered all over social media by morning.

I get lost in his green eyes. Slowly, I slip my arms out of the beautiful robe and hand it to him. “Glenda didn’t buy that for me, did she? Or the flowers? Or the food? Or this lovely room?”

He smiles. “No, but you should give her full credit for luring you into my trap.”


“Yes, darlin’.” He gives me a roguish grin, leaning in, settling his soft lips on mine. “I love you, Macey. Forgive me for not telling you sooner.”

Did I hear him correctly? “You love me?”

He places my hand over his heart. “Feel it? Every breath I take is for you.”

Our gazes lock. I feel dizzy and breathless.

“I want to know
about you, Macey. All your secrets. What you love and what makes you smile.”

“You make me smile.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” He massages my arms. “Do you trust me?”


“Do you believe I’m never going to leave you?”

I nod.

“Do you want to be part of my family?”


“I know you’ve struggled to find your place in this world. And I admit, I don’t know how you managed to endure the pain of losing your parents on your own. You’re so resilient, so very strong. So incredibly beautiful and intelligent. Let me shoulder some of that pain now.”

“But since you’ve come into my life, a lot of that pain has faded.”

He looks down at me, like he’s trying to read my mind. “You can tell me anything.”

“I know. I just don’t live in the past, Joshua. If I did, I’d never be where I am today. Something my mother taught me early on. And I’ve honored her memory by staying true to that philosophy. Understand?”

“Completely.” He embraces me. “Come inside, baby.” He gently leads me off the balcony, through the living area, and to the table. Heat rolls off his body, and those silk bottoms hide nothing, his excitement blatantly obvious. He makes quick work of opening one of the bottles of Champagne, offers me a glass, then watches me take several hurried sips. My head is spinning.

“Did you hear me before, Macey?” he asks.
“I love you.”

My bottom lip quivers, because I regret everything that happened the other day when he came over. I set the glass on the table, fighting the fear surging inside me. He deserves the truth. “I love you.” It’s barely perceptible, but I mean it. So much so, a new round of tears falls.

But I know he heard me, because that’s when he drops on one knee in front of me, holding that beautiful sapphire ring up. “Marry me. Complete me.”

I nod, resting my hands over his. We’re both silent and trembling, the air around us electrified with passion and pure love. I hold my hand up then, and he slips the ring on. A perfect fit. The remains of my defensive wall crash to the ground. I no longer control my own destiny. I belong to Joshua and he belongs to me. He slowly rises, his eyes blazing, promising unspoken pleasure through the night and likely well into the next day. We have time to make up for, things to say, something to prove to one another.

“From the first time I met you, set eyes on you—I loved you,” he says hoarsely, overcome with emotion. He takes my hand, holding it up, admiring the ring. “You’re mine now.”

“Forever?” I ask.


“Oh, Joshua.” I throw myself at him and he wraps his protective arms around me, lifting me off my feet.

When he finally sets me down, I smile. “I have a surprise for you. Wait here.” I run down the hallway to the bedroom, rummage through my bag, and grab my test papers. By the time I reach Joshua again, I’m breathless. “Here.”

He takes them, reading slowly. “The top five percentile nationwide?” He stares at me, swelling with pride. “When did you have time to take your GED?”

“Wednesday and today.”

He places the papers on the table. “I always knew how smart you were. And I’m so proud, so happy you decided to give yourself a chance. What’s next?” he teases. “A PhD?”

“Interior design?” I ask, seeking his approval.

“Basket-weaving if that’s what makes you happy.” He kisses me. “Since this is a night filled with surprises, allow me to indulge you one more time.”

I give him a questioning look. What more could this perfect man possibly have in store for me? He points to an envelope on the table. I gaze at it, then back at him. “What is it?”

“Open it.”

Hands trembling, I do. It’s a bill of sale for the house I made an offer on. “Oh. My. God. Joshua?” I scream excitedly. “How? When? Who told you?”


Speechless, I stare at the document again, wondering how this all happened. “Am I dreaming?”

“No,” he says, plucking the paper from my hand. “I sold my condo to Bishop yesterday and paid the house off today. We can move in soon. Free and clear—
home. Our new life.” He lowers his lips to mine, kissing me ravenously, sucking the air from my lungs. “And now the final surprise.” I’m swept off my feet and carried to the master suite. “Let me make you scream.”



I check my watch, anxious for class to be over. I stare at the whiteboard at the head of the classroom, pretending to read the notes, my professor calling on random students to answer questions from the practice test. Finals for my first semester in design school start next week.

“Ms. Camden,” she calls. “Since you’re in such a hurry, if you can answer this question correctly, I’ll let you go fifteen minutes early.”

I smile, still loving the idea of being called Ms. Camden, though I prefer the traditional way more—
Camden just sounds so perfect. “Deal,” I say.

“What do you call the horizontal member a contractor places over a large opening to support the load above a wall?”

I roll my eyes. “The lintel,” I answer, collecting my books and shoving them in my backpack.

“Dismissed,” she says, knowing perfectly well I’m a happy newlywed.

I race down the hallway, practically break my neck on the stairs, and slam the doors open, cupping my eyes as soon as I get outside. It’s Friday, the middle of August, and Joshua and I are spending the weekend at Big Shell. A tent, cooler, fishing rods, and clothes are optional. My gaze sweeps the parking lot, finding my black Jeep illegally parked, my husband leaning against the passenger door, arms crossed over his chest, sunglasses hiding his beautiful green eyes. But I know what he’s staring at:

I shove my backpack higher up on my arm, walking swiftly toward him. “Joshua.”

“Hey, baby.” He meets me halfway to the car, lifting me off my feet, does a 180, then gently sets me down. “Ready to hit the beach?”

“So ready.”

He takes my bag, opens the door for me, closes it, then heads to the driver’s side. “Out early again?” He starts the car.

“Every Friday.” Professor Trevor and I have developed quite the habit. She baits me, offering me the same prize every week. Answer the question correctly, leave early. “I think she loves me.”

love you,” he growls, raising my hand to his lips, nipping the inside of my wrist. “Nobody else gets that pleasure.”

That’s when Simon dives onto my lap from the backseat. “Think you have some real competition.” I laugh, hugging him close.

“Well,” Joshua says, eyeing our baby. “I guess I can make a special exception.”

We hit South Padre Island Drive, just beating the rush-hour traffic. We cross the Kennedy Causeway and enter Padre Island. It’s nearly 100 degrees today, but there’s a steady breeze blowing off the Gulf of Mexico. I remember tanning on the Mediterranean, snorkeling in the Caribbean, and swimming in the Pacific, but nothing compares to our little piece of paradise. Ever since Joshua and I moved into our house together and got married, I’ve learned to appreciate the familiar, valuing my home more and more every day. Don’t get me wrong—we have plans to travel. But there’s nothing better than home. Nothing.

And now that I’m his wife, I have a family. Everything I ever dreamed of but always thought impossible to get. My reward for loving Joshua.

“What are you thinking?”

“How truly blessed I am.”

That makes him smile. “Still on Cloud Nine?”

“Oh. My. God.” That’s an

“Me too.”

I reposition Simon on my lap, freeing a hand. I squeeze Joshua’s thigh. “Want to pull over?”


I nod, watching our choice in hotels grow slimmer as he speeds down the street. Without questioning me further, he puts on the directional and exits right, hitting the closest motel. “Think they rent by the hour?” I joke.

“Maybe in quarter-hour increments,” he suggests. “Don’t think I’m going to be able to control it, darlin’.”

He climbs out of the car and heads inside to register. Simon sits up, enjoying the rush of cold air coming out of the closest vent. “We’re so lucky, little boy.” I scratch his ears. “Pinkie promise to make this moment last forever?” I’m rewarded with a lick. “Good enough for me.” I laugh.

A few minutes later, Joshua reappears and drives around the wood structure. “Room 228.” We find it and park.

I grab my purse and climb out, still holding Simon. Before I can take a step, I’m swept off my feet. “Crazy man,” I scold playfully. “You’ve carried me over half a dozen thresholds already.”

“Then our good luck will never run out.” He walks a few feet to the door and unlocks it.

I slide to my feet once we’re inside, putting Simon down, and check out the room. It’s clean enough, but small. However, the queen-sized bed is perfect. Joshua closes and locks the door while I crank up the window AC unit.

“Ready, Mrs. Camden?”

“Need to ask?”

“On your knees,” he commands.

I immediately kneel on all fours at the end of the bed, sticking my ass in the air. He reaches around my front, unbuttoning my shorts, sliding them down to my ankles. I suck in a deep breath; just the idea of him mounting me from behind turns me on. We’ve made it a habit anytime we’re out and about and get horny, never denying ourselves spontaneous pleasure. Call us crazy, I think we’ve fucked in just about every hotel between San Antonio and Corpus Christi. An exercise I highly recommend to all my friends. Of course they accuse us of being oversexed teenagers.

We’re not. Just in love. And I have no doubt that will last forever. He leans over me, his hands running freely up my spine, his soft lips kissing the back of my neck. He groans, his shaft pressed against my core.
Oh God.
I’m so wet. So ready.

“I love you, Macey,” he whispers near my ear, his tip penetrating me.

“I love you.”

He moans again, thrusting inside me, his fingers working my clit, his tongue flicking down my neck. I fist my hands in the comforter, trying to stay focused and on my knees. Every time we do this, I lose myself in the pleasure. A puff of air could make me fall over.

He slams deeper, pumping his hips. “God, you’re tight, Camden.”

I squeeze my inner muscles, teasing him. “Complaining, Ivy League?”

“Think I’m crazy?”

“Sure do.”

He immediately pulls out, flips me over, and rams inside me again. “How crazy?”

“Enough to fuck me into a coma.”

That invigorates him. He pins my wrists above my head, my back arching, my breasts jutting forward. “Mine.” He nips my right nipple, suckling so hard my legs shake. Then he switches his attention to the other. “Mine,” he reminds me.

“Yours,” I say.

Now and forever.

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