Sinfully Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 1) (18 page)

Chapter Thirty-Nine

After what was probably one of the most intense orgasms of
my life, I was already aroused again, which came as a shock to me.

“You used your succubus powers?” I asked Allie, who looked
even more dazed and turned on than me, if such a thing was possible.

She nodded and got to her feet.

I pulled my pants back up and scooped her up in my arms
before heading to my bedroom. “I already need you again,” I said as I dropped
her onto the bed. “Is this because of your succubus abilities?”

“Yes,” she said, licking her full lips. “The effects will
probably last several hours.”

I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or if it was going to
kill me, but I was more than ready to find out. “Are you saying I’m going to
want to fuck you this badly for hours?” I asked, because I couldn’t believe it.
It wasn’t the part about wanting her for hours that was hard to believe, so
much as the intensity of my desire lasting that long.

“If I’d done that without the wrist cuffs, you might have
been this way for days,” she explained, and that confession was nearly enough
to make me embarrass myself.

“Why is this turning me on so much?” I asked.

“Because you like being inside of my body, and because
losing control didn’t turn out as badly as you thought it would,” she said as
she got to her knees and removed her t-shirt and lacy black bra, leaving her
naked—just the way I liked her best.

I knelt in front of her on the bed and cupped her face
before leaning forward until our lips almost touched. “Only with you. Losing
control with you isn’t bad because I trust you.”

Shock registered on her face, and she pulled back, shaking
her head. “You barely know me, Dylan.”

I placed a hand on each cheek and just stared at her. “I
know more than you want me to,” I said, and she looked like she wanted to
argue, but instead, she let out a sigh.

“You’re right,” she admitted. “This whole thing scares me.”

“It scares me, too,” I told her. “I’m still not going to
give you up.”

The last thing I wanted to do was give her time to consider
what I’d said, so I kissed her, guiding her back onto the bed beneath me. Her
needy little moans filled my mouth as my tongue stroked hers. I loved the way
her full breasts felt as they pressed against my chest. The nearly overwhelming
desperation to be inside of her was still there, but it was mixed with a strong
need to prove to her how much she meant to me. I needed Allie to know this was
more than just sex.

Her hands pushed my shirt off my shoulders, and I lifted up
on my knees to slide out of the shirt before straddling her hips and pinning
her arms beside her head as I kissed her again. This time, my kiss was less
tender and more desperate. She was right about the intense arousal after she
used her succubus powers. If her struggles to get her hands free were any
indication, she was also overwhelmed by lust.

Pulling back slightly, I mouthed the words to the binding
spell. I saw the moment Allie realized what I was doing. The widening of her
eyes proved she wanted to stop me, but it was too late. I released her wrists
and allowed my fingers to trail along the soft skin on her wrists, moving
slowly along her arms. Neither of us spoke as I caressed her collarbone before
placing both hands on the mattress beside her head. Leaning forward, I kissed
her, and it felt like there was a spark of electricity that zapped between us.
I nearly jerked away because it was almost too much. I had no idea what it was,
but it wasn’t uncomfortable and soon settled into a steady thrumming of our
powers uniting in some inexplicable way.

Allie moaned and writhed against me in a desperate attempt
to bring our bodies closer. I hissed against her lips and pulled back. “I am
going to fuck you,” I said. “Do you want me to fuck you, Allie?”

“Please, Dylan,” she breathed out.

“I’m going to fuck you slowly and make you come so hard
around my dick that I feel like I’m going to explode inside of you.”

Allie’s moan was her only reply this time.

“But I’m not going to let myself come,” I said as I stood
and slipped out of my pants. “I’m going to enjoy every last spasm of your
orgasm as it tempts me to fall over the edge with you.” I quickly grabbed a
condom and put it on.

“Then I’m going to do it all over again,” I said as I
positioned myself at her entrance. She struggled against the magical bonds as I
lifted her hips, positioning myself at her entrance, teasing us both, savoring
the erotic current running between us. Finally, I entered her slowly, even
though what I really wanted was to slam into her body, hard and fast. I had
every intention of drawing this out so she would know I could give her more
than any man. I needed her to see how right we were for each other.

Chapter Forty

Dylan was trying to kill me with sex. That was the only
explanation for what he was doing to my body. Thankfully, my legs were free, so
I was able to wrap them around his hips as he moved in and out of my body at a
pace that made me ache for more.

“You feel so fucking perfect,” Dylan said. “I love being
inside of you.”

“I love having you inside of me,” I breathed out, lifting my
hips and trying to coax him to move faster. When I was nearly out of my mind
with desire, Dylan worked his hips in a circular motion, putting the most
exquisite pressure on my clit, until I screamed out his name as I climaxed
around him.

True to his word, Dylan held still, watching me as the
spasms of my orgasm subsided.

“You’re so beautiful when you come,” he said, kissing the
corner of my mouth and then reaching down to lift my legs, opening me more for
his sensual assault. This time, his steady strokes were slightly harder,
hitting a different spot and setting off a new and even more intense arousal.
He got to his knees, holding my legs up as he increased his thrusts.

“I can’t take anymore, Dylan,” I practically pleaded.

“Yes, you can,” he said, releasing my legs and repositioning
our bodies so he could kiss me. His tongue moved against mine, practically
devouring my mouth, and I could still taste myself on him. That’s when the
bonds released, and I threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling him even
closer, something that seemed impossible.

Dylan tore his mouth from mine. “I just can’t get enough of
you, Allie.”

I wanted to tell him I felt the same, but I seemed incapable
of speech. The raw need in Dylan’s eyes stripped me of the ability to utter a
single word.

His thrusts increased again, and I lost the ability to even

“So fucking perfect,” Dylan said in a strained voice as he
stared down into my eyes.

I couldn’t look away, and it was the intensity of his stare
that sent me over the edge again.

“Dylan!” I screamed.

“I can’t hold back any longer,” Dylan said as he came so
hard I felt his cock jerking violently inside of me.

“I need you so much.” Dylan sounded almost desperate. “Until
you, I never knew it was possible to need someone this much.”

“I need you, too,” I admitted softly. “It scares me to
death, but I really do need you.”

Dylan didn’t pull out of me or move for the longest time. “I
can’t promise I’ll never hurt you,” he said softly.

“I know,” I said. “No one can make that promise, and I’m not
asking you to.”

“What I can promise is that I’ll do my best not to hurt
you,” he offered.

In that moment, it was enough.

Chapter Forty-One

Since I was working from home today, I’d gotten up early to
start some of my paperwork, figuring I could take Allie out to breakfast when I
was done. The lack of groceries was more than a little embarrassing, but I’d
never had much reason to learn to cook. I worked long hours and came home to an
empty house, so cooking hadn’t been a priority. Having spent many nights with
humans, I knew they considered eating out all the time a bad idea, but that was
probably because they didn’t have access to diet spells or witch medicine.
Witches didn’t have to worry about human problems like obesity, high blood
pressure, or heart disease. Still, I needed to shop for groceries if I expected
Allie to stay at my house while I was at work. Based on the comments she’d made
about my lack of food, I got the impression she didn’t want to survive on

Since my first meeting of the day was a conference call with
the Whitmores, a witch couple who were opening a resort on a Caribbean island
hidden by magic, I’d been able to move that meeting to six and open up some
extra time for Allie today. It was just after seven thirty, and I heard the
shower running upstairs. Missing out on the chance to shower with Allie sucked,
but business needed to come first.

“Again, I would strongly advise against hiring any humans,”
I said impatiently. For some reason, the Whitmores really wanted to hire
humans, probably because they could get away with paying humans less. “As I’ve
already said, it would be very difficult to keep the humans from discovering that
your guests are not human. You could find yourself in serious legal trouble if
an inspector for any of the preternatural groups felt you weren’t safeguarding
their identities. There’s also the danger that one of the human rights groups
would insist you weren’t treating the humans ethically. In the end, it’s not
worth it.”

“The inspections would be easy to avoid out here,” Mrs.
Whitmore argued.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I tried to sound like I
didn’t want to throttle them both. “Countless establishments have been shut
down for breaking labor laws. I’ve heard of witches stripped of their power,
and one was executed for having humans available to feed vampires.” I mentioned
that last part in case they were considering using humans as unwilling blood
donors. It would be foolish and reckless, but I wouldn’t put it past them.

“It’s done at vampire run establishments,” Mr. Whitmore
pointed out.

“Not legally,” I argued. “While the vampires might not have
any ethical reservations with this sort of thing, it violates their agreement
with the rest of the preternatural community, and even they’ll put a stake in
the heart of one of their own for it.”

“How are we supposed to have a competitive edge if we don’t
have cattle for the vampires?” Mr. Whitmore demanded.

This couple had been pissing me off for the two months I’d
been working with them. Every week, we had a new argument about what they could
and could not legally do. They’d even asked about the legality of purchasing
sex demons—not hiring, purchasing.

“You will just have to find a way to be competitive without
doing anything illegal,” I ground out. “I was hired to keep you out of trouble,
not to tell you how to make money.”

“Fine,” Mr. Whitmore huffed angrily. “We won’t hire humans,
but this means I’ll have to rework my budget.”

“Did you have any other legal questions?” I asked, wondering
if he’d ever considered the fact that he paid me by the hour, so these weekly
conversations were costing him a fortune.

“No, I believe that will be all for this week,” Mrs. Whitmore
said. “Shall we plan on the same time next week?”

“I’ll email my assistant to see if the time is open,” I
said, because both office assistants got more than a little scary when I
scheduled my own appointments without consulting them. “She’ll confirm the time
with you when she gets in later today.”

“Fine,” Mr. Whitmore said, sounding annoyed that I wasn’t
giving him an answer now.

I looked up to find Allie standing in the doorway dressed in
faded jeans and a red hoodie.

“I’ll talk to you next week,” I added before ending the call
and logging my hours.

“Good morning,” Allie said somewhat shyly when I finished
and stood from my desk.

“It is now.” I crossed the room to pull her into my arms and
kiss her. What I wanted to do was kiss her so hard and long that she wrapped
her legs around my waist and begged me to take her on my desk. Instead, I just
brushed my lips against hers. “How are you feeling?”

“Hungry,” she admitted. “You really need to buy groceries.”

“I was thinking the same thing this morning,” I said. “How
about if we grab some breakfast, and then we can pick up groceries?”

“Sure,” she agreed, pulling away from me. “Just as long as
we aren’t going anywhere I need to dress up for.”

Seeing Allie dressed casually with no makeup on took my
breath away. “You know, I thought you were the sexiest woman I’d ever seen when
you walked into Trevor’s house that first night.” Damn! I really wanted her.

“I know that look, Dylan,” she said, and I blinked twice to
clear my head.

“What look?” I asked innocently.

“You look like you want to bend me over your desk,” she
accurately accused. “While that sounds fun, I’m hungry, and something tells me
you’re squeezing breakfast and shopping in between meetings.”

Looking regretfully at the time, I realized she was right.
“While I only have a couple more meetings today, my next one is in less than
two hours.”

“I’ll grab my shoes and purse,” she said as she hurried out
of the room.

My eyes remained on her cute ass as it swayed back and forth
in her tight jeans. Oh, yeah, I definitely loved seeing Allie in jeans.

Chapter Forty-Two

“These are the best pecan waffles I’ve ever had,” I said
with a moan of pleasure.

Dylan’s hand edged across the table, and I held my fork in a
threatening manner. “Don’t even think about touching my bacon or I will stab
you,” I warned, only half-joking.

He gave me an innocent look of surprise. “Maybe I was
planning to hold your hand.”

“Ha! I saw you eying my bacon, so don’t bother denying it.”

“You aren’t eating it,” he argued. “It would be a shame to
let good bacon go to waste.”

“Listen, I don’t want to hurt you, but no one steals my
bacon, got it?” I said, waving my fork in the air to bring my threat home.

Dylan laughed. “Fine, be selfish with the bacon.”

“You had your own bacon, so you don’t need mine.”

“I had no idea you got so violent about bacon.” He grinned.

“Everyone will fight for bacon,” I said.

“Not Trevor’s sister, Jessa,” Dylan argued. “She doesn’t
even eat bacon.”

“How can she not like bacon?” I gasped.

“Her familiar is a pig, and he makes her feel guilty when
she eats any pork,” Dylan explained.

“Trevor never told me about that. I don’t think I’ve ever
heard of a witch with a pig as a familiar before,” I mused, and it was true.
There were some pretty unusual familiars, but most had cats or owls because
they were more traditional.

“Doesn’t Melina have a turkey vulture?” he asked.

“California condor,” I corrected.

“Even scarier looking,” he said.

“Mel’s not like other witches,” I explained. “Her mixed
heritage isn’t the only thing different about her.”

“How come you don’t have a familiar?” Dylan asked as if it
hadn’t occurred to him until that moment that I didn’t have one. “A familiar
would increase your power.”

“Not everyone has a familiar.” That was true enough. For
whatever reason, warlocks couldn’t bond with a familiar. I actually didn’t know
of any other female witches without familiars, but there had to be others.

Dylan raised an eyebrow because he probably didn’t know any
female witches without familiars. Even witches who weren’t in good standing had

“Obviously, my mom couldn’t have gotten a familiar for me
because she’s not a witch.”

“And your father can’t because only the women of our kind
can select familiars,” Dylan said, as if he’d suddenly figured it all out. “Your
father should have asked one of his female relatives to take care of it.”

I shrugged. “It’s not that big of a deal,” I said, and it
wasn’t really. “Maybe I’ll get a cat one day and pretend he’s my familiar.”

When Dylan looked like he was about to say something sweet,
I interrupted him. “Is this just a plot to make me too sad to eat my bacon?”

Dylan looked like he was going to ignore my attempt to
change the subject, but thankfully, he gave me a lopsided grin. “Is it
working?” he asked, walking his fingers across the table toward my bacon.

I lifted my fork and eyed him. “Don’t even think about it.”

Dylan laughed. “Why did I have to pick such a cruel witch?”

“You’re a masochist,” I said with a smile.

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