SinfullyWicked (11 page)

Read SinfullyWicked Online

Authors: Tina Donahue

“Uh-huh.” He held the robe to her waist with one hand. With
his other, he explored the separation between her cheeks.

The sensations were so strong, it was as if he’d never
touched her there before. She whimpered.

“Go on,” he said.

With what? Her moaning? “Huh?”

“Tell me about your shame,” he murmured. “Is it because I’m
doing this?”

Aw damn. The tip of his finger was back in her anus,
reacquainting itself with the ring’s tight contours. She sagged against his
chest and tugged on his hair. “Hell no, that feels amazing, kind of decadent,
but in a good way, you know?”

“Glad to hear it, ’cause we’re through talking.” Pulling his
finger out, he removed her hands from his head and stepped back.

Nikki followed. “Whoa, wait. Are you leaving? Are we? Is the
film over?”

“It’s barely begun.”

Awesome. “Did Connor send you in here to get me for another

“Not yet.”

Even better. “Then no way are you leaving here or me.”

Mitch grinned, making one dimple in his left cheek. “Is that
a threat?”

Fucking A, though she tempered it with seduction. “I don’t
want you to leave. I can’t let you.”

Mitch looked intrigued. “And why is that?”

“You have some of my glitter on your nose and a feather on
your left eyebrow. You look ridiculous.”

He glanced past her to the mirrors and promptly brushed away
the offending makeup.

“There’s also some on your chest,” she lied and licked his
nipple, pretending to remove the stuff.

Mitch inhaled sharply and staggered back a step. Nikki
clasped his ass, keeping him steady and from even thinking about retreat. Her
tongue teased his nipple’s small tip while her hands roamed, dipping below his
navel to between his legs, his pendulous cock and tight balls.

“Take them off,” he sputtered.

“What? My glitter? Feathers? Are they tickling you?”

“No. These damn stupid pants. Take them fucking off me.”

“Yes sir.”

In a flash, Nikki was on her knees, untying the drawstring
waist, easing the rough linen down Mitch’s hairy thighs, uncovering the most
exquisite thing she’d seen all day in a place filled with matchless beauty. His
pubic hair was wiry and black, his cock a darker color than his olive
complexion and so erect the skin was stretched, slightly shiny. A prominent
vein snaked down its striking length. The head was as large as Nikki’s palm,
reddish with passion and from what they’d already done. Traces of his ejaculate
and her moisture lingered on his hefty balls and thighs, reminding her of the

What was still to come was evident in the drop of pre-cum
trickling from the small slit in the crown. She cupped his sac and lifted his
shaft, wild to taste both.

“No,” Mitch said.

Nikki pulled her tongue back into her mouth. “No?” She gave
him a kittenish look. “Hasn’t a woman ever gone down on you, Mitch? I’m shocked
that you’re an innocent at this. A damn virgin.”

He arched one brow. “Only with you.”

“Then I guess we better change that.”

“I said no.” With his hands around her wrists, he directed
Nikki to her feet. Without her high heels, she was far shorter than he was.
Mitch used it for leverage, leaning down and warning, “This time, I’m calling
the shots.”

As though he hadn’t in the gazebo? Nikki might have reminded
him how he’d chained her to the ceiling, pretended to shave her mound, then
fucked her with abandon, but decided against it. “You’re the boss.”

His arrogant grin and deepening dimple said “hell yeah”.
“Take off your robe,” he ordered.

It was at her feet in two seconds flat.

“Go to the sink, face the mirror.”

“Which one? There’s three sinks and more mirrors than I can

Grabbing her wrist, he swatted her ass. A little too
playfully for Nikki. She snuggled her face against his shoulder and breathed,
“If you intend to spank me, you’re going to have to do better than that.”

Mitch pushed his face into hers. “What did I say about
shutting up? No more backtalk or questions. You don’t want to make me wait.”

How right he was. She’d made both of them suffer for too
many years. Meekly, she went to the center sink, standing in front of the
mirror. Her feathers were drooping, her glitter and hair a mess, her spirits
soaring. He didn’t hate her. He’d wanted her from the beginning and still did.
If she was very lucky, maybe Connor would too…someday.

Nikki had no time to dwell on what might prove to be foolish
hope. Moving behind her, Mitch said, “Put your arms around my neck.”

The position lifted her breasts, exhibiting them and her
nudity. Desire quivered through her, concentrating in her cunt.

“Keep your eyes on your reflection,” he ordered.

“I’d rather look at you.”

His shoulders jiggled with suppressed laughter. “Do you want
me to leave?”

A better question would be,
could you?
Nikki didn’t
ask. She already knew the answer and released her weight into him, her ass
nuzzled against his rod, her attention on what he planned to do with her body.

Mitch didn’t make her wonder for long. His hand was heavy
and warm on her belly, pushing gently, coaxing her closer to him. She obeyed,
rubbing her buttocks against his cock, wanting it inside her again.

Not yet, his actions said. First, there would be foreplay,
Mitch style. With his chin resting on her shoulder, he played with her nipples,
rubbing them between his fingers, making the little suckers rosy and hard.
Watching him arouse her, use her, touch her thrilled Nikki far more than she
would have imagined.

In here, she was his complete sex slave, even more than
she’d been in the gazebo.

His hands covered her breasts, exploring their shape and
weight, his fingers squeezing the soft mounds. Her body seemed fragile, pale,
submissive as compared to his. He was pure male, dominant and unapologetic as
he did what he wanted, huffing out a sigh that said he was pleased. Though not
finished. Oh no. He dragged one hand down her torso, past her belly to her

His touch sent a riot of feeling through Nikki. She pushed
up, locking her knees and arching her back, which caused her chest to stick
out. Unmindful of her reaction, Mitch continued, his hand dipping over the
edge, traveling the length of her slit, slippery and unprotected. Asserting his
claim on her, the power he held, he settled his fingers on either side of her
soft folds, then separated them gently, exposing her clit and opening. It
glistened with her arousal. Her nub was reddened and erect. She’d never been as

Seizing the moment, Mitch ran his thumb over her small rise
of flesh.

A shock of delight tore through Nikki. She gasped.

“Quiet,” he warned. “Don’t make a sound. Don’t move. If you
do, I’ll stop.”

Bastard. She bit her lip and scrunched up her face,
squeezing her lids tight.

“Uh-uh,” Mitch said. “I expect you to watch. Nothing happens
until you do.” He removed his hand from her clit, showing how serious he was.

She cursed him mentally but did as he wanted, her arms still
around his neck, her nails digging into her wrists, her body opened, prepared
for him to use.

He nudged her feet apart, keeping them that way with his
own, making certain she couldn’t close her legs. Mercy. This was getting better
than Eve’s journey through the House of Lords. With no choice except to do as
Mitch willed, Nikki submitted, watching him rub her clit. His stroking
generated a swell of pleasure that hit her instantly, unfurling from her nub to
the insides of her thighs, up to her belly. It trembled with her strangled
breaths. She didn’t dare whimper or moan.

Mitch challenged her restraint. He worked her nub with one
hand. With his other, he burrowed two fingers into her opening, easing them
out, slipping them back in, mimicking a fuck. The stimulation was too much,
impossible to bear. Nikki bent her knees in a futile attempt to close her legs.

True to his earlier promise, Mitch no longer stroked her,
leaving Nikki hanging, her approaching climax fading away. She bared her teeth
and growled. He wrapped his hands around her arms, ready to remove them.

“Noooo,” she whined. “I’ll be good. I won’t say another
word, I swear. I won’t make another sound. Please.” She ran her fingers over
the back of his neck and wiggled her body into his.

Whatever argument he meant to offer died on his parted lips.
His knees sagged, sending his legs bumping into hers. Now she had him.

Then again…

For minutes, Mitch toyed with her opening and clit, keeping
Nikki off balance, not knowing when or if relief would come. Her arms ached
from keeping them elevated for so long. Her wrists stung from digging her nails
into them. Her body was strung tight but also listless, not knowing which way
to go.

Through a haze of brutal need, Nikki regarded her slutty
pose, her damp hair stuck to Mitch’s shoulder, the color in her cheeks, her
greedy expression. The same as his. They looked at each other in the mirror.

He grinned, smug as hell for tormenting her, then rubbed
harder, brisker, to put an end to her suffering. Nikki’s climax erupted with
exquisite force, shuddering through her. Dropping her arms, she clutched the
lip of the sink, gulped air, then cried out again.

Mitch slipped his arm around her waist and kissed her spine.
“You okay?”

His embrace and concern moved Nikki as much as his
forgiveness. She swallowed, gasped more air, then gave him a tender smile.
“Need a minute.”

“Oh—that’s too bad.”

What? “Hey.”

He bent her over the sink, arms crossed, ass high, legs
spread even wider. From nearly every angle, the mirrored walls showed Nikki how
good she looked. Mitch was hotter by a mile. His cock jutted out, pointing at
her, his balls tight to his body, wanting to release their load. He breathed
shallowly, his excitement evident in his heightened color, the tension in his
jaw, his taut muscles.

They flexed as he positioned himself behind her, taking in
her submissive pose. He looked as he had after they’d kissed that first time in
her parent’s garage—high on testosterone and ready for anything. At the time,
Nikki had to stop both of them from going further.

Not now.

She arched her back, an invitation for him to mount her, to
choose which opening he wanted to use.

Mitch looked as happy as an adolescent boy about to lose his
virginity. He ran his palms over her ass and down her hips as a blind man
might, trying to memorize her contours. He moved closer, the tip of his cock
touching the inside of her leg, its silkiness and warmth a balm. For the first
time in forever, Nikki didn’t feel alone. Mitch’s willing presence, his weight,
strength and heat drove away all the desolation.

At least until they joined Connor. Had he noticed Mitch’s
absence? Did he wonder what they were doing in here? Did he hate both of them
now? Please, not that. Nikki couldn’t bear to have them at odds over her. She
knew Mitch couldn’t either. No matter what he’d said earlier about wanting her,
Connor was family and would have to come first. If he insisted she go, Mitch would
eventually agree, telling her it’d never work out between them, that she’d have

Stop it.
Nikki pushed aside her awful thoughts, not
wanting to ruin the moment with anything painful. She had now. A month ago, she
wouldn’t have believed this moment could be possible.

“Ready?” Mitch asked.

“Overdue,” she answered.

His grin was young and playful, his actions those of the man
he’d become. With great skill, his cock tunneled into her pussy, inch by
glorious inch, his pace intensifying the act, making her aware of how big he
was, how well he filled her.

Just short of being fully inside, he stopped.

“Don’t,” she breathed. “You fit. I know you fit.”

“Oh yeah?” He chuckled. “Let’s see.” He pushed hard, opening
her even more, his thrust sending his balls smacking into Nikki’s vulva. It
reminded her of how much she wanted his testicles in her hands and mouth, her
tongue tracing their shape. An anticipatory sound gurgled in the base of her
throat. Mitch was far less civilized.

He blew out air, sucked it back in and groaned hard.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Hell no. Hang on.” Gripping her hips, Mitch plowed into
her. Their bodies slapped against each other, rocking with the force of his
thrusts. Nikki stared at Mitch’s reflection, the ends of his hair bobbing, the
corded muscles in his neck and chest, his nostrils flaring as he fought to hold
off. No different from a man who knew this might be their last opportunity to
enjoy each other.

Dammit, stop thinking about that.
She had no real
control over the future, especially when it came to Connor. Only Mitch’s
happiness mattered now. She owed him that and so much more.

Nikki squeezed her inner muscles around his cock, making her
passage as narrow as possible. He ground into her, a man possessed. It was only
when she lowered her hand to her clit that Mitch remembered his duty. He
slapped her fingers away so he could tend to her.

His strokes were rhythmic and expert, telling Nikki he must
have done the same with hundreds of women. Ones who hadn’t betrayed him. Ones
he hadn’t had to forgive and welcome back. Her body surrendered in desire. Her
throat constricted with gratitude.

With every pump, his heels tapped the floor. Taxed to the
limit, Nikki lowered her head, her world narrowed to his cock in her cunt, his
fingers on her clit. The sounds they made were unrefined and oddly beautiful,
his grunts and her whimpers the finest music she’d ever heard. With all the
willpower she owned, Nikki resisted climax, not wanting this to be over.

Both of them panted. Before long, each of them was sticky
with perspiration. Minutes passed, far longer than most men would have endured,
yet Mitch continued. Nikki was with him all the way, riding a building surge of
pleasure, releasing an unreserved moan as she came seconds before him.

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