Siren Song (13 page)

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Authors: A C Warneke

The sound of the toilet flushing broke the spell and Lexi jumped away from him. With heightened color staining her cheeks, she fidgeted as she stood there, not quite meeting his eyes. “You keep telling me she’s not but
she your girlfriend?”

He squeezed his eyes shut at the predictable question, unable to answer her because at the moment, all he could think about was Lexi. Who was still talking, “I mean, I’ve seen the two of you together, you know, and after catching the two of you just now, well, I assume she’s your girlfriend.”

She’s not,” he answered curtly.

But the two of you have slept together.”

Yes,” he managed to say through clenched teeth. This was why he didn’t get involved with humans; they didn’t understand the needs wolves had, their society and rules. “But sex….”

You’ll sleep with her but you won’t sleep with me?” she asked, her voice hurt.

She doesn’t work for me.” He knew that that was a lame answer before the words were out of his mouth but he said them anyway.

Then I quit.” She crossed her arms beneath her gorgeous breasts, pressing them even higher and making his mouth water. Glaring up at him, she lifted her chin up and continued militantly, “And then we can fuck until our hearts’ content.”

I won’t let you quit,” he growled, reaching out and touching air as she ducked her head. “We just have to make it through the next couple of weeks and then whatever madness or spell this is will be broken.”

Do you truly think it’s a spell?” she asked carefully, her eyes watching him closely as if his answer were important.

He smiled at her and shook his head, “No; I just think there is a serious chemical attraction between us that defies description.”

She shrugged her slender shoulders, “I can’t seem to help myself. Even though I know it’s… wrong. That this,” she waved at the air between them. “Is wrong.”

I know,” he said with a grim smile. “But I still want you.”

Her lips curved upwards in a seductive smile and her eyes sparkled mischievously, “If you want to fuck me, you better hope to God that you’re single. I don’t sleep with other women’s men.”

Then stop invading my dreams,” he breathed, pressing a soft kiss on her lips and quickly stepping away. He watched as her hand touched the spot where his lips touched hers and smiled with satisfaction.

Her eyes lit dangerously, “I could say the same but then, I’m not the one with a girlfriend.”

He smiled at her comeback, leaning back against his desk and watching her, just watching her. She truly was remarkable, especially when she was angry. “And I’ve told you, she’s not my girlfriend.”

Give in,
his wolf whispered.
Look into those eyes and give in.

He looked down as she gazed up at him with those jeweled eyes, unblinking and fully aware of his intentions as he lowered his head to hers, as he placed his mouth just over hers. As he took her breath into him and felt like he was almost home….

Are we ready?” Ashley’s bright voice interrupted him just as he was about to kiss Lexi. Both he and Lexi turned to face Ashley as she stepped out of the bathroom. She was dressed in a sedate, cream-colored suit belying her wolf nature and she looked like the daughter of a very rich banker; which she was, but she was also a wolf intent on having sex with Duncan.

Duncan’s gaze drifted to Lexi, with her school-girl costume and her flushed cheeks, sun-kissed skin and humanity. One a man chooses for a mate, one a man enjoys passionately; long, hot, sweaty nights of arms and legs entwined, of bodies fused. Lexi was definitely that latter. Sexual bliss did not equal happiness, no matter how much his wolf might claim otherwise. The wolf wasn’t the one who would have to live with her.

Except, he imagined a life with Lexi Darling would be incredible and satisfying in a million different ways.

Lexi looked back at Duncan and a guilty flush stole over her skin as she took a step away from him. Smoothing her palm over the short, black wig, her face red, she faced Ashley head on and told her, “Um, I don’t think I can have lunch with you. Ever. I’m sorry.”

With that, she bolted out of the office like the hounds of hell were on her heels instead of a horny wolf.

The blond from the bar?” Ashley teased.

Not a word,” he said softly as he attempted to bring his raging libido back under control so he didn’t charge after Lexi again, this time to finish what they started on Friday instead of telling her they couldn’t.

I think I’m going to go have a little chat with her.” Ashley grinned, sashaying towards the door. “I think it might prove enlightening.”


She paused at the door and looked at him, thrusting out her butt in a blatantly sexual invitation, “Then give me a reason to stay.” When he didn’t make a move or say anything, she shrugged her shoulders in resignation, “That’s what I thought. I’ll see you later, Duncan.”

Ashley….” He didn’t have the heart to even try to keep her from Lexi.

You’re either going to have to fire her or sell the magazine
, his wolf snickered.
My esteemed master.

Duncan squeezed his eyes shut and took several long, deep breaths; how had the day so quickly turned to shit? He woke up this morning ready to take on the world of publishing and now he was standing in the middle of his office suffering the lingering effects of a raging hard on, the girl he once planned on making his mate was chasing after the girl he couldn’t get out of his system, and his wolf was being even more of a dick than usual.

If he had any interest in holding onto his sanity, he was going to have to deal with the Lexi situation. He was going to have to avoid her until he got this troubling lust under control.

Chapter 6




Lexi walked out of Duncan’s office with her heart racing in her throat; the damn Siren was making her forget her good intentions. Even though the red head from the bar was in the bathroom, Lexi had still lured him into kissing her. She was going to have to do a better job of avoiding him if she planned on keeping him safe from her Siren’s wiles.

Hey, Lexi, hold up!” Ashley called out as she stepped out of Duncan’s office. Lexi tried to ignore the summons but Ashley called out again,” Lexi!”

Reluctantly, Lexi turned around to face the woman who had at one time shared Duncan’s bed. She ignored the stab of jealousy at the thought and forced a smile, “I didn’t know he was seeing anyone, otherwise….”

What?” Ashley looked taken aback by the statement. “No, we’re not dating… just the occasional fuck and that hasn’t happened for too long.”

Because of Dima?” Lexi asked candidly. Before Ashley could answer, she added, “I never told Mr. Tremain if that’s what you think.”

Ashley laughed out loud, “Oh, Duncan knows and he is not happy with me but what can ya do? A girl has needs and he wasn’t fulfilling them.”

If he was mine, I don’t think I’d ever even look at another man, at least not for sex.” Lexi shook her head, wishing her tongue wasn’t so loose. “Forgive me.”

With a grin, Ashley looped her arm through Lexi’s and started walking over to the elevators, “I think you and I need to have a long conversation.”

I don’t think that is a good idea,” Lexi countered, trying to extricate herself from Ashley’s grip but unable to do so; Ashley was surprisingly strong for such a delicate-looking woman. With a sigh, she gave in and let Ashley lead her wherever she may go.

I think it is a fabulous idea,” Ashley beamed, pushing the down button to summon the elevator and turning around to face Lexi. “I want to understand why Duncan is so interested in you.”

Great.” Lexi was not looking forward to sitting across from Ashley for a single minute, let alone an entire lunch. What could she have to say to the woman who was sleeping with Dima when she had shared Duncan's bed? “Lead the way.”

A few minutes later they were sitting outside the local bistro and Ashley was staring at her with an enigmatic smile on her lips. Forcing herself not to fidget, Lexi met Ashley’s eyes and arched an eyebrow, “So, what’s on your mind?”

Are you, by any chance, related to the Rudnars?” she asked bluntly. Motioning with her hand towards Lexi’s face she continued, “I see a similarity about your eyes and nose but mostly your mouth; they have a very distinctive mouth, don’t they? A very sensual mouth. Now that I am looking, your mouth is definitely a Rudnar’s.”

I guess it’s a family trait,” Lexi said with a light shrug of her shoulders, not coming right out to confirm or deny Ashley’s question.

Are you a cousin or something?” Ashley’s eyes sparkled with discovery and she leaned closer, her strong citrusy scent filling Lexi’s nose. “A long lost relation? It has to be something because you also have the Rudnar's breasts. A distant cousin?"

Not exactly.” Lexi couldn’t quite meet Ashley’s eyes. It was surprising in the nearly six years that she had been Lexi Darling no one had ever questioned her relationship with the Rudnars, never seeing the connection.

Ashley’s eyes widened in her head and she fell back in her chair, her jaw dropping as she continued gaping at Lexi. “My God; you’re the youngest daughter, aren’t you? The recluse that has fallen off the map.”

What makes you think that?” she squirmed just a little in her seat, wondering how Ashley was able to see through the disguise so quickly when her family’s closest friends couldn’t.

You are, aren’t you? I knew it!” Ashley cried out in triumph, clapping her hands together. After a few moments, her smile faded and she looked at Lexi with curiosity, “Why do you refuse to be a Rudnar? It is a distinguished name for a very distinguished family.”

Lexi snorted, “Look at me; I’m not exactly Rudnar material.”

I beg to differ; you simply express yourself differently,” Ashley contradicted. With a dismissive sound, she grinned again, “But why Lexi Darling?”

This time Lexi’s lips curved into a fond smile, “That has to do with my roommates.”

The bartender I enjoyed the other night?”

Yes.” There was something about the way Ashley spoke of Dima that bothered her but she couldn’t quite figure out what; maybe it was her indifferent attitude towards her best friend. It was hard to feel bad for Dima because he was too cocky by half, breaking more than his share of hearts in his quest to score the perfect lay. Maybe he had met his perfect match in Ashley.

You have to tell me the story.” Putting her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her hands, Ashley looked like a little girl playing grown up, all bright eyed and eager to learn more.

Well, when I first moved into their house, I was kind of shy and awkward,” Lexi admitted, unable to keep her lips sealed. Almost against her will, she found she liked Ashley. “As my family is so fond of reminding me, I preferred books to parties and avoided everyone who came to the house for gatherings.”

That would be why nobody recognizes you; why it took me so long to put the two of you together.” Ashley nodded sagely, stunning Lexi with her ability to match her with her mousier self at all. “Well, what happened?”

Cole and Dima were determined to drag me out of my shell, by force if necessary." At Ashley’s startled expression, she chuckled, “Not really by force. But they were always trying to get me to try something new and they would always say, ‘Lexi, darling, why don’t you try sushi,’ or ‘Lexi, darling, why don’t you get your navel pierced,’ or “Lexi, darling, let’s go to the nude beach.”

Ashley’s eyes darkened and she leaned closer, “A nude beach?”

It had been an eye opening experience for a naïve and sheltered eighteen year old girl.” Lexi chuckled at the memory, thinking how good it felt to talk to someone about this. Her family would have been scandalized and Cole and Dima lived through it with her. But the woman sitting across from her was Ashley Brown, Duncan’s occasional lover and her prospective rival. “Why am I telling you any of this?”

Because I asked?” Ashley grinned, her teeth very white and her eyes very blue. “Besides, there is something very different about you and I find myself curious about the girl Duncan can’t seem to shake.”

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