Read Six Online

Authors: Hilary Storm

Six (11 page)

The place fills up fast, everyone trying to save enough seats to be able to have their friends in when the fights start.  I'm stuck with a rowdy group of guys on my side and I'm trying to get this one guy to be happy with what he ordered, but he’s just being impossible.

"Try again, sweet lips.  This isn't right either."

"Sorry.  You'll have to drink water or something from tap."  There's no pleasing him.  

"How about you?  I bet if I licked this off your sweet lips, it’d taste a whole lot better."  I walk past him, trying to get through the crowd, but he grabs my arm, pulling me against his body.  

"What do you want on tap?  I'm not making you another drink."

"How about you suck my dick instead?"  Before I have a chance to react, his head slams forward and into the table, knocking almost all the drinks onto the floor.  The room goes quiet and the only thing I hear is my heart beating and Blade growling as he smashes the guy’s face even harder against the wood.

"Stop.  BLADE.  FUCKING STOP."  I pull on his arm until he looks at me.

"Come here."  I'm so fucking mad.  I lead him out the side door, fuming pissed.



"Why are you here?"


"You can work for me."

"NO I CAN’T.  I'M SO FUCKING MAD AT YOU.  YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO FIND ME AND REMIND ME OF YOU.  I’M TRYING LIKE HELL TO GET OVER YOU AND YOU CAN’T JUST POP UP AT MY JOB….."  He slams his mouth over mine, shutting me up.  His tight grip on my ass pulls me so close to him that I don't even try to fight him.  He's aggressive and I hate to say that I've fucking missed him.  I've missed this, but I just can't go back to that.

"Stop."  I pull my mouth away from his.  Those blue eyes pierce me and I'm looking for the perfect words to tell him I can't do this.  

He begins to walk me forward until we’re against the brick wall.  I'm facing him, looking into his eyes when he puts his hands on my breasts.

"Tell me to stop again and I will."  I don't.  He lowers the neck of my shirt, exposing my tits.

"Fucking beautiful.  Tell me no to this Six and I'll stop."  He lowers his face to the tips of my nipples, teasing me with one, while the night air teases the other.

"Tell me you don't want me and I'm gone."  He slides his hands under my skirt, pulling my panties to the side as he slides a finger in.  I start panting with my back and palms against the brick, allowing him full access to all the sensitive parts of my aching body.

"It's.  It's not fair."  He has me stuttering while he manipulates me through my clit.

"What isn't?"  

"You don't play fair."

"You're right, I don't.  I play to win."  He unzips his jeans and rips the crotch out of my panties, before lifting me onto him.  He holds me in midair and enters me, reminding me why I loved this so much with him.  He begins to fuck me slow.

"I'm never walking away from you.  If you don't come with me, I'll move my club here."  

"I can't."  

"Don't tell me no, Six.  I don't think I can handle it.  And plus… Piper gave me strict orders."

"What's that?"

"She told me to fuck you until you said yes."

"What if I never say yes?"

"She said to fuck harder."  I smile.  That's exactly something my crazy bitch friend would say.  I miss her.

He rolls his hips forward and puts his hands over my shoulders, pushing me even further onto him.

"Oh fuck. Blade.  What am I even saying yes to?"

"Move in with me.  I have a new house on a mountain.  It's almost finished.  I've made sure it has the best security.  You can't even buy the shit I had installed."

"I can't deal with all the craziness."

"It was only to protect you and now it's back to regular business.  I promise you’ll love it.  I owe you tuition anyway."  

"Is it really fair to have this kind of conversation with your dick inside me?"

"I think it is."

"You would.  You're prepared to live your life with someone who won't suck your dick?"

"Get down.  I forgot about that."  He stops moving me up and down on him and for a second I thought he was serious.  His laughter echoes between the walls and I realize I've never heard him laugh that loud.  It's going to be an interesting life with this man.  He’ll be a challenge to live with, but so will I.  He’ll fuck hard, but love harder. Just like I like it.  

Note from the author:
Would you like to see what happens next in the 'Six' series?  To receive a text on release day, text 'Six' to 213-802-5257.  PS.... Piper is being rowdy in my head already.... She's thinking she needs a book!


For a sneak peak at some of my other books, be sure to see what follows the acknowledgments!  ~Hil
Have you read Hilary's other books?


Inked Brother Series

Jake Volume One

Jake Volume Two


Bryant Brothers Series

Don't Close Your Eyes


Rebel Walking Series

Box Set

In a Heartbeat

Heaven Sent

Banded Together

No Strings Attached

Hold Me Closer

Fighting the Odds

Never Say Goodbye






Angels of Darkness MC Positions and Ranks



President - Blade

The President is the leader of the MC and makes the final decisions for the club. These decisions are usually voted on at church by patch members.


Vice President - Switch

The Vice President is the second in command, and will lead in times where the President cannot.  In most cases, if the President steps down or cannot ride anymore, the job is handed to the VP.


Secretary/Treasurer - Trap

The Secretary is best described as the bookkeeper of a club, and will maintain the funds of the club, website/social media, and meeting minutes.


Sergeant at Arms - Beast

His basic role is to keep order at meetings and handle all security.  This role may extend to leading the club in attacks during war, and trying to identify members deemed to be disloyal or potentially acting for law enforcement, then handling them - usually brutally. They may also provide members with weapons if necessary.


Enforcer - Sarge

Helps out the Sgt. at Arms whenever necessary. May sometimes be asked to cover for the Sgt. at Arms if he's not available.


Prospect Manager - Snipe

His role is to monitor Prospects and keep track of their progress. He will always ride with Prospects and will decide if someone is ready for the patch or not.


Road Captain - Shadow

Organizes routes for clubs to take when out on a ride, and ensures safety on the road. This member may also teach prospects formation if needed.


Patch member

A patch member is someone who has proven themselves loyal and committed to the club, and gained the trust of his brothers. This means that member is no longer a prospect and can wear the full patch.



A Prospect is a member in the process of proving himself and gaining the trust of patch members. A Prospects job is to do what any patch member asks them to and guard the clubhouse when needed.





This one goes out to my husband first and foremost.  He completes me and without him, I'd be nothing.  To my children for giving me a reason to be better everyday.  To my readers for pushing for more words from me and my family and friends for putting up with me being in the cave for so many days each time I write a book. 

To my photographer, Golden.  To my designer Dana.  To my editor Kellie.  To the cover model Dylan.  Without the four of you this book would be complete shit!  You make it all presentable and something worth reading!  I love you for that!

And last but not least.... To my mom.  For being my number one fan for my whole life.  She's still by my side cheering me on!


Inked Brothers:  Jake

by Hilary Storm & Jacob Wilson


Copyright 2015 Hilary Storm


All rights are reserved to the author. No part of this ebook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

WARNING-  This book contains graphic scenes in sexual nature and language.  Not intended for anyone under the age of 18... or those easily offended.


This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book is available in print at most online retailers. 



This bonus scene takes place a few months prior to the opening scene in the first Jake book.  




It's just too damn easy.  I mean, how is it I always find myself in these situations?  Do I go for the blonde or pull in the brunette?  Is the redhead really going to be up for such a scene or will it just be the other two with the blue haired pixie girl keeping me busy tonight?  It's a bachelorette party.  The bride was just picked up a few minutes ago.  Guess her groom didn't approve of her getting a tattoo the night before the big day.  I can't blame him.  In fact, I was trying to figure out how to tell her no without making her upset.  

I won't tattoo someone who is drunk.  I've had to fix too many horrible tattoos that came from a night of making bad choices because of alcohol.  Hell, I have a couple tattoos of my own that are now covered for the same fucking reason.

"Come on.  I just want a vine under my tits.  You can follow the line where my cleavage starts, then go all the way around and down my side."

"I can get you on the books for another day."  I can't tell if she's just completely annoying or if she's just really drunk.

"Seriously?  This was supposed to be a memorable night."   

"Trish, come on.  We can just plan a different day for that."  Pixie girl starts to look at me with an understanding.  She knows what can actually go down.  She knows I'm not tattooing any of them tonight.  Not to mention the fact that it's fucking two o'clock in the damn morning.  

"I'm closing up ladies.  I can get you on the books, but I'm not going to ink you tonight."

"Will you fuck us?"

"Trish.  What the hell?"  The brunette wasn't quite ready for her bold question.

"Whatttt? You know I'm not the only one thinking this guy is smokin fuckin hot.  I mean, shit."

"You have seriously lost your mind."

"Yeah, you're probably right.  Doubt he could handle us anyway."  I turn away.  Holding back this mouth of mine.  Do I want to wear myself out before I go deal with family tomorrow?  

"I'm so sorry.  Trish is just very mouthy."  Her voice is close and the others fall into the background as they attempt to quiet ‘Trish’.  

"It's all good."

"I'm not going to tell you I don't like her idea."  She steps closer, sliding around to the front of my chest.  "At least for myself."

"I'm not going to tell you I don't like the idea myself."  Her eyes widen and that smile spreads across her face.  She knows.  She knows I can deliver and in fact, she looks forward to feeling it again.  I've been with her.  It was a long time ago, but I remember her.  I try not to let her know I recognize her because then she'll fuckin cling on to that and think we must have some type of connection or chemistry or some shit.  

"You want to come back to my place?  I can lose the girls, or I can bring them home.  Your decision."

"I'll meet you there.  You decide who joins us."

"Can you bring your tools?  I'd love a piercing to remember this night.  I'll lose Trish.  The rest of us are sober."  

"I think I can handle piercings."  She takes one of my business cards from the desk and writes her phone number and address on the back of it.  She slips in close to run her hands over my jeans and places the card in my back pocket.  

"I'll see you in a few.  Please don't make me wait too long.  I'd hate to get started without you."  Awe shit.  I'd hate to walk in on that, too.  Three women taking care of business is a sight to see.  I know this... I've seen it a few times before.  Not that I watch for long.  I mean fuck... They need a cock for all those thirsty pussies.  I am the guy to take care of thirsty pussies. I mean, I've been doing it for years.

They all leave with a slam of the door.  I quickly grab the lock to prevent any other wandering potential clients from trying to enter.   Usually not here this late, they caught me just as I was letting my last client out.  


I pack up the supplies I need to do the piercing professionally.  I don't prefer to make house calls, but my dick has convinced me to make this one.  It could be one hell of a fun night if I play my cards right.  

I hit the lights, open the garage door and start to walk my bike out of the back room and into the alley.  The night air is just cool enough that I'm going to really enjoy this little ride.  Her place is about ten miles away.  Not too bad for an escape plan back to my house when all the fucking finishes.


The rumble of my bike echoes between the houses when I pull up.  Her house is brand new and decently sized.  I should’ve known she had money.  The landscaping is perfect, I can tell she has a groundskeeper.  Hell, she probably has a pool guy too.

She has the door open before I’m even off my bike.  I see the three of them on the porch waiting for me.  No sign of Trish, which is great.  It just occurs to me that I have no idea what their names are.  Pixie girl gave me her name on the card, but shit if I remember.

“What’s up?”  I give my usual greeting as I approach the steps.  I don’t miss their half whispered comments about who gets to start with me first.  The blonde one is determined.

“Just looking forward to finally getting my piercings.”  Pixie girl is practically jumping in excitement.

“What did you have in mind?”

“We all three want our nipples pierced, but I want to get my clit pierced as well.”

“Let’s start with the paperwork then.”  I do the professional thing and get their consents and release waivers signed before I start to pierce anyone. Becca, Mandi, and Sarah.  Hmmmm.  Mandi is my pixie girl, I remember that name now.  Becca is the blonde, and that leaves Sarah as the brunette. Her tits are by far the largest.  That’s something I always zero in on.  That and tight asses.  I love an ass I can bounce a quarter off of.  Lets me know the girl takes care of herself.  

I haven’t even got the paperwork back in my bag and they’re all three stripping down completely naked.  If that doesn’t make things easy, I don’t know what does.  

“We can do this in my bedroom.  It’ll be easier on a bed.”  Yeah, I knew that was coming.  You still aren’t going to hear any complaints coming from me.  I can go with the flow of three women.  Shit.  I’m more than happy to.

We move to the bedroom right after they each grab their clothes at their feet.  The blonde lays down before I even get my bag laid out.  

“I need to mark each of you first.  Stand for me.”  I take a new marker and mark each of their tits.  I’m not going to sacrifice cleanliness and proper etiquette for these three, no matter what distractions they throw my way.  I get them all marked and start to enjoy their energy with each other.  The beat of the music begins to play throughout the room.  This system in this room is no joke.  She has spent some money on making it badass.  I’ll have to upgrade mine at the house.

It’s my job to make sure they lay right once they’re pierced.  Getting up close and personal is just part of it.  She has me sit on a stool in front of her vanity.  The lighting is great and mirrors surround us.  Shit, I should decorate one of my rooms in the shop like this.  It has a nice feel to it.

All three of them are standing around me.  I can swivel in this stool and be face deep in titties from any angle.  I watch their exchange of a few touches as I stay focused on my job.

“All done.  Who’s first?”  The blonde resumes her place on the bed.  I watch her lay on her back, place her feet on the bed and open her legs just as the brunette falls into place.  She moves to run her hands over her stomach and towards her chest, just before I grab both of her wrists, stopping her from touching what I’ve already prepped.  

“Hands off.  Gotta keep it clean til I’m done.”  Glancing down at the brunette, she looks me straight in the eye as she sticks her tongue out for a very long lick, sending my blonde into even more restlessness.  Shit if these girls aren’t going to make my job hell.  

“Be very still.  You’ll feel a pinch, then a sharp poke.”  She tries to remain still, as Sarah doesn’t help with her tongue action.  Mandi moves close, stands next to me, running her fingers down Becca’s stomach until two of her fingers are circling the blonde’s clit.  Fuck if my dick isn’t trying to join this party and I haven’t even started piercing yet.

I clamp her nipple and listen to her moans get louder.  The brunette moves so that her fingers enter the blonde, just as I slide the needle through.  She starts to orgasm,  moaning and moving as I do my best to keep it together and place the bar in place.  The other two continue moving her through it, so I quickly move to the next nipple.  I don’t waste time watching them this time.  I need to hurry this shit along.  I’m going to have fun fucking these girls and it’s time to get to that part of the night.  

She screams when I pierce the other nipple.  The brunette uses her tongue to work her down as her entire body quivers.  Pixie girl reaches over and grabs my bulge, not stopping her fingers from rubbing the blonde.  Not sure if she was checking to see if I’m into this sort of shit or not, but fuck yes it was hard.  

I let her grip me, standing close to her, making sure to keep my hands off of everything.  She starts to unzip me and I have to draw the line.  “Let me finish piercing first.”

“Sarah, It’s your turn.”  They switch positions, each one getting the same treatment and attention the blonde one got.  I’m not going to lie.  I spent a little time running my tongue between the brunette’s tits.  Her tits are fake… and just there screaming for me to put my face in between.  Big Ds for sure.  The other two aren’t bad either.  God, I love the titties.  This will be a true test of my restraint as I fuck these three and keep my hands off, but I know that going into this.    

My cock may rip my fucking jeans wide open.  Fuck this piercing shit.  I rip my gloves off and toss the last needle in the sharps bin with the others.  She’s going to have to wait on her clit piercing.  My dick needs attention.

I don’t have the last glove off before my jeans are being zipped open and two of them are on their knees.  My cock is begging for their touch and it damn near takes my breath away when they finally actually touch it.      

My exhale fills the room between songs as I grip the blonde’s hair and hold her close, pushing deep into her throat.  Her gag pulls me back, just long enough for my pixie girl to take her turn.  She can take me deeper.  I hold the back of her head, letting her take me all the way in.  She turns her head back and forth, going even deeper until I actually pull back.  If that was a game of chicken… she just won.  I’m not ready to end this night with my cum sliding down the throat of any of these girls before I have the chance to go balls deep into some pussy.

I feel the brunette’s tits on my back as she runs her hands all over my body.  She’s sliding her fingernails all over my back, and even over my ass.  Shit if that doesn't make my ass clinch tight.  I can’t stand the thought of nails near my ass.  Yet I love to feel the marks she leaves after her hands move away from being too close for my comfort.  It’s a trust issue with me.

I turn away from the mouths and pull the brunette in for a little grind action between her ass cheeks.  She turns, bending at the waist, inviting me to do as I please.  I fill my hands with the lower part of her tits, staying away from the fresh piercing.  She squirms as I go near, almost as if she wants me to grab them.  

I grip her waist, rubbing my cock up and down the crack of her ass.  My cock is aiming for her and I have to pull back to grab a condom.  Safety first.  

Sliding on the condom, I resume my position behind her and notice the other two have made their way to the bed.  I need to watch those two in action, so I guide the brunette over to the bed before I enter her from behind.  She leans over the bed and props herself up, taking me in every single time I pump into her.  I’m relentless.  The whole fucking bed is shifting as I fuck her as hard as I can possibly fuck.  She loves it and I quickly rattle the other two into taking notice of what they’re missing.  The dick is where it’s at, bitches.  Get in fucking line.

She starts to crawl away from me just before I had her screaming.  Guess she can’t handle anymore.  That’s ok.  I’ve got two more that are more than ready.  Blonde girl can’t hardly wait to take her position.  She gets on her hands and knees, opening to me from behind.  She’s wanting the same treatment, so I give it to her.  Fucking is something I can do all night long.  Sweat begins to run down my face and all over my body.  It’s fucking hot in here.  I need a damn towel for this shit.  That needs to be a standard item, just like a condom, because when I fuck…. I fuck to be remembered.  They will not forget that Jake has been there.  They’ll feel me for days.  Fuck, some may feel me for years.  Just one thought of me and they’ll be squeezing their legs together, trying to rub one out.

Thrusting into her one last time before she falls forward on her face in exhaustion, I can’t help but feel mostly satisfied.  Holding back long enough to do the job for all three is a priority and requirement for me.  I won’t leave here with anything less than them all being completely fucking satisfied and lifeless from exhaustion.

Pixie girl edges herself to the side of the bed.  This is my first look at her lil strip of hair between her legs.  I’ll be shit if the curtains don’t match the drapes.  Blue works for her.  Holy shit, I can’t believe I was so focused on piercing earlier and missed this.  I’ve never fucked a blue haired pussy before.  I love that there’s still a possibility for a first even after I’ve been doing this so long.  Hell, I’ve even been with her before.  She either didn’t have that before or we fucked in the dark.  I can’t even remember right now.  Honestly, I don’t give two shits because my dick is loving the feel of how tight her pussy is.  

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