Six Crime Stories (4 page)

Read Six Crime Stories Online

Authors: Robert T. Jeschonek

Not a chance
I said.
s just a whackjob.

So where
s he comin
up with all this dark forces
Tibetan lama
monster bullshit?
said Dex.

I don
t know
I said
bumming a smoke.
Thinks he
s some kinda action hero straight out of a comic book or pulp magazine or somethin

s stoned
said Dex.
Sociation is
if they think Johnny Murder
s come back.

I saw him on tape at Harrah
he sure looks like Johnny
I said
blowing out smoke
but you
re right. It can
t be him. People don
t come back from the dead
no matter what you do.

I know
said Dex
and from the way he dropped his voice
I knew he knew I was talking about Cherry. About what I did trying to bring her back...and the price I paid.
So who you think this lookalike is

Twin brother we don
t know about?
I said
taking another puff on the cigarette.
Someone made up to look like Johnny? Could be that
s why he was hangin
around a makeover joint.

But why would anyone want to impersonate that dead son of a bitch?
said Dex.

I don
t know
I said
but the whole thing
s givin
me a bad case of
déjà vu. People droppin
dead an
beat around me
m lettin
em down again.

Dex pointed his cigarette at my face.
s bullshit an
you know it
he said angrily.
What happened before wasn
t your fault. Johnny was one of us
we all trusted him the same as you did.

But I should
ve known
I said
flicking away my cigarette butt.
I should
ve stopped him before he killed anyone. I sure as hell should
ve been the one shootin
him in the face instead of Father Sees-All after Cherry died.

Maybe you would have if you hadn
t been in custody
said Dex.
If the cops hadn
t been questionin
you about Cherry
s death. It ain
t your fault you didn
t get to blow Johnny
s brains out personally.

I should
ve saved her
I said quietly.
At least I should
ve paid Johnny back for what he did.

said Dex
throwing an arm around my shoulders.
All that matters is Johnny
s dead. This asshole makin
the rounds ain
t him. Don
t let what happened before get in the way of bringin
him down.

I felt another arm drop around my shoulders. The air filled with the smell of daffodils and antifreeze.

No worries on that count
my friend
boomed Starbulk.
I assure you
nothing will stand in the way of our victory over the shape-shifter.

said Dexter
hopping out from under Starbulk
s embrace.
t go sneakin
up on people like that!

I turned and glared at Starbulk.
ve been thinkin
I said.
Why don
t we split up
Quinto? That way
we can follow different leads an
track down Johnny in half the time.

Great idea
said Starbulk.

my mood brightened.

said Starbulk
I think it best if we don
t divide our forces just yet.

So much for the good mood.

if we were facing General Clonefire and his Multitaskers
it would be a different story
said Starbulk.
now that I think about it
I wonder if our foe might be plural in nature. You know
I battled a shape-shifter once who was able to duplicate herself. Went by the name
Many Jenny.

Dexter looked at me and shook his head.
If there
s duplicate Johnnys out there
he said
m glad we got an expert like you lookin
out for us

At that moment
my cell phone beeped. The number on the display was Inside Charlie

Johnny came in the casino with a redhead named
said Charlie.
She bought his chips with her credit card.

I said.
Sounds familiar.

One of the guys recognized her on tape
said Charlie.
s a dancer at CrocoDelilah
s up on Bourbon Street.

s right
I said
an image of the beautiful redhead popping into my mind...naked and gyrating on stage.
Charlie. You
re the man.

Just remember
said Charlie.
You owe me another case of Jax.

ll make it two an
a bucket of crawfish
I said
and then I hung up and headed for the strip club. Starbulk
as usual
trotted along beside me
running his mouth in such a way that I wanted to punch it shut.


When we got to CrocoDelilah
I thought about asking my buddy working the door
Coley Bassinette
if he
d follow up on that punching I
d been thinking about. He was big enough to smack down Starbulk
for sure
and he
d do it in a heartbeat...but I lost my nerve and settled for asking questions about our girl

She cut out early
said Coley.
Bout twenty minutes ago. Said somethin
about meetin
someone at the aquarium. Big date
I guess.

The aquarium?
I said.
What kinda big date is that?

said Coley
I been tellin
her there
s other fish in the sea. Maybe she took me literally.

I slipped him a twenty and hailed a taxi. With
running twenty minutes ahead
d have to get to the riverfront fast.

Or should I say
have to get there fast. Even though I shut the cab
s door in his face
Starbulk managed to fling it back open and plant his ass on the seat right beside me.


Thanks to Vera
a friend of mine and member of the
Sociation (she does puppet shows on Royal Street on weekends)
Starbulk and I slipped into the Audobon Aquarium without having to pay admission. The crowd was light
and we soon spotted
hanging around the penguin tank upstairs.

she spotted us at about the same time. I don
t know whether she recognized one of us or caught a vibe off us or was just plain jumpy
but she hightailed it.

Without a word
Starbulk sprinted off after her. I was just about to follow when someone else caught my eye: Hamhock Coubillon
a low-level mob flunky
standing over by the shark tank trying not to look suspicious. He managed about as well as one of those sharks would have if it had hopped out of the tank and plopped down beside him.

Hamhock was watching Starbulk light out after
and it didn
t take a genius to figure out he was there because of her. I guessed he might just be the bigger fish of the two
so I left
to Starbulk and meandered on over toward Hamhock.

I got about three steps before he spotted me. It took about a second for him to recognize me
decide I had business with him
and hotfoot it in the direction
and Starbulk had gone.

I took off after him
confident I had a shot at catching up. Hamhock had a jump on me
but he weighed at least as much as I did; for once
my two-hundred-ninety-nine-and-a-half pounds weren
t a handicap.

Of course
though our physiques were about equal
Hamhock had an advantage in sheer nastiness. As he barreled through the seahorse exhibit and past the otter tank
he grabbed anyone who got in his way and threw them down in front of me. Not being a vicious son of a bitch like him
I had to slow down and catch each one
falling further behind.

Hamhock plowed through the Mississippi River habitat
thundering past the white gator and the bayou and riverbank mockups. Just when I thought I was gaining on him
he picked up a little kid and heaved him at me like a football
forcing me to scramble for the pass so the kid wouldn
t crash into one of the tanks.

I felt bad about just handing the kid off to his screaming mother and running away
but I was determined to land Hamhock. His running away suggested to me he had something to hide...more than usual
that is.

By the time I
d bounded downstairs
d lost sight of Hamhock...but there was only one route to the exit
so I followed it. When I saw some people getting helped off the floor in the jellyfish room
I figured I wasn
t too far behind my quarry.

Hustling out past the giant Gulf of Mexico tanks
I caught a glimpse of Hamhock
s fat ass through the glass
motivating for the exit on the other side. As I circled the tanks in pursuit
I saw him drop a woman in the doorway for good measure on his way out.

Pushing past the woman as she bellowed at me for not helping her
I bowled through the exit and into the lobby. Hamhock was already through the main doors and chugging over the plaza outside by the time I got midway across the lobby floor.

But I kept after him. I was soaking wet and puffing like an asthmatic elephant
but I made up my mind I was going to get him...and I did.

Hamhock stumbled on the other end of the plaza and just about took a header. Arms windmilling like crazy
he managed to keep his feet...but he tripped on the edge of the Moonwalk along the river and almost went down again. This time
he had to stop to regain his balance before charging off...which gave me the time I needed to close the gap and make contact
slamming all two-hundred-ninety-nine-and-a-half pounds of me into his equally massive bulk.

I rammed him back against the railing overlooking the Mississippi
which at first seemed like a good idea. Then
he pasted me in the jaw and wrestled me around so I was the one with my back to the river.

Breaking bones on a daily basis gave him an edge in the strength department
and he started forcing me over the railing toward the surging waters below. I brought my knee up hard into his groin
but it didn
t seem to faze him
and he took advantage of my lifting a foot off the pavement to shove me back further.

in the middle of fighting for my life
I caught a whiff of daffodils and antifreeze.

Two tweed-sleeved arms shot from behind Hamhock and under his armpits
then pumped straight up and back
hands interlacing behind his head. Hamhock released me and wobbled backward
thrashing to escape the full nelson in which he was locked.

Hamhock being the big boy that he is
I would
ve expected him to break free
but Starbulk held tight. Hamhock wrenched around every which way
but couldn
t get loose...and then Starbulk tightened up his grip and Hamhock started groaning.

Settle down
big fella
said Starbulk
squeezing harder.
I promise
ll hurt worse if you don

Hamhock grunted in pain.
re makin
a huge mistake
he said through clenched teeth.
re screwin
with a made guy here!

I said
able to talk again now that I
d finally caught my breath.
You ain
t made now an
you never will be
you dumb stooge.

Hamhock sneered.
m made
all right. Just ask Gino Laplaca.

Might as well ask Jimmy Hoffa
I said.
Neither one of
s likely to turn up anytime soon.

said Hamhock.
s back
m workin
for him.

I chuckled like I was laughing it off
but Hamhock had my attention. Laplaca
the biggest wiseguy in town
had disappeared three months ago
right before he was due to testify against some friends of his; everyone figured he
d been kidnapped and killed to keep his mouth shut. Seemed like kind of a coincidence that I
d been looking for Johnny Murder
and now Hamhock and I were talking about another bad guy who had supposedly returned from the great beyond.

I said.

Hamhock just grinned. Starbulk tightened his grip
but the grin stayed put. Hamhock wouldn
t say another word.

When we finally gave up questioning him and Starbulk knocked him out with some kind of pinch on a pressure point
I gave ol
Hamhock a fist in the gut on his way down. I didn
t have to
and I
d probably pay for it later
but he deserved it...and the guy posing as Johnny Murder wasn
t around for me to hit at that particular moment.

What happened to
I said as Starbulk dusted off and straightened his tweed jacket.
You lose her?

Starbulk shook his head and hiked a thumb at a nearby lamp post.
stood with her arms around it
handcuffs locked around her wrists.

Never let it be said that I
m not a pro when it comes to chasing women
he said with a wink.

Better get the cuffs off
I said
we better get her outta here. We
re attractin
People were slowly approaching from down the Moonwalk and across the aquarium plaza; I knew it wouldn
t be long before the cops made an appearance.

Where to?
said Starbulk
producing a key from his jacket pocket and unlocking the cuffs.

The one place no one would think to look for a hottie like her
I said.
My apartment.

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