Slam Dunk: Black & White Collection (12 page)

He started pulling out the toys, tossing them on the bed by her side one at a time. Handcuffs, a remote controlled vibrator, a large dildo and a tube of lubrication hit the mattress. Then he found a butt plug still in its wrapper. He glanced at her and grinned at her blush.

“I remembered the ice on Valentine’s Day. I sort of liked it.”

He shook his head and feigned disappointment. “Only sort of? I must be losing my touch. Guess I’m going to have to rectify that situation.”

She crooked her finger, beckoning him to join her on the bed. “Rectify fast. I’m on fire here.”

He crawled over her body and kissed her. She broke away from his gentle touch, countering it with a nip on his lower lip. Before he could call her to task, she twisted, wrestling him beneath her on the bed. She straddled his hips, pushing his cock into her cunt before he could react.

She was taking control and it was hot as hell. It was also tweaking his inner-dominant.

“Not so fast.” He grasped her hips, moving just as quickly to resume the top position. He shoved her facedown on the bed, placing her beneath him.

“Dammit, Trey.” She struggled, but he held her tightly.

“Hold still.”

She pushed hard and nearly escaped. She wasn’t kidding about the adrenaline. “No. Fuck me. Or better yet, let me fuck you.”

He bent forward and bit her shoulder.

She groaned. “God. Do that again.”

His head was swimming from a serious lack of blood to the brain. It was like every fantasy he’d ever had was suddenly coming to life, manifesting itself in Ellie’s sweet, wicked curves.

He bit her other shoulder. “Kinky or romantic?”

She laughed. “Do you really have to ask?”

He lifted his weight slightly so she could roll over onto her back. He bent down to kiss her. “So you like the idea of a threesome?”

She nodded, her eyes wary. “But I’m not interested in Jamie.”

Trey kissed her. “Grace would kill him and me if I even suggested it. Actually, I have something a little less crowded in mind.”

He reached over and picked up the slim vibrator and the tube of lubrication. She trembled beneath him and he watched her nipples pebble. “Trust me?”

“Completely. I always have. I’m afraid I let my fears cloud my vision when it came to that fact.”

He was grateful for her honesty. “Clouds lifted?”

She pointed to her eyes. “Crystal clear. Twenty-twenty.”

He lifted his leg and moved to the side. “Good. Open your legs.”

She obeyed. The juices gathered at the juncture of her thighs proved exactly how much she wanted him, wanted this experience. “Hurry.”

He opened the lubrication and squirted some on his finger. Without hesitation, he pressed the slippery digit into her anus, coating the tight hole. “I think you were a little ambitious with that butt plug, babe.”

She giggled. “Too big?”

He nodded. “Hell yeah.”

“I was thinking maybe you’d want to take me there one day. I figured I should practice and since you’re so big—” She waved her hand around, letting the gesture fill in the blanks.

Trey groaned. “Jesus.” He was on the verge of coming and they hadn’t even begun to play. He pulled his finger out of her ass and coated the vibrator as well. He enjoyed her hiss of pleasure when he slowly pushed the toy inside.

“God,” she breathed, when the toy was seated to the hilt.

“You like that?”

She nodded and he sensed speech was becoming more difficult for her. Nice to know he wasn’t alone in that fact. He grabbed the remote to the vibrator and flipped it to low gear.

She startled, her body jerking at the impact.

Trey moved over her, placing the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. “There’s one hole filled. How about we take care of the other?”

“Please,” she whispered.

He didn’t need to hear more. He shoved inside her with one hard, powerful thrust that had him seeing stars. He could feel the vibrations of the toy through the thin membrane inside her and it was driving him insane. He began to move, praying for the strength to prolong this perfect agony.

Ellie reached for his hand and for a moment, he thought she wanted to hold it. She surprised him by taking the remote away from him and turning the toy on high. She screamed as she came and Trey was a goner. Pulse after pulse of come flew from the tip of his cock, the climax rocking him to his very core.

It was over too quickly. He was almost disappointed.

He lay over Ellie, supporting his weight on his elbows, gasping for air. He opened his eyes when the vibrator stopped moving.

Ellie smiled at him. “That was incredible.”

“Too fast,” he said, confessing his frustration.

“We’ll do it again. And again. And again. I figure it’s just like basketball. We’re going to have to drill like crazy before we get really good at the game.”

He laughed and kissed her. “I don’t mind drills.”

She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer as his cock started to thicken once more.

“I love you, Coach.”

“I love you too, Hottie.”



“It’s about time you guys got here,” Jamie said as Ellie and Trey walked into Tully’s hand in hand. It was the end of another summer and the Cougar Club was together once again.

Trey grinned and took his usual place at the table, Ellie claiming her spot next to him. “We just got back in town from the beach.”

“How was your trip?” Grace asked.

“Terrific.” Ellie held out her left hand. “Trey proposed.”

Cheryl and Grace squealed loudly as Jamie slapped Trey on the back. “Well, hot damn, bro. Good for you.”

Ellie laughed as her friends oohed and ahhed over her diamond engagement ring.

“How did he propose?” Grace asked.

Trey groaned and Ellie knew he was embarrassed that she might tell the story in front of his macho buddies.

Jamie gave her a shit-eating grin that told her she wasn’t getting up from the table until she spilled all the romantic details. “I proposed to Grace on the dance floor right here at Tully’s. Don’t think for a minute these guys didn’t give me shit for weeks for my romantic gesture.

Grace laughed as she leaned over to kiss her boyfriend on the cheek. “Who cares what Trey and Lucas said? It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.”

“So spill the details, Ellie. How sappy was it?” Lucas asked, rubbing his hands with glee.

She grabbed Trey’s hand and gave him a quick, reassuring wink. She lightened the description of mushy stuff for the sake of his male ego. “We were walking along the shore last night. He turned to me and asked me to be his wife. He pulled out the ring and I said yes.”

What she didn’t say was that it had been sunset and Trey had gone down on one knee. He’d told her she was the most precious person in his world and he couldn’t face a life that didn’t have her in it. She’d cried when he opened the jeweler’s box and taken out the ring. It had been his grandmother’s engagement ring.

“Sounds kind of lame,” Lucas joked. “Not much ridicule in that.”

“It sounds wonderful,” Cheryl said. “Always knew when you fell, Trey, you’d fall hard. I have to say I’m glad to see you have such good taste.”

“By the way,” Grace added, “we’ve added a new song to our playlist. We decided you needed a signature song, Ellie.”

Ellie laughed. “I’m afraid to ask. What’s my song?”

Grace raised her hand as the beginning chord played. “This one.”

Ellie straightened up, then rose quickly, grabbing Grace’s and Cheryl’s hands. “Oh my God. It’s perfect. I love it.”

The three ladies boogied to the dance floor as the sound of Gloria Gaynor singing “I Will Survive” blasted through the tiny bar. They laughed as they whipped out some awesome disco moves, singing along with the lyrics.

Ellie loved how empowered the song made her feel. She had been knocked down and hurt, but she’d survived. Trey came out and grabbed her hands, spinning her around, grinning at her crazy antics before throwing in a few hilarious
Saturday Night Fever
arm thrusts. When the song ended, a slow country ballad started.

Trey rolled his eyes. “Guess we know whose dollar picked this song.”

Ellie smiled, moving closer. Trey wrapped his arms around her as they slow-danced. “I like it.”

Trey tightened his grip. “Looks like the ladies picked you an awesome theme song.”

She nodded. “Sort of.”

“Sort of?”

“I may have been surviving, Trey, but I sure as hell wasn’t living. Not until you came along.”

He bent down and kissed her. “I love you, Ellie. I always will.”

His words fired up her soul and her body and a wicked idea hatched. She looked over her shoulder. “Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes.”

He gave her a sinful grin. “Why? You want a quick sample of my ball handling?”

She shook her head. “Nope. I want to see you make a slam dunk.”

About the Author

Writing a book was number one on Mari Carr’s bucket list and on her thirty-fourth birthday, she set out to see that goal achieved. A winner of the Passionate Plume, Mari finds time for writing by squeezing it into the hours between 3 a.m. and daybreak when her family is asleep and the house is quiet. You can visit Mari’s website at

Look for these titles by Mari Carr

Now Available:


The Black & White Collection

Erotic Research

Tequila Truth

Rough Cut

Happy Hour

Power Play

Learning Curves


Because of You


Compass Brothers

Northern Exposure

Southern Comfort


Coming Soon:


Eastern Ambitions

Western Ties

Love’s Compass

There’s only room at the top for one person…at a time.


Power Play

© 2011 Mari Carr


Black & White Collection

Back on American soil for the first time in nine months, Reed Donovan is ready to blow off some steam. The beauty he spots at the local bar not only catches his eye, she snags him by the balls when she announces she’s always fantasized about having sex with a stranger—a fantasy he is more than willing to help come true.

Explosive fireworks over, Francesca rebuffs his invitation to dinner. While the sparks may fly between them physically, she doesn’t believe they could spend more than a few minutes in the same room without arguing. Her suspicions prove correct when Francesca reports for her new position the next morning—and discovers she’s been hired as Reed’s new marketing partner.

When Reed and Francesca immediately begin butting heads about future pitches to prospective clients, Reed proposes a bet. For the next three presentations, they’ll both make a pitch. Whoever wins the campaign also wins a fantasy.

The competition is fierce—and hot. And the hotter it gets, the closer they come to the brink of something they never intended…or expected.

Warning: Wicked fantasies anyone? Up for some sex in public, sex with a stranger, sex in an office, sex in a bar, sex with a Dom, and bondage sex? Good. Strap in and hang on.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Power Play:

Claiming the empty seat next to her, Reed waved the bartender over. “Hi Joe. I’ll have a Guinness, and get another glass of red for Francesca here.”

She’d already been looking at him as he ordered, but when he mentioned her name he noticed the slightest narrowing of her eyes.

“Do I know you?”

He shook his head. “No. My cousin Carter owns this bar. He mentioned your name to me.”

She digested that information as he studied her face. She was gorgeous. Now that they were in closer proximity, he was able to spot the slightest amount of her generous cleavage through her blouse.

“Up here, babe,” she said pointing to her face, when his eyes lingered too far south for a second too long.

He grinned at her joke. Oh yeah. She was everything his cousin described. Trouble in a thirty-four D cup. Good stuff.

“So, your cousin suggested that you buy me a drink?”

“No.” Reed pointed to where Vivi still sat behind her. “He told me to buy her a drink.”

Francesca glanced over her shoulder. “Pretty girl. Did you miss your mark? Need me to draw you a map? Help you get over there?”

“My sense of direction is just fine.”

She rested her chin on her hand and, for the briefest moment, he wondered what the hell was going on in her mind. Then the bartender returned with their drinks and distracted her.

She sighed heavily as she looked at the full glass of wine. “I really shouldn’t drink this. I’ve had two glasses already. I have a big day at work tomorrow and attempting it hungover isn’t a good strategy.”

He grinned. She clearly wasn’t drunk. He wasn’t even sure he’d call her tipsy, but she was definitely enjoying the relaxing effects of the wine.

“You strike me as the type who can handle her alcohol. And anything else that might come her way.” It was an obvious come on, but he didn’t care. There was something about her that screamed sex…and something else. Some elusive something he couldn’t put his finger on.

He took a sip of his Guinness. The alcohol was working on smoothing his rough edges too. His neck wasn’t stiff anymore and he was feeling looser, freer from the stress of work.

She leaned closer, her cheek still resting on her hand. “You know, I’ve always had this fantasy.”

He moved toward her. Her voice was low, husky, sexy as fuck. “Oh yeah?”

“Sex with a stranger.”

Her words hit him like a punch in the stomach and his cock filled the maximum weight recommended for his pants in three seconds flat. There was no way he could adjust them without drawing her attention to his dilemma. Then he grinned and made the adjustment anyway.

Her eyes followed the motion of his fingers.

“Up here, babe,” he teased, mimicking her words.

She laughed. “You’re really Carter’s cousin?”

“Yep, I’m Re—”

She cut him off quickly with a wave of her hand. “No. You tell me your name and we stop being strangers.”

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