Slayers: Friends and Traitors (3 page)

Ryker laughed at the change in her expression. He already knew he couldn’t. “I bet anyone can break an e-reader if they grab it wrong.” He put one hand on the tip of the screwdriver and slowly applied pressure to show Willow it was pointless. “I’ll buy you a new—”

He didn’t finish. His mind couldn’t form words. The metal spike of the screwdriver was bending into a horseshoe shape. He did have extra strength. It had just taken a few minutes to kick in.

Willow let out a high-pitched squeal. “You did it!” She bounced on the balls of her feet, a bundle of excitement. “This is so awesome!”

Ryker turned the ruined screwdriver over in his hand. “No, it isn’t.” His heart beat against his chest in a fast rhythm, a drumbeat pounding out a new and insistent call. He wasn’t normal. He wasn’t like everybody else. “This is really bad. Do you know what this means?”

The excitement drained from Willow as quickly as it had come. Her mouth opened into an O of understanding. “It means,” she said in a voice that had gone still, “that the other stuff is true, too. Dragons are real. They’re going to attack.”

*   *   *

Ryker paced around his living room waiting for his parents to come home. He and Willow had just had a long talk about secrecy and caution, about what they should say and who they should tell. Slayer or not, signing up to fight dragons was going to take some thought. Especially since Dr. B had written about Overdrake, the dragon lord, who was lurking around somewhere, waiting to pick Slayers off.

Dr. B also reported on his site that he had met with Ryker’s parents when his mom was pregnant with him. Dr. B didn’t give many details about what led to the meeting. He just said that, instead of agreeing to let him train their son, Ryker’s parents had moved without a trace. It was the reason Dr. B now kept Slayers from revealing any information about their training to their parents. It was the reason why Ryker wasn’t supposed to tell his parents anything now.

But then, maybe his parents had good reasons for keeping him away from Dr. B. Maybe the man was dangerous. Or crazy. Or had an agenda of his own.

Ryker looked out the living room window to the street in front of their house. No cars were heading in his direction. It wasn’t a surprise. They lived on a cul-de-sac. Ryker turned and paced back the other way.

No matter what Ryker’s parents thought of Dr. B, they still should have told Ryker he was a Slayer. That part really ticked him off.

Willow and he had spent the last couple of hours trying to find other powers. He jumped off his trampoline about fifty times. He could leap huge distances, but he hadn’t flown anywhere. He dragged every candle his parents owned onto the back patio and tried to extinguish their flames. That hadn’t worked either. He wasn’t sure what throwing a shield up entailed, so he waved his hands around, attempting to create some sort of force field over the basketball hoop while Willow shot baskets. That experiment was probably doomed from the start. Willow kept trying to make wild, impossible shots. He might have had a working shield up there half of the time and wouldn’t have known it.

Next, Ryker went into the guest bathroom to test his night vision. The bathroom didn’t have any windows, so it was the best place for that sort of test. Even in the dark, he could make out the gray shapes of Willow’s shampoo bottle and conditioner in the shower. He could see the tangled silhouette of her blow dryer and iPod dock sitting on the counter, and see her makeup junk that was scattered everywhere. Seriously, why did girls need all of that stuff?

After that experiment—while Willow informed him that, yes, she really did need all that makeup junk, and guys should appreciate what girls did to look nice—they took cups of water out on the patio. Ryker dipped his fingers into his, then tried to send out freezing shocks to the hydrangeas. No frost formed, and if the hydrangeas felt chilly, they didn’t let on. Before long, that experiment deteriorated into Willow and him throwing water at each other.

Besides the strength and night vision that all the Slayers had, he and Willow didn’t discover any extra powers. But then the website didn’t say how to access them. Maybe there was a trick to it that Dr. B hadn’t mentioned. It could be his way of making Ryker contact him.

Or maybe it just took more practice.

Ryker heard the garage door open. His parents were home from work. They both worked at the same doctors’ office: his dad as the office manager, his mother as a nurse. They were later than usual because they had to pick up Ryker’s twelve-year-old sister, Jillian, from basketball camp.

Willow probably heard the garage door open, too. She was down in the basement hiding the simulator behind boxes of Christmas decorations. The website said his powers would last for half an hour after the simulator was turned off. He’d started a countdown in his mind, already dreading the time his extra powers would leave him. He’d just found them. He didn’t want to give them up yet.

Ryker sat on the couch and picked up his laptop from the coffee table. It was already open to A few moments later his sister Jillian and his parents strolled inside. His father was still fit for a man in his forties. His receding black hair and the wrinkles that creased the corners of his eyes were the only things that gave away his age. He prided himself on being able to occasionally beat Ryker at a game of one-on-one. Ryker had never told him, but beating his father at any sport had stopped being a challenge around seventh grade. Ryker lost on purpose sometimes because it didn’t seem right to make his father lose all the time.

Ryker’s mother was blonde, thin, and efficient in everything she did. She was the type of woman who could talk on the phone, stir three different things on the stove, and use hand motions to instruct her children to clean up their stuff, all without breaking stride.

As she came through the door, she was sorting through mail, already making a stack of things to shred. “The dog needs to be fed,” she told Ryker, without looking up. “His bowl is empty again.”

Griffin’s bowl was frequently empty because the dog was a glutton. “Mom,” Ryker said calmly, “I need to talk to you and Dad alone.”

His tone of voice made her look up from the mail. “What’s wrong?”

Ryker’s gaze slid to his sister. Jillian let out an offended huff. “Nobody ever lets me hear anything.”

His mother fluttered her hand toward Jillian’s bedroom. “Go find something to do for a few minutes.”

Jillian clomped down the hallway, still huffing, and shut her door with a loud bang.

“What’s up?” his father asked, coming to stand in front of the couch.

Ryker flipped the laptop around so that was showing. “Have you ever heard of Slayers?”

Ryker’s father squinted at the screen, then took the laptop from Ryker’s hands. His mother stood rooted to the spot, an envelope still clutched in her hand. “What are you talking about?”

“According to the website,” Ryker said, “I’ve inherited powers to fight dragons. A guy named Dr. B wants to train me.”

His parents stiffened. His mother strode over to read what was on the laptop. Two spots of angry color formed in her cheeks. “I don’t know what sort of scam this man is running, but you’re not going to have anything to do with him. Just forget you ever saw it.” She was speaking too fast, worry overshadowing her anger. “This Dr. B person is obviously making things up. Con men will tell you anything to get your trust.”

Ryker pulled the screwdriver from his pocket. It shouldn’t have fit in there, and wouldn’t have if he hadn’t twisted the metal around the handle. He stood up and handed it to his mother. “This used to be a screwdriver. It turns out I can bend steel.”

Ryker’s mother stared at the screwdriver and let out a gasp.

His father handed the laptop to his mother and took the screwdriver from Ryker’s hand. He tugged at the metal. It didn’t move. “How did you do this?”

Ryker wasn’t about to tell them about the simulator he built in the basement. “Slayers have extra strength,” Ryker said. “I can also toss my weights around like they were Frisbees.” He leaned forward. “Did you guys really skip town after Dr. B told you he needed to train me?”

His parents exchanged a glance, one of fear and frustration. “How did Dr. B know Ryker’s name?” his mother asked his father. “We never told him.”

Ryker knew the answer to that question. “You stenciled my name on the nursery wall. After you moved, Dr. B came by to talk to you again. He looked through the window and saw it.”

“He peered in our windows?” His mother let out another gasp, as if this were the worst part of the story—not running away after you found out your son was needed to protect the country.

Ryker’s father glared at the computer screen. “Don’t tell anyone about this. Not about dragons, not about Slayers. It isn’t safe.”

It isn’t safe?
They were talking about dragons attacking the country. They were talking about a dragon lord who was trying to hunt down Slayers. How was any of it going to be safe? Ryker stood up sharply. “I thought you guys had a good reason for running off, but you didn’t, did you? All along, you knew what I was. Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

“Because we want you to live.” His mother’s eyes were wide, and her voice spiraled upward, nearing hysteria. “You have no idea about dragons. I dreamed of them while I was pregnant with you—it’s genetic memory. I saw one pick up cars and toss them around like they were toys. They’re huge, they’re fast, and you’ll be killed if one finds you.”

Ryker wasn’t sure which surprised him more, that his mother had dreamed of dragons, or that she thought he hadn’t. He’d dreamed of them before he even knew what they were. They hovered around the edges of his crib, snapping their jaws and flicking their tails. “Mom,” Ryker said, trying to calm her so they could talk about it reasonably, “I’ll be safer if I know how to use my powers. Dr. B has a camp—”

“No.” She didn’t let him say anymore. “You don’t have our permission to go to camp or anywhere near that man.” She was pale, trembling. Even her lips had lost their color.

Ryker stared at her, not sure what to say. He expected there to be some grand and noble reason they’d kept his identity hidden from him—or at least one that made sense. He expected his parents to feel guilty for running away. They didn’t, though. They were mad he’d found out the truth.

Ryker’s father gripped the laptop hard, still reading. “Did you contact Dr. B? Did you tell him where we lived?”

“No.” Which was true. Ryker hadn’t e-mailed Dr. B—Willow had. Dr. B couldn’t trace the e-mail, though. Ryker’s father had installed software that rerouted their IP addresses. One more paranoid thing his parents did, which suddenly made sense. They weren’t hiding from identity theft or Internet predators. They were hiding from Dr. B.

Ryker’s dad shook his head at the laptop screen. He was nearly growling. “What sort of man tells you not to tell your parents that he wants to train you for life-threatening missions?”

“The sort of man,” Ryker pointed out, “that knows you ran away the first time he told you about dragons. The other Slayers at that camp know about me. They’ve saved me a spot every year, waiting for me to come.” This, surprisingly, had been one of the harder facts for Ryker to realize was true. The other Slayers were at camp right now, wondering if he would ever show up. They must think he was a coward.

Mr. Davis spun on Ryker, his finger pointed in accusation. “We’re trying to save your life. That man will throw it away.”

Ryker raised his voice to match his father’s. “You should have told me who I was. When I was little and was worried that dragons were going to pop out of my closet—you knew why I was afraid of them. You never said one thing about it.” Until Ryker started elementary school, he’d made his father check his closet every night. It was a ritual—his father pushing shirts and toys aside to show that nothing lurked in deep shadows.

“What should I have told you?” his father asked. “That they were real and you were supposed to fight them?
would have given you good dreams.”

“What about now?” Ryker asked, incredulous. “You knew it was in my DNA to fight dragons, but you never did anything to prepare me for it.”

A flush of anger reddened his father’s throat. “I don’t care who your ancestors were. You’re a
. It’s not your responsibility to fight dragons. If you ever hear about an attack, you stay away from it. Do you understand?”

“It’s my life,” Ryker threw back at them. “You can’t make my decisions.”

His mother’s eyes narrowed and her lips tightened into a line. “We can until you’re eighteen. I swear I’ll put a restraining order on Dr. B if he comes near you.” She turned to Ryker’s father, shaking even more now. “We need to read the entire website. We need to know what it says.”

Ryker’s father put his arm on her shoulder and guided her across the room. He shot Ryker a look over his shoulder that said this was far from over, and then his parents disappeared down the hallway to their bedroom.

Ryker stared after them, gritting his teeth. This was turning out really well. They didn’t listen to anything he said, didn’t ask him what he wanted to do. They were determined to treat him like that same five-year-old who had cringed from shadows in his closet.

He stormed downstairs to talk to Willow. It wouldn’t take his parents long to read all the pages on the website. Maybe an hour or two. Once they found the blueprints for the dragon heartbeat simulator, they would realize that’s where Ryker had gotten his strength from. They would come for it. Ryker wasn’t about to give it up.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he found Willow leaning against the doorway that led into the rec room. She’d listened to the whole thing. Which was good since it saved him the trouble of having to repeat any of it.

Griffin, Ryker’s dog, sat at Willow’s feet, looking up at her as though he knew she was upset, and was just waiting for her to bend down so he could lick her hands to make her feel better. Stupid dog. Griffin hadn’t even cast a glance at Ryker and he was the one who fed him every day.

Willow sighed. “I just realized why superheroes wear masks. It’s so their parents don’t ground them.”

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