Sloan (The Protectors Series) Book #9 (17 page)

Chapter 32

Sloan was a nervous fucking wreck. Jesus, he could face the meanest, baddest motherfuckers on the planet, but meeting Becky’s son was making him nauseous, and he was a vampire. Vampires didn’t get fucking nauseous.

“You good?” Becky asked from the seat next to him.

“Yep,” he replied, but his stomach said, “Nope.”

He knew how important her son was to her and Sloan hoped to hell he didn’t blow it. Seeing the restaurant sign, he pulled in. Frankie was visiting with his dad, but had set time to meet and have dinner with Becky and him.

Sloan smiled as Becky leaned forward, her face practically pushed against the windshield. He felt her excitement and mixed with his nerves, it was fucking driving him insane. He did not like this feeling at all, but he would go through the gates of hell for her. Sloan just hoped that wasn’t the case today.

“There he is,” she shouted and he barely stopped the car before she was jumping out.

“Dammit, Becky!” Sloan shouted, slamming on the brakes. “Wait until I stop.” But she was long gone.

Getting out of the car, he hit the lock button and put the keys in his pocket. Sloan walked toward them, but stayed back, giving them their moment. Her son was taller than her, well-built with dark hair that hung to his shoulders. Their eyes met and as always, Sloan could tell by a man’s eyes what kind of man he was. Becky’s son was a righteous guy who was very protective of his mother. Sloan knew immediately they would get along just fine.

Becky finally let him go and turned toward Sloan. “I’m so sorry.” Becky reached toward Sloan, who stepped closer and took her hand. “Frankie, this is Sloan Murphy. Sloan, this is my son, Frankie.”

Reaching out, Sloan shook Frankie’s hand. Her son’s grip was firm, but not disrespectfully so. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Frankie.” Sloan smiled down at him. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Oh, God.” Frankie glanced at his mom with a look only a son could give his mother. “I can only imagine what she’s told you.”

“All good.” Sloan laughed, enjoying Becky’s blush. “I promise.”

They made their way inside and got seated. Sloan noticed Frankie glancing at their joined hands, but he didn’t mention it.

“So, this is your boss, huh?” Frankie grinned, looking between Becky and Sloan.

“Well, yes, but….” Becky struggled with her words.

“Mom, it’s cool.” Frankie laughed, his eyes going to Sloan, then back to his mom. “Are you happy?”

“Very.” Becky nodded, then wiped a tear that leaked from her eye.

“That’s all I want for you.” Frankie’s eyes misted. “That’s all I ever wanted for you, Mom.”

“Ugh, now my nose is all runny.” She scooted toward Sloan. “Let me run to the restroom real quick.”

Sloan stood, then looked for the restroom and around the restaurant. When he felt okay with letting her go, he helped her out of the booth. She wiped another tear away.

“Sorry, I don’t know why I’m so damn weepy lately.” She gave him a wet smile.

Chuckling, Sloan sat back down and watched her disappear into the restroom before looking back at Frankie, who was staring at him.

“You’re a Warrior?” Frankie asked, taking a sip of water.

“Yes,” Sloan replied, waiting for the next question.

“Pretty obvious.” Frankie smiled. “The way you checked out the place before letting my mom go alone says a lot about you.”

“I’m in love with your mom, Frankie.” Sloan just came right out and laid it on the table. That was the type of man he was. “I promise you I will take care of her and never do her wrong. She loves you and I respect that. I hope we can be friends, but if not, just know your mom is well taken care of and I will never come between the two of you.”

Frankie sat for a long time staring at Sloan. “My dad’s an asshole, but I still see him because he holds it over Mom’s head if I don’t.” Frankie glanced over to see if she was coming. “You treat my mom right and we will be the best of friends.”

“I plan on kicking your dad’s ass one day.” Sloan cocked an eyebrow, waiting for Frankie’s reaction.

“Just don’t kill him and let me be there when you do,” Frankie replied, his face serious.

Sloan thought about that for a minute, then nodded. “Deal.”

Frankie laughed, giving Sloan a knuckle bump. “You’re okay, man.”

“What’s so funny?” Becky asked as she scooted back in the booth.

Sloan and Frankie just looked at each other. “Guy talk,” they both said at the same time.

Enjoying watching Becky and her son interact, while also including him, was something Sloan would never forget. And unfortunately it was over too soon. Frankie had to get back to school and Sloan had things he had to take care of.

The ride was quiet on the way home. Sloan kept glancing over at Becky to check on her, but gave her space. He knew watching Frankie leave broke her heart.

Pulling into an empty parking lot, he put the car in park, then reached for her. She rested her head on his chest, but didn’t cry.

“I miss him,” Becky whispered. “I know he has to be his own man, but it’s so hard.”

“You did a great job with him, Becky,” Sloan said against her hair as he stared at nothing out the window. “He’s going to be a good man.”

They stayed like that for a few minutes more before they took off again. She’d needed to be held and he suddenly realized so did he, because what caused her pain, caused him the same.

Instead of going back to the compound, he drove to his apartment. He was glad Becky didn’t question it. There was something more important he had to do than work. That thought kind of freaked him out a little because for so long, work was what was most important to him, but that had changed, and fast.

Once upstairs, Becky gave him a kiss, then disappeared on the balcony. He knew she was still missing her son. He felt the same way when she wasn’t in his presence.

Heading into his bedroom, he unlocked his safe in his closet and removed a small box. Walking back out, he paused and watched her as she gazed at the river. The view he had on the top floor was magnificent, but with her standing there as part of the view, it was spectacular. She must have sensed him because she turned her head to look at him over her shoulder. Her smile was enough to drop him to his knees.

Instead, he walked toward her, the box clasped in his hand. Reaching out, Sloan turned her around and then dropped to one knee. Opening the box, he turned it toward her. He had bought the ring after their first night together; that was how sure he had been she was his.

“I have never loved before like I love you.” Sloan stared into her eyes, which were open wide in shock. “I know this is soon, but I have never been more sure of anything in my life. If you agree to be my wife, I would also ask for you to be my mate in the vampire way. I will never let you down, will love you forever, and I promise I will never break your heart. I’m an asshole, work too much and have some shitty habits, but know I love you and want you by my side for life.”

Becky didn’t even look at the ring. She just threw herself at him, toppling them over. He broke her fall with his body.

“Will you marry me, Becky Spencer?” Sloan said from his back, the box still in his hand.

“I will marry you, Sloan, and you’re not an asshole.” She kissed his face all over. “And I’m your secretary, so when I think you’re working too hard, I will make you take a break. There’re things I’ve wanted to try in that office and chair and as for your shitty habits, I’ve a few of my own.”

Sloan didn’t know how long they lay there, but it was long enough that he was ready to strip her clothes off. “Do you want your ring?” He laughed when she straddled him and gazed at the box.

“Of course, but I’ve got all I need right here.” She finally glanced at the ring and gasped. It was a single rose diamond with a gold band. “It’s beautiful, Sloan.”

“No, you’re beautiful.” He placed the ring on her finger, then rose to his feet, carrying her all the way. “Now, I’d like to make you my mate before we start the wedding planning.”

“I’m all yours.” Becky sighed, hugging his neck.

“Bet your sweet ass you are.” He gave her a whack as he carried her to his bed, closing the door with his foot.


Blaze pulled into the compound and parked. Heading up the steps to the front door, he looked down and spotted blood splattered all the way up the steps, which then pooled at the door. His senses alert, he stepped over the blood, used his key, and slipped inside.

His eyes followed the trail, but he hesitated and listened. Jill ran from Sloan’s office and almost passed him before she realized he was there. Her face was panicked and pinched in rage.

“Oh, God, Blaze.” Jill grabbed his arm, pulling him. “It’s Katrina.”

Blaze didn’t say a word, but pushed her to wherever Katrina was. His eyes followed the trail of blood as they ran, his worry for her overwhelming. Jill was heading toward Slade’s office. He passed the other Warriors, who were waiting outside in the hallway. Following Jill inside, his eyes landed on Katrina who lay lifelessly on the table. Cuts, bruises, and blood covered her. She was almost unrecognizable.

“She’s sedated,” Slade said, his voice worried. “I’ve done all I can do for now. It doesn’t look good.”

“What the fuck do you mean it doesn’t look good?” Blaze’s voice was low and deadly. “Why isn’t she in the hospital? Anyone else you would have taken, why not her?”

“She can’t be moved, Blaze.” Slade remained calm. “She’s lost too much blood. If I move her now, there’s a chance she won’t make it. Give it until tonight. If she shows improvement, I’ll get her to the hospital.”

Blaze couldn’t take his eyes off her prone form. Who in the fuck could do something like that to this girl, this sweet woman who would never hurt anyone? “Who did this?” Blaze asked.

“We don’t know, yet.” Slade’s eyes darkened.

“She told me she was going to the vet.” Jill sniffed, holding Katrina’s hand. “I asked her if she wanted a ride and she said no as she’d be a while because they were allowing her to work off that damn dog’s bill so she could take him. She was going to walk some of the dogs and clean kennels. She hoped to work enough today to pay them off and I couldn’t break her heart because I knew it would take more than just today. I offered her some money, but she refused and said she was looking forward to it.”

“How did she get here?” Blaze still stared at Katrina and the more he stared, the angrier he became.

“I found her on the steps.” Jared stood in the open doorway. “Sid checked the monitors and said she walked until she reached the steps, where she crawled the rest of the way.”

His eyes shifted to the ground, his fists tightening at his sides. Someone was going to die an ugly death.

“This was pinned to her shirt.” Slade handed him a piece of paper.

Blaze took the bloodied paper. Looking down he read the note. WHO WILL BE NEXT? THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING. was written in bold black letters.  Any control Blaze had went straight to hell.

“Get him the fuck out of here,” Slade roared as heat came off Blaze in waves.

He felt himself being tackled out of the room, down the hall and outside.

“Jesus!” a voice shouted. “Burned the fuck out of my hand.”

“Get away from me!” Blaze roared, his head falling back. He took deep, calming breaths that weren’t working worth a shit. He was ready to tear shit up. Fuck!

Everyone listened and stayed the fuck back. Sloan and Becky pulled in, Sloan parking his bike and getting off.

“Keep Becky back!” Jared shouted, running to block her.

“I’m fine!” Blaze dropped his head, but his eyes were swirling and deep red.

“Duncan called me.” Sloan reached out, taking Becky’s hand. “Where is she?”

“With Slade,” Jared answered, but his eyes were still on Blaze.

“We’ll find who did this,” Sloan said, his eyes on Blaze.

Blaze finally talked himself down. It wasn’t easy, but he did it. He turned to Sloan. “Yes, I will.” He then headed for his bike. “Stay with her. I’ll be back.”

“Blaze!” Sloan warned. He handed off Becky to Jared before he stepped in front of Blaze.

“I’m fucking fine,” Blaze growled, his eyes going to Sloan’s. “I need to do something for her. Now get the fuck out of my way.”

“Don’t make me regret stepping down,” Sloan replied. He then edged away to let Blaze pass.

“Stay with her” was all he said as he jumped on his bike and headed out. As Blaze retraced the steps she would have taken, he kept his eyes out for anything odd that would clue him in on what the fuck happened. Reaching his destination, he walked inside to the counter.

“Can I help you?” the girl asked, staring at his eyes and looking a little afraid.

“We brought a dog in a few nights ago.” Blaze glanced around for a familiar face. “I wanted to pay the bill and take the dog.”

“Do you have a name?” she asked with a frown.

“Ah, Katrina,” he said, wishing she would hurry.

“Oh, yes.” She tapped something on the computer. “She was supposed to come in today to help. Dr. Reader said she could do that to pay the bill.”

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