Slow Burn: A Texas Heat Novel (3 page)

Read Slow Burn: A Texas Heat Novel Online

Authors: Octavia McKenzie

Donavan’s body went rigid. Every muscle in his body tensed. He was suddenly so aroused, so turned on, he was appalled. This is Harper! Harper Grant, arch enemy, thorn in his side, pain in the ass, gets on his last nerve - Harper. She rubbed her long leg between his.

“Oh Jesus,” he whispered hoarsely. His hand caught in her glorious hair. The other itched to explore all her lush curves and valleys.
No! You let go of her right now McClain! She’s high on medication and she took a blow to the head.

That had to be it, he thought. Harper had him confused with someone else. Her hand traveled across his broad chest. Donavan shuddered.
What the hell is happening?
His body wanted her with a raging desire he hadn’t felt since high school. The night of Senior Prom when-

Donavan ruthlessly suppressed the memory. Harper moaned his name. It took every ounce of self-control not to roll her over and kiss, lick and taste every inch of her. Damn it woman!

Harper whispered, “Remember when we kissed?”  

“I thought we promised never to talk about that?” he said gruffly.

You keep your hands to yourself McClain!
His conscience raged.
She’s not in her right mind. Don’t you dare take advantage!

“Kiss me again,” she said breathlessly.

“No,” he said firmly.

“I thought about it, about you, when I thought I was gonna die.”

“Hush baby, you’re safe now,” he said. “I’m here.”

Donavan resumed stroking her hair.
Remember when we kissed?
Oh he tried to block it out of his mind but the memory taunted him now with excruciating detail.

Chapter 5

10 years ago…

Harper wore the dress to please her mother. Yellow chiffon, puffed sleeves and jeweled bodice with matching hat with yellow feathers, stockings and high heels that wobbled when she walked. In the ballroom, Harper tried to make herself invisible. But of course, the cool kids noticed her. Dylan Chambers, Jake Callahan and that awful Donavan McClain. They laughed at her on sight. At least Dylan tried to hide it. Not Donavan. Harper attempted to blend into the far wall with the other dateless girls. But her friend, Emerson had other ideas.

“Why should we hide?” she asked. “Let’s dance!” she grabbed Harper’s hand and their friend, Devon. They danced under neon lights and tacky streamers. Harper’s dress swished back and forth as her hips moved to the beat. She still didn’t feel like a girl. It was hard to feel feminine when she towered over most of the boys. Oh well, at least her best friend Sawyer had a date. They waved at each other from across the dance floor.  

Donavan danced with his date. The dazzling Jennifer with her low cut mini dress and boobs that jiggled as she gyrated against him. Dylan tapped him on the shoulder and asked him to dance with Devon.

Devon was the queen of the nerds, curly brown hair, cherub face and a brain the size of a small planet. She had a photographic memory, was top of her class and read every book in the school library. She was a lock for most likely to succeed. Jen pouted prettily when he asked Devon to dance.

Devon stared up at him with a quizzical look. “The statistical probability of someone like you asking someone like me to dance is one in eight hundred twenty-six thousand, six hundred and two.”

Donavan blinked at her. He didn’t even wanna know how she came up with that. The girl’s a freakazoid. Dylan owed him bigtime. When Donavan saw his friend dancing with Emerson Riley he finally understood. Dyl had been crazy about that girl for months but never made a move until now. Good for him! Devon stepped on his toes six times, bless her. The song seemed to last forever. Over her shoulder, he spotted Dylan ask Jake to dance with Amazon. Donavan glared at her. Harper glared right back. They had a fierce silent exchange.





Donavan’s eyes narrowed to slits. Jake held her just a little too close. What’s he playing at? As the song finally ended, Jake led Harper out of the ballroom to the gardens beyond. Oh hell no! Donavan bristled. Irrational anger poured through him like acid. He abruptly walked off the dance floor, leaving poor Devon and his date behind. No choice, he had to follow.

Harper felt breathless anticipation. She started out the night dateless, embarrassed by her gangly size. Now Jake Callahan, one of the most popular boys in school walked beside her. The lush botanical gardens looked enchanting in the moonlight.  

“Can’t believe we’ve never spoken before,” Jake said. “You’re funny, smart and kinda cute.”

Harper burst out laughing. She’d been called a lot of things in her life, cute definitely wasn’t one of them. They passed other couples, some walking hand in hand others making out in the shadows. Jake smoothly turned her down a dim path. An ivy covered wall concealed them from view. Jake flashed his signature, high wattage grin. He was really good looking – wavy brown hair, dreamy hazel eyes, tanned gold skin with an athlete’s body. He wanted to kiss her, she could tell by the way he inched closer. He cupped her cheek with his hand and leaned in.
It’s gonna happen! It’s gonna happen! My first kiss, finally!

Harper dreamed of this moment. She never imagined it would be with someone she didn’t really care about but at least she’d know what a kiss felt like. Harper closed her eyes and waited. She heard a thump. Her eyes flew open. Donavan knocked Jake on his ass.

“Are you kidding me?” Donavan hissed.

Jake leaped up and brushed dirt from his pants. “Yo, chill out man.”

“She’s off limits!” Donavan said, “You can have most any girl you want, not this one.”

Jake rolled his eyes. “Come on man.”

Donavan shoved him back hard. “You and me, we’re gonna have a problem if you don’t back off and apologize.”

Jake twisted his lips. “Sorry,” he mumbled. He gave a mock salute before turning on his heel and leaving. 

Silence. Harper glared at him. The undercurrents between them made Donavan uneasy in the darkness. Harper folded her arms tight beneath her breasts. When the hell did she grow boobs?

“Why do you have to ruin everything?” she yelled.

“Oh should I just let Jake add you to his little black book? Yeah, he keeps a record of every girl he kisses, makes out with or has sex with, then he rates them on a scale of smoking hot to ice ice baby. Is that what you want?”

She paled, then flushed crimson. “No damn it.”

“So what’s your problem?”

“You!” she burst out. “Why do you hate me?”

“I don’t hate you,” he said irritably.

“I didn’t want to come to this stupid dance anyway.”

“Then go home.”

“Not without my first kiss.”

Donavan laughed. Then he saw the stricken look on her face. “Oh, you’re not kidding.”

“Ugh! Be a jerk why don’t you.”

“I’m sorry but it’s hard for me to take you seriously when you look like Big Bird.” He laughed at his own joke. He expected some snappy comeback or insult. Harper threw the lopsided yellow feathered hat at him.

The air instantly crackled between them, like electric static. Donavan closed the distance in two strides. Damn she’s tall. They were almost nose to nose.

“I’ll kiss you.”


“With tongue or no?”

“Um, not sure.”

“Trust me, you want tongue, hard or soft?”

“Er, soft?”

“Eyes opened or closed?”


Without warning, his head swooped down. Her lips were so soft and juicy, Donavan felt hot shivers up and down his spine. His tongue seductively parted her lips and slid over hers. Harper moaned. Her tongue shyly mated with his. Next thing he knew, Donavan lost his mind. He deepened the kiss to a fever pitch. His hands roamed up and down her back, waist and luscious ass.
Who knew?!
Harper touched his chest. Her hands swept up his back. Her nails dug into his shirt and pulled him closer. The kiss went on and on, hot and passionate. Donavan wanted to be deep inside her with every fiber in his body. The primitive urge to take her right there in the garden, shook him to the core. Harper’s innocent exploration of his chest, the way she kissed him back with such sweet intensity, nearly drove him over the edge. Someone blared a car horn in the distance. That’s what saved Harper Grant’s virginity. Donavan broke the kiss, stunned into silence. The sound of their harsh breathing mingled in the night.


“This never happened. We don’t talk about this – ever - I will deny, deny, deny.”

She flinched. He struggled to bring some normality back.



They both spun around and walked in opposite directions. 

Chapter 6

Back in the hospital room, Donavan stroked her hair, amazed by the softness of it.

She’s off limits McClain!

Why exactly
? The devil on his shoulder asked.

If he ever kissed her again, which he vehemently doubted, Donavan wanted her sober for it. He knew it was wrong to pry, but he had to ask.


She snuggled as close to him as physically possible. “How many – who have you slept with?”

“You,” she said, “We sleep now.” Donavan smiled in her hair.

You have no right McClain!

The hell I don’t!

This is invasion of privacy!

Donavan ignored his conscience. “Who have you had sex with?” Could be any of the firefighters in her station or the police officers in town. Yet they all treated her like one of the guys. Harper stroked Donavan’s chest. His heart slammed against his ribs. Her touch stirred his blood. His conscience was furious.

Leave her alone

“No one,” She yawned.

Donavan frowned. Did her hazy mind understand the question? “What do you mean no-”

“I’m a virgin, silly.”


“But you’re twenty-eight years old!”

Harper shrugged. “Waiting.”

“For what?”


He couldn’t breathe. A tremor ran through him. Stunned beyond belief, Donavan could only lay there, thunderstruck.

What? What did she just say?

“Harper?” he said her name harshly. She snored softly. With her injury he couldn’t exactly wake her up and demand clarification. It can’t be true! She took a blow to the head. That had to be it. It was the concussion and the pain meds talking. He never met a twenty-eight year old virgin and he sure as hell couldn’t believe she was waiting for him.

But if it’s true

No, it can’t be. And yet his arms contracted around her. Sometimes, he secretly thought of her as his. Something primitive inside him growled,
Harper Grant belongs to me!
He fought the ferocious possessiveness until he was mentally exhausted. Finally, Donavan drifted off into sweet oblivion.

The nightmare chilled her to the bone. The man loomed over her with a smirk on his rugged face. Not the bank robber, someone far worse. He didn’t need a gun to threaten Harper with. He had his fists for that. He used his tongue like a whip to slash and draw blood. Eyes the color of storm clouds held the fierce promise he made her long ago.
I’m coming for you

Harper opened her eyes a crack. Her heart shook in her chest. She took deep, gulping breaths. The only thing that kept the blinding panic at bay was the warm hand in her hair and the gentle touch stroking her back. Startled, Harper looked up.


For an unguarded moment, she could look at him, drink him in, and adore his chiseled, handsome face. The long sweep of his gold eyelashes as he slept. His full lips, strong jawline.
Oh God, why did he have to be so beautiful?

Donavan murmured in his sleep. “Okay, baby?”

Harper felt tears sting her eyes. He’d never spoken to her with that gentle tone before. The man was sound asleep. He probably thinks he’s in the Bahamas, in bed with big boobs Kimber.

On that depressing note, Harper savored the feeling of safety, warmth and love, just - being in his arms. Donavan stirred, framed her face between his hands and kissed her hungrily as if he’d never get enough. Harper kissed him back with all the pent up longing in her heart. He abruptly stopped, eyes still closed and settled her head on his chest. “Mine,” he whispered.

Harper felt hot all over. She trembled in the aftermath. Her mind shied away from what her heart already knew. She loved him! Harper blinked, wide eyed in the dark like an owl blinded by the light. The yearning for him was so strong she could hardly breathe. Harper cursed under her breath. How could this happen? It was like some cruel cosmic joke. Donavan McClain would never look twice at her. She wasn’t his type, not even close. He liked slender, blond, big titty women. His dates looked like supermodels. Harper felt down right inferior next to them. It was hard not to feel inadequate as a woman when she towered over most men and other women looked at her with pity or ridicule. Then there was that sinister voice, the man from the nightmare telling her.
You’re worthless Harper, unlovable
. Sometimes it was hard not to believe the monster in the memory.

Donavan was universally loved by beautiful, petite, glamorous women. She didn’t know how to be a girlie girl. Harper ruefully supposed she didn’t have a feminine bone in her body.    

Her mom was afraid she was a lesbian but promised to still love her if she ever wanted to come out of the closet! That mortifying conversation ended with her mom in tears begging Harper to wear cosmetics, dresses and high heels like a normal girl. Donavan dated women who looked the polar opposite of Harper. She had inky black hair. He loved corn silk blonds. Harper’s eyes were an odd shade of forest green. His dates usually flashed baby blues framed with long fake eyelashes and pretty eye shadow. Harper never wore makeup. Donavan’s harem were itty bitty. She was gigantic in comparison. She had a fat, round ass. His women were flat as pancakes. Donavan’s type wore cut off tops to show off their flat abdomens and pierced navels. Harper’s idea of fashion was military tactical gear, camouflage, tee shirt, jeans, boots. In short, Harper didn’t have a chance in hell with Donavan McClain. She tried to ease away from him. He grunted in his sleep, his arms tightened around her like steel bands. Harper closed her eyes. She knew she would likely never be in his arms again. She inhaled him, touched him, and snuggled against him as close as she dared. She savored every second of sheer bliss. Then Harper fell asleep in his arms.

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