Read So I Married a Werewolf (Entangled Covet) Online

Authors: Kristin Miller

Tags: #engagement of convenience, #Kristin Miller, #best friends to lovers, #paranormal romance, #PNR, #Gone with the Wolf, #ugly duckling, #werewolves, #Entangled, #fated mates, #Four Weddings and a Werewolf, #So I Married a Werewolf, #Covet, #marriage of convenience

So I Married a Werewolf (Entangled Covet) (18 page)

As her throat squeezed, disbelief rooted in her mind. Carter hadn’t said the exact words before, but he’d sweet-talked her a dozen times. She was dead tired of allowing him to use her emotions as his personal yo-yo.

It was going to take something really extreme to make her open up and go back to him.

If I can’t be with you, none of this means anything. You’re the reason I got the job…I don’t want it without you.
He stepped off the altar and pushed through the crowd.
I don’t want to live a single day without you at my side.

He approached her, the crowd parting, staring. And when he reached her side, he burrowed his head against her neck.
I love you, Faith. I love you more than I’ve ever loved another. You were in front of me the entire time, but I was too stupid and too blind to see you. You were, and have always been, the woman fated for me.

She wobbled, her legs and will weakening together.

And I know you love me too, even if you haven’t said the words.
His voice was soft, tender, a caress against the fur on her neck.
I pray that you can find it in your heart to take me back. If you can’t forgive me for being such an ass, I’ll spend every single day of the rest of my life trying to convince you that we belong together.

I don’t know what to say.
She cast her thoughts, struggling to hold back the emotion bubbling inside her.

I know exactly what to say.
Drake interrupted, standing behind the altar. The packmates went quiet.
Carter, from what I’ve seen tonight, there is no reason why you have to sacrifice your position in the bureau.

He lied!
Nate Ramsey’s thoughts hurled from the back of the crowd.
How can you push him up the ranks if you can’t trust him?

Drake’s dark gaze met Carter’s.
Because he revealed the truth to us now, when it meant the most. He could have taken the position and run with it, yet he didn’t. He came forward in front of the members of the pack gathered tonight, and that takes courage. However, if Carter believes Nate is a worthier candidate, perhaps we should reconsider our stance to accept only one detective into our ranks. Nate, please come forward.

He shouldered through the crowd and joined Drake at the front.

Carter’s captain stepped forward to address the crowd.
Carter Griffin, you were up for this position once before, and were turned down due to being in an unstable state.
The captain eyed Faith carefully.
Although you claim not to be married in heart to this woman, we can sense that you’ve mated. We sense your desire for her and hers for you. It’s clear to see that the bond you share together has strengthened you. What I see beneath the moon tonight is a different man than the unstable one we met years ago—one who is determined to walk a path of honesty, integrity, and courage. We’d be happy to have such a werewolf promoted in our bureau.

Thank you, Captain.
Carter lowered his head as he faced their Alpha.
And humble thanks to you too, Mr. Wilder.

Now if you’d take your places, we’ll continue,
Drake projected.
Carter, join Nate at the altar.

Carter turned to Faith.
It’s not worth a lick without you.

She nudged her nose against his.
It’s what you’ve always wanted.

That may be,
he projected softly.
But it’d mean nothing without you.

I said go,
she whispered.
We’ll work on us after.

His ears twitched.
So there’s still an “us”?

You’re still a contender, Brando.
She giggled, but the sound came out as a half growl.
Now go.

Carter bounded happily onto the stage next to Drake and Nate. The two candidates faced the packmates and bowed. Then loudly, and proudly, they took turns reciting the vows that proclaimed them to be newly promoted high-ranking officials in the wolf pack’s enforcement bureau. The packmates went wild, howling and yelping at the moon.

As Carter descended from the stage, he brushed against her, the warmth from his body radiating into hers. Her eyes fluttered closed, and her heart gave a stutter.

Things were going to be okay after all.

Of course they are
, he projected quietly.
As long as we’re together, everything’s going to be perfect. There’s one thing I have to ask, though.


He lowered his head in front of hers, his ears folding down, his eyes fluttering closed. Whatever he was about to say was hard for him.

Do you love me?
he asked.

I don’t exactly know how to answer that.
She pulled back and gazed into those heavenly blue eyes.
You told me not to lie to you.

he whispered into her thoughts.
I did.

So I’ll tell you that what I feel for you is more than love and more than words. You consume me, and although I could live without you, standing strong on my own two feet, you complement me in every way and make every experience I have more vibrant. I crave being near you so much that it pains me when we’re apart.

He growled from deep within his chest and nuzzled against her. She could hear his heartbeat, could feel the warmth and strength of his body.

Faith Alroy Hamilton
, he said,
I love you more than anyone has ever loved another. Make me the happiest werewolf on the planet and marry me…again.

Oh, Carter
—the lips covering her incisors pulled back into a smile
—that’s the most romantic second proposal I’ve ever received.

And then right there, in front of the packmates and high-ranking members of the Enforcement Bureau, they said their vows and sealed their fates together forever…for real this time.


Two days later, Dawson came to visit. Faith always loved when her younger brother stayed with her, and didn’t want to think about life without him when he went away to Yale. It was a good thing she could cuddle up to Carter. He always seemed to make everything better.

“You’re going to a good home, aren’t you, boy?” Dawson ran his fingers through Humperdinck’s fur. “Hey Faith, what time is the adoptive parent coming again?”

“Around noon.” She curled into the corner of her couch, her legs tucked beneath her and a cup of coffee in her hand. “You going to stay until he shows up?”

“Maybe.” Shrugging, he checked the clock. “Or until Carter gets here. I don’t want to leave you alone when a stranger comes knocking.”

“That’s nice of you. Who knew you could be so chivalrous?”

He grinned, giving Faith images of the little boy she used to know.

“It’s the least I could do after what you’ve done for me.” He scratched Humperdinck’s back and kept his eyes on the floor. “If I haven’t thanked you before, thank you.”

“I love you, dude.” Her heart filled and overflowed. “You don’t ever have to say thank you. I would do anything to be able to pay your way through school.”

“It’s more than that.” He looked up at her. “Thank you for the bags of groceries every time I visit, for the late-night phone calls to make sure I’ve made it home okay…for caring. You’re the best sister in the world.”

Humperdinck yapped as if he agreed.

“I think you’re pretty great, too. The next time you call me, it better be to say that you’re killing it in your classes.”

“Oh, I will.” He checked the clock for the umpteenth time.

Tracy’s car pulled in front of the porch, the sound of her motor sending Humperdinck into a frenzy. Faith commanded him to stop. He listened, shutting his cute little hairy mouth. Dawson was at the door before Tracy opened it.

“Morning, Tracy,” he said, his voice tighter than it’d been moments before. “Good to see you.”

Tracy grinned, and then embraced Dawson in a hug. “Good to see you, too.”

They held each other a little longer than Faith expected, and when they pulled away, Faith could sense electricity in the air. Dawson’s eyes lit up, and he swiped his hands on his jeans.

“Care to say good-bye to Humperdinck before he’s adopted out?” Faith said, breaking their connection.

Tracy freaked, flapping her arms against her sides. “That’s why I came by this morning! I couldn’t let my favorite puppy leave without saying good-bye.”

“The guy should be here in a few minutes. Get your last bits of loving in while you can.”

As Tracy swept Humperdinck into her arms, Faith sighed. She’d come a long way with the cute little guy, and she’d miss him like crazy.

But she’d already promised the man he could have the pooch, and she couldn’t go back on her word, especially not now that she posted the updates on her blog. Every one of the five thousand subscribers knew Humperdinck was being adopted today. And she promised to go on tonight and give a final blogging farewell to the pup, giving the final stats for his progress.

He’d improved so much over the last months.

It’d been almost a week since her couch cushion had been mounted. Days since she had to command him to “leave it.” Hours since he glanced lovingly at her shoe.

He was a work in progress…just like her.

“Carter’s here,” Dawson said. “I can now leave you in good hands.”

“Okay, get out of here.” Faith embraced her brother and friend as Humperdinck escaped onto the porch. “Call me when you get back to school.”

“Okay,” Dawson said and squeezed her tight. “I will.”

“I’m going to go, too. I don’t want to watch the little guy drive away.” Tracy traipsed down the porch, giving Carter a high five as he passed. “Good to see you, Carter.”

He grinned, lightening Faith’s mood instantly. With her husband at her side, she could handle saying good-bye to Humperdinck. Hell, she felt like she could handle anything.

As he joined her on the porch, he coiled his arm around her waist. They watched Dawson and Tracy pull away together, and nothing had ever felt more right.

“You okay?” he said once they were alone.

“Yeah.” She laid her head against his chest and sighed. “I will be.”

After remarrying in front of the pack, Carter and Faith had retreated to his place—their place—and completed the Luminary bond. Now, finding a happy home for Humperdinck was the final piece of the perfect puzzle.

“Going to be hard to let the little guy go?”

She looked down at him, tears welling in her eyes. “Yeah.”

“Good thing you won’t have to.”


She paused. Humperdinck bumped against her foot.

“Wait…” His words sank in. “What?”

He glanced down at her, the glimmer in his blue eyes heating her through. “I’m adopting Humperdinck.”

Her brows scrunched as confusion set in. “No, you can’t. I’ve already told the guy from Portland that he could have him.”

“Hi,” he said, sticking out his hand. “I’m from Portland and I’m interested in adopting the dog you mentioned on your blog. I have a new wife who loves teacup Yorkies and the one you featured is absolutely adorable. I think he’ll be a perfect addition to our family.”

“No!” She smacked him as the blood drained from her face. “Is that really you? You’re joking, right?”

He scooped Humperdinck off the ground and stroked his tiny back. “I’ve gotten attached to the little guy. I couldn’t let you give him away. And even though you’d never say so, you didn’t want to let him go, either.”

“You’re right…I didn’t.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “Thank you for caring enough to do something like that.“

He leaned down and kissed her, melting all her worries away. When he pulled back, his eyes were hooded with desire. “Oh, I care a lot. More than you’d believe. What do you say we disappear into this cabin of yours so I can show you how deep my love goes?”

Humperdinck’s gaze flipped back and forth between them.

“We should probably lock him in the kennel first,” she said, rubbing his ears.

“Why’s that?”

“Dogs often mimic the behavior of their masters.” Kinking an eyebrow, she smacked him in the rear. “I wouldn’t want to give him any frisky ideas.”

“If that’s the case, we’re going to set him back in his training!”

Carter swept her into his arms and charged into the house. She squealed in delight as his arms wrapped protectively around her waist and his mouth caught hers in a smoldering kiss.

“Down, boy,” she said.

On command, Carter set her down, kicked off his shoes, and stripped out of his pants. She smirked, watching the clothes fly off his body.

train as easily as dogs.

Who would’ve thought?


This book would not have been possible without the help of so many wonderfully talented people at Entangled Publishing: Liz Pelletier, Rochelle French, Candace Havens, and the rest of the lovely staff who’ve helped shape this book. You ladies are my absolute favorites.

Thanks, as always, to my amazing agent, Nalini Akolekar.

Hugs and squeals of appreciation to my early readers and critique partners: A.J. Larrieu, Lisa Sanchez, and Aggie Smith. You’re gold, I tell you. Solid gold. More love goes to Virna DePaul, Susan Hatler, Vanessa Kier, Laurie Kormos, and Lora Walker, for helping me figure out the little things that add up to big things.

I also have to thank my support group, my family and friends, for pushing me every step of the way. You have no idea how much your enthusiasm means to me. It’s fuel to my fire.

About the Author

New York Times
USA Today
best-selling author
Kristin Miller
writes sweet and sassy contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and paranormal romance of all varieties. Kristin has degrees in psychology, English, and education, and taught high school and middle school English before crossing over to a career in writing. She lives in Northern California with her alpha male husband and their two children. She loves chocolate way more than she should and the gym less. You can usually find her in the corner of a coffee shop, laptop in front of her and mocha in hand, using the guests around her as fuel for her next book.


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