Soliman, Wendy - The Name of the Game (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (17 page)

“Already.” He imbued the one word with a wealth of surprise. “You didn’t waste any time. How’s he doing it?”

“I don’t want to talk about it until I’ve had more of a chance to look into it. It’s just a theory right now. I need to delve a bit deeper.”

“Okay. I’ve got to dash off now to an early meeting, but I’ll ring you tonight.”

“No, I’ll call you. After last night, we don’t know what to expect, and I don’t want to risk blowing it now.”

“Okay, but I’ll be thinking about you every second. Just remember that I love you.”

“That’s good to know,” she said lightly. “And if that insignificant little fact should slip my memory, I’ve got your emerald on my finger to remind me.”

“Hmm, have you thought of any ingenious ways to thank me for it yet?”

She smiled, even though he couldn’t see her. “Perhaps.”

“Go on then. Give me a hint. Does it involve whips and sexy underwear?”


“Ashley, you’re killing me.” He growled down the line. “Now I shall have to sit here and think about dead cats, or the starving millions in Africa, before I can go to that bloody meeting.”

She chuckled. “You brought the subject up.”

“That’s not all that’s up.”

She was still smiling when she hung up.

* * * *

Ashley emerged from the shower, glanced in the mirror, and winced. The ravages of a largely sleepless night were evident on her face. Even the skilful application of base makeup couldn’t completely disguise the damage. Her confidence wasn’t boosted when an impeccably turned-out, fresh-looking Charlie stopped by her desk at ten o’clock, did a double take when he looked at her, and elevated one brow.

“You should see the other guy,” she quipped.

Charlie laughed. “Rough night?”

“No, not really, I just don’t sleep well in strange beds.”

“Perhaps you were in need of company?”

“I had some,” countered Ashley, deliberately misinterpreting. “Eve was at the flat when I got home, and she cooked dinner for me.”

Charlie showed no surprise, leading Ashley to suppose that she’d been right to tell him what he already knew. It would have appeared strange if she hadn’t.

“Eve always thinks of others before herself,” he said.

“Doesn’t she have a social life?”

“Oh yes, she’s very popular. Has a ton of friends. Just as well really because Matt’s never here and the boys are away at school.”

“That’s hardly his fault,” Ashley said, regretting impulsively jumping to his defence when she was supposed to be conveying the impression that she’d fallen out with Matt. “Still,” she added reflectively, “I can see that it must be hard for Eve, especially in her current condition.”

“Indeed. Now then, my lovely, where are you going to start today?”

“I thought I’d go first with what I know best and sit in the general office with Brian. The two of us go way back, so I’ll get the lowdown from him on whose doing what. Then I’ll pick his brains and use the information I extract from him to see what can be cut.”

“Good idea. I’ve got meetings on and off all day, but Gloria knows where to find me.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ve got plenty to keep me busy. You won’t be missed”

“The woman knows how to wound,” he said dramatically, clutching his heart. “Later then.”

He blew her a kiss and headed for his own office, calling to Gloria to bring him coffee. He really was a charismatic man, and it was easy for Ashley to imagine him bending just about anyone to his will, if he put his mind to it. Some of the animosity she felt toward him was already wearing off, which was weird, given that he was standing between Matt and his aspirations.

Ashley spent most of the morning with Brian, ploughing through staff lists. She made notes on how long people had been with the company, and got inside information on who might be happy to take redundancy. She returned to her desk just before twelve but had her head down, entering names on spread sheets, and didn’t at first realize that Eve was standing beside her, just staring at her.

When Ashley looked up, the first thing she noticed was that Eve was wearing a blouse identical to the one that she herself had on.

This was surreal—and very creepy. Ashley stared back at her for a protracted period, willing herself to believe that it was a coincidence. She’d bought the blouse from a chain store, so it wasn’t beyond the bounds of possibility that Eve might already own the same one.

Nah! That wouldn’t fly. Eve had unpacked Ashley’s clothes and remarked upon that particular blouse, saying how much she liked it, asking Ashley where she’d got it. If she owned one as well, surely she would have said something. Ashley suppressed a shudder. The blouse was a favourite of hers, but she’d never wear it again after this.

“Hello, Eve,” Ashley said, her tone commendably even. “What are you doing here?”

“I am a Director of the company.” Eve spoke with the false-sounding, breathy little laugh that had made Ashley want to throttle her last night. “I had to call in about something else and thought we’d have that lunch we agreed upon.”

“That’s kind, but I don’t really have time to spare. I did tell you that.”

“Nonsense, there’s a really good deli round the corner and then, if you like, we could go shopping.”

For a small woman, Eve certainly had an indomitable will. Every objection Ashley raised was smoothly countered.

“Come on, Ashley, please. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better. Charlie said you could spare the time for lunch.” Ah, so she’d already run to Charlie to enlist his support and wanted Ashley to know it. “I do so want to talk to you about my plans for the move to Reigate. You know the area, and I’d value your advice. I’m finding it very difficult to get Matt to concentrate on moving. He’s so preoccupied, the poor darling.”

“Well, I do know the area, but I’m not sure I can be of much help. I’ve no idea what’s on the market right now, nor do I know anything about the schools.”

“I need to talk to you about my husband,” Eve said, steel underlining her tone as she removed Ashley’s jacket from the back of her chair and handed it to her. Suppressing a sigh, Ashley forced her arms into the sleeves, knowing when she was beaten. “You’ve been closer to him than just about anyone recently, and I’m concerned about him. He doesn’t seem to be at all himself. Oh, I know he’s worried about the amalgamation and that his work load is impossible, but still—”

“Eve, Matt’s my boss. I’m really not comfortable discussing him with you.”

“He has an increasing family to think about.” Eve’s eyes didn’t once waver from Ashley’s face. “He needs to face up to that.”

“Just a quick sandwich then,” Ashley said, reaching for her bag.

“Oh good.” Ashley schooled herself not to flinch away from Eve’s touch as she linked her arm through hers. “If we’re quick, we’ll get a decent table.”

Eve insisted that Ashley choose her lunch and order it first then told the waitress that she’d have exactly the same.

“We have the same taste in everything,” Eve said. “Even food.”

And men.

Eve appeared to know everyone in the deli, and their conversation was constantly interrupted by people stopping by to say hello. Eve introduced Ashley to them all as Matt’s right-hand person.

“You seem to be very popular,” Ashley remarked.

Eve beamed. “I do have a wide circle of friends, it’s true.”

Ashley couldn’t think of anything else to say and concentrated on her lunch. It didn’t seem to matter that she was quiet because Eve covered her long silences by conducting a conversation all on her own. She banged endlessly on about her life with Matt, not missing any opportunity to mention his name, and bringing her children into the equation with a frequency that made Ashley’s head spin.

Ashley stuck to her guns and refused to be dragged into a shopping trip. She returned to the office but hadn’t been at her desk for ten minutes before a well-known figure walked past.

“Claire, is that you?”

With seeming reluctance, Claire turned to face Ashley. “Oh hello, Ashley, how are you? I heard you were coming down, but I didn’t realize you were already here.”

Ashley hid her surprise at Claire’s appearance with difficulty. The feisty young computer programmer, who had transferred from Reigate to Southampton following her marriage to a Southampton salesman five years previously, looked terrible. Her lovely blonde hair was lank and unwashed, her eyes looked dead, and she walked as though she every step drained her of energy. She was in the advanced stages of pregnancy, but knowing she’d always been keen to start a family, Ashley didn’t think that would account for her lack of vitality.

“Are you all right, Claire?” Ashley asked, standing to greet her.

“Oh yes, just tired,” she said a little too quickly, patting her protruding stomach.

“When’s it due?” Ashley could see now that Claire’s eyes were red-rimmed from crying but pretended not to notice.

“Another month yet.”

“Not too long to go then.”

“No.” Claire made to move away.

“Just a minute, Claire. You’re just the person I need to talk to. You know why I’m here, I suppose?”

Claire offered the ghost of a smile. “Of course, everyone does. You know what it’s like trying to keep secrets in this place.”

“Well then, perhaps you can help me.” She lowered her voice. “Charlie doesn’t want me to interfere with systems, but my job’s going to be pretty difficult if I don’t get a handle on what’s happening there. It’s the key to everything, of course.”
Especially Matt’s problems.
“Perhaps we could have an informal chat sometime so that I can get my mind round what you’re—”

“I’m sorry, Ashley, but I don’t think I can do that. Things are very sensitive at the moment, what with the amalgamation.” Claire studied her feet—what she could see of them over her bump—and looked everywhere except at Ashley’s face.

“I know that everyone’s worried about their jobs, but you really haven’t got anything to be concerned about.” Ashley tried to sound reassuring.

“That’s easy for you to say.”

“Because it’s true.”

“Credit us with some intelligence,” Claire snapped, showing a little animation for the first time, her gaze briefly resting on Ashley’s face and as quickly moving away again. “We all know that two into one doesn’t go. Everyone’s on edge. We’ve all got mortgages to pay.”

“Well then, the sooner I can do my job, the better it will be for all concerned. And you could help me.”

“No, I’m sorry. I can’t talk to you without direct orders from on high. It’s more than my job’s worth.”

Claire scurried away like a frightened rabbit, leaving Ashley more perplexed than ever. Something was definitely wrong here, and it was more than just uncertainty about the future. Ashley fully intended to find out what it was that had everyone so riled up.

She was just packing up for the evening when Charlie stopped by her desk.

“How’s it going?” he asked.

“Okay, I have a few suggestions already.”

“Save them until tomorrow. What’s on your agenda this evening?”

“A long soak in the bath and an early night,” Ashley said with feeling.

Charlie grinned. “Sounds delightful, but I’m afraid it’s not to be. I need you with me.”

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