Something More (13 page)

Read Something More Online

Authors: Samanthya Wyatt

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Chapter 17

“I only exaggerated a little.”

“A little? Dammit Carolyn, you made it sound like Conner was critical.” Matthew’s anger at his sister made him seethe. He glared down at her petite form. “How could you use your son like that? You know how I feel about my nephew.”

Posed primly on the edge of the sofa, she clasped her hands and looked down at the floor. “He

Matthew’s anger stemmed from selfishness. He’d been denied his time with Carrie. Denied her kisses. Denied being lost in her soft thighs. “You took me away from something very important.”

Carolyn bristled. “Another business meeting. You work too hard. We haven’t seen you in months.”

“It’s been precisely two months and I’ve been out of the country.” A flicker of guilt tightened his chest. The first person he sought when he hit the US was Carrie.

“And when you came back in the country you did not come to see your family. Dad would not approve,” she said with a sniff.

Guilt fled and anger filled his conscious. “Don’t tell me what Dad would approve. I work hard. You get your share of the profits.”

Carolyn turned red. The shock in her eyes made him realize his harsh tone.

“I’m sorry, Matthew. I know how close you and Dad were. We all miss him.”

“I’m going to look in on Conner.” With self-reproach, he stomped down the hall to the boy’s bedroom. Conner had a temperature the night before. He hoped the little guy’s fever was gone.

As Matthew stared down at his nephew, his chest swelled with love. What a champ. He could be a character sometimes, but he owned Matthew’s heart. Smarter than he thought a four year old could be. Kids today were born with more intellectual skill. He didn’t remember being that literary when he was a kid. Conner talked like an adult. The conversations they had surprised him, especially by the clear pronunciation for a four-year-old. The booger’s understanding of what they talked about simply amazed him.

That tiny body had more energy than he and all his sisters together at that age. He romped and played with vigor and a spirit full of life. Matthew hated to see him like this. Conner shouldn’t be lying in bed. He should be running the hall and yelling like an excited pint-sized warrior.

Matthew shook his head and reached down to touch Conner’s forehead, checking for signs of fever. Blessedly cool. His eyes opened.

“Hi, Uncle Matt.”

Matthew’s heart warmed at the slight smile that came across his nephew’s face. “Hi, champ. Feeling better?”

“I don’t feel so hot.”

“Yeah. No fun being sick.”

“I missed you, Uncle Matt.”

He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I missed you too, tyke. Do you want something to drink?”

“I think so. Can I go with you?”

“Sure thing, champ.”

Conner pushed back the covers and threw his arms around his neck.

God, he loved this kid.

This is what it’s all about. Family. The little guy brought out all kinds of emotions. So many Matthew had trouble recognizing every one. A fierce sense of protection to shield the boy from anything that could harm him. A love so powerful the sheer intensity of his feelings rendered him speechless. One day he would have his own little boy.

One day.

Maybe with Carrie. She made him reconsider his future. The idea of being with only one woman, this woman, sent another turbulent emotion rumbling through him. The possibility of spending the rest of his life with her brought a flood of warmth. He’d found something precious and he wanted to keep her.

He wanted to take care of her, not that she needed anyone to protect her or provide for her. Carrie was her own individual. Self-sufficient, independent, confident, self-supporting. More than capable of accomplishing anything she set her mind to achieve. She needed no one to coddle her. Yet, he would like to do that very thing. He would do a complete and thorough job of it, too. Would she let him? Damn, the woman was a free spirit and as resourceful as any woman, or man, could be.

Would there be room for more than an affair? Would she have room in her life for him permanently? As the small body cuddled against him, Matthew knew in his heart that he wanted children with Carrie.

He wanted this woman. All he had to do was convince her that she needed him. Matthew had gotten used to getting what he wanted. And by God, he wanted Carrie. He would have her . . . for keeps. He would focus on a plan to make sure she needed him, for no other man would have what he had decided to claim as his.

A sudden pang of jealousy flooded his brain at the thought of another man with her. He’d never been jealous in his life. From this day forward, no other man would touch her. Carrie belonged to him.

As she drove her car to work, Carrie had Matthew on her mind. And sex. Steamy, hot sex she should have gotten last night. Sure, Matthew had some kind of family emergency. But, dammit. She’d been frustrated. Sexually frustrated.

She pulled into the parking garage and parked in her reserved space. Grabbing her purse and briefcase, she slammed the door and pressed the auto lock button. On this level, most of the noise from the street was muffled. Still, the sound of an impatient horn blared. Carrie went through the doors and made her way to her office, greeting the few people that came in as early as she did.

Work. She’d lose herself in work. Her career had been her main focus in life, even when her sister and niece lived close by. She didn’t need a man and she damn sure didn’t need to dwell on one. What the hell was wrong with her anyway? She’d been with a lot of men and long lapses of time in between. She never missed any of them, could care less.

She missed Matthew. In a big way.

She missed seeing him. Being with him. Hearing his voice. His touch.

Oh, God. She’d lost her ever-loving mind.

She longed to just look at the man. His rock-hard body sure was easy on the eyes and more importantly, did amazing things to her. Thinking of those things, she couldn’t concentrate on work.

That was a first.

She heard a tap just before Brenda poked her head around the door. “Hey, Boss. I put the coffee on.”

“Thanks. I shouldn’t have any. I’m wired already.”

Brenda pushed the door further and stepped into the room. “After your hot date?”

Carrie put her elbows on her desk. “Matthew got a phone call and dropped me at my door.”

Brenda blew a low whistle threw her teeth. “Call, huh?”

“Yes. From his sister.”

“He can’t be a bad guy if he has a sister.”

Shoving away from her desk, Carrie leaned back in her leather chair. “He has three.”

“Three sisters?” Brenda plopped in the chair in front of Carrie’s desk. “Poor guy.”

“If it
his sister.”
Why did she say that?

“Come on, Carrie. Give the guy some slack.”

Brenda was on his side?


“For one thing, he sends flowers.” Brenda gestured to the new bouquet on Carrie’s desk. “He’s gorgeous. He sure calms you down.”

Her hackles rose. “Calms me down?” Carrie asked in a tone that normally would make the recipient of her anger back off. But not Brenda.

“Let me refresh your memory. One phone call and the tiger baring her claws magically becomes a pussycat.” Brenda waved her eyebrows up and down in rapid succession.

The sizzle went out of Carrie. “Nice move, Marko. All right, you’ve made your point. He does have a way of getting to me.”
But that didn’t mean I should trust him.

“I’ll say.” Brenda rose and headed out of the office.

“Where are you going?”

“Be right back with the coffee.”

She had only been gone a moment before the door opened again. “Are you busy?”

She nearly went into shock. “Ellie!” Carrie jumped out of her chair and hurried anxiously around her desk. “Come in. What happened? Are you all right? Where’s Andrea?”

“Slow down. Nothing happened.” Ellie dropped her purse in a chair.

Carrie studied her sister. “Trouble in paradise?”

With elbows bent, Ellie placed her hands on her hips and glared. “Is this the way it’s going to be? Why can’t you be happy for me?”

“Are you happy?”

“I was before I came through that door.”

Carrie took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “Where is Andrea?”

“In school. I thought I’d test the waters first. I came here hoping you’d changed your mind.”

Had she? Some wild ideas were in her head lately. Maybe those ideas helped to understand a little of Ellie’s situation. After all, it happened a long time ago. They were adults now. Maybe not all men were untrustworthy.

“So, you’re not here to stay.”

“Rick asked me to marry him. This time I said yes.”

She gritted her teeth to keep her mouth from dropping open in shock. She had hoped her sister would come to her senses, come back to New York. Marriage meant permanence. From the fire in Ellie’s eyes, Carrie knew she had to choose her next words carefully.

She took several moments to study her sister. She looked like a powder keg ready to blow with any motivation. Since meeting Matthew, Carrie had softened toward the male gender. Marriage did not mean you had to give control to a man.

That’s right, Carrie. Keep repeating it and maybe at some point, you’ll believe it.

“I love him. He’s good to me and he’s good to Andrea.”

Carrie searched Ellie’s face. “Are you really happy?”

“Happier than I’ve ever been.”

Well, she looked happy. Hell, she glowed. Isn’t that all Carrie ever wanted? For Ellie to be happy and Andrea to have a good life?

“And Andrea?”

“Andrea likes her new school. She likes Rick.”

Control was slipping away. But then, did she really want control? If Rick made Ellie happy, who was she to stand in her sister’s way? For once, Carrie could relate. Matthew made her examine her own emotions.

“Carrie? Are you okay?”

She focused and found her sister hovering beside her. How long had she been silent? If Ellie was getting married, Carrie would have to accept it. But it still scared the hell out of her.

Four hours, twenty phone calls, and five clients later, Carrie had her first break. Hoping to keep her mind off her sister’s upcoming nuptials, Carrie had slaved over client files with fury. Now, Ellie once again filled her mind.


Carrie leaned back in the comfort of her chair and closed her eyes.

. She really knew very little about him. She knew he owned a business, had a family, which was a plus for his character. For the first time, Carrie wanted to know more about a man. Personal things.

She’d been denying her feelings, but she had to admit, Matthew more than interested her. All her life, she believed men were heels. Lower than low. Not to be trusted. But Matthew gave her a sense of expectation. She wanted to trust him.

Sure, he was great in bed. He aroused her in places that had never been awakened before. She melted at his touch. But that didn’t explain why she thought about him every day. Some days she couldn’t think of anything

Ellie was getting married. She thought she was in love. Carrie had no false hope of undying love, but something special blazed between her and Matthew.

It was time she found out what.

Chapter 18

Matthew stalked into the kitchen after his sister. “I told you not to set me up with anyone.”

“I only invited her to dinner.” Carolyn sliced the cake she prepared for dessert.

Matthew leaned against the counter. “What about Veronica? Is she your partner in crime?”

Carolyn shrugged her shoulders. “Our sister often joins us for an evening meal.”

With one hand braced on each side of the cake, he leaned forward. “Did she know you invited a
for me?”

“We both like Sylvia.” Avoiding his eyes, she placed a slice of cake on a saucer. Coolly, she turned around and dropped the knife in a pan of water. “You might get to like her, too. You need someone in your life.”

He knew he probably shouldn’t tell her, but he had to put a stop to her constant meddling and trying to ‘fix him up’ with women. “I already have someone in mind.”

Carolyn froze. He had expected surprise, but she braced her arms against the sink as though she couldn’t manage standing. He waited. Finally she turned to him. His sister’s stunned expression quickly changed to one of pure glee.

“Oh, Matthew.” She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a forceful hug. “That’s wonderful.” Then she jerked back, her expression one of anger.

The girl’s moods could change like lightening. Fast and sharp. She crossed her arms over her chest and the glare she gave him made him want to chuckle.

“All right. Details. I want details. Who is this woman?”

“I thought you’d be glad there
a woman,” Matthew said.

“Who is she and where did you meet her?”

“Is this an inquisition?” He reached around her to sneak a bite of frosting.

Carolyn smacked his hand. “Start talking.”

He jerked back his smarting paw and gave her a look of horror. “With your
in the next room?”

At that moment, his younger sister entered the kitchen. “What’s going on with you two? How long am I supposed to entertain her? She’s supposed to be here for Matthew.”

Carolyn glared at her sister. He glared at them both.

“So, Veronica. You
in on this.”

Guilty, she twisted to Carolyn. “I told you it wouldn’t work.” When she turned back to him, her tone held a familiar pattern. Veronica hoped to gain her brother’s sympathy and at the same time, her smirk suggested the blame lay all on her sister. “She wouldn’t listen to me, and Samantha refused to come. Derek told her to leave you alone.”

“At least she has the good sense to listen to her husband.” Matthew stared pointedly at Carolyn, silently suggesting she should take the hint.

“The jig’s up. Now what?” Veronica shrugged her shoulders appearing blameless.

“I was just about to get to that.” With a cunning expression, Carolyn answered. “Matthew has met someone.”

Veronica’s entire body swung to him. “As in
? A woman?”

“It sure as hell isn’t a man,” Matthew barked back.

“You know what I meant. Have you? Really?”

Great. He may as well get it out in the open and deal with both of them at the same time. Then, they could pass the news on to Samantha. He nodded in the affirmative.

Veronica flew at him like a ball shot out of a cannon. “Eeeek! That’s great.”

“You’re choking me,” he croaked, reaching to loosen her grip.

Veronica jumped up and down and clapped her hands like a little kid. “Details. Who, where, when? Where is she? When do we get to meet her?”

“Hold on. Hold on.” Good Lord, these two were just alike. Once Veronica really got started, there was no stopping her. “You guys forget you have a lady in the next room?”

“Oh, forget her.” Veronica waved her hand toward the doorway. “Tell us all. What’s her name?”

He couldn’t believe the pair.

“You cannot forget your guest.
invited her here.”

“I did not.” She pointed a finger at her sister. “Carolyn did. I was threatened to show up.”

“Dammit, Veronica. Do you have to paint me any blacker,” Carolyn snapped.

“We’ll discuss this later.” At their threatening looks, he added, “Maybe.”

“Come on, Carolyn. Let’s get rid of Sylvia.” Veronica turned toward the dining room.

“You got it.” Carolyn followed.

“Wait.” Matthew nearly shouted. “You can’t go out there and just get rid of her.”

“Watch us,” they said at the same time.

He grabbed an arm of each girl before they could leave the kitchen. Giving Carolyn a stern look, he spoke in a tone his sisters recognized well. “You invited her and you
be considerate. You will
be rude. We will finish the evening and you will be gracious, as our mother taught you.”

“You know you look just like Dad.” He squeezed tighter. “Oh, all right.” Carolyn jerked her arm from Matthew’s grasp.

He held on to Veronica. “As for
. You will behave. Got it?”

“Now, dear brother, what makes you think I . . .?”

“Got it?” He asked again, his harsh voice rising in volume.

“Yes. I’ve got it.” Veronica rubbed her arm where Matthew’s fingers had been.

“Ladies.” Matthew gestured to the closed door. “Shall we go in?”

If looks could kill, he would have burned to cinders. Each sister plastered a smile on her face, and each with her nose in the air, trooped out of the kitchen.

The intercom buzzed in Carrie’s office. “Matthew Corridon, Line two.”

Carrie’s heart stopped and started again.
See. Just knowing he’s on the line makes my heart race.

“Hello, Matthew.”


Good Lord
. She felt heat surge all the way to her toes. Carrie closed her eyes and leaned back in the comfort of her executive chair, letting his voice flow through her like hot lava in her bloodstream. “I’m glad you called.”

“I’m sorry I had to leave like that. My nephew was sick.”

She twisted the cord around her fingers. “Is he all right?”

“I think he’ll be fine. He had a fever.” Matthew sounded exhausted as well as apologetic.

“Fevers can be scary. Has it broken?”

“He doesn’t have one at the moment.”


“Carrie, I’m sorry.”

“There’s no need to apologize. Seeing how much you care for your nephew makes you more human.”
And more lethal.


“It sounds like you care for your nephew as I do my niece.”

“The little guy is important to me, that’s for sure. He wants me to stay for a few days. I don’t want to disappoint him.”

Carrie chuckled. “Sounds like he knows how to get around
Uncle Matthew.
How old is he?”

“Four. A very adult four. Sharp as a tack and a speeding ball of energy, normally anyway.”

Carrie’s heart turned over at the concern she heard in his voice. She hoped there wasn’t anything to worry about. “I’m sure he’ll bounce back soon. Children are resilient.”

“Thanks, Carrie.”

“You’re welcome. For what?”

“For being you,” he answered in that raspy tone that made her throat dry.

“For being me?”

“I needed to hear your voice.”

Carrie closed her eyes and sighed. Matthew’s image zoomed full force to her mind. The blue of his eyes heated her insides as though he was there with her. “I’m so glad you called. I miss you.”
I can’t believe I said that.

“Are you getting sappy on me?”

“I do not do sappy,” Carrie said more sharply than she’d intended. She dropped the tone of her voice a notch. “However, I will do sexy.”

“You have my attention.” His desire came through the husky sound of his voice.

“When you come to see me, I can promise you’ll like what I’ll be wearing.”

His deep growl caused her insides to vibrate. “I know I will if it’s anything like the picture in my mind.”

“What is it you see?” she asked in fun.

“You. In a bit of fluff and nothing,” he answered.

“Mmmmm, maybe.”

“Sounds encouraging.” The words were uttered as if his breathing was labored and he forced the words from his throat.

“Also sounds like this conversation should be left for later, when I’m home. Definitely not office discussion.” Carrie glanced at the closed door of her office.

“No one’s listening, are they?” he coaxed. “It’s only you and me.”

She suddenly liked the idea. “How wicked can we get over the phone?”

“Baby, as base and self-indulgent as you want.”

Excitement increased her breathing. A little shameless flirtation over the phone appealed to her. Matthew was willing. “Where are you?”

“I would say I have more privacy than you, but I’m in a bedroom at my sister’s house. The door is closed, but there are people on the other side.” He took a deep breath and let it out as if he were frustrated. “I wish you were here. Better yet, I wish I were there. I guarantee you and I both would have privacy.”

“In my office?”

“If you like. With the door locked, I’m sure there would be a number of places we could . . . enjoy each other.”

Oh God, yes.
She glanced at her desk and imagined him clearing everything off with one swipe of his arm. Then grabbing her, pushing her down with him on top of her. She blinked.


“I’m here. My imagination ran away with me for a moment.” She sounded breathless and she didn’t care.

His soft laugh sounded sexy as hell. Tremors shot from her center and ran through her veins. “I’d be happy to bring to life your imaginings. The next time I’m in your office, maybe we could try a few.”

With his hint of a promise, her visualizations surged. She’d never get any work done now. “You know I’ll be worthless the rest of the day.”

Matthew chuckled.

“When will you be back? You are coming back, aren’t you?”

“Nothing could keep me away. Especially after you kindled erotic images of you and me in your office.”

She grasped the phone tighter. “Matthew?”

“Yeah, babe?”

“You’ll also like my gift.”

There was a pause before he asked, “Is it as decadent as what I’m thinking?”

The whispered words warmed her even more. She’d started this game. “Hmmmm. I suppose I shouldn’t ask what you’re thinking.”

“I can’t wait to hold you in my arms.”

“Me too,” she whispered, and knew it was true.

“A few days,” he said.

“Soon,” she whispered.

As she hung up the phone, she realized she’d been totally absorbed in him during their entire conversation. Not good. It was too close to losing control. To losing herself. But how she wanted to lose herself in Matthew.

He was unlike any man she’d ever met. Her instincts had never steered her wrong. But then, she’d never considered trusting a man before. Not with her heart. Not with anything. Could she trust Matthew? Could she trust herself? Her behavior wasn’t normal. Around him, she became a different person. The business-tycoon-hardass transformed into a woman she didn’t recognize. Her mind turned to mush, which she abhorred. She melted at his touch.

, for God’s sake.

Face it, Carrie. You’re falling . . .

She’d never been afraid of anything in her life, that she could remember. The thought of loving Matthew terrified her. It boiled down to trust. She wasn’t a teenager. She wasn’t pregnant.

Carrie stood and walked over to the window. Tall buildings and skyscrapers cluttered the landscape. Below, cars were jammed in traffic and people littered the streets. Everyone in a hurry to make their next meeting, or running to an appointment they couldn’t do without.

What do you want out of life, Carrie?

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