Something Sinful This Way Comes [McQueen Was My Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

He felt the cold steel of the cuffs as Julian snapped them shut. These were not Xandra’s fluffy leopard skin cuffs, that was for sure. These were Julian’s government-issued set that he usually kept in a duty belt holster. Nathan was surprised at a pang of jealousy as he wondered,
Has Julian used these on other playmates of his?

Julian slid one hand down the buttons of Nathan’s jeans, grabbing a handful of his stiff dick. “You knew I was sleeping, you rat bastard. You had to go and claim the beautiful Xandra for yourself.”

Nathan made no move to resist. He only jiggled his ass against Julian’s crotch as the ranger kneeled behind him on the couch. Julian dry-humped him like a dog while his other hand unbuttoned Nathan’s jeans. Through the brown cotton fabric of Julian’s pants Nathan could easily feel the shape of his long dick as he rubbed it into Nathan’s ass crack. “If you were awake, you’d know she submitted easily to me.” Nathan looked down at Xandra, pleased and aroused even further to find her all alert, like an adorable chipmunk, watching the antics of the two men.

She had said she didn’t want to come between him and the Navajo bastard. Now it appeared more likely that she wanted to
him and the Indian warden. Going at it. Hard.

She even massaged her own tit as Nathan helplessly watched, her eyes shimmering as though hit with a handful of stars. Not only was she not repulsed by viewing two men touching—she was fired up.

Now her eyes eagerly took in the sight of Nathan’s well-hung cock as Julian freed it. Julian shoved his jeans down around his knees as he impatiently clutched his prick in his fist. “Xandra,” Julian said in an authoritative tone, his chin resting on Nathan’s naked shoulder. His free hand ran up Nathan’s abdomen as he kneeled there helplessly, admiring the ridged muscles that encased his ribs. “You like what you see? This delicious horse cock is hard, throbbing, eager to come for you.”

“Oh, yes,” Xandra agreed. She slid a hand up Nathan’s thigh to fondle his balls. He hissed in air, her touch light but paining him in his sensitivity. “He’s got a beautiful horse cock. He’s beautiful, Julian. He’s just rippling with muscles and…” She giggled. “Semen.”

Julian, apparently liking this depiction of his lover, refused to let go his grip on Nathan’s dick. “I think this callous stud needs to be taught a lesson or two.”

Xandra’s other hand tickled Nathan’s cockhead until he felt a dribble of jism seep from the slit. Like a kid at a candy factory, she smeared the drip around until he twitched and gasped. It was heavenly to be helpless like this with two people he trusted. In anticipation of the punishment to come, every square inch of his skin had become so sensitive that Julian’s breath against his shoulder had him about to shoot.

“Sinfully delicious,” Xandra purred warmly. She scooted up against the couch arm until her shining eyes were at eye level with Nathan’s drooling prick. Her bare, bouncing tits only elongated Nathan’s penis, and he felt another drip of seed slide from the tip. “What punishment do you have in mind…Sergeant Longtree?”

Reaching around the back of Xandra’s head, Julian urged her mouth toward his prick. “Suck him, dear. But not too well. Don’t let him come, though I can tell he’s dying to.”

Xandra sank the cock down her throat so eagerly Julian had to grab a handful of her hair and pull her back. Nathan whimpered and a shudder cascaded down his inner thighs. How did Julian know this would be the ideal torture for such a selfish asshole as Nathan was? He had fantasized about this sumptuous siren gulping down his cock since the moment he’d seen her, right after assaulting that disrespectful fisherman in the Neon Cocktail lounge. But Julian knew that, since he had gratified Nathan sexually twice now and probably had a more divine torture in mind for him.

“Mph rgh hpm,” Xandra said, vibrating Nathan’s prick as she swallowed it much more slowly.

Behind him, Nathan heard a metallic click as Julian extended his collapsible baton by snapping it down toward the carpet. Of course he’d often noted that Julian wore one in a scabbard as part of his arsenal against meth-making poachers. Overseas, Nathan didn’t bother with any of those polite defensive weapons. He just hit targets with the most firepower at his disposal. He’d never imagined a baton used in this sort of play. Nathan quivered with anticipation as Xandra slurped at his dick.

The slap, when it came, was enough to take his mind off his cock.

The crack resounded throughout the room, stinging thrillingly. Julian spanked his ass with his palm that was roughened by holding reins, so Nathan wondered what he had in mind for the baton. “You’ve got a fantastic, rounded ass, Officer Horowitz,” Julian snarled against his neck in between licks and bites.
. He squeezed the globes now, allowing his fingertips to stray between them, while Nathan nudged his knees as far apart as his jeans would allow, subservient to Julian’s touch. Julian handled Nathan’s balls from behind, gathering the sac in his hand, massaging it, bumping his fingertips against Xandra’s bobbing chin as she gobbled up his penis.

“Your ass needs its own religious following,” Julian murmured, slithering his tongue down Nathan’s neck, along the crest of his shoulder. He withdrew his hand from between Nathan’s thighs in order to spank his ass a few more times. “I can’t say no to the incredible deity that is your ass, Nathan.”

Nathan squirmed his ass, easily giving in to Julian’s dominance. His partner Rory had always been turned on by the process of discovering such an athletic stud as Nathan really delighted in the submissive role. “What are you going to do about it, Sergeant Longtree? Chastise me with your hand? Whip me with—

Nathan was truly taken aback with the force with which Julian slid the baton up his ass. The metal was cold, although Julian had clearly lubed the metal shaft up with something. He jiggled it around with a professional peace officer’s wrist and took a big slurp from the side of Nathan’s neck. “Relax. Trust me.”

“Trust you?” Nathan nearly choked on the words, he was so overwhelmed with sensation. Xandra had completely withdrawn from his cock for a few moments, probably to admire Julian’s handiwork. She sat crouched with a faraway look of idolatry on her face. At last she could stand no more and fell onto Nathan’s chest, sucking and licking his underarms, pectorals, nipples, licking her way down the middle of his abdomen until her punishing little mouth latched onto his cock again.

It was Julian’s expert corkscrewing of the baton up his ass that had Nathan gasping for relief. Julian skillfully guided the baton to the exquisitely sensitive gland of his prostate. He ceased to fuck Nathan with it now and merely bounced it in and out, rubbing Nathan until he nearly screamed with distraction.

“Yes,” Julian said soothingly, as though he were merely going for a country stroll. He was smooth, not nearly as worked up as Nathan, suavely unruffled. “You need to relax and trust us, our hands, our mouths.”

To underline his intent, he smacked Nathan on the ass again. Xandra seemed to lose her restraint also, for she gobbled his prick down with giant slurping gulps, and that’s when Nathan lost it.

Ecstasy gripped his groin, and he strangled on his own cries. Semen flooded poor Xandra’s mouth until Nathan could hear her choking. Julian must have known he was coming, probably by the way his anus gripped the metal shaft, for he jiggled the baton with more urgency, coaxing more blissful jets of jism to spurt up the length of Nathan’s prick.

He spent God knew how many euphoric moments just floating in time, aware of only the suctioning mouth around his cock and the sweet wiggling of the baton deep inside him. At last, the bliss started to turn into pain. The breath he’d been holding whooshed from him, tiny clear bubbles swam before his eyes, and he begged, “Enough. Julian. Stop. Xandra. Stop.”

Xandra detached with a smack and looked up at him bright-eyed. She wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand, gulped once more, and said, “Are you begging, Officer?”

Bala’a il a’air
,” Nathan gasped.
. But he was grinning.

Xandra kneeled so she was at eye level, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I don’t think you’re in any position to demand anything, so you must be begging.”

“Get these cuffs off me,” Nathan called hoarsely, but Julian had left the couch, presumably to wash off his baton so as to brain the next elk-killing poacher.

He was screwed. He was at Xandra’s mercy. And she had the smirk to prove it.

She sashayed her tits against his chest and clamped her thighs around his still-hard dick. His cockhead was so sensitive, when she swooshed her slimy trap along the length of it, his eyeballs nearly rolled into his skull.

“Xandra,” he whispered, “please.”

She gave him a lewd sucking kiss, inhaling his upper lip into her mouth and nibbling at it. “You don’t know,” she said in a low voice, “how hot and erotic you look with your wrists cuffed behind your neck like that.”


She ran her hands down his flanks, cupping the globes of his ass in her palms, riding his erection like a bicycle. “Julian is right. Your ass needs its own cult following.”

“Xandra,” he whispered against her mouth, “I would love to throw you onto the floor and fuck the stuffing out of you. But you just drained me absolutely dry.” He sank back onto his haunches, but she hovered over him.

“I know,” she whispered back, tickling his teeth with the tip of her tongue. “I promise I’ll let you go from the clutches of that horrible, evil officer. Just kiss me.” She licked his tongue salaciously. “I want you to lick every drip of your jizz from my mouth.”

Nathan had no choice if he wanted his aching arms to be set free. Besides, it was always a treat kissing the curvaceous lodge owner—especially tantalizing when he couldn’t touch her and had to tolerate her rubbing her pert, naked tits against his chest.

But he suckled on her tongue, and laved it with his, and actually took pleasure in tasting his own semen on her slimy tongue. She was a seductress, all right, and already he knew his future was hopelessly entangled with hers—for better or worse.

Julian must have unlocked the cuffs behind his neck before Xandra had a chance to. Nathan uncurled his throbbing arms and moved to grip her hips, but she squealed and leaped off the couch.

“No fair!” She pointed an accusing finger at him. “I wanted to torture you some more!”

Julian sank onto the couch next to Nathan, replacing the collapsed baton into its scabbard at his hip. “Now why do I get the feeling,” Julian said exhaustedly, “that’s her motto?”

Nathan sighed heavily as he buttoned his jeans. “It’s the motto of all women, isn’t it?”

And he again felt that unbreakable camaraderie with Julian, too. It was going to be an emotional turmoil sorting out how he felt about these two—and how best to deal with how strongly they affected him.

Chapter Ten


Xandra awoke to murmured voices at the cabin’s front door.

She stretched like a cat against the satiny male body reposing in bed next to her, unfurling every muscle in her body, curling even her toes.
Mmm. A man.
Her inner thigh reveled in sliding down the slope of his shapely ass.

Her eyes popped open.
A man!

The man faced the wall away from her. Grabbing his shoulder, she yanked him toward her. He rolled easily, lost in deep slumber.

Her heart slowed down a little.
Oh, good. Nathan
. Not only did he not look like the brutal black ops private military contractor he’d told her he was, he looked simply angelic. She wondered who and where his mother was. That she could actually
him having a mother made her smile.

Oh yeah. Who’s at the door?

Xandra wrenched herself out of bed. It sounded as though Julian talked to a woman, so Xandra stuck her arms into the first oversize garment she could see, which turned out to be Nathan’s windbreaker. It covered her ass, so she strode into the hallway and through the living room.

Her best friend Cass loomed in the doorway, apparently trying to get past Julian. She was so tall her head nearly touched the top doorjamb. Cass took this opportunity to step around Julian and call, “Hey, bestie! Maybe you can tell this fine officer here.” She gestured at Julian with an express mail envelope. “I can’t hand this over to just anyone. It’s addressed to Nathan Horowitz.”

“Yeah,” said Julian tiredly, shutting the door behind Cass with resignation. “Must be the
Nathan told his friend to send.” His brown pants looked wrinkled and slept-in, and he rubbed his hands across his smooth hairless chest as though still half-asleep. Xandra thought she recalled the two men agreeing the night before to take turns sleeping, and obviously it was Nathan’s turn to finally sleep now, so she hesitated to wake him.

Xandra held out her hand to Cass. “I can take it, Cass.”

Cass wiggled her eyebrows at the half-clad Julian, but kept the envelope close to her body. “I don’t think so, Alexandra. The box is checked that says ‘direct signature required.’ I was only allowed to take possession of it because I flirted nicely with the delivery guy.” She raked her eyes meaningfully up and down Xandra’s bedraggled form. “Apparently you’re a much better flirt than I am, though.”

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