Song of Teeth 1: The First Voice (6 page)


To give the body more energy to make it through the day and to face the tasks it has to face, a healthy diet should be incorporated into every person's daily routine. This isn't the same as going on a diet, but a strategy for long term health and energy by introducing healthier foods into every meal.


The best source of long lasting energy are raw fruits and vegetables. Unlike processed foods, which are full of empty calories and artificial preservatives, raw fruits and vegetables provide healthy doses of vitamins and minerals that can energize better than any sugary energy drink. However, many people don't' even get their full daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables, much less enough to give them all day energy. This might be because they don't like the taste of raw fruits and vegetables or because they like the tastes of other foods too much. So, instead of trying to replace entire meals with buckets of fruits and vegetables, people looking for more energy throughout the day should infuse raw fruits and vegetables into each of their regular meals. For example, eating a bowl of fruit before a bowl of cereal will give the person energy throughout the morning and will even make them feel more full and less likely to reach for a mid-morning snack. At lunch and dinner, salads before meals have the same benefits; they make the person feel full longer and gives them real energy that they'll feel almost immediately.


Juicing is another way to make sure the body gets all of the fruits and vegetables it needs to stay energized. Juicing is a preferred method of getting fruits and vegetables because it's simple and blends flavors of fruits and vegetables together into tolerable and tasty concoctions that are easy to drink.


By eating a bowl of fruit or salad before each meal, and by drinking home made fruit and/or vegetable juices throughout the day, people may soon notice that they have enough energy throughout the day to avoid sugary coffee and energy drinks. Not only will they feel more energized and have more motivation to face the tasks they've been putting off, they'll probably even end up shedding a few pounds in the process.


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