Sophie's Voice (Sex and the Season Book 4) (16 page)

Sophie pulled off his boots and his trousers and then slid up his body again and gave him a kiss on the mouth.

“My God, Sophie. What you do to me,” Zach rasped.

Such power! She returned to his cock. She had seen it before, but that did not make it any less magnificent. She started with tiny kisses to his bollocks, and then she slid her tongue up the entire length. She twirled around the head of his cock, licking off the drop of fluid emerging. Mmm, salty, musky.

Zach threaded his fingers in her hair and used his other hand to clutch hers. Sophie, gaining more courage, wrapped one fist around his cock and continued sucking. She withdrew her mouth from his cock for a moment and used her hand to find his rhythm as she kissed up his abdomen to his lips again.

Then back to his cock. She sucked it until he stopped her, gripping her shoulders and bringing her to his mouth for a kiss.

“You have to stop, love. If you don't, I won't get inside you this night. And God, I need to be inside you.”

Zach helped her to her feet. He was still sitting on the divan, and he kissed the side of her waist, the area right below her breasts, sending shivers across her body. He nipped at a nipple, and her skin blazed further.

“You're so beautiful,” he said. He pulled to his feet and switched positions with her, setting her down on the divan. He crouched between her legs and took another turgid nipple into his mouth. He sucked, nibbled, and then bit down hard.

Sophie gasped. Pleasure-pain, like the spanking—but different.

Her tummy churned, her pulse racing. The pain in her nipple traveled to her pussy and made her gush.

He kissed down her abdomen to the moist spot between her legs. He buried his face in her bush of curls and inhaled. Then he moved down farther, licking her thigh, kissing her knee, her calf. He ran his tongue along the instep of her foot to her toes and sucked on them, massaging the ball of her foot with his fingers.

“I want to worship every part of you,” he said. “You're an angel to be exalted. So perfect.”

He licked her heel, her ankle, her instep, and again took each toe into his mouth. Red heat ribboned through her with each new inch of skin he tortured with his tongue.

He progressed up her calf to her knee again, dotting kisses everywhere he stopped. Gripping her thigh, he kissed upward, massaging her.

Her pussy was hot with fire. She needed his tongue, his fingers…but still he kissed her thighs, skillfully avoiding her wet heat.

“Zach, please!”

He sucked at the juncture between her pussy and her thigh, and she nearly imploded on the spot. Would he never get to her pussy?

“Zach… Ah!”

He sucked her wet folds into his mouth and pulled. Sophie cried out, emotion boiling within her. He continued to drink of her. Sophie moved her hips in rhythm with him, and then, wanting to taste herself, she pulled him upward into a kiss.

Spicy, tart…mmm. Her pussy juice mingled with the robust flavor of Zach. Perfect. Sophie trailed her hands down Zach's sides and gripped his taut buttocks. He jolted and groaned. A smile cured her lips.

Again, the power.

She captured his cock once more and worked it with her hand.

“Please, sweet. Your mouth.” He stood, and his hardness bobbed before her.

She thrust her mouth down upon his length. She took her free hand and ran it over the swells of her own breast, pinching her nipple. Such a jolt! God, the pleasure-pain. It all felt so good.

“Are you ready for me, my love?” Zach asked.

Terror rushed through her, but in a good way. She wanted him inside her. Still holding his cock, she stood and rubbed it against the lips of her pussy. Then she lay down upon the divan and spread her legs.

“Let me make sure.” Zach leaned down and swiped his tongue across her wet folds.

She nearly unraveled.

“Yes, ready. Such an angel.” Then he hovered over her and placed his cock at her entrance.

Anxiety filled her, but need won out. “Do it quickly, Zach.”

He pierced her.

She cried out, but he clamped his lips upon hers to deafen her noise. As they kissed, the pain—such good pain—turned into a burning, igniting a bonfire in her core. He pulled out and then thrust back in. God, the exquisite burn, and then…pleasure mounted. She started moaning. Zach broke the kiss and took a nipple between his lips as he continued to fuck her.

Oh my God
. Had anything ever felt so good? When he broke away from her lips, she looked into his burning cognac eyes.

“Need a taste of you,” Zach ground out. He pulled out of her, slid down, and crushed his mouth to her pussy. He sucked her clitoris between his lips.

Sophie nearly shattered. But she wanted to come with him inside her.

“Please, Zach, please. Come back inside me.”

He smiled against her folds and then moved upward and pushed back inside her. He fucked her slowly, all the way in and all the way out.

Sophie burned, her skin rippling. Dear God, this was what she had been missing. This was what Ally wrote about in her erotica, what she did with the man she loved. No wonder young women needed chaperones. If any of them knew what they were missing…why, they'd sell their souls to the devil himself for this ecstasy.

Finally, Sophie understood.

And she didn't ever want to stop.

Zach grunted, gripping her shoulders. With every thrust, she became more and more his, more and more taken. She gave him a part of herself, one she could never get back.

She didn't want it back.

Zach's thrusts became more and more powerful. This exchange of power between them, this joining—heaven itself couldn't be any better than this.

When her climax hit, she splintered into a million pieces, each a fiery spark sending energy straight to her core. Above her, Zach continued to plunge into her, her pussy blazing with each lunge. She cried out, grasping his arse and pulling him into her, so deep she could feel him against her womb. Deeper, deeper…

“I can't hold off any longer, Sophie.” He closed his eyes, thrust into her one last time, and pulled out, squirting his essence onto her belly.

Then he leaned down and kissed her.

She returned his kiss with all the emotion bubbling inside her, all the love and devotion she felt at that moment. For this must be love, yes? She had never felt anything like it—an all-consuming longing for another person.

She had no delusions that he could grow to love her, especially since her stepfather wouldn't allow him to court her. But this might be her only chance to experience this wonder, and she was going to take advantage of it.

“My God, Sophie,” Zach said when he broke the kiss. “That was unbelievable. I've never…” He moved away from her, helped her up, and then sat next to her on the divan, his legs splayed apart, his cock now soft against his auburn bush of curls. He looked completely and beautifully spent.

“You've never what?” Sophie asked.

“It's just never…been so
before. You're something else, Sophie.”

Something else.
That was a good thing, right? All she knew was that she had just experienced the most precious thing she could remember in her life.

She was in love. It hit her like a brick to her head. And she knew, in her heart and soul, that if she hadn't been in love with Zach Newland, she never would have given him her virginity. He had shown her so much pleasure, had given her such an amazing gift—she would love him forever, whether or not he ever returned her feelings.

She began gathering her garments.

“Let me help you, love.”

“I need to…wash first.”

“Of course. Forgive me. I should be taking care of you. Unfortunately, I don't have a basin in here. Wait here, and I will get one.”

Sophie warmed all over. How kind of him to take such good care of her.

Had she bled? She looked down at her thighs and saw a couple of rust-colored smudges. Not too much.

When she heard the door open, she smiled, ready to see Zach's face.

But then she dropped her jaw toward the ground.


, well. I see now why Zachary made you his leading lady.” Nanette Lloyd pursed her lips and stared at Sophie's naked form on the divan. “Quite a tight little body you have. Just his type.”

Sophie shuddered in embarrassment. “I assure you that this is not what it appears to be.” What rubbish. It was exactly as it appeared, but what else could she say?

“Really? Because what it appears to be is you trading your sexual favors for the leading soprano role in Zach's production.”

“This has nothing to do with my role,” Sophie said. “Now if you would kindly leave—”

Nanette let out a laugh. “Are you kidding me? I'm not going anywhere. Wait until I have a little chat with Zach about this new development.”

“Whatever is going on between Zach and me is not any of your business.” Sophie tried to stop the redness she knew was coloring her cheeks…and the rest of her.

“Actually, it
my business, because Zach Newland is mine. I've told you before to stay away from him.”

Anger rose within Sophie. Who did this woman think she was? Zach had chosen to make Sophie the lead soprano before they had begun any type of relationship. And now that she had found something heavenly with Zach, Sophie intended to keep it for as long as he'd have her. Neither Nanette Lloyd nor anyone else would stop that. She stood, her nudity be damned, and faced Nanette. “You don't scare me, Miss Lloyd. I intend to see Zach as often as I want.”

“We shall see about that.” Nanette landed a punch to Sophie's nose.

Sophie cried out, landing back on the divan, blood trickling from her nose. Oh, how it hurt! Like a chisel going through her nostrils into her brain. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her father had punched her in the nose once. It was the worst pain she could remember, worse than the caning, worse than the kicking. Blood trickled into her mouth, the metal tang hitting her tongue.

A few minutes later, Zach returned with a basin of water and some cloths. “Oh my God! Sophie, what happened? Are you all right?”

Sophie sniffed. “Nanette… She came in here… Is she gone?”

Zach knelt at Sophie's feet. “What in the hell was she doing here? I'm so sorry, Sophie. What did she say to you?”

“Same thing she always does. Warned me to stay away from you. And this time, she punched me in the nose.”

“My poor sweet love. I'll take care of you. I'm so sorry.”

“Believe me, I've been through worse.”

“So you've said. I'm afraid that doesn't make me feel any better.”

Sophie didn't respond. What was there to say? She didn't feel like rehashing the abuse she had taken at her father's hand. She flinched as Zach wiped the blood from her face.

“I'm sorry, love.”

“It's sensitive right now. It will heal.”

“Still doesn't make me feel any better. Here”—he held the rag to her nose—“hold this until the bleeding stops. I need to tend to…other things.”

Zach gently spread her legs and placed a warm cloth against her swollen folds. “Not a lot of blood. That's good. Are you sore, my love?”

“A bit. But it's…a
sore.” And it was. Sophie didn't know how to explain it any better than that. All she knew was that she welcomed the pain that had come with giving Zach this most precious of gifts.

“Hold this against you,” he said, placing her hand on the rag between her legs. “I would do it myself, but I want to take care of your nose.”

Sophie smiled.

He was such a gentleman. Somehow, she had to get her stepfather to change his mind about their courtship.



“Would you…call on me tomorrow evening after dinner? I would like to speak to my stepfather
you. If you're still interested in courting me, that is.”

“Of course I am. You are very special, Sophie. I… I believe I could…”

“Could what?”

He gingerly cleaned the blood from Sophie's nose and lips. “Still the same perfect shape. Thank God she didn't break your nose.”

“Could what?” Sophie said again.

“Never mind. I'm so thankful you're all right. I'll have Nanette banned from the theatre. I'm so sorry.”

“I was rather embarrassed. I mean, here I was, sitting on your divan, naked as a bird.”

Zach smiled. “You have no need to be embarrassed about that, sweet. You are quite exquisite naked.”

Sophie warmed all over, tingles shooting through her.

“And I will be happy to call on you tomorrow evening. At what hour?”

“Perhaps nine o'clock. We should be done with dinner, and the men will be smoking their cigars. I will try to speak to my mother and stepfather before then, and then perhaps all of us can talk together.”

“I will be there.” Zach smiled.

he next day
, when Sophie returned home from rehearsal, she found her mother taking tea alone in the smaller parlor.

“Hello, Mother. I wonder if we might speak.”

Iris took a sip of her tea. “Of course, my dear. What is on your mind?”

“Did the earl tell you that Mr. Zachary Newland requested permission to court me?”

Iris nodded, setting her tea on its saucer. “He did, Sophie.”

“Then you know that he did not allow it.”

Iris nodded again. “Is this Mr. Newland a man who interests you?”

Sophie drew in a breath, gathering strength. Zach was worth fighting for. “Yes, Mama. He is a very fine man, a self-made man. I respect him very much, and I also respect his talent.”

“I understand. However, David would like more for you.”

“Mother, this is the first man who has ever asked to court me. I'm nearly five-and-twenty years old, an old maid by today's standards. I am interested in Mr. Newland. I like him. I think he likes me. I would like for him to court me.”

“Very well, dear, I will speak to David about it.” Her mother smiled. “I am sure we can come to some agreement.”

Sophie leaned forward and hugged her mother. “Oh, thank you, Mama. I just know it will work out. Mr. Newland is coming to call on me tonight at nine o'clock. I was hoping that you and the earl might be able to speak to him then.”

Iris shook her head. “I'm afraid not, Sophie. David is in London today and will not be returning until the morrow.”

“Oh, drat. I suppose I should send word to Zach not to come.”

“Nonsense. He is certainly welcome to call on you, whether you are courting or not. You may entertain him in here this evening. It will be a few weeks before the main parlor is ready.”

Sophie smiled. Her mother understood, and she would no doubt make her husband understand. She
tell her mother she was already in love with Mr. Newland. Given how quickly her mother and the earl had fallen in love all those many years ago, when Ally and Sophie were mere babes, they ought to understand attraction that defies logic. She smiled to herself. No, she'd keep quiet. Her love for Zach was a delicious secret she could savor by herself a little longer.

Sophie kissed her mother on the cheek and bid her good afternoon. She would spend what was left of the afternoon doting on her new nieces and resting before the dinner hour.

ophie sat alone
in the smaller parlor, waiting for Zach to call after dinner. She watched the clock—nine o'clock, and then quarter past. Where was he? Half past. When the clock struck ten, she decided to retire for the evening. Surely Zach had a good reason for not coming.

Still, disappointment flowed through her veins. She had been looking forward to seeing him, even though the earl wasn't present to discuss their courtship. The tender spot between her legs reminded her of their wonderful afternoon together.

Her mother, Iris, came in. “Sophie, dear, I did not know you were still in here.”

Sophie frowned. “He didn't come, Mother.”

“I'm sorry. I'm sure something came up that required attention, probably at the theatre.”

Sophie nodded. “Yes, I am certain that is what happened.” Too bad she didn't believe the words that came out of her mouth.

A rap on the door brought Graves. “My ladies, Lady Sophie has a caller. Mr. Zachary Newland.”

“Tell him I'm unable to receive him at this late hour, Graves,” Sophie said.

“No, Graves. My daughter will see him.” Iris smiled and took her hand. “Listen to what he has to say. You need do nothing else.”

“Thank you, Mama.”

Iris smiled gently. “I will be in my sitting room, reading, if you need me.” She turned to Graves. “Show Mr. Newland in.”

Graves bowed and left, returning shortly with Zach.

Sophie sat demurely on the divan, refusing at first to make eye contact. However, that was rude, and Sophie was not a rude person. She looked up, saying nothing.

Zach's eyes were bloodshot and sad. “I do hope you can forgive my tardiness, Sophie. There was a…scene at the theatre this evening.”

Sophie widened her eyes. “What happened?”

“It's a long story. Nanette came in, having one of her tantrums. Two of my sopranos, who were working late rehearsing, actually quit the show because of her antics. Now I have to find two more performers as soon as I can.”

“I'm so sorry. Why didn't you send word that you couldn't make it? I would've understood.”

“I wanted to see you. And I kept thinking that I could get here at least at a reasonable hour. Yet time was ticking by, and now I'm later than I ever thought I would be. Can you forgive me?”

Sophie was well aware of what Nanette was capable of. She believed Zach without question. “I hope Nanette will no longer be a problem.”

“No, she will not be. I had her escorted out of the theatre by a constable, and he made it clear to her that she would risk arrest for trespassing if she came back.”

Sophie breathed a sigh of relief. No more Nanette. That was a blessing to be sure. “Unfortunately, my stepfather is not at home to speak to you tonight anyway. He is in London until the morrow. Perhaps you can come back then?”

“I'm afraid I can't come tomorrow, sweet. I'm dining with a few benefactors, and I'm hoping to get their backing for the show. In fact, I would like you to join me. The benefactors love to meet the new performers.”

“I'm not sure if that would be appropriate if we're not officially courting.”

“Honestly, I don't know the rules of the peerage, but I think it would be entirely appropriate for you to attend as one of my performers. Several of the other performers, both men and women, will be in attendance. I should like very much for you to be there.”

“Then I shall be there.” Sophie wanted nothing more than to make Zach happy and proud of her.

Zach smiled and sat down next to her on the divan. He leaned toward her and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “You are wonderful, did you know that?”

Sophie warmed from the tips of her toes all the way up to her hair. The sweet words from his husky timbre never failed to arouse her. He kissed her again and then stood, holding out his hand to her. “Would you dance with me, Lady Sophie?”

“Why…there's no music.”

“I don't care. The sweet memory of your voice is all the music I need.”

Sophie stood and floated into his arms. He was so much taller than she, her head came to his chest slightly below his shoulders. He leaned down and kissed her lips softly, gently.

Zach trailed his hands around her face to her shoulders and down her upper arms.

Something in Sophie snapped—something animal. The need to touch him warred with the fact that she was in the parlor where anyone could walk in. She loosened his cravat and began unbuttoning his shirt. His beautiful chest beckoned. Sophie gripped his muscular torso and pressed her lips to his chest.

Zach shuddered. He cupped her cheeks and brought her up to his mouth where he kissed her, forcing her lips open. They kissed passionately, their tongues tangling, as Sophie continued to trail her fingertips over Zach's hard chest. When they broke the kiss for a much-needed breath, Sophie kissed his neck, shoulders, his upper arms.

“You're driving me mad.” He leaned down and licked her neck, gliding up to her earlobe and sucking on it. He pulled one of her legs up against him so her pussy met the bulge in his britches.

She nearly shattered then and there, gasping against his shoulder. He pulled the other leg up, lifting her off the ground so he was holding her, her dress still draped around her, her swollen bud now tight against his erection. She sighed into him, moving her hips slightly to increase the friction. So good…

But they were in the parlor. Anyone could walk in. Of course, Ally was still bedridden, and Evan wouldn't leave her side. Iris probably wouldn't bother them, and the earl was gone. A servant wouldn't dare come in. Would he?

She couldn't take the chance. “Zach,” she said.

“Yes, sweet?” He nipped the outer edge of her ear.

“If we sneak out of here and go to the servants' stairwell, we can go to my bedchamber. I'm on the second level. My mother and the earl and Ally and Evan are on the third level. No one would hear us.”

“Are you sure? Are you actually suggesting…”

Sophie amazed even herself. “Yes, that is exactly what I'm suggesting. I want you to take me to my bed.”

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