Soul Seducer (19 page)

Read Soul Seducer Online

Authors: Alicia Dean

Audra was searching for a response when a tortured scream—a male scream—ripped through the room.

She jerked her head toward the open patio door where the sound had come from. “What was that?”

“I’m not sure.” Dimitri looked over his shoulder and Audra followed his gaze. Gaylen stood to their left, leaning a shoulder against the mantle, drink in hand. He shrugged as if to say,
don’t look at me.

Most of the party-goers had obviously heard it too. They surged through the doorway, spilling outside.

Audra followed and saw a group of people gathered near the small wooden bridge that went over the stream at the back of the property. The night air was cold. A half-moon shone above, partially obscured by a thin line of dark clouds. When she got closer, threading her way through the throng, she recognized Shane. He stood over two figures, one kneeling, the other lying prone on the ground. He turned when the party guests approached.

“Back, people, stay back.” His eyes found Audra’s, and he gave her a small, reassuring smile, but in it, she detected concern. “I need all of you to stay back. The ambulance is on its way.”

Gaylen and Dimitri had followed Audra, but she ignored them. She wouldn’t let all these people see her talking to air.

Audra now saw that Jaxon was the one kneeling over the woman lying on the ground. He was giving her chest-compressions. Audra could just barely make out a streak of blood on the woman’s forehead, glistening like black oil in the light of the moon. Nearby, a man stood, trembling, crying, his words nearly incoherent.

“She fell,” he whimpered. “We were crossing the bridge, and she stumbled in the dark, fell, and hit her head. I told her to wait here. I’d get her some ice.” He looked wildly around at the crowd. “She seemed okay. She was barely hurt.”

Audra pushed through the throng and rushed to Jaxon’s side, kneeling next to him. “What can I do?” she asked breathlessly.

He shook his head, not taking his gaze from his patient. “Nothing. I got it.” His voice lowered to a whisper. “I don’t understand. She’s not breathing. Her injury doesn’t appear life threatening, yet…” He shook his head again as his voice trailed off.

Shane came over and bent toward Audra, placing his hand on her arm. “I’m sorry. I’ll be a while. You want to find another ride home?”

She shook her head. “I’ll wait for you.”

“You sure?”


He gave her arm a squeeze before releasing it, then headed toward the distraught man.

“Calm down, sir,” he said, his tone firm but comforting. “I’ll need to get a statement from you. Let’s walk over here while they’re taking care of your wife.”

“I can’t leave her. I left her once. Look what happened. I can’t leave her again.”

“When the ambulance arrives, you can ride with her to the hospital.”

Audra looked at Jaxon, who’d stopped his administrations. He didn’t speak, but she knew by the expression on his face. The woman was gone. Dead. Here at a party. After a minor accident?

Audra stood and moved back, allowing room for the EMT’s when they arrived. She shot a glower at Gaylen, then shifted it to Dimitri.

“We were inside,” Dimitri said. “I can’t even pin this one on Gaylen.”

“Could have been a fluke,” Gaylen said, shrugging. “Maybe it was just a good old-fashioned, regular, freak accident death. They’re boring, but they do happen.”

Audra glared at him, wishing she could retort.

“Then where’s the reaper to take her?” Dimitri asked.

Gaylen frowned. “Good point.”

A throaty female laugh rose, sounding like it came from across the stream. Audra’s gaze searched the tree line on the opposite bank. She spotted a woman with skin so pale it was almost translucent, and long, thick copper-colored hair. She wore an unbuttoned white fur coat, all black clothing, and shiny black boots.

“Son of a bitch,” Dimitri breathed.

Gaylen laughed uproariously. “Looks like you created a monster.”

Audra wanted to ask what the hell was going on, but all she could do was raise her brows expectantly at Dimitri and tighten her lips, silently demanding an explanation.

He stared at her for a moment, then shook his head without speaking. The wail of sirens sounded, becoming louder as the ambulance approached.

Audra glanced back across the stream at the woman. Even from this distance, she could see her blood red lips spread in a wide smile. The woman gave a little finger wave, then faded back into the trees.


Curse her wicked soul to hell. Dimitri had left the party and searched for her, but with no luck. The bitch was hiding from him. She knew what was in store for her.

He’d trained her. Mentored her. Instilled the rules, the guidelines, the ethics of being a reaper into her. How could she have gone rogue?

He knew the answer. Anger and revenge. He’d also cast her aside and stomped all over her heart. Or, at least, the shell of the heart she’d had when she was human. Reapers could still feel, though. He, among all, knew that to be true. And he’d crushed her feelings like they meant nothing to him.

In spite of his two-hundred plus years trying to atone for his human mistakes, he’d managed to hurt someone. Still. Veronica was responsible for her own actions. There was no excuse for her scorned woman rampage. He feared this might be only the beginning. With her temper, no telling what she was capable of.

Audra...What if she went after Audra? After all, Veronica blamed Audra for Dimitri’s defection. What she didn’t know was that he’d been weary of her for years. It had just been easier to keep her around than to deal with the drama and theatrics dumping her would bring. But now, getting this close to Audra, he had no other choice. He could barely
at Veronica without comparing her to Audra, let alone touch her without wishing he was touching Audra.

He should go check on Audra. She would be home by now. She deserved an explanation. Plus, he needed to make sure she was okay.

He arrived at her house and hesitated. He wouldn’t just materialize inside. She’d had enough scares for one night. He’d look inside first, see what she was doing, approach slowly, so as not to spook her.

He scowled at the sheriff’s car in the driveway. Of course, he was her ride home. He’d been her date. But it was three o’clock in the morning. Why the hell was he still here?


No. They’d gotten home late from the party. Dunham had stayed to process the scene. They’d probably only been home a few minutes. Audra was just now getting reacquainted with the guy. She wouldn’t jump into bed with him on their first date.

In spite of his self-reassurances, a knot of dread opened up in his gut as he stepped onto the porch. Taking a deep breath to fortify himself, he looked through the living room window.

Relief washed over him. Dunham was seated on the sofa, Audra at the opposite end. She tugged the headband and wig off and fluffed her fingers through her thick, dark hair. They were talking, their expressions troubled.

Dimitri watched for a moment, feeling somewhat like a stalker. Maybe he should just leave. He could talk to Audra tomorrow. Or, he could just wait it out. Dunham would probably be gone soon, and he could give Audra a quick explanation, then be on his way.

But how much to explain? Did he really want to tell Audra what had happened between him and Veronica? Why the bitch was now on some kind of jealous, deadly rampage? Well, rampage was too strong a word. She’d only taken one victim that he knew of. Perhaps she was just pouting and had gotten it out of her system.

Right. Like he really believed that.

He frowned as he noticed a change in Audra’s expression. Her face softened and a small, coy smile appeared.

She scooted toward Dunham on the sofa. Right
to Dunham.

Then she moved closer...closer still. Her eyes drifted shut, and she leaned forward, touching her mouth to Dunham’s. Dunham pulled her in, getting to enjoy the feel...the taste of Audra’s lips.

Dimitri nearly groaned aloud. His breath left him like a fist had landed in the center of his sternum. He flinched and drew back, quickly retreating.

He wouldn’t remain here, ogling them like some perverted voyeur.

Besides, maybe if he stopped watching, the knifing pain inside his chest would go away.





Chapter 16


The kiss was nice. Pleasurable.

And that was all. No fireworks, no rushing of her blood, no pounding in her ears, no tingling in her nether regions.

It was just nice.

What was wrong with her? The kisses she and Jaxon shared had been more passionate, and he wasn’t attracted to women.

She pressed more tightly to Shane, revving up the kiss, moving her hands over his shoulders, trying to incite that rush of uncontrollable passion that was missing from their embrace.

Still nothing.

Shane broke the kiss, pulling away and staring into her eyes. “You’re not feeling it, are you?”

“What do you mean?”

“No fireworks, no urge to rip my clothes off and carry me into the bedroom.”

She laughed, grateful for his humor to break the tension. “I don’t know what’s wrong. You’re good-looking, sexy, sweet. You’re warm and strong, and I feel safe when I’m with you.”

“But you’re not swooning. Your body’s not singing with desire for me.”

“Swooning? Body singing? Have you been reading romance novels or something?”

“Would I admit it if I had?” The smile faded from his eyes. “It’s okay, Audra. We can back off. Take it slow.”

“Slower than fifteen years?”

He brushed a thumb along her cheekbone. “Most of that fifteen years has been spent apart. We need to get to know each other all over again, work on being friends, then we’ll see where it takes us.”

“What about you? Did you feel the toe-curling passion?”

He looked down at his lap. “Let’s just say my toes weren’t where I was feeling it.”

She smiled. “Yet you’re willing to be patient. Try the friendship thing. You’re one of the nicest guys I’ve ever known.”

“You know what they say. Nice guys finish last.” He grinned and wiggled his brows. “Speaking of finish. I probably need to head home.”

“Shane!” She lightly punched his shoulder.

“It’s either that or a cold shower.” He stood and pulled her to her feet, planting a quick kiss on her forehead. “Good night, sweet Audra. Sleep well.”


The next day, Riley arrived at the hospital under the guise of having lunch with Audra. In truth, it was to be the bearer of distressing news.

“Maria dropped the charges?” Audra let her fork fall to the plate, suddenly losing the little enthusiasm she had for the pre-made Caesar salad.

“I’m afraid so.”

“Is she still at her friend’s house?”

Riley shook her head. “I think she went back to Scott.”

“Shit. What’s wrong with her?”

“I think she just felt she couldn’t hide out forever. That going back to Scott was inevitable.” Riley sipped from the straw in her Diet Coke. “Doesn’t Shane have enough to arrest the asshole?”

“He arrested him, but Scott posted bail. The trial won’t be for months. In the meantime, he’s free to beat the hell out of his wife as often as he pleases.”

Riley reached out and patted Audra’s hand. “I’m sorry. We’ll just hope for the best.”


“What about that girl at the Halloween party? She died?”

“Yes. I’m afraid so.”

“Wasn’t it just some minor accident? A fall or something?”

Audra nodded numbly. She couldn’t tell her friend the woman’s death was assisted by a ghoul from the beyond.

She’d wanted to ask Dimitri about the woman across the creek. She had to be a reaper. Had to have caused the victim’s death, but when she looked back to question him, he and Gaylen had both disappeared. Audra knew, though. Knew the woman was involved and that Gaylen and Dimitri knew it too.

From a few tables away, Audra heard Mary Lou’s voice rise. “What? Where is she?”

Audra looked over Riley’s shoulder to see that her boss was talking on her cell phone. She looked stricken, fear and shock evident in her expression. She jumped to her feet and screamed into the phone. “No! It can’t be. Oh my God, no!”

Audra rose and rushed to her side. “Mary Lou, what is it? What’s happening?”

Dazed eyes stared at Audra from a stark white face. “That was my ex-husband. Camellia’s missing. She’s been missing for two days, and the bastard just now bothered to tell me.” She swayed, and Audra reached out to steady her. “Oh God,” The agonized wail trembled through her body, vibrating to Audra’s hands. “My little girl. Where could she be?” She took Audra’s arms in a painful grip. “Get Sheriff Dunham. Make him find her. He’s your friend.
Make him find her


Audra stayed with Mary Lou until Shane came and took a statement. Tonya drove Mary Lou home after Shane assured her he’d do all he could to find her little girl.

A sick feeling wound through Audra’s gut. Too much was happening. Way too much. Did Camellia’s disappearance have anything to do with the reapers? Didn’t every awful thing that had happened lately have something to do with the reapers?
to do with them?

Now, in addition to Gaylen, there seemed to be another evil reaper on the loose. Who was the mystery woman at the Halloween party, and was she, indeed, a reaper? Had she killed the woman? Audra didn’t have the answers, but she knew who would.

She went home and paced while she waited for Dimitri. No need to shout for him this time. She had a feeling he’d arrive soon enough.

Her intuition was well founded. Half an hour after she got home, while she was making her umpteenth trek across the living room floor, he appeared in front of her.

He wore a black, button-up shirt, and part of her mind noted dark stubble on his jaw. Did reapers actually have to shave? She wouldn’t think about that. Too many other, more important questions were pressing now.

“Tell me what’s happening,” she demanded. “Who was that woman at the party? Does Camellia’s disappearance have anything to do with reapers?”

“Who’s Camellia?”

“Mary Lou Jenkins’ daughter. Mary Lou is the charge nurse at St. Anne’s. Her daughter is missing.”

“I know nothing about that. Reapers aren’t really into kidnapping. They mostly leave their victims out in the open for all to find. And, no longer breathing.”

“Like the victim at the party?”

He sighed and his jaw clenched. “That
the work of a reaper.”

“The red-haired woman?”

Dimitri nodded.

“Who is she?”

He didn’t answer.

“Dimitri, who is this woman? What’s going on? I thought Gaylen was the only demented reaper out there. Now we have someone new to worry about?”

“I’ll take care of her. This is my fault, anyway.”

“How so?”

He pursed his lips, then said, “She’s a jilted lover.”

jilted lover, or
jilted lover?”


A sliver of pain pricked her. She’d expected him to say that, but hoped he wouldn’t.

“I thought you told me you couldn’t love,” she said, noting the almost resentful tone in her voice.

“She was my fuck buddy, okay? And now, she’s been scorned and, you know...hell hath no fury.”

“Why did you dump her?”

He held her gaze for a moment. “I just tired of her.”

She sensed there was more to it but didn’t press.

“With her and Gaylen out for vengeance, we’re really screwed,” she said. “There’s no way we can get two of them to turn human. What are we going to do?”

“Don’t say ‘we.’ I told you I’d handle this. Gaylen’s the one I need to concentrate on. He’s the most dangerous. Veronica was just sulking.”

“That’s the way she sulks? Jesus.”

A muscle ticked in his jaw, but he didn’t respond. He seemed deep in thought. Maybe contemplating a plan to end this. Maybe thinking about how much he’d miss the sex.

“So...reapers can...” she faltered. “I mean. Your lover. You had sex with her?”

“Even reapers have urges.”

“So, you it. But only with other reapers?”

“Not necessarily.”

“You mean with humans, too? How?”

His eyes caught hers and wouldn’t let go. The expression in them stole her ability to breathe. She might as well have said,
“Show me...”

“There are ways.”

The air in the room was hushed with expectation as she waited.

He lifted his brows, then slowly approached as if accepting a silent invitation. She swallowed audibly, her mouth going dry.

“Audra?” he whispered when he was close enough that she could feel his chilling electricity. “Are you asking me for something?”

She started to shake her head, but didn’t. She
asking him for something. She just couldn’t say the words. She stared up at him and wet her lips with her tongue. His gaze flicked over her, and a slow, lazy smile appeared, etching dimples deep in the scruff on his face. She lifted her chin, meeting the challenge in his eyes. Still silent. Waiting.

“Ask me, Audra.”

She couldn’t breathe, let alone speak.

He tilted his head toward her, as if he might kiss her. She let her eyes drift shut and somehow, she felt the pressure of his lips on hers. It was more a sensation, a sizzling coolness that quickly turned to warmth.

“There’s this,” he whispered.

She felt that same sensation on her neck, and her eyes flew open. He was so close, the startling ocean eyes delving into hers. His hand stroked slowly down her neck, and she could swear she felt his touch. She nearly moaned in impatience and anticipation as she waited for the touch to travel lower, waited to feel it all over her body. Desire scorched over her, puckering her nipples and settling hotly between her thighs.

“Lie back,” he commanded.

She realized her knees were against the couch, which was good. She wasn’t sure how much longer her legs would support her. She sank onto the cushions and leaned back. Dimitri settled next to her, keeping his gaze locked on hers as he let his hand travel over her breasts. Her nipples tightened, and she gasped.

“Take your clothes off for me,” he ordered softly.

“No.” She shook her head in a quick jerk. “I can’t.”

“You can. I want to see your beautiful body. Undress for me, Audra.”

He could have said,
roll around naked on a bed of burning coals
and she’d have been powerless to deny him.

Slowly, she unbuttoned her blouse. His eyes followed her movements, glinting with blue-hot passion as she undid her bra, exposing her breasts. She lifted her hips so she could slip off her jeans. His eyes flashed, and his breathing sped up as she hooked her fingers in the band of her panties and slid them down, over her legs, letting them fall to the floor.

His gaze dropped downward, along the length of her legs, then lifted slowly to settle on the juncture of her thighs. She shifted in nervousness as he drank her in with his eyes. He stared, as if mesmerized. “You’re wet for me. I can see the dewy moisture glinting down here...between your lips.” His hand moved lower, and her thighs parted. “We can also do this,” he said with a husky growl.

This is crazy. Stop it now
. But she couldn’t. Didn’t want to.

Heat gathered between her legs. She wanted to reach up and grip his shoulders. Wanted him to turn make love to her. Dare she ask him? No. She should stop this. Stop it now before...

A searing cool-warm friction between her legs caused all thoughts to cease.

“Oh. Yes,” she gasped.

“Yes?” he whispered, still holding her gaze.

She nodded, twisting her head back and forth against the cushions as sensation tightened between her thighs, moving upward into her abdomen...her breasts. Her back arched. Her hips rode his hand, up and down, into the soft give of the couch beneath her, then into the thrill of his touch.

“If I were human right now, I’d taste you, sliding my tongue in and out, over and over until you come.”

“Yes,” she groaned out again.

“Then, I’d bury my cock deep inside you. I’m so hard for you right now, Audra. Do you know that?”

Her eyes traveled downward, to the bulge in his jeans. Amazing. How his body could have the reaction of an aroused, human man, yet she couldn’t actually touch him, feel him. God, she wanted to feel him.

“I want you...inside me,” she bit out.

“I want to be inside you,” he answered back. “But for now, this will have to do.”

His hand continued to stroke. She could almost feel his fingers sliding around in her wet folds. An urge tugged from deep within her belly.

“I can’t...oh my God. I think I’m going to...”

Dimitri kept his gaze fastened on hers as a satisfied smile spread across his face. “Yes, I think you are. Come for me, baby.”

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