Soul Sweet (10 page)

Read Soul Sweet Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

The timbre of his voice had barely changed, but his raw words moved her. Misha instinctively reached out, wanting to comfort him in some way. She placed her hand on top of his. “I’m sorry, Cameron. I’m sure she doesn’t feel that way. How could she? You’re an amazing man.”

Cameron lifted his gaze from where she had touched him to smile at her. “Wow. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Misha slowly pulled her hand away, realising what an intimate gesture it had been for her to initiate.

“I’m not sure how much stock I can put into one
sexy chef’s opinion, especially since you’ve only known me for a short time.”

Misha shrugged with a grin. “That’s true, but you should know I don’t give out that kind of compliment lightly. I said it because I can tell you are a caring, warm person. You’re dedicated to your work.” Misha gestured to the elegantly laid table. “And this impromptu brunch shows me you’ll go above and beyond what is necessary for those in your life.”

“It’s the pineapple orange mimosa, isn’t it? Too much too soon.” Cameron shook his head as Misha laughed.

“No, it wasn’t the mimosa.”

“Mm-hmm… Was it my kiss?”

Cameron held back a smile. He couldn’t resist flirting with Misha. Not when she always gave him the most titillating reactions. His gaze fell from her widening eyes to the tempting fullness of her delectable lips. He hoped she didn’t feel he’d kissed her too soon because he craved another taste, wanted to know she did too.

“We’re back to that then?” Misha popped a strawberry into her mouth.

“Back to?”

“Back to me letting you kiss me again as a way to prove I’m not ruffled by the fact you’re white, nor am I
to explore the supposed chemistry between us.”

Cameron chuckled. “Supposed? That’s cute. Well, have you decided to prove to yourself I’m wrong?”

Misha glared at him. “I have. One more kiss, Cameron.” She waved her hands. “That’s it. Then we go back and concentrate on the show. Deal?”

“As long as that’s what you want.”

“It is.”

“That’s your only condition?”


Cameron nodded. “Fine. One more kiss.”


Cameron could tell she was nervous as she reached for her glass and took another sip. “Right now.” He patted his thigh. “Come here.” His cock reacted to the incredulous look on her face.


“Hey, you didn’t specify any other conditions. So, I get one more kiss,
way. Unless you’d like to back out of this thing altogether.”

“I’m not backing out of anything.” Misha got up out of her chair.

Cameron chuckled as she gingerly perched on his lap, glad for the moment that she was nowhere near his semi-erection. “Ready?”

She turned her head to look at him with her hands clasped on her thighs. “Kiss me, Cameron.”

He grinned at the challenging tone in her voice while reaching out to unfasten the first closure of her life jacket. “Thank you for having brunch with me today, Misha.” Her gaze dropped to his lips a nanosecond before his did to hers.

“Th-thank you for having me.”

Not yet.

He wanted to have her, take her nice and deep while she gripped the wheel she’d handled earlier. Her soft ass on his lap was quickly going to make him all the way hard. He resisted the urge to move his hands beneath her to caress her bottom, trailing his fingers over her collarbone instead. From this vantage point, he could see her pulse fluttering rapidly, confirmation that she was just as affected by their closeness as he was. He loved the contrast of his fingers against her gorgeous skin. Cameron leant forward and kissed her there. He wanted to lick the soft skin beneath his lips, but held back, inhaling the sultry scent of her perfume before deftly fixing the closure on her life jacket.

“You smell fantastic.” Cameron reached over her to pick up his mimosa. He took a sip, concentrating on the coolness of the fruity drink, not how warm and soft Misha was sitting on top of him.

Misha frowned. “Wait, that’s it?”

“Do you want more, Misha?” He grabbed hold of her hips when she tried to get up. “Answer the question.”

“My answer would be irrelevant since we just agreed to
more kiss only.”

“Is it that hard to answer?” He was getting harder by the second, watching her wet her bottom lip as she drew a shuddering breath in.


“Yes, it’s hard to answer me or yes you want more?” Cameron pressed.

Misha wriggled on his lap. “Both.”

“Thank you for your honesty.” Cameron grinned at her, releasing his hold on her. “We should probably be getting back.”

“Well, this was fun.” Misha got up off his lap with a bright smile of her own.

“It was. I have a
Celeb Chef
judges’ meeting to go to later this afternoon, otherwise I’d try to persuade you to stay the whole afternoon out here with me.” Cameron walked with Misha back into the main cabin. “What are you going to do with the rest of your day?”

“I’m not sure.” Misha wrapped her arms under her breasts. “I feel a little out of sorts with Serene gone.”

“I’d invite you to dinner, but I wouldn’t want you to think I won’t honour your wish that we avoid any further kisses while the competition is still on.” Cameron turned the engine on and slowly manoeuvred the yacht in the direction of the harbour.

“You act like I’m asking you to do the impossible.”

Cameron turned his head to meet her eyes, finding her exasperated look amusing. “It just might be.”

* * * *

“Well, I can’t believe we’re already down to just three chefs,” Don said as Cameron took his seat at the judges’ table.

“I know. Pier couldn’t believe he was the one sent home.”

Don nodded. “He’ll be just fine. I overheard him talking to the others about being offered a gig on one of those food networks.”

“I’m sure we’ll see Pier on television in some capacity. It suits his personality.” Cameron surveyed the room, wishing today of all days that he didn’t have to be social. He spotted Misha, talking with the other two remaining contestants, and wondered if she’d thought about him as much as he had thought about her.

“So, who do you think will win?” Don popped a chocolate caramel candy into his mouth.

Cameron shrugged. “I’m not sure. Jackson seems to be a crowd favourite, but Vivian and Misha are just as likeable and talented.”

Don chomped the candy enthusiastically. “I agree. Okay, well, who do you
to win?”

“Hold that thought.” Cameron mentally thanked whoever was calling, grateful he didn’t have to supply Don with an answer. He picked up his vibrating phone off the table. “Hello?”

“Cam, it’s me, Jess.”

“Are you okay?” He couldn’t hide the surprise in his voice upon hearing his ex-wife on the other end of the phone.

“Yes, I mean, I guess. How have you been?”

Cameron got up from his seat and walked away from the judges’ table. “I’m okay. You?”

The pause on the other end stopped Cameron in his tracks. “Jess?”

“Yes, I’m here. Today was the day we lost our child.”

“I know.”

Silence stretched between them for several seconds.


“I’m here.”

Jess sighed. “I know you must be wondering why I am calling after all these many months.”

“It’s been over a year since we’ve talked.”

“I’ve thought about calling you so many times.”

Cameron didn’t respond. He didn’t know what to say. Too much had transpired between them. He’d eventually let go of the emotional connection they’d once had between them when it had become apparent that she hadn’t wanted to acknowledge or talk about the damage, their loss.

“You were on my mind.” Jess’ voice wavered. “I wanted to call and tell you…tell you, I’m sorry.”

Cameron blocked out the rush of emotions flooding his system as he watched Misha and the other contestants take their places in their respective set kitchens. “You’re sorry?”

“Yes, sorry for shutting you out. Letting our love die along with our baby. I was just in so much pain.”

Cameron tightened his grip on his phone. “I know. I was too.”

“I know you were, but at the time I could only focus on my own emotions and that was selfish of me.”

“Jess, it was a difficult time for both of us. We both got through it the only way we knew how to. I don’t fault you for how you dealt with it.”

“You should.”

“But I don’t.” Cameron held up his hand when Don pointed to his watch. “Jess, where is all this coming from?”

“I know you’re busy. I’ve seen you on television. You’re doing an amazing job.”

“Thank you.”

“You were also an amazing husband and I fucked things up.”

“That’s not true, Jess.”

“It is and I just wanted you to know that I appreciate how you tried to be there for me. I want you to know that I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I know my timing is off with what you’ve got going on right now, but I had to tell you what’s been going through my head today.”

“Jess, it’s okay. I don’t hold anything against you.” Cameron felt like he’d been kicked in the kidneys. “Listen, I have to go, the show is about to start. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m all right. I’ll let you go.”

“Thank you for taking the time to tell me all of this. It means a lot to me.”

Jess sighed. “You deserved to know. There were so many things I wanted to say then but couldn’t. I just couldn’t figure out how to deal with the loss of our baby, but I needed you to know I never wanted to lose you in the process too.”

All background noise faded as the words he’d always wanted to hear from his ex-wife sank in.


“I’m here.”

“Thank you for trying so hard to make things work and for letting go when I asked you to.”

“I don’t know what to say, Jess.”

“You don’t have to say anything. I called because I had things I needed to say to you. You go. I’ll be watching you on television. I’m so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished.”

“Thanks.” Cameron wished he had time for a stiff drink before going back to his seat.

“Bye, Cameron.”

He moved the phone away from his ear, slid it into the pocket of his pants then walked back over to the judges’ table.

“I was just about to come over and get you, man.” Don looked at him closely and frowned. “Everything all right? You look like you just ate a sour pastry.”

Cameron took his seat. “Everything’s fine.”

“If you say so. Anyway, the show is about to begin and here comes Shannon. Damn, I swear she’s got the longest, sexiest legs I’ve ever seen.”

Cameron didn’t bother to even look as Shannon took her place and the production assistant counted down the seconds until
Celeb Chef
went live. Coffee was revealed as the mystery ingredient and soon the space was filled with enticing aromas of the various dishes being prepared by the contenders. Cameron did his best to stay focused and comment as he usually did, but it was damn difficult with Jess’ conversation replaying and stirring up painful memories in his head. She’d said more in that phone conversation than she had during their last year married.

“It would seem Chef Banner has more on his mind tonight than our cooking with coffee challenge. What gives, Chef Banner?” Shannon asked spiritedly and the audience laughed.

Cameron forced a smile. “I love coffee and Seattle has some of the best java around.”

His comment earned him hoots and appreciative applause as Shannon nodded her approval. “Indeed, the Emerald City does.” Shannon tossed her long tresses over her shoulder and walked closer to the contenders standing in front of the judges’ table. “We’ve heard from the other judges. There has been one vote for each of our three chefs, something that’s never happened before, which means your vote could potentially secure one of our
Celeb Chef
contenders’ place in the final.” A murmur of disapproval moved through the audience as Shannon pouted, expressing her own displeasure at what had to happen next. “How difficult is this decision for you, Chef Banner?”

“Very difficult. I enjoyed them all.”

“But you can only choose one dish. So, which one gets your vote… Vivian’s dark roast baby back ribs, Jackson’s coffee bourbon barbeque chicken or Misha’s espresso braised steak?”

Cameron glanced from the host to Misha. Their gazes locked for a split second as thoughts of their kiss and his conversation with his ex-wife swirled in his head. “Based on flavour and overall best use of the bean, I’d have to go with Jackson’s kick-ass chicken.” Cameron paused as the applause rang out and Jackson let out a shout of jubilation. “I think the ladies did well, but Jackson’s bold recipe had that extra zing that surprised my taste buds.”

Shannon nodded, her eyes bright with excitement. “Well, that means you four judges”—she wagged her finger at them—“must decide which of these ladies to send home, or will you have them duel it out against one another in a
Celeb Chef
Cook Challenge?” Shannon turned back to face the camera. “I’m glad I’m not one of the judges. Don’t go anywhere, the judges will share their decision after the break.”

“Okay, we’ve got about sixty seconds,” Rowen said, scooting her chair closer to Don as Phyllis got up to stand in front of them.

Don clapped Cameron on the shoulder. “I thought for sure you were going to go for the steak. I thought Misha did a fantastic job.”

“She did. I don’t think either lady should go home. For me, though, Jackson’s dish had more depth with layers of flavours,” Cameron said as Phyllis shook her head.

“Vivian’s ribs have me considering a healthier version of her dish.” Phyllis wagged her finger. “She definitely doesn’t deserve to go home.”

Don grunted. “Well, neither does Misha.”

“Agreed. So, are we all in agreement for Vivian and Misha to do the Cook Challenge?” Rowen asked and everyone nodded. “Cameron, you’ll share our decision?”


Cameron glanced at Misha again as the judges got back in their places. He could tell by her stiff body language that she was stressed. Later, he would tell her she had never been in any real danger of going home early.

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