Soulmates Dissipate (23 page)

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Authors: Mary B. Morrison

“Sensations Communications, this is Karen.
How may I help you?” Karen looked at Melanie and mouthed,
Melanie shook her head.

“She’s away from her desk. Would you like me to put you through to her voice mail?” Karen asked. Melanie tiptoed out the door.

Melanie drove along Highway 1 and took in the scenery. Pleasant thoughts of the wedding danced before her eyes. She heard her cell phone humming a tune, but she couldn’t find it.

“Where is it?” She quickly fumbled through her purse. She turned her head for a split second and flipped open the phone. She heard Wellington’s voice echo.


She looked up.”
Oh, my God!”
Melanie dropped the phone and slammed on the brakes. The recreational vehicle collided head-on. The baby blue Jaguar dangled over the edge of the cliff. Melanie prayed. The car squeaked. She saw her wedding CD slide off the passenger seat. She heard a loud crunch. Her life flashed before her eyes. The airbag pressed painfully against her body. She felt for the door handle. It was stuck. Melanie took a deep breath and screamed as the car gave way and plunged toward the ocean.

Chapter 19

ellington and his parents waited in a private room at the hospital for the doctor to deliver Melanie’s status. The temperature and the tension in the room were bone chilling. Wellington sat in the corner and scanned his

“Has anyone called Susan?” Cynthia asked.

Wellington knew anyone meant him.” No, Mother, I haven’t had time to think about calling Melanie’s mother. Since you’re so great at arranging things, why don’t you send her a ticket? She can stay at my house, and who knows, maybe I’ll even marry her,” said Wellington. He peeped over his magazine at Cynthia.

“Wellington, that’s no way to speak to your mother,” Chris said.

“She’s not my mother!” said Wellington.” A real mother wouldn’t deceive her son. I sincerely pray
Melanie has a successful recovery, but as soon as she’s well, I’m filing for a divorce.”

“Son, I know you’re upset,” said Chris.” But you have to stop and think about what you’re saying. Don’t make a mistake.”

Wellington folded his magazine and twisted it like a piece of licorice.”
made the mistake when you didn’t tell me what was going on.” His voice escalated.” Mom made a mistake when she lured Melanie here. So what you should be telling me is not to make the same mistakes the two of you made!” Wellington threw his magazine in the trash.

“I’ve heard enough of this nonsense,” Cynthia said.” I’m going to call Susan.”

“Don’t forget to send her a ticket!”

“Son, you have to calm down. The first thing we have to do is make sure Melanie is doing well. You never walk out on someone when they’re down. You have to stand by your wife’s side.”

“I said, as
as she is well, I’m going to file for a divorce. And if it’s not too late, I’m going to marry Diamond.”

Cynthia rolled her eyes at Wellington.” Hello, Susan, this is Cynthia. I have some bad news. Melanie has been involved in a
automobile accident.”

“Not my Melanie!” Wellington could hear Susan through the phone.” How is she doing?”

“We’re waiting for the status of her condition. She’s a fighter, Susan, so we’re confident she’ll make it.”

“I’m going to call my travel agent. I’ll be on the next plane out of D.C.,” Susan said.

“I’ll have Chris pick you up at the airport. Call
me with your arrival information. Bye.” Cynthia flipped up the mouthpiece on her phone.

A man wearing a white lab coat entered the room.” Who is Wellington Jones?”

Wellington stood and met him halfway.” I am.”

“Hello, Mr. Jones, I’m Dr. Robinson. We are fighting to stabilize your wife’s condition. The good news is, she’ll
recover. The bad news is, we may not be able to save the triplets.”

“Triplets?” Wellington’s mouth opened. He looked directly at his mother and shook his head.

“Your wife is almost three months pregnant, Mr. Jones.” Wellington’s head snapped back and faced the doctor.” I promise we’ll do all we can to save your wife and your children, but I have to warn you: We may lose all of them.”

Wellington gnawed on his fingernail and frowned. He couldn’t believe what he’d heard. Triplets? Melanie. Life. Death.

“I have to go check on your wife. She’ll be in the Intensive Care Unit for a while,” said Dr. Robinson.” There’s really no reason for any of you to sit around here and wait. Mr. Jones, if you’d like to see your wife, I can let you see her for five minutes. She’s very weak and heavily sedated.”

Wellington stopped. His eyes squinted.

“Of course he wants to see his wife. Don’t be ridiculous,” Cynthia responded.

Wellington walked out of the waiting room.

“Where are you going?” Cynthia demanded. “You can’t walk out on her. I raised you better than this. Wellington Jones, you get back here this instant!”

Wellington stared at Cynthia. His eyes were fixed on hers.

“Christopher, don’t let him walk out on her like this. Go and talk some sense into that boy.”

Christopher looked at Cynthia.” He’s not the one who needs sense, you are. Haven’t you ruined the boy’s life enough? Leave him alone, and I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. You push him any further and we’ll lose him for sure.”

“He won’t leave because I’ll cut him out of the will if he does.”

“Over my dead body,” Christopher responded.

“Don’t tempt me, Christopher Jones.”

Wellington shook his head and slowly walked down the corridor in the opposite direction from ICU.

Chapter 20

s soon as Jada walked through her mother’s door, everyone shouted, “Surprise!” Jada’s mother had planned a going-away dinner and had invited Candice, Jazzmyne, Brother Dupree, Darryl, Terrell, Shelly, and Brandon.

“I don’t believe you guys did all this for me!” Jada was astounded. No one had let the cat out of the bag. Jada froze in the doorway.” Thank you so much, Mother. I love you.”

“Give me a hug, baby. There’s someone special that wanted to say good-bye to you,” Mama said.

“Who?” Jada hoped it was and wasn’t Wellington.

Darryl walked out of the kitchen holding a gift box wrapped in purple African print cloth and tied with a gold silk scarf.

“For me!” Jada jiggled with excitement. As Darryl handed her the gift, Jada noticed his long mascu
line manicured hands. His strong Indian features. His beautiful gray eyes. Damn! He still looked good and smelled scrumptious. For a moment, she lost herself in the memories. Jada kissed his lips. “Thank you so much.”

“I’m going to miss you, Jada. I guess I’ll start racking up lots of frequent-flyer miles because I still plan to visit you in Los Angeles,” Darryl said.

In the dining room Mama asked, “Robert, would you please say grace for us?”

“I most certainly will,” said Robert.” Dear God, thank You for blessing each person at this table. We pray that You bless those who are less fortunate and may not know where their next meal is coming from. Please bless the beautiful cook and the food she has prepared before us today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

“Amen! Pass me some peas,” said Brandon. He was so cute everyone laughed.

“Robert and I have an announcement to make,” Mama said. Everybody looked at her, except Brandon.

“I want peas!” Brandon yelled. Jada picked up the peas and started putting some on Brandon’s plate.

“I can do it
I’m a big boy. Mommy said so.”

“Of course you are, Brandon. I’ll just hold the bowl for you,” said Jada. He helped himself to two heaping spoonfuls.

“What’s the good news?” asked Jazzmyne.

“Robert and I got married yesterday.”

“Mama! Why didn’t you tell me?” Jada whispered between her teeth.

“We decided that we didn’t want to make a big
fuss about it. If we had told
then everyone would have made plans for us.”

“I’d like to propose a toast to eternal happiness,” Darryl said.

Everyone held their glasses high in the air and said, “To eternal happiness.” Brandon and Shelly toasted with their champagne glasses filled with apple cider. Terrell looked at Candice and gave her a smile. Jada gave Darryl a seductive look. Love was definitely in the air.

“So, Mother, are you moving in with Mr. Hamilton or is Mr. Hamilton moving in with you?” asked Jada.

“Well, baby, we decided to keep our houses. Sometimes I’ll sleep across the street and sometimes Robert will sleep over here. If we tire of the situation, we can always change our minds later. By living apart, it adds spice to our lives. I can put on something sexy and call Robert and tell him to come over. Then I’ll hide until he finds me.”

Jada’s mouth sprang open.” Mama! Not in front of the children.”

“It’s healthy for children to see positive relationships,” said Robert. “That’s the problem with this world. They’ve become so obsessed with sheltering kids from the natural things in life and showering them with negativity. It’s okay if they listen to rap, watch violent cartoons and movies, and play violent video games. Then when they put soap in the teacher’s drinking water, the courts want to send them to jail. The children are confused by a society that sends them mixed messages,” Robert continued.” My grandchildren are going to be raised in a constructive environment.”

“Speaking of grandchildren, Jada, Mama isn’t getting any younger.”

“Mama, not now.” Jada knew she was going to bring up the subject sooner or later. Especially since Darryl was there. Mama and Darryl had developed their own relationship over the past sixteen years. Jada hardly believed she and Darryl had been an item off and on for over a decade.

“I’d love to marry Jada,” said Darryl.

“Uncle Darryl, I wanna computer,” Brandon said.” Shelly too.” Everyone laughed again. Then Brandon leaned over and whispered to Jada, “You ask him.”

“Brandon, that’s not nice,” Jada said.” Apologize to Mr. Williams.”

“Sorry. Uncle Darryl,” Brandon said.” Please.” The room was filled with laughter.

“I’ll have to see what I can do for you, little man,” Darryl responded.” I might just do that.”

“Who wants apple pie and ice cream for dessert?” Jada wanted to escape before Mama revisited the subject of having grandchildren.

“I’ll get it,” Candice said.” This is your going-away celebration.”

“I’ll help you,” insisted Jada.

When they walked into the kitchen, Jada bent over and grabbed her stomach.

“Are you all right?” Candice asked.

“I’m all right but there’s something wrong with Wellington. I can sense it.” Jada inhaled long and deep.

“Girl, don’t go down that road
You’re just missing him because it is almost time for us to leave
it’s getting close to February four
teenth—the day you and Wellington were supposed to get married.”

“I’m not going to call him. But I know something’s not right with him.” When Jada considered all that Jazzmyne had told her, maybe she had learned too much.” I’ll serve the pie if you serve the ice cream,” Jada said.

“Okay, pie and ice cream for everyone,” said Candice.

“I’ll just have a little piece of pie,” said Robert.” I have to monitor my intake of sweets. If I don’t, the next thing you know I’ll have eaten the whole thing.” Robert’s belly jiggled. Although he was overweight, he was an attractive man.” So Jada, tell us more about Black Diamonds.”

Jada perked up.” Black Diamonds’ mission is to promote beauty and culture. No race of people is truly a minority and it’s up to us to realize that. This country is based upon economics, power, deception, and illusions. The bottom line is, those who have dictate to those who don’t. The so-called minorities—the everyday consumers—are the real economic powerhouses of America. Black Diamonds is going to enrich cultures by producing what
want, educating them on what
need, and investing in
dreams. Not the American Dream. Well, I can’t tell you guys everything. Just consider this the calm before the storm,” Jada said. She finished her ice cream and pushed her plate aside.

Shelly yawned.” Grandma.”

“Yes, Shelly. I’ll help you clean up the kitchen.” Mama said.

“Ms. Tanner, Shelly and I will do the dishes. You
newlyweds have done enough.” Jazzmyne stood and gathered a few plates.

“It’s all right, Jazzmyne. Shelly and I will do it,” said Mama.” That’s how I knew what she was getting ready to ask. It’s part of our
bonding time.”

Jazzmyne handed the plates to Shelly.” I can respect that.”

“Mother, I’m getting ready to go home,” Jada said.” Candice, I’ll talk with you tomorrow.”

“Sounds good,” said Candice.” Be strong, girl. You want to go out Friday night? We only have two more Fridays to party.”

“Sure. Where?” Jada asked.


“What! Girl, you’re so crazy.” Darryl pushed Jada’s chair under the table and waited. “You know that’s the party until you drop or until you run out of ginseng, whichever one comes first.” Jada laughed.

“Jazzmyne, would you like to go?” Candice asked.

“I’ll think about it and let you know,” said Jazzmyne.” It’s been so long since I’ve been out.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about feeling out of place,” said Candice. “You’ll have a great time.”

Jada looked at Darryl.” I’ll walk out with you,” he said.” Would you like some company tonight?” Darryl whispered softly in Jada’s ear.

Jada winked.” Sure. I’d like that.” Jada gave her good-bye hugs and kisses to everyone.” Good night everybody.”

Darryl followed Jada to her condo and parked in his usual space as if it were reserved just for him.

“Are you feeling all right?” Darryl asked as they stepped off the elevator into Jada’s place.

“I’ll be all right. I just need to relax and unwind.” Jada knew Darryl was not the one to discuss Wellington with.

“I can help you do that,” he said. Darryl walked into the kitchen, poured two glasses of chilled champagne, and joined Jada in front of the fireplace. He handed her a glass. Jada sat on the couch. Darryl ran to Jada’s bedroom and returned with her chocolate-flavored cocoa butter lite oil. He sat on the floor and massaged Jada’s feet. Darryl gave the best foot massages in the world.

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