Read Southern Belles, a Novel About Love, Purpose & Second Chances (9781310340970) Online

Authors: Sarah Anderson

Tags: #romance, #love, #god, #humor, #inspirational, #young adult, #teen, #best friends, #purpose, #ya, #second chances, #teen romance, #sarah anderson, #sarah dzuris, #southern belles

Southern Belles, a Novel About Love, Purpose & Second Chances (9781310340970) (31 page)

“Really? I’d love to be your friend. You are
the nicest handsome guy I know—and you kiss nicely too.” I shot him
a smile.


“So, we can do this again soon?” I

“Yeah, that would be nice. I’ll be gone most
of Thanksgiving—my dad has radiation treatment again, so we’re all
spending next week in Savannah. How about when I get back?”

“Oh darn, I was thinking that you, CeCe, and
I could hang out over Thanksgiving. She’s going to be home then.
Maybe at Christmas instead, then?”

“That would be fun.” He said walking around
me to open my car door.

“Good.” I smiled as I sat down in my car,
rolling the window down.

“So, just to be clear—we’re going to be
friends because CeCe has feelings for me?” He asked leaning on my

“Uh, yeah.”

“And she always has?” He asked.

“Yeah. Why?”

“She was my first kiss.” He laughed.

“In the janitor’s closet…right?” I let out a

“Yeah, in the janitor’s closet.”

“What ever happened?”

“Well, it was my first time. I was a little
awkward and not exactly sure what to do.”

“You’ve come a long way then.” I reassured

He smiled as he looked down at me through my
rolled-down window. “I was confused, my heart was beating fast, and
I didn’t know what to do. CeCe was beautiful and overwhelming. I
was just a kid and really shy then too. A few days later I tried to
make eye-contact with her but she was too busy to notice. I figured
it was a one-time thing and I was too nervous to approach her after

“Wow. She always wondered why you didn’t
call her.”

“She never gave me her phone number. I was
the quiet new kid and she had the attention of all the popular

“Just so you know I told her that she
shouldn’t have expected you to ask for her phone number.”

“I wanted to ask for it. I was just
intimidated by her.” He said, smiling.

“Maybe next time you see her, you could ask
for her phone number?” I suggested.

“Maybe; isn’t that a bit strange?”

“No, not strange at all—I won’t even tell
her about that little kiss either.” I smiled.

“Okay, we’ll all have to get together then,
at Christmas.” He proposed.

“That would be lovely.”

“Alright, I know you’ve got to get Lucy
home. I think she fell asleep back there.” Eric peeked through the
back window.

“Thank you. I really did have a good time
tonight. You give me hope that somewhere out there is a really
nice, really good-looking guy for me too.”

“He’s out there Char. You are a great person
and you deserve a great man.” He said leaning in to hug me

“Thank you.” I said as I felt his embrace
and his warm breath against the back of my neck.

“Drive safely. I’ll see you soon.” He said
as he backed away from the car.

“I will. I’ll keep your father in my prayers

“Thank you Char, I appreciate it. Have a
good night.” Eric said before I pulled away.

As I drove away from Elizabeth’s house I
felt a sting of pain in my chest but I knew I’d made the right
decision. Like Skylar said to me that night, I didn’t want to take
something that wasn’t mine to take. It wouldn’t have felt right. On
our way home I thought about the night Lucy was conceived. Being
with Eric made me think about Skylar. Thinking about him brought a
smile to my face.

I had kept Eric’s dad in my prayers as
promised. At Thanksgiving, when it was my turn to give thanks, I
thanked God for Lucy, our health, and all the people that God had
brought into our lives over the past year. CeCe joined my family
for Thanksgiving but seemed distant or overly stressed from
studying for upcoming exams. She said that political science
classes were consuming and that her parents were not of any help to
take the load off. CeCe’s parents graduated with high honors from
both undergraduate and graduate law programs. She confided to me
that she continued to struggle and was pulling all-nighters, at
least once or twice a week to pass her tests. She looked tired and
less of her usual perky self. I proposed that we take another day
during Thanksgiving break to go somewhere fun. She said she wanted
to but needed the time instead to study for finals. I told her I
understood but was a little let down. Hoping to take her mind off
matters, I shared that I’d run into Eric and that we hung out once.
I assured her that he had asked about her and was interested in how
she was doing these days. CeCe seemed to brighten a little and was
excited to hang out with him over Christmas break if she could just
get through finals and her parent’s insistence with her grades.

Thanksgiving break ended for CeCe and she
went back to school, wary for her approaching finals. Eric came
several times to the diner and let me know that his father’s
radiation appointments went well. We joked back and forth and
talked about Lucy and Aiden. I told him that CeCe would be home in
a week for Christmas break. Eric seemed excited. I was looking
forward to spending time with CeCe after the finals, that she had
been dreading, were over. I had talked to her far less this
semester than usual. She was always busy with studying or Tri-Delta

It was nine o’clock. I picked up the phone
and dialed CeCe’s number. She answered the phone.

“CeCe, it’s Char—I’m just checking to make
sure you’re still coming home tomorrow.” I asked over all the
background noise.

“Yes. I’m so thankful my finals are over.
I’m going to a party tonight with some of the girls and I so badly
need to just unwind. I’ve never had this much stress in my

“I’m so glad you’re done with your exams.
Why is it so loud CeCe?”

“Oh, we’re getting a little party on before
we head over to the frat house.”

“Okay, well don’t get too much party on—be
careful Ce.”

“I’ll be fine—you’re too behaved Char. I
just need a good party.” She said sounding possibly tipsy.

“What? I’m too behaved? Single-mom over
here?” I asked surprised by her comment.

“I’m just joking. I love you Charlotte
Renee. I gotta let you go. We’re leaving; I’ll see you tomorrow

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow CeCe. Have
fun—but be careful. Make sure you stay with the girls—you sound
like you’ve been drinking.” I said concerned.

“I’m fine. Just fine. Really fine—now that
finals are over. I’ll be Okay mom.” She laughed.

Slightly offended I replied, “Alright, I
just care about you and want you to be safe CeCe.”

“I’m fine. I’ll call you when I get home
tomorrow.” CeCe said before hanging up the phone.

I could tell CeCe had been drinking, which
wasn’t completely unusual at school. However, she sounded drunk and
vulnerable. I worried about her being so far away. If I were there
I could at least make sure she didn’t make any bad decisions. I
said a prayer for her and went to bed with Lucy.





Chapter 17: Secrets

next day CeCe never called. I had worried about her despite her
unfamiliar rudeness to me over the phone. I didn’t want to call her
parents and upset them unnecessarily. I figured I’d wait till
evening and call her if she hadn’t called by then. I was excited to
see CeCe—hoping that she’d be a little less anxious now that finals
were over. I planned a bonfire at the beach for the day after she
got home from school with Richie, Eric, CeCe and I. I had gotten my
mom and dad to watch Lucy and figured this would be a great way for
CeCe to get to know Eric and a nice way for her to unwind from her
parents and school.

Evening came and still no call. I was mad
that she hadn’t called me. She had gotten a new, smaller, cell
phone, a few months ago, to replace the larger cell phone she
carried mostly in her car. I tried calling her cell phone several
times at five, six and seven PM. All I got was voicemail each time
I attempted to call her. My frustrations started to turn in to
worry. I called once more, this time calling her parent’s home, and
asked for CeCe. Her mother answered the phone.

“Hi, Mrs. Crawford; I was wondering if CeCe
got home yet?”

“Yes she is. She got home a few hours ago
but she’s sleeping. Can I have her call you tomorrow?” Beverly said
in a cool voice.

“Sure, thank you Mrs. Crawford.” I said
feeling a touch of anger rise up from the pit of my stomach.

“Okay dear. I will have her call you then.
Charlotte, how’s Lucy doing?” Beverly asked.

“Thank you, she’s good. She’s getting big so
fast.” I replied surprised by her asking since she sees her at mass
every week.

“Oh good to hear; I’ll let Cecilia know you
called; have a good night Charlotte.” She said before hanging

CeCe had been home for several hours and
hadn’t bothered to answer my phone calls or even call to let me
know she got home safely. She didn’t have the common courtesy to
call her best friend to let her know she was still alive. She was
rude to me over the phone and then didn’t even say goodbye before
she hung up last night. I know she was drinking and with her other
friends but I would never talk to her or treat her like that. Was
she mad at me? Was she outgrowing me? I was feeling hurt and angry
that she didn’t think enough of me to at least call so I didn’t
think she was in some ditch somewhere. I had the opportunity to go
out with a really nice, really hot guy and turned it down for her
and now she treats me like this? Granted, she didn’t know that Eric
kissed me or that we had a really nice evening of light flirting
and much laughter. Unless she did know and that was why she was
acting like a turd.

Angry at CeCe, I figured I would just get
Lucy and go to bed early since I wasn’t going to be seeing her this
evening. The next morning came and CeCe had still failed to call
me. At this point, I was getting less interested in hearing from
her—the longer she took to call me back. I had done nothing wrong.
I was a good friend. For her to treat me with such insincerity was
bothersome. What had happened?

About five PM I called CeCe after no word
from her since she arrived home yesterday.

“Hello?” I heard CeCe’s voice.

“Hello?” I said sounding a bit

“Hi Char. I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I’m
not feeling good.” CeCe said yawning.

“I’m sorry to hear that but why didn’t you
at least call me when you were driving home so I knew you were

“You’re not my mother are you?” CeCe said

“CeCe! What is going on? You hung up the
phone on me before that party and you didn’t even call me like you
said you would. You had enough time to call when you were driving.
I was worried about you because I knew you were drinking and have
been very stressed lately. And no, I’m not your mother but I am a
good mother and a better friend than how you’re behaving right

“Chill out Char. I don’t need more people
yelling at me or telling me what I’m doing wrong.”

“Me—chill out? What has happened to you—to
us? I love you CeCe and you are being so hurtful. I just care about
you and miss you and I’ve been waiting for you to come home. I even
set up a surprise bonfire tonight for us to hang out with Eric and
Richie at the beach.”

“I’m sorry Char. I’m not feeling very good.
That was nice of you but I’m not going to be able to come out

“CeCe—what is going on? Do you want me to
come over?” I asked hearing something in her crackled voice.

“No, I’m just not feeling well. I’m in bed.
Tell Eric and Richie I said hi tonight.”

“Are you sure? I can come over. I don’t like
fighting with you CeCe. You’re my best friend—I was really worried
about you and I miss you.” I said feeling frustrated with how
quickly the conversation went to pot.

“I’m sorry too Char. I’m sure. I just need
sleep. I’ll call you when I’m feeling better. It’s been a really
long semester and I just need some rest.”

“Okay then, call me after you’ve gotten
enough rest or if you need anything or anyone…like your best

“Thank you Char.”

“You’re welcome Ce, I love you.”

“I love you too, goodnight.”

“Goodnight CeCe.” I hung up the phone.

Something had changed but I wasn’t sure
what. Her feeling better and needing rest ended up taking another
two weeks. CeCe hadn’t bothered calling and was a no-show to
Christmas Eve mass and Christmas at our house. Although difficult,
I avoided making the first phone call to her. I wanted badly to
speak with CeCe and see her but wanted to know that she still felt
the same way about our friendship. She was my best friend and only
lived five minutes away but her absence while home made it no
different than when she was five hours away at school. I was on
winter break from school as well and although busy with raising
Lucy and working at the diner, I managed to fill in CeCe’s absence
with Eric. When Eric asked about CeCe, I said that she was getting
over some flu and didn’t want to get anyone else sick. I didn’t
want to pull him into any drama or poison him against her. I just
wanted my best friend back but in the meantime Eric’s companionship
was very welcoming and made life, living singly, a little less

I saw CeCe twice before she went back to
school. Once we went to the movies and talked very little. Our
conversations were mostly superficial with little meat or grit. The
second time she visited me at the diner, I was working. We were
busy at the time she came in and I spent very little time with her
as I was busy running trays of food back and forth, taking orders,
and ringing up checks. CeCe, for some reason, had been avoiding me
for the most part. If someone had heard our conversations, they
wouldn’t be able to tell we were best friends. CeCe had changed. I
hadn’t; I was still the same girl, except with more
responsibilities now. Sadness filled my heart as she left for
school with little emotion towards me. Like Skylar, once again, I
felt abandoned by someone so close and dear to me.

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