Southern Seduction [Bride Train 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (26 page)

Remembering what she’d heard the men say about trouble coming down the Bannack City road, she set her horse southeast to take a look. She rode silently except for the creak of the leather saddle and clop of her horse’s hooves. A sense of peace enveloped her. She inhaled the cold, crisp air, letting it out in a stream of white.

This is what she wanted. The comfort of a home and family, being needed and appreciated. Without her, one of the men would have had to come home early to cook, or they’d all eat late. More likely, if they were too tired to cook they’d go without. Instead, they’d come home to a warm stove and hot food. Maybe tonight they’d spend a bit of time in bed before sleeping. Her pussy thrummed with approval. She ground herself against the saddle, wishing it was one of their hands or cocks instead.

An hour later, with five plump rock-chucks tucked in her saddlebags, she came to a lookout. She hobbled her horse so it could graze and, after checking for sunning snakes, slid on her belly to the edge of the rock. Far below she could see the road leading out of town. Dust in the far distance, up near the mountain pass, marked where their herd slowly moved toward its fate.

A flash of light caught her eye. She squinted to see better. The sun was high, at enough of an angle to send a reflection back her way. She stared at the spot. A pair of ravens suddenly launched themselves into the air. A rider, disturbing them?

She wriggled into a more comfortable position. As a hunter she knew patience was rewarded. Not always, but far more often than haste. It took a while, but eventually she could make out a group of riders. She watched for a while longer, expecting them to come into town. But instead they veered south, onto the land previously owned by Orville Rivers. These must be the men the sheriff said to watch for! Cursing the fact she had no eyeglass, she watched until they disappeared behind one of the low hills.

She crawled back and stood up. Pins and needles from lying still made her twitch. She stretched out before climbing into the saddle and heading home. Since she was a good tracker and an excellent shot, she was sure Sheriff Barstow would include her in the posse. After all, Kate Adams had helped catch Rivers, and she’d shot him dead.


* * * *


“Hell, no!”

Cole stared down his wife. She glared back, fists on her curved hips and bottom lip pushed out. She looked sexy as hell. He wanted to strip her naked, throw her on the bed and take her every which way but Sunday. But until she calmed down, he’d be lucky she didn’t bite him if he as much as kissed her.

“I’m a better shot than half the town. I can track a snake across rock. And I can move so no one sees me!”

“You’re also my wife!” He stepped closer, using his height to intimidate her. She had to look up, but craning her neck didn’t change her stubborn expression.

“Being a wife has nothing to do with this!”

“It has everything to do with it!”

“Now, children, play nice,” said Byron, mocking them. He held up both hands in surrender when Cole glared at him. “Just trying to keep the peace.”

“Keep it with your mouth shut.” Cole turned back to Casey. “You are going to Tanner’s Ford Hotel, to stay with Sophie until this is over. I want you safe.”

“No! I’m going with the posse. I can hide so well that—”

“No, you can’t,” interrupted Byron. Casey turned her glare away from Cole. “You’re used to hiding up in the eastern mountains where there’s lots of trees. We saw you watching us every time we came into town.”

Casey made a squawking noise. “But—”

“I’m with Cole on this one,” said Byron with a shrug. “I don’t want you anywhere near trouble. I care about you too much.”

She crossed her arms and stared at the floor. Cole moved until his chest almost touched hers. He lowered his voice, almost growling.

“You are my wife. You said a vow to obey me. And I say you’re staying in town.”

“You’re wrong about that, Cole.”

“What?” He swung his head to face his cousin.

“Casey didn’t make that promise,” explained Byron. “Judge Thatcher performed a civil ceremony. Lily said she won’t let her husband include a promise to obey in the wedding vows.”

Casey belonged to him, just as if she was one of the longhorns. Though they were from the South, Grandpa believed that it was up to a man to provide a life for his family, not lean on others to do it for him. They’d never had slaves, figuring a man worked harder for a wage. Under the law, a wife was much like a slave except that he couldn’t sell her, or buy another one.

He respected Casey and her abilities. But she was under his protection.

“Promise or not, I’m still your husband,” he said, turning his narrowed eyes on her. “I have the right, and privilege, to protect you and any children we may have.”

She gulped. Her right hand slipped over her lower belly. He didn’t think she was aware of the protective gesture, but it made him hard with wanting. Was his child already growing there? He needed to protect her, to prove to her that he was her man, and that she was his woman. He’d never beat her or lash out. But there was one way a man could keep his woman in line. Done properly, and for the right reasons, they would both enjoy it.

Casey was tough and independent, but was it really by choice? She’d never had the caring protection of a strong man. She didn’t know the value of letting someone else take over, just for a time. He clasped his hands behind his back to stop himself from reaching for her. He lowered his voice to a sensual caress.

“I also have the right and privilege to punish you in a way we’ll both enjoy.” Her jaw dropped. Her face and ears turned pink. “And that means, Casey Wright, if you take one step out of line I’ll have you across my lap so fast you won’t know what happened.”

The telltale bumps sticking out of her shirt proved she was aroused instead of angry. Her eyes narrowed. He amended that to aroused
angry. His cock throbbed with eagerness. They hadn’t done much but sleep the past few nights. There could only be one boss of an outfit, and he was it.

Casey knew this, but he could see she wanted to push his limits. He was more than ready to give her a practical, enjoyable demonstration of who was the boss. Spanking her bare ass, then soothing her with a few orgasms, would do perfectly. Of course if she gave in to his orders, he would soothe her right away.

But a strong woman like his wife, who’d had to keep a tight control on herself all her life, might want to let go of everything. It was his job to meet her needs, to listen to her unspoken words and judge what she wanted. If she fought his orders, knowing what he would do to her, she would be asking him in the language of a lover wishing to be dominated so she could be free.

He held his breath, his face and body as impassive as he could manage. She still had her head down, trembling slightly. She wasn’t afraid. Both of her hands were clenched in the sides of her pants as if fighting not to attack him.
Please, let her attack
, he silently prayed.

She lifted her head. Stared at him with wide eyes. There was a lot of green in the hazel. Her chest rose and fell, panting just like him. Those firm breasts and swollen nipples pushed out her shirt. She licked her lips. He remembered that tongue on his cock. He clenched his teeth to hold in a groan. Byron couldn’t hold it back. The sound of male need filled the silent room.

She flicked her eyes to his cousin, then back to him. The pulse in her neck throbbed as hard as his cock.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she whispered.

He pushed his shoulders back and put his weight on the balls of his feet, ready for anything.

“Try me,” he dared.

She turned so fast he almost missed her. But his legs were longer and he caught her around the waist before she got to the door. Byron stayed well out of the way.

“Let me go!”

“Not until I show you who’s the ramrod of this outfit.”

Her struggling brought out the predator in him. Never had he thought of touching a woman like this, manhandling her like a brute. But if she really wanted him to stop she would have told him. Instead she fought, panting between growls. He managed to grasp her wrists. Holding them tight against her hips, he turned her around to face Byron.

“Undo her shirt,” he ordered. Byron raised an eyebrow. “If I’m going to have to go to all the trouble of disciplining my wife, I’m going to get the full benefit. I want her naked before I lie her across my lap and spank her.”

“Don’t you dare!” she squealed. “Byron!”

“I’m with Cole on this one, too,” he replied, his voice harsh.

She kicked out. Byron caught her foot. She kicked with the other so he caught it as well. He gathered both slim ankles in one large hand. It left him one to open her buttons. She threw her head back, banging it against Cole’s chest. She thumped him well, but if she really wanted to escape she’d do it with far more force. He grimaced. With both hands holding her he couldn’t open his buttons and release his thickening cock.

Byron avoided Casey’s feeble attempts to bite as he flicked her shirt open. Her breasts spilled out, swollen and firm. Byron pinched one hard nipple. She inhaled a hiss, stiffening for a moment, then began struggling again. He smirked as he finished opening her shirt. He undid her pants next, then pulled them to her ankles. She wore nothing underneath.

Byron managed to pull off her pants without releasing her. He held her ankles apart, letting her twist as she wished. Cole inhaled her sweet arousal. He nodded to Byron to hold her while he removed her shirt. By wrapped his arms around her chest, under her shirt, and lifted her off the ground. She continued to fight and squeal.

Squeal, not scream.

Since his cousin had Casey under control for the moment, Cole quickly stripped. He groaned in relief when his cock bobbed free. He strode over to the bed and sat on the edge. Byron, grinning like a devil, carried Casey toward him, still struggling. She was flushed from her pussy to her forehead, still squawking to beat the band.

“Face down, ass over my lap,” ordered Cole.

It took a few minutes to get her settled, facedown. Cole finally got her wrists contained in one hand while Byron held her feet. Her pussy lay on his right thigh while his cock rubbed her belly. Her sweet, curved ass was right in front of him. White cheeks, clenching asshole, and all. She lay there, panting, for a moment.

Byron took the opportunity to strip off his shirt and pants. Then he grasped her ankles and moved her legs apart. He inhaled, then grinned. Cole pressed one finger between Casey’s thighs. It came out wet. Casey wanted this, all right.

“She’s ready,” he said.


Cole smacked the inside of her right cheek with his palm. She shrieked and struggled. He watched his handprint turn pink. Another spank, another shriek, and a matching one appeared on the other cheek. His hand tingled. He loved knowing they shared this sting, her ass and his hand, both enjoying the bite that raised their arousal.

“You ready to follow orders, woman?” His voice was rough with desire.


She pressed down with her knees and chest, humping her ass up. Another burst of scent wafted from between her spread legs. He looked at her pussy. Swollen pink lips glistened with her arousal. She humped up again, spreading the crack of her ass. He smiled at her unspoken suggestion.

Using his fingers, he gathered moisture from that needy pussy. She inhaled a gasp when he fingered her. He trailed his fingers between her cheeks to her asshole. She stilled, then lifted herself. Just a bit, but it was an invitation. He pressed his smallest finger into her.

“Damn, she’s tight,” he said to Byron. “Be a while before my cock takes her there.”

She shuddered. He and Byron shared a look. She wanted a cock in her ass, all right. Byron grasped himself and slowly stroked. Cole nodded his agreement that By would be the first to take her there. He gathered more fluid and used his longest finger, pressing even deeper this time. He groaned as her tight channel walls yielded to him. Her pussy was just as tight on his cock. His need to fill her almost overwhelmed him. He fought to breathe. He wanted her, now. As he pulled his finger out, she began to struggle, fighting again.

Silently asking for more punishment.

She squawked as another set of handprints appeared. Her ass was pinking up well. She writhed on his lap, moaning and jerking. He leaned close to her head. She had her eyes jammed shut. She panted, fighting to breathe just as much as he.

“You finished fighting me?” he whispered. “I know you want my hard cock in your pussy. You’re already wet and hot from my hand. You feel my cock under your wet belly? I’m going to do more than spank you, Casey. I’m going to lie you on your belly with your legs spread, just like you are now, and fill that pussy with my cock.”

She made a sound deep in her throat, one that he heard when she was needy. But she had to be the one to end this.

“Byron’s so eager to have your mouth on his cock that he’s pumping it like his hand is your lips. After you come hard, screaming my name, Byron’s going to take a turn with you. And you’re going to scream again. Right?”

She didn’t answer. He smacked her again. “Answer the question!”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I want your cock in me. Now!”

Byron released her legs and Cole lifted her off his lap. He quickly turned and lay her where he’d sat. She pulled herself farther up the bed, into position, and spread her legs for him. He took her hips, aimed his cock, and thrust inside. He groaned.

“God, Casey, you feel so good!”

Just like his finger in her ass, her pussy walls clutched him tight. He seated half of himself in her. Pulling back, just an inch, he shoved forward again, all the way to the end. He leaned over.

“This what you want, sweet Casey?”


He began pumping, eyeing the pink marks he’d branded her with. She was his, forever, and by God he was going to make sure she knew it! She grunted every time his balls hit her clit. He sped up, the tight wire of need turning white hot. She was near, but not enough. He lifted her hips off the bed, changed angle to aim down, and kept pumping. She screamed his name, his pussy clenched down on him, and he erupted into her.

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