Special Agent Maximilian (10 page)

Read Special Agent Maximilian Online

Authors: Mimi Barbour

Tags: #romance

Chapter 28

Once back in the car, Maya went for Nik. “What the hell were you thinking? They were hot for your blood. Didn’t you see the way they acted when you followed me in there? Kinda like you were a zombie from ‘The Return of the Living Dead.’” What she didn’t share was that her stomach contents had all but emptied when she’d seen Nik retaliate and go for the biggest bruiser. Sweeping fear for her new partner registered a whole lot stronger than any worry for herself.

“Yeah, I got the feeling a few of them were shocked. But others weren’t. Obviously, they already knew about Max’s miraculous recovery.”

“You think they were the drive-by shooters?”

“Don’t know. Which reminds me, let’s stop by my hotel room and see if Julian is still around. I have some questions to ask about the bar he says he danced in.”

Maya swiftly floored the pedal and performed a noisy, squealing, U-turn, heading toward his place. She turned to Nik, who sat relaxed, the only telltale sign of irritation at the way she handled the car was that his dimple had gotten deeper.

Chuckling, she admitted, “After your friend disappeared from Nellie’s, I tried having him brought in, but it’s like the man’s a ghost. No one can pick up his trail.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. He shadowed me at the beginning, couldn’t shake the jerk. Then he disappeared. I told him he could stay in the room, so I’m hoping he’s smart enough to hide out there. In case he was right and they were actually after him and not me, it’s as good a place to lay low as any other.”

Soon they were walking through the lobby, past the pool, and Nik had his key in the lock of the second door from the entrance. At once, Maya could see the room was empty. There were still belongings scattered around the place, but no sign of the man himself.

“He’s not here.” Nik was disappointed but didn’t sound too surprised.

“Knowing him the way you do, where else would you look for him?”

“I don’t know him.”

She watched as Nik made a discovery that didn’t seem to please him.

“The little shit found out a lot more about me than I ever did about him. Of course, he hacked into my computer to do it, but still…”

Maya added, “So you knew he’d poked around?”

“Yeah! I’m kind of weird about my property now that I have this cloud hanging over me from Max’s situation. Just being extra careful.”

“You’re being smart. Gotta admit, though, I kind of liked the shmuck. I hope he’s okay.”

Nik grinned in agreement. Then put his hands on his hips and leaned back against the open doorway. “You feel like slumming tonight?”

Stunned and not hiding it, Maya replied, “Sure. Where and why?”

“The Pink Pussycat, to see if that’s the joint where Julian might have danced.”

“Ah, got you! You figure because Al Bard has a connection there with his girlfriend, it might be the very place where Juli rescued those girls. It’s a long shot, but what the hell. We have nothing to lose.”

Nik chuckled, his laugh lines playing havoc with his normally deadpan expression. “Never know. Stranger things have happened.”

Maya had to stop herself from going over to the man and hauling his ass down on the king-size bed. God, with him around, reactions happened to her body that no one else had ever stimulated. Made her wet, hungry and annoyed for feeling that way.

Controlling her impulses, she changed the subject. “By the way, those freed girls all disappeared. As soon as I heard Juli’s story, I had the uniforms out screening all known places where runaways or virtual strangers to America would normally end up. There’s not a sign of any of them.”

“And that’s strange?”

“Of course! They’d need help with the language and money, places to stay. Poor misfits will have to find a way to get back home. Not much they can do living here, except to become a prostitutes or maids. Look, we’ll go tonight; maybe some of the dancers will remember Juli and will know where we can hook up with him. It’s a long shot, but as you said: stranger things have happened.”

Chapter 29

Nik was floored. He couldn’t believe how stunning Maya looked and how wonderful she smelled. In a body-hugging, silky dress, so low-cut her lush breasts all but escaped the gauzy green stuff covering them; she made all his senses kick into overdrive.

As he held the door open for her to go first, her spiked heels forced her ass to move in a way that had him clenching his fists to stop from sweeping her up, turning back into her place and trying his luck.

She’d done something to her hair; piled it on top of her head. Now her smooth, tanned neck lay bare, flaunting a come-on to starving lips. He licked his and stopped when he realized what he’d done.

Easy, tiger! Rein it in a little.

Not wanting to make small talk, he appreciated that Maya gave up after a few tries. She seemed to sense his reluctance, and, being a smart broad, settled back against the cooled leather seat of Max’s Lexus CT and acted like a content passenger.

Earlier he’d had a hell of a time deciding what Max would wear to a joint like this one. He knew what he’d choose. But his brother didn’t dress like him at all. Trying to think like Max was a bummer. Finally he’d called him and asked.

“Hey, Nik, everything okay?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“You didn’t report back on what happened today. Bro, I want in on everything.”

“The day’s not over yet. I’ll talk to you later. For now, I need to know what you’d wear to a joint like the Pink Pussycat?”

“The Pink Pussycat’s a dive. First of all, I’d never go to a joint like that.” Max’s disgust could be plainly heard and made Nik laugh. “And second, if I’m in there undercover, I wouldn’t dress like me, right? Therefore, you choose what makes you comfortable. And call me! I’m going crazy here.”

“Right. Later.”

Nik felt better knowing he could use his own duds and dress according to how he liked to look. Rather than styling his hair like Max, he wore it combed to the side so the wave dropped over his forehead. And he’d put away the fancy ring and watch. If Maya didn’t like him wearing the short-sleeved, black and bright blue cotton plaid shirt and hipster jeans, well that was just too bad.


Finding a parking place around the back of the joint, he made out the stairway in the dark and his heartbeats revved.
Julian’s description fit. A doorway just underneath those stairs led to the basement.

Before he could discuss his find with Maya, a voice called out from the near the side of the building. “Hey, man, the parking’s on the right. This here is private.” Nik waved, started the car to turn it around and spotted a fancy bus pulling in, painted on the side with the performer’s name:
The Misfits
. He knew these guys from years ago.

“Maya, I think I know of a way to get us in there with no hassles. Look, the band comes from around where I grew up. I used to know them. I’m going over to see how many of them remember me, see if we can tag along as part of their group so we don’t stick out.”

Surprise lit her expression, but she didn’t question his decision, rather she nodded. “Good idea.”

Chapter 30

Maya, waiting in the car for Nik to return, wiped her hands on a hanky and used it to remove the damp sheen from her chest. From the minute Nik had shown up at her door, she knew they had a…a party they needed to plan. An intimate twosome so they could take their attraction to the next level.

Her libido, sick of the starvation diet she’d followed for far too long, was actively bouncing back every time she laid eyes on Nik. When he showed up tonight wearing his sex-provoking outfit—filling those jeans snugly and the shirt that made his muscles obvious and his eyes glow deeper—
It was all she could do to keep her knees from buckling, her hands to herself and her instinct to whimper under control.

Overreacting to the man, she’d had the urge to beg him to delay their evening’s arrangements, remain at her house and make out. They could try it over and over again—just to get it right. Itching to get her hands on his sleek body, she acknowledged it

The shirt he’d chosen transformed his eyes from just blue to “oh-my-God-your-eyes-are-gorgeous” blue. And his jeans fit him perfectly, sculpting his maleness, enticing her like a dog in heat.

Recognizing the flare of passion that he hadn’t been able to hide quickly enough, she’d forced herself to look away from his aroused, narrow-eyed gaze and clamp her lips to stop them from begging.Knowing how much he wanted her too just made the inevitable so much sweeter.


In a short time, she was moving along with the three man, one woman band, pretending they were all part of the same group. Just before they entered the darkened, sleazy, yet full bar, Nik had introduced them. He’d been right in thinking they were the same people he’d known from his younger years.

The table they were given was right up against the stage where their previously set-up instruments rested: two guitars, a keyboard, a violin, and drums.

A waitress, who turned out to be Al Bard’s hottie, Sadie Moore, sidled up to the band leader, Bob. After getting his order, leaning over unnecessarily, she made sure the other men got a good look down the front of her off-the-shoulder outfit while she wrote down their drink orders. Paying scant attention to the two women, she wiggled her way over to the next table full of drunks and idiots, all male.

Gail, the female drummer, clung onto Nik and was beginning to piss Maya off with her possessive attitude. “Nikky, baby, hell and tarnation, I’ve missed you, sugar! Why didn’t you ever return?”

“Years pass quickly, Gail. Too much happening.”

Looking downhearted, Gail rubbed her head against Nik’s shoulder and groaned. “I know what you mean, honey. I surely do.”

Finally, the boys got ready to start the first set and Gail reluctantly followed. Nik broke away from the clinger and came to sit near Maya. The other three band members seemed like nice guys, glad to meet up with a bud and more than happy to have him and her sit at their table. She liked them.

Soon they began to play and the western rhythm of their music shocked her. She’d expected a rock band at the very least. Funny thing was, the crowd loved the sound and pretty soon they were on their feet, two-stepping and having a good ol’ time.

Nik held his hand out to her and she gladly stood up, moved into his waiting arms and began swinging to the beat. She loved the way his body cradled hers, wrapping her up in such a manner that she felt protected from other enthusiastic dancers.

He smiled down at her, the dimple sweetly appearing—making her heart seize for a few seconds. “Did I tell you how nice you look? Green suits you. And I like what you did to your hair.”

Not used to a man paying compliments that weren’t wrapped up in fancy words, but were plain and heartfelt, she gave back in the same way. “Thanks,
. Black and blue looks good on you too.” Unfortunately, her choice of words was questionable.

His smile started to fade, probably not sure if she was playing him or not. “Seriously, Nik, the shirt does wonders for those eyes you like to flash around.”
Shit, she just couldn’t seem to stop teasing

This time he laughed, winked and gave her the full benefit of the havoc those very eyes could create. Then, over her head, he gazed around the room and stopped when his sparklers landed on Sadie. “We need to talk to the waitress, see if she remembers Julian.”

“You mean
need to talk to her. She won’t have anything to do with the likes of me. I’m missing one very important body part that just might get her to cooperate.”

Grinning, visibly delighted with her dry response, Nik swung her past the rowdy dancers crowding them, using it as an excuse to mold her tightly against his hardened body.

As soon as she noticed his condition, not only did she rub herself against the protrusion, she looked him in the eye, invitation plain. She wanted him, too.


That did it! He licked her neck, couldn’t stop the action, didn’t want to. Her moan of pleasure spurred him on to taking even more liberties. With his chest glued to hers, their lower halves moving together as if joined, he kissed the soft skin under her ears and along the slope of her sweetly perfumed shoulder. Loving that her arms lifted to curl around his neck, their bodies now as close as possible, he lost himself in her taste and the smell of her arousal.

Intimately, hot and heavy, their breathing quickened. Abandoning control, his hands moved from her waist to travel lower, gliding along the silken protrusion of the sweetest ass he’d…

“Hey, guys and gals, can you all give a big welcome to Nik Baudin. Let’s get him up here on the stage to sing his rendition of an old Clint Black favorite—
Killing Time
. This man can really make sweet music, so put your hands together and show him some love.” Gail’s voice rang out with false heartiness.

His name being called over the mic instantly brought Nik back to his senses. Between the catcalls, whistles, and foot-stomping, he had no choice but to lead a puzzled, unhappy Maya back to their table and head up the stairs. Once on stage, he took the guitar that Bob held out, and his dazzling grin, along with the first strum on the instrument, quieted the rowdiness. Waiting to see if they would love him or boo, the silence built.

Chapter 31

Maya couldn’t believe the raspy velvet tones of pure country that settled the crowd in an instant to slavish adoration. In no time at all, the dancers were back on the floor, passing the stage with their thumbs up and smiles of pure pleasure.
This make-believe cowboy of hers could sing

She couldn’t take her eyes off the big man who hugged his guitar, playing it with the ease of a seasoned entertainer. Not too comfortable revealing her wide-eyed adoration, she stared down at her clasped hands, clamping down on the titillation that raised her already overheated enthusiasm to catastrophic levels.

While Nik flaunted his talent, playing to the crowd, a bolt of shock hit her hard, making her reel. She knew nothing about this man she so badly wanted in her bed. He was virtually a stranger even though he seemed familiar because of his likeness to her partner.

So why had Nik appeared in the picture now that Max was gone? She needed to know more. Like where he came from? And what he was really doing in New Orleans? Was he truly with the Special Forces, and if so, why wasn’t he on duty?

Her stomach roiled in anxiety and triggered a headache. As much as she hated to admit her blunder in turning a blind eye, it was past time for the rose-colored-glasses to be taken off while she dug out the truth. What was she thinking? What had happened to her need-to-know-everything gene?

As Charlie used to say
, hell and damnation!
She was an FBI agent with a whole lot of talented people and equipment at her disposal. If requested, they could find out anything she wanted to know within a few minutes of digging.

Except… that might well throw up some red flags. People could ask why she wanted this particular info. It would tie the two brothers together, even though their last names weren’t the same. Uncover Nik’s true identity and her part in the switch. Best she hold off on an official search and just ask the man himself.

The crowd’s shouting caught her attention and she realized they didn’t want Nik to stop. They were screaming for more.

Waiting to see if they would talk him into another song, she glanced around the room and spotted Sadie looking enthralled. Ah! If Nik played her right, he might get something from his adoring admirer. As though he knew what was going through Maya’s mind, he began promising to perform the rendition of a song she’d never heard before. Not a fan of country,
until now,
her lack of knowledge about the music hadn’t been an issue.

“If ya’ all settle down, I’ll sing one more song for you lovers out there. It’s a favorite of mine by Johnny Reid.”

Suddenly, the chorus line of his next tune caught her attention. “A Woman Like You” had every hot-blooded female wriggling in her seat and wiping the heat from her flushed face. The fact that he sent his dimpled smiles Maya’s way during most of the song gave her incredible pleasure.
Oh, baby!
Screw the questions.
We’re going to party tonight!

Calling for a break after the tune ended to boot-stomping admiration, the band left the stage. Handshakes and back pats for Nik were shared before they split in different directions, some moving to the bar and others out back for a cigarette. Gail aimed for the table where Nik was headed. When she saw Maya stand and gesture to the back door, she shrugged, scooped her purse from the side of the table and turned in the direction of the restroom.

Taking him by the hand, Maya stopped and looked at him from under her lashes. “We need to talk.”


“You. I just realized I know next to nothing about you.”

“What do you want to know? That I have the hots for you so badly, I can’t think of anything else but getting you home and undressed.” His smile dazzled her and almost made her forget the reason she’d pulled him away from the others.

“Hold that thought. First we talk and then… ” She pulled her eyes from his knowing gaze and nodded her head toward the bar. “Sadie is smitten with you. Her eyes almost popped out of her head when you were singing. A little schmoozing and you might be able to get some information. You up for it?”

“Are you kidding? Another play on words?”

The fact that he looked uncomfortable, even crabby, about performing went a long way to settling her upset stomach and pounding temples. She laughed and shook her head. “Wasn’t thinking. Sorry.”

He shook his head, his dimple clearly visible. “Yeah! Whatever! If it finds us Julian, I guess it’ll be worth it.”

Maya watched as he sauntered over to the end of the bar where Sadie waited for a tray of drinks the bartender was preparing. When the woman saw him approach, she beamed a welcome and sidled closer. Nik wrapped his arm around her shoulder and began talking in her ear.

Not wanting to be caught glaring and staring, Maya headed for the lady’s room to see if she could pump Gail. Sounded like her and Nik went back years. Hell, anything she could learn about the guy would help her understand what drove him and why he would put himself in the dangerous position he’d taken on.

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