Speechless (Pier 70 #3) (10 page)

Read Speechless (Pier 70 #3) Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Teague’s hips jerked as his dick pulsed in Hudson’s mouth, his salty taste splashing over Hudson’s tongue as Teague came with a strangled cry and a jerk of his hips.

It was so fucking beautiful; Hudson wasn’t sure how he managed not to come in his shorts.

Somehow he did.



Sunday, July 10

ALTHOUGH TEAGUE SPENT all day Sunday helping out with tours, he knew that Hudson had taken the day off. Part of him wished he hadn’t volunteered, but he would never go back on his offer to assist, so he had gone in at eight and spent the entire day trying not to wonder what Hudson was doing.

The marina was unusually busy, so much so that he’d had to make an unscheduled run to the store in order to pick up hot dogs and ground beef because the restaurant had run out completely. That alone had kept his mind off Hudson for at least an hour.

By the end of the day, Teague was exhausted physically, but he couldn’t get his brain to shut down. He continued to think about yesterday, about the blow job Hudson had given him in the repair shop office.

Holy. Fuck.

He could practically feel the warm heat of Hudson’s mouth on his dick. Never before had he had a man’s mouth on him without a rubber between them and … it was a wonder Teague had held off as long as he had. It had been incredible.

And now the only thing he could think about was how he was hoping for a replay, only this time he wanted to be the one with Hudson’s dick in

Except Hudson wasn’t home, which piqued his curiosity and pissed him off that he cared. Teague should’ve been happy that he was home alone—something he had wanted for a long time. However, he’d soon learned after he moved in that he didn’t enjoy it as much as he’d thought he would. Not to mention, he was spending too damn much time thinking.

He blamed Hudson for that. He blamed the sex, and Hudson’s apparent need to maintain a slow pace with whatever this was that they were doing. If he’d had a say, Teague would’ve been fucked already, and they could’ve gone their separate ways. That was the way he did things. No strings, and repeats were rare, only with the guys who knew he would never be serious.

That didn’t explain why he couldn’t stop thinking about Hudson. The only rational answer he had was that he was caught up in the chase. Surely once Hudson fucked him, Teague would be content to move on with his life.

He fucking hoped so, anyway.

After taking a shower, Teague flopped onto his bed and propped up his phone so he could see the screen. He had Googled sign language, and ever since yesterday, he had been attempting to teach himself a few things. Nothing major, just some words he’d jotted down during one of the times he’d thought about his interactions with Hudson. Words like:
door, eyes, open, close, sit, stand, my, yours.
Easy things. Then, of course, he’d ventured down another path entirely. He’d looked up other words, like:
penis, mouth, ass, swallow, fuck.

Needless to say, his lesson hadn’t gone in the direction he had originally intended. So, now he was hoping to get back on track.

Before he could pull up the website that provided video clip demonstrations, a text message notification came across the screen.

Teague sat up instantly, pulling up the text from Hudson.

Just got home. Taking a shower. I’m coming over in ten. Be naked and sitting on your couch. Make sure the door is unlocked.

Okay, wait.

Teague read the text one more time. Then again. And one more time for good measure.

Yep, he had read it right.

Bossy asshole.

He looked up at the clock, noting the time before hopping off the bed. He should’ve been taken aback by Hudson’s command, not yanking off his fucking shorts, yet that was exactly what he was doing. Once he was naked, Teague scaled the back of the couch and landed on his ass on the cushion. He squinted to see the numbers on his alarm clock across the room.


He had nine minutes to wait.

With some of his excitement fading, he got to his feet, went over to the bed, and grabbed his phone before returning to the couch. He pushed one of the pillows against the arm and leaned back. That lasted all of a second before he was sitting up. He propped one foot on the couch, exposing his junk. He put it down, shifted, crossed his legs, uncrossed them. Nothing was working, so he tried the same thing at the other end.

Teague glanced at the clock, then looked at his front door. It was unlocked, so he didn’t need to do that.

Another glance at the clock.

Shit. Still five more minutes.

Maybe he should get some water.

Or a condom.

What about lube?

Two condoms?

He crossed his legs again, uncrossed them, propped one ankle over the opposite knee, and leaned back, trying to appear casual. His nuts were getting couch burn, so he dropped his phone on the cushion and got to his feet.

The sound of the doorknob snagged his attention, and he flew back against the couch, lying down, his phone stabbing him in the ass.

Shit. The pillow was on the other end.

Quickly, he tossed his phone to the floor, then flopped to the other end just as the door opened.

And Hudson walked in.

HUDSON HAD TAKEN the fastest shower in the history of showers. He hadn’t bothered to shave, although he had noted that the scruff on his jaw was getting a little thick. While he’d considered busting out the razor, he’d finally decided against it. His mind had already wandered across the hall to Teague’s apartment long before his body had, and he had no desire to waste time.

But now that he was both mentally and physically here…

He wasn’t quite sure what he intended to do.

However, that quickly changed the second he saw Teague sitting on the couch, gloriously naked, just as Hudson had instructed.

Fuck, he looked good like that. So submissive. Hudson could practically see his dick tunneling in and out of that sweet fucking mouth.

He smiled at Teague before closing and locking the door—no way was he going to risk one of those goofy pussy boys coming over and interrupting what he had in mind for Teague tonight—then venturing over and taking a seat at the opposite end of the couch. He tapped out a message on his phone and hit send.

Something buzzed on the floor, and Hudson looked down to see Teague’s phone. When he looked back at Teague, he noticed a pink tinge to the guy’s cheeks. What in the world had he been doing before Hudson got there?

Teague leaned down and snatched up his phone, then sat back down to read it.

I like you just like that.

More color rose on Teague’s face as he blushed.

Hudson typed again:
But I think I want to see more of you. Lean back against the arm, put one leg over the back of the couch, one foot on the floor.

When he hit send, Hudson turned so that he was casually reclining as he waited for Teague to follow his instructions.

Something that looked a hell of a lot like defiance ignited in Teague’s turbulent gaze. Unexpectedly, Teague did what Hudson asked. The position he moved to had Teague looking very much like an offering.

Very, very nice.

Teague read the message, then met Hudson’s eyes.

Not planning to rush this, Hudson decided to make some casual conversation.

How was work? Busy?

While he waited for Teague to respond, Hudson allowed his gaze to rake over the beautiful body laid out before him. Teague was lean and muscled, probably not an ounce of fat on his body. He wasn’t bulky, but when he moved, the definition of his abs was prominent, as well as his nicely sculpted arms. His shaggy hair was wet, which meant he’d taken a shower.

His phone vibrated and he glanced down at it.
Do you want me to answer you verbally or type my response?

Hmm. That was a good question. He pretended to consider this while he let his gaze caress Teague’s cock. He wasn’t fully hard, but Hudson knew it wouldn’t take much to get him there.

He responded with:
Up to you. Whatever you prefer.

After Teague read the message, he met Hudson’s gaze. “I prefer your dick in my ass. That’s what I prefer.”

Hudson smirked.
We’ll get to that. I promise.
He waited until Teague read the message before he added:

He had absolutely no intention of fucking Teague tonight, although it was the best fucking idea he’d ever had. But he knew better than to give Teague that much so quickly. The kid already used sex as a weapon; Hudson had no intention of ending this before he got his fill. He wanted Teague coming back for more, and as far as he was concerned, holding back was the only way to make that happen.

“So what
your plan?”

Right now? I’m quite content looking at your beautiful cock.

That beautiful cock twitched when Teague read the message.

“And later?” Teague’s hand slowly moved down his stomach, reaching for his dick.

Hudson sent another message.
Don’t you dare touch yourself unless I specifically tell you to.

Teague’s hand moved back when he glanced at his phone, and Hudson saw heat flash in his eyes. The kid liked that he was being dominated. If Hudson had to guess, he’d never actually given up the reins, even if he was a clear bottom. They’d coined the phrase topping from the bottom because of men like Teague. Hudson had no desire to be topped from any direction.

Deciding on a slightly different tack, Hudson sent another message.

Question time.

Teague groaned, clearly not happy about that. Hudson didn’t much care. He wanted to know some things about Teague, and in order to get that information, he had to ask questions because it was clear Teague wasn’t going to voluntarily share the details.

Answer out loud.

Teague nodded, but he seemed reluctant.

Hudson moved a little closer to Teague so that he was within arm’s reach of his now swelling dick. Based on the look in Teague’s eyes, he knew what Hudson was up to.

Or he thought he did, anyway.

Only time would tell.


TEAGUE ALREADY KNEW he was not going to like whatever Hudson thought he was doing here, but he was sort of at the man’s mercy. He was, after all, very, very naked. The way those eyes raked over him, he found himself mesmerized, willing to do any damn thing Hudson wanted as long as he promised to touch him. Well, everything except the stupid questions thing, but whatever.

At first, Teague thought Hudson was simply getting his rocks off watching him lying there in the buff, but now that Hudson had moved a little closer, Teague’s anticipation was growing.

His phone buzzed and he looked at the screen.

Have you ever slept with a woman?

The trepidation he felt over the personal questions he knew were coming grew, but he managed to force the answer past his lips. “No. Have you?”

Hudson smiled, then shook his head.

Good to know.

Have you ever topped?

“Yes. Have you ever bottomed?” He already knew the answer to that, but he still wanted Hudson to respond.

Hudson shook his head again.

Wow. The guy had never been fucked by another guy. “Do you plan to?”

As he expected, Hudson shook his head, but then he shrugged and gave Teague a sinful smirk. That wasn’t the answer he was expecting, but okay.

Hudson typed again.

For the right guy, I might consider it. One day.

Another hot flash.


Hudson leaned forward and reached for Teague’s free hand. Confused, Teague lifted it and allowed Hudson to take his wrist. Hudson guided his hand down and placed it on Teague’s cock. Remembering Hudson’s insistence that he not touch himself, he didn’t move.

Stroke yourself slowly.

Teague swallowed hard. He couldn’t count the number of times he had jacked off last week, but he could count how many times he’d done so for someone else like this. Never. He had to admit, this was pretty fucking hot, and if the way Hudson’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat was any indication, he thought so, too.

Teague started working his dick, tugging gently, not trying to work himself up but providing enough stimulation to make it enjoyable while he waited for Hudson to make his next move.

Did you graduate from high school?

As soon as he read the question, he felt the anger bubble up inside him. This wasn’t the deal. He hadn’t signed on to answer these types of questions, and he damn sure didn’t want to play along. Before he could let loose with a string of curse words that would tell Hudson just what he thought, his phone vibrated again.

I’m going to ask ten more questions. You can say pass to two of them without penalty. If you answer eight, I’ll let you fuck my mouth. If you answer five–seven, I’ll suck you off. If you say pass to any more than that, or you call off the game completely, I decide what happens next.

Teague didn’t need to ask what the difference was between fucking Hudson’s mouth or Teague sucking him off. Based on yesterday’s blow job, Teague knew that Hudson didn’t allow anyone else to be in control. When he had reached for Hudson’s head, wanting to hold on to him, Hudson had moved away, not allowing him to. So for him to allow Teague to fuck his mouth … that would be worth it. As for the last part…

“You’re already deciding, so how’s that fair?” he blurted, meeting Hudson’s gaze.

His answer was a simple lift of Hudson’s dark eyebrow. Clearly, Hudson had set the rules and Teague had two options: pass or play.


This was stupid.

“Yes, I graduated from high school. But only because Cam and Roan rode my ass to make me finish school.”

One question down.

Hudson’s smile was slow and sexy, not at all triumphant, which didn’t make a damn bit of sense.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

The man was already treading too close to his limit, but Teague still managed to answer with a curt, “No.”

Two down.

Keep stroking yourself.

Teague hadn’t realized he had stopped. Then again, the line of questioning wasn’t conducive to a session with his hand. Hudson remained calm and cool, staring back at him until Teague began teasing his dick again.

Are you opposed to being tied up?

Okay, this was definitely a better line of questioning. “Yes,” he said truthfully. “I don’t trust anyone enough to let them tie me up.”

That was number three.

Hudson watched him, but there didn’t appear to be any judgment in his eyes. The man certainly confused the fuck out of him. What was the point of the questions?

Have you ever been in love?

Teague snorted. “Nope. Never.”

Awesome, four down.

Again, Hudson smiled. The guy had to be up to something.

Do you have a problem with me using toys on you?

That one was easy. “Bring it on. Just don’t fucking use a toy on me that you used on someone else.”

Five. That meant … Teague would get his dick sucked. Not a bad way to end the night.

I can assure you that’ll never happen.


When Hudson’s gaze dropped to Teague’s cock again, he continued to tug. His dick was coming to life nicely, but he doubted he’d get fully hard if Hudson kept this shit up. Teague didn’t care if the questions were all about sex, this wasn’t doing a damn thing for him.

Do you have a relationship with your parents?

Game time was officially over!

Teague’s hand fell to his side and he started to get up, but Hudson was on top of him before that could happen.

HUDSON HAD KNOWN before he asked the question that Teague was going to bail out. He’d seen it in his eyes, but he’d tried anyway.

“I don’t want to play this bullshit game,” Teague snarled, trying to push Hudson off.

Standing his ground, he covered Teague’s body with his own, kneeling between his legs before sliding his lips over Teague’s. Teague resisted initially, but it only took a few seconds before he relaxed beneath him. Hudson didn’t want to piss him off; he simply wanted to know more about him. He’d purposely mixed the questions about sex with a few more personal ones, and now he knew that when it came to his family, Teague wasn’t going to talk.

When they broke for air, Hudson stared down at Teague, willing him to say what was on his mind. He knew the kid wouldn’t be able to hold off for long.

“Don’t make me answer these stupid questions,” Teague whispered, his eyes pleading.

Hudson nodded his agreement, then eased backward, still kneeling between Teague’s spread thighs while he typed up another message.

If you want to quit now, you can undress me, then let me fuck your mouth. Or we continue and I’ll use my mouth on you. Your choice.

Teague read the message, and Hudson saw the flash of heat that ignited in Teague’s eyes. The next thing he knew, Teague was tossing both phones onto the table and reaching for Hudson’s shirt.

Apparently that was his answer. Honestly, Hudson was a little surprised by the unselfish move on Teague’s part. He’d already answered five questions, which, according to the rules, meant Hudson owed him a blow job. Unless, of course, Teague quit.

Which he was apparently doing.

Hudson moved back, allowing Teague to remove his shirt. He took the opportunity to touch Teague continuously as he did. He would concede when it came to giving Teague this for now, but he still insisted that they maintain the connection, even if Teague wasn’t aware that they’d made one.

“Ever since I watched you jack off, I’ve wanted to put my mouth on you.”

Hudson’s dick thickened at Teague’s words. When Teague went to pull his shorts down, Hudson pulled him closer, crushing their mouths together and stealing another kiss. He could tell Teague wasn’t used to the whole kissing thing because it seemed to take him off guard every time, and maybe that’s why Hudson liked it so much. Kissing Teague… It was fantastic.

He allowed Teague to work his shorts down his legs until Hudson was as naked as Teague was, but that was where he changed his strategy. Using his body, with his lips still sealed to Teague’s, he urged Teague back until he was lying flat on the couch. When he was right where Hudson wanted him, Hudson pried his mouth away and got to his knees.

He was desperate to feel that sweet mouth on him.

Planting his hands on the arm of the couch, he straddled Teague’s head, his balls brushing against Teague’s chin. Thankfully, he didn’t need to give any instructions. Teague opened wide and took Hudson’s balls in his mouth, laving them with his tongue, moaning softly, the vibrations sending shock waves of pleasure up Hudson’s spine. Teague’s hands curled around his thighs, but Hudson could tell he wasn’t attempting to hold him down, simply holding on. That was something else he liked about Teague. The touching.

The heat of Teague’s mouth encompassed one of his balls, then the other. Teague worked them both in, using his tongue to tease his sac. Hudson’s hands clenched on the cushion, enjoying the glorious suction on his nuts.

After a few minutes, Hudson moved back and fed the tip of his cock past Teague’s soft lips, watching his beautiful face as he did. Teague was definitely working him harder than Hudson had expected, his eagerness apparent. Hudson shifted again, putting one foot on the floor, the other beside Teague’s head as he squatted over Teague’s face, pushing his cock into the warm haven of his mouth. If he could’ve groaned, he would have, because it felt so fucking good.

When Teague looked up at him, their eyes locking, Hudson slid his hand into Teague’s silky blond hair as he began pushing his dick deeper. He had to lean forward for a better angle, which made it impossible to see Teague’s face, and he wanted to see him, wanted to watch. Since this wasn’t only about him, Hudson pulled out of Teague’s mouth and started moving back so that he could sit at the opposite end of the couch. With his hand still fisted in Teague’s hair, he tugged him forward. Teague moved quickly, as though he knew exactly what Hudson needed.

Then Teague’s mouth was on his dick once again, and Hudson was pushing his hips up, driving deep into Teague’s throat while he watched his face. Not once did Teague close his eyes, which made Hudson feel oddly proud that the kid knew what he wanted from him. His breaths rushed in and out of his lungs as he face-fucked Teague, his balls drawing up tight to his body. He couldn’t hold back, needed to come, wanted to come deep in Teague’s throat. He had fantasized about this daily, and now that it was happening, he wasn’t able to hold off. With one last punishing thrust, he let go, filling Teague’s mouth and holding his head so he swallowed every drop.

When his dick slipped free of Teague’s lips, he pulled the kid onto him, holding him while he kissed him, licking the inside of his mouth, tasting himself on Teague’s tongue.

“Hudson,” Teague groaned. “I need you to fuck me. I need you to make me come.”

Hudson shook his head. He wasn’t going to take Teague tonight. As much as he wanted to be inside him, to claim this man, to show him how good it would feel when they were one, he knew he had to put the brakes on. At least for tonight.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Teague pulled back, glaring down at him. “You get me all worked up and you’re not gonna fuck me?”

Hudson shook his head, then signed:
Not yet.

He definitely would, but not tonight.

When Teague attempted to jerk away from him, Hudson grabbed him, then flipped their positions so that he was covering half of Teague’s body while they lay together on the couch, skin to skin. He stared down at Teague, unwilling to let him run from him. He could understand Teague’s frustration, couldn’t even blame him for being pissed, but he needed Teague to know this wasn’t always about him. The same way it wasn’t always about Hudson. They were in this together and when the time was right…

The kid had to learn to compromise, and he definitely needed a lesson in patience.

When Teague stopped fighting him, Hudson kissed him again, slowly, gently, working his tongue into Teague’s mouth. He maintained a leisurely pace until Teague was moaning and grinding against Hudson’s thigh. He slid his hand down and fisted Teague’s cock, allowing him to fuck his fist. Never did Hudson stop kissing him while Teague drove into his hand, getting himself off. Before long, Teague’s fingers were digging into Hudson’s back, as he shuddered and moaned, and finally, he was coming in Hudson’s hand.

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