Speechless (Pier 70 #3) (27 page)

Read Speechless (Pier 70 #3) Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

And he fully intended to do more…

Just as soon as they both caught their breath.


BEST BLOW JOB in the history of blow jobs.

Teague pulled Hudson closer as he tried to draw air into his lungs. He wasn’t sure he’d ever come that hard before. Then again, it’d been more than a month since he’d had Hudson’s mouth on him; maybe he was simply overwhelmed.

Whatever it was, he damn sure hoped they did that again in the near future.

Like, really near future.

Like, now.

When Hudson relaxed onto his back, Teague got up and straddled Hudson’s hips, smiling down at him.

Hudson’s hands started moving.
What are you thinking about?

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Teague chuckled, then leaned over and grabbed the bottle of lubricant sitting behind his alarm clock.

With that in hand, he scooted backward, moving down Hudson’s legs until his giant cock was in view. The man’s dick was a work of art. So long, so thick … so hard that the veins bulged beneath the silky-smooth skin. A masterpiece that Teague wanted to worship for hours on end.

“I wasn’t lying when I said I missed you,” Teague told him, meeting Hudson’s gaze briefly, “but I think I might’ve missed this guy more.”

Hudson put his hands behind his head, the muscles in his chest flexing beautifully as he did.

Teague got comfortable, sitting on Hudson’s shins while he pumped the lubricant into his hand. He watched Hudson’s face as he reached out and wrapped his fist around Hudson’s thick cock, stroking up and down slowly, making the skin glisten from the lube. Hudson’s stomach muscles contracted—which was so damn sexy—as he squirmed beneath Teague’s touch.

Hudson pulled his hands from behind his head long enough to sign:
Keep that up and you won’t be getting fucked.

Teague chuckled, but he didn’t stop.

Hudson got comfortable again as he continued to watch. Teague was glad that this wasn’t awkward between them. He hadn’t been sure how things would play out when he got back home. He’d hashed it out a million times in his head, wondering if Hudson would be scared to touch him, to do all the wicked things he’d done to him before. He was damn glad that wasn’t the case.

For the most part, Teague didn’t feel any different aside from the fact that there seemed to be less chaos in his head. He wanted more than anything to be normal, and he intended to be—he merely had to figure out what normal was for him, which would probably take some time.

But this was certainly helping.

Hudson’s head tipped back, the strong column of his neck stretching as he swallowed hard. Teague continued to stroke him, driving him higher and higher. He slowed his movements until Hudson relaxed once more. Then he grabbed the bottle of lube and added a generous amount to his hand, slathering it on Hudson’s dick before moving into position.

Straddling Hudson’s hips once more, Teague reached around behind him and guided Hudson’s cock against his hole. He took a breath and eased down, forcing the blunt head inside.

He groaned with the first bite of pain. It only took a second for him to relax. When Hudson was seated fully inside him, Teague leaned closer to Hudson, noticing how wide Hudson’s eyes were. It was as though he wanted to say something but he couldn’t. And not merely because he couldn’t speak, but perhaps because he couldn’t figure out how to express it.

Teague knew just how he felt.

After all, this was the first time in Teague’s life that he’d taken a man inside him…

A man he loved.

Without a condom.

And holy fucking hell was it worth the wait.

HUDSON COULDN’T BREATHE. He couldn’t swallow. Hell, he could hardly keep his eyes open as the pleasure slammed into him.

He was lodged to the hilt inside Teague and the feeling was … exquisite.

Without the latex barrier, the sensation was so much better, so much hotter, so much … everything.

“Feels good?” Teague whispered, leaning down and brushing his lips to Hudson’s.

Hudson nodded.

“It’ll feel so much better”—Teague peppered his mouth with kisses—“if you fuck me.”

His control snapped, and Hudson reached for Teague, grabbing his hips and pulling him down as he thrust his hips upward.


Holy fuck, the pleasure made him see stars. Teague’s ass squeezed him in the most exceptional way.

Taking a deep breath, he began fucking Teague, driving into him from beneath, over and over.

“Fuck, yes,” Teague moaned, planting his hands beside Hudson’s head. “Exactly what I’ve been waiting for.”

There wasn’t nearly enough friction for his peace of mind, so Hudson lifted up, forcing Teague up and then onto his back while Hudson moved with him, never dislodging from Teague’s body. When he was over him, Hudson rocked his hips forward, back, forward, back. He drove deeper and deeper every time.

“So much better without the condom,” Teague moaned, his hands curled around Hudson’s sides. “So fucking much better.”

Yeah. What he said.

Hudson tried to focus on Teague, tried to focus on giving him what he needed, but it was too much. All of his senses were focused between his legs where he was connected with Teague. The heated grip of Teague’s body was too much.

“Don’t stop now,” Teague encouraged. “Fuck me, Hudson. Fuck me hard.”

Hudson met Teague’s gaze, pulling himself out of his stupor. He began pumping his hips steadily as he pushed Teague’s legs back, allowing him to angle in deeper.

“Oh, yes…” Teague hissed. “Just like that… Fuck yes.”

Hudson watched Teague’s face contort with the same pleasure hurtling through him. He wanted this to last forever, but there was no way that was happening. Not this time. Maybe they could take a break and try again later. Then Hudson would fuck Teague for hours. But right now… This…

It was … overwhelming.

Teague pulled Hudson’s head down until their lips connected. Hudson went with it, allowing Teague to kiss him, to obliterate what was left of his mind while he slammed his hips forward, retreating, slamming forward again. He never stopped. He was dripping sweat by the time he felt the electrical charge ignite inside him, triggering his orgasm.

“Ahh, yes,” Teague growled, holding Hudson’s head tightly, his mouth pressed against Hudson’s ear. “Come for me. Come inside me. Fill me up, Hudson.”

That did it. Teague’s roughly mumbled words sent him barreling over the edge. He slammed forward as his dick pulsed. He came, the intense pleasure bordering on pain.

Before Teague could say anything more, Hudson slammed his mouth over his, sucking his tongue in deep as he let his orgasm wash through him. It was an experience he hadn’t expected. Condoms were status quo for him, and he’d never really thought much past it. Having never experienced sex without one, he hadn’t realized what he’d been missing.

And holy fuck … he’d been missing, that was for damn sure.

Then again, perhaps it was Teague that he’d been missing all this time.

Still lodged inside him, Hudson opened his eyes and stared down into the stormy blue ones looking back at him. Teague was smiling, which in turn made Hudson smile.

“I’m thinking we’ll have to do that again soon. Only next time, maybe you can hold out a little longer, yeah?” Teague laughed, a deep rumble erupting from his chest. His ass squeezed around Hudson’s dick, strangling the last of his seed from him.

Sitting up, Hudson smacked the side of Teague’s ass for being a smartass. That only made Teague laugh more, and Hudson decided he truly loved the sound of Teague’s laugh. More than he loved anything else.

“What d’ya say we clean up, then we take Charger for a walk, maybe grab some food, then come back here and try that again. I think there’s room for improvement. And if not, what the hell. Practice never hurt anyone.”

Hudson grinned and he felt the smile in his chest. This man had stolen something from him a long time ago, something he’d been holding on to, something he hadn’t been sure he could ever give. He was damn glad he’d never given it to anyone else, too.

Because this kind of love … it was only meant for one person.

And Teague was it for him.


TEAGUE OPTED TO take a shower after they returned from taking Charger for a walk and then grabbing burgers at the marina restaurant. He was tired, both mentally and physically. The first day back in the real world had been better than he’d expected, but he was tired just the same.

Before he went to wash up, he put more water down for Charger, then put a blanket on the couch, showing Charger it was all right for him to get up there. He briefly wondered if he would regret that later but decided he didn’t care. Charger seemed content, which was all Teague worried about at the moment.

“Okay, man, I’m gonna shower. When I’m done, we’ll watch some TV before bed.”

It only took fifteen minutes for him to shave and shower, and when he was finished, he was still tired, but at least he was clean.

This was the first time since Hudson had picked him up from the hospital that he’d been alone.

Oddly enough, it didn’t bother him as much as he’d thought it would.

Then again, something else was on his mind entirely.


More accurately, spending the night with Hudson.

During dinner, Teague had thought about bringing the subject up but decided against it. He didn’t want to look as though he was trying to rush things. Really, he wasn’t. Instead, he was doing what felt right.

It had taken weeks of therapy for Teague to realize that he’d spent his entire life rebelling against what felt right. He had allowed the feeling of abandonment to control his life. It wasn’t until he’d understood more about depression and the effect it had on people that he’d realized his mother hadn’t left him by choice. She had been sick and the illness had stolen her from this world. No different than any other medical condition, from his perspective.


Teague remembered his first therapy session. It was a wonder he and his therapist had made it through that in one piece. To say he’d been belligerent was probably an understatement.

“So, what do you want me to talk about?” Teague questioned the woman sitting across from him. For the past few minutes, she’d been jotting something down in a notebook, making him incredibly nervous.

“What do you want to talk about?”

Teague narrowed his eyes at her. “I thought that was for you to decide.”

“I’m open to anything,” she said, as though this was simple, casual conversation.

He was in a mental hospital, for fuck’s sake. Shouldn’t she have a clue what they needed to be chatting about?

“I tried to kill myself,” he told her, hoping she would come up with something.

“So I heard.”

Not helpful. Not helpful at all.

“That doesn’t bother you?” he questioned.

“Does it bother you?”

What the fuck kind of question was that?

“If it didn’t, I wouldn’t be here.”

you here, Teague?”

Was she serious?

Staring at her, he realized she was really interested in his answer.

“Because I tried to kill myself,” he repeated. God, she was dense.

“Have you ever sought medical help before when you felt like you wanted to take your own life?”

He shook his head. “I never felt that way before.” It was mostly the truth.

“What way?”

“So … defeated. Out of options. Abandoned.”

“So, this was the first time you’ve ever contemplated taking your own life?”

“No. But it’s the first time I attempted.”

“Did something push you? Have you been having problems at work? With your family?”

“I don’t have any family,” he blurted. “And work’s just fine.”

“So what is it then?”

It was in that moment that Teague thought about Hudson. About the pain he’d seen on Hudson’s face. Attempting to kill himself had hurt the man, and Teague would do anything to take that pain back. He couldn’t promise he would never do it again since he had no fucking clue what had pushed him in the first place, but that was the reason he was here. For this woman and these doctors to help him.

For the first time in his life, Teague opened his mouth and spit out everything that came to mind. He wasn’t gentle about it, either. It needed to be said.

It’d been an ugly session. Emotions—namely his—had run high, but in the end, though he’d been mentally drained, he had felt better. Even in a strange place, Teague had slept that first night. Better than he ever had. He wasn’t sure if that was because he’d reached his breaking point or if simply sharing what was on his mind had helped.

He might not ever know, but he was glad that he’d sought help. He only wished he hadn’t been so stubborn beforehand, because he had allowed things to get completely out of control.

Charger put his head in Teague’s lap, and he wondered if the dog sensed the change in his mood.

“It’s cool, man. I’m good. So much better than before.” Teague looked up at the door. “But you know what would make me even better?” Smiling down at Charger, he nodded toward the door, then got to his feet.

Only one thing could make this day better.

Only one man, actually.

AFTER TAKING A quick shower, Hudson crawled into bed. He wasn’t exactly tired, but it was the only way to keep from going over to Teague’s to check on him. Since Teague was a grown man, he didn’t need Hudson hovering over him. They’d had a good day. A fantastic day, actually, and the kid was probably out cold.

Too bad he wasn’t there with him.

Hudson had wanted to ask Teague to stay the night, but he remembered that the doctor had told him that Teague needed to get back to normal as soon as possible. They couldn’t harp on the fact that this had happened, but rather they needed to learn to adapt to Teague’s mental state.

Hudson wasn’t good at adapting, but for Teague, he would do whatever it took.

With the lights off, he stared up at the ceiling. There was only a sliver of moon out tonight, so not much to see by, but he could make out the shadows of his curtains.

He wasn’t sure how long he’d been lying there when he heard his door open. He lifted his head to see Teague and Charger coming in, the light from the hallway illuminating them.

He sat up abruptly.

“I’m fine, Hudson,” Teague said softly, clearly reading his mind.

Hudson heard Teague pat the couch, then Charger hop up on it, followed by Teague’s soft command for Charger to stay. That made Hudson smile. The guy had already gotten attached to the dog.

His heart did a rapid thump-thump in his chest when he felt the blankets being pulled back before Teague crawled into bed with him.

Hudson couldn’t see Teague’s face, couldn’t sign anything because he knew Teague couldn’t see him, either. He wanted to ask a million things, but he couldn’t.

“Mind if I sleep here tonight? Not because I’m scared of my own bed,” Teague said with a soft chuckle. “But I’m just not ready to let go of you yet.” Teague shifted. “Of course, if you don’t want me to, I—”

Hudson grabbed Teague and pulled him closer, effectively silencing him. He wanted Teague there more than he wanted anything else in the world.

Teague curled up against his side, his arm slung over Hudson’s chest, his head resting on Hudson’s shoulder. They both let out a deep breath at the same time, which made Hudson grin like a fool.

“I really did miss you.” Teague’s voice was soft. “I should’ve done this a long time ago.”

Curling his arm around Teague’s head, Hudson held him close, pressing his lips to Teague’s forehead. God, he loved this man. Loved him with all that he was. To think that only a month ago, he’d nearly lost him…

What was worse was the fact that Teague had been suffering from something Hudson was all too familiar with. Instead of recognizing the depression, instead of trying to get Teague treatment, Hudson had thought he was capable of handling things his way. He knew what depression could do because he’d seen what it had done to his mother. He had watched her suffer in silence, then he’d been riddled with guilt when she had taken her own life, succumbing to the disease. He’d spent years telling himself he should’ve done more, he should’ve been there for her, should’ve encouraged her to get help.

Hudson sent up a silent prayer of thanks. Thanks that his path had crossed with Teague’s, thanks that they’d had the opportunity to build what they had now, and most of all, thanks that they had this opportunity. Who knew where it would go or how things would end up, but Hudson was in it for the long haul. He was committed to this man.

And he would make damn sure Teague knew just what he meant to him for the rest of his life.

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