Spirit Past (Book 8) (33 page)

"You think it's a bad idea?"

"I didn't say that."

And instantly, Linda understood what Ryson meant. She had faced the dilemma many times herself, and she admitted as much.

"Just like when I don't think you should put yourself in danger... when you go on your scouts. It's okay. I get it. Still, I need to know your opinion. You've been fighting alongside Ansas... and against Reiculf. You have a better idea of what's going on than I do. Do you think this can work?"

Ryson tried to take hold of the question at its most basic level. Instead of focusing on Linda, he considered the plan itself... and its creator.

"I'm not sure. It seems reasonable to want to go after Macheve. If we remove her from Reiculf's power, we can keep him from reaching out into Uton. I don't trust Ansas, but he wants to win. I can see that. I just don't know if he cares about the costs."

"So he might sacrifice me just to defeat Reiculf?"

"That's a distinct possibility. He was ready to sacrifice Jure back in Connel. He didn't seem to care that Scheff was killed. He only cares about his fight with Reiculf."

Linda paused again and she almost cursed. She never understood why she was immune to magic. It made very little sense. Some were extremely gifted in casting spells, but most couldn't utilize it at all. Still, they weren't immune. The energy could affect them and they were vulnerable to spells. She wasn't.

She stared down at her hands. She always wondered if the land felt differently to her, if being immune meant she couldn't feel the air or objects the same way as every other inhabitant of Uton. It didn't make her feel special. If anything, it made her feel less significant. She was suddenly faced with an opposing perspective.

"It's about magic, isn't it? Maybe it's evil magic, I don't know, but I'm the only one that's immune to it. If I could step aside and let someone else do it, maybe I would, but there isn't anyone else, is there? So I have to decide, and I have to make the decision based on what I believe in, not what anyone else tells me."

The words crushed the delver, but he couldn't refute a single thing she said. She was absolutely right, and there wasn't anything he could do to help her.

"So what do you think you should do?" he finally asked somewhat somberly.

"I have no idea, mostly because I don't want to make it about me. I don't think I'm supposed to sacrifice myself to save everyone else. I don't think it works that way."

"I'm not sure I understand," Ryson confessed. "You very well could be saving everyone else, and as far as a sacrifice..."

He couldn't continue, couldn't think of the price she might have to pay, but Linda moved in another direction.

"You've saved more people than I can ever hope to count," she stated. "Did you think you were sacrificing yourself to save the land?"

"I didn't think of it that way."

"And neither do I."

"So you're going to do it?"

"I didn't say that. I'm just trying to find the right perspective."


"Yes," Linda responded, and she tried to make her point clear. "If you had to make this choice, what would you do? We both know the answer. You'd tell me you
to do it, that you couldn't live with yourself if you didn't. You've done it countless times before. You always put others before yourself."

"But this is different."

"Different because it's me and not you. You're right. It is different, and that's why I need to find the right perspective. I could be like Dzeb and try to look for the word of Godson, or I could be like everybody in Burbon and do it because that's what I've been instructed to do. Or, I could take Enin's approach and look at it from the standpoint of magic and spells. Or maybe you should give me your sword and I could let it tell me what to do."

"You want to leave this up to my sword?"

"No, I don't. That's my point. What's right for you isn't necessarily right for me. The same goes for Dzeb and his faith and Enin and his magic. Those kinds of arguments don't really mean anything. No, I can't do it the way anybody else thinks. I have to do it my own way. That's the perspective I'm talking about."

"And what's your own way?"

Linda looked at Ryson and finally found her answer.

"To be with you... to help you. That's why I'm here, that's why I've always been here."

"Does that mean you're going to do it?"

"Not yet. I'm just telling you why I think I
do it, but I need to hear more. I have to know what you're all going to do and what's expected of me. I have to believe I can do everything that's asked of me. Otherwise, I'll probably just end up getting people killed. That won't help you, will it?"

"No, it won't."

"Then I have a few questions for Enin. Let's talk to him and see what happens. By the way, I need you to understand one last thing. No matter what I decide, no matter what happens, you did the absolute right thing. I have no doubt in my mind about that."

"Are you sure?" he asked, extremely worried he just condemned Linda to a horrible fate.

Linda decided to answer with actions as opposed to words. She grabbed hold of him and hugged him as if he was about to leave on a long scout. She didn't want to let go, but she could feel him breaking up. She let him compose himself, and then they went out to speak to Enin.

The wizard remained outside the inn; he never even peeked inside to see what was happening. When Ryson and
Linda came out, he could tell nothing from their expressions. They appeared to be engulfed by every emotion imaginable. They looked afraid, confused, determined, and even to some extent joyful, which greatly surprised the wizard. He looked to Linda hoping she would offer some explanation.

"Ryson told me what you want to do," Linda announced, "but I have questions."

"I will do everything I can to answer them," Enin offered.

"How will you send me to Demonspawn?"

"Ansas will open a portal by using the remnants of Reiculf's magic trapped within the elf, Scheff. Scheff is dead, did Ryson tell you that?"


"I want to warn you, he has been animated by Ansas and that may be an unpleasant sight for you. Anyway, you will go through the portal. The moment you do, I will use you as an anchor and teleport the rest of the party to your side."

"And then what happens? Will they have to line up behind me because I'm the only one immune to magic?"

"Actually, no. You will be the only one who will be there in a complete sense. Demonspawn is a realm caught in the folds of the dark lands, and it is as much a spiritual domain as it is a physical one. When I teleport them, I will hold a portion of their essence in a, how can I say this, in a state of magical fluctuation. Through you, they will be able to use their physical skills to defend you and their magic to cast spells, but they will not be as vulnerable to Reiculf's magic. They can still be harmed by physical attacks, but they will be almost as immune to magical attacks as you."


"Yes. I can't make it complete immunity. I have to place some of their magical essence within Demonspawn so they are able to cast spells. Magic will be needed for your defense and for the assault on Macheve."

"And once I'm in Demonspawn, what do you need me to do?"

"Stay alive. Follow the directions of those who are there to protect you."

"That sounds a bit too simple."

Enin frowned. He did not wish to burden Linda, but he felt obligated to disclose the full extent of her peril.

"It is simple, as far as your actions are concerned," the wizard finally revealed. "Nothing more will be asked of you, but it will not be an easy journey. The demons of that realm will immediately view you as an invader and strike at you in every way possible. Reiculf will eventually realize you are the anchor for those who travel with you. He will not be able to attack you directly with his magic, but he will attempt to destroy you in any fashion possible."

Linda took the admission surprisingly well. Had she not been immune to magic, she might have walked away. Despite the discouraging revelation, she openly wondered about her safety with far more optimism than any other human might exhibit.

"What are my chances?"

"In all honesty, I believe they are excellent. You will be accompanied by Jure and Haven, and they are very capable spell casters, very well-suited for the environment of Demonspawn. Ryson, Holli, and Dzeb will be there to protect you with their enormous physical talents. Also, you will not be sent to the center of Demonspawn, but only the very fringe."

"The fringe?"

"Yes, Demonspawn has its own layers, somewhat like circles within circles. Reiculf stands at its center."

"I won't have to go there... to the center?"

"No, that would not even be advisable."

Linda tried to envision a layered realm of demons. It was nearly impossible, but she considered their ultimate objective. They planned to remove Macheve from Reiculf's influence, but if they stayed at the outer edge of Demonspawn, she considered the prospect of failure.

"If we don't go near Reiculf, can't he just avoid us... keep Macheve away from us?"

"Macheve won't be able to resist. She is linked to Scheff. Ansas will be able to reach her through the magic trapped inside Scheff's core."

"I'm not sure I understand this."

"It's not a surprise. You are immune to the magic. It cannot touch you, and so it is difficult for you to imagine how the energy goes through us or how it resides within our essence. It's not that important, but if you wish to gain a better understanding, just think of an apple."

"An apple?"

"Yes. People have a core, just like an apple. For most people, that core can hold magic, just as an apple core holds seeds. Ansas once took part of his magical core—think of it as a piece of a seed—and placed it in Scheff. Though the magic was broken apart it was still the same seed, still identical in many ways. And just like a seed can turn into a tree with branches, the magic can spread out with roots and limbs of its own."

"So that's how Ansas is connected to Scheff, but what about Reiculf?"

"It seems Reiculf took the process a bit further. He has connected all the seeds with his own magic. He invaded the cores of Macheve, Gnafil and Scheff. All the seed slices are now mixed together, and the branches that grow out of them are all intertwined. The links are jumbled, but they exist as if several branches were pressed together in a big pile."

"So when we go to Demonspawn, Ansas has to pick the right apple?"

"That's an excellent way to put it. What he will attempt to do is assault Macheve through the remnants of magic inside Scheff, but he has to find the right branch which holds the apple that represents Macheve's core. Once in Demonspawn, the spiritual nature of the realm will allow for Ansas to reconnect broken portions of shared magic, kind of like putting the original seed back together. When he does, he can reach Macheve even if she's at the center of Demonspawn."

Linda grasped enough of the concept to follow the strategy. She mulled over all the factors and considered her role. She realized she was going to be nothing more than an anchor, just like the anchor of a ship. They were going to send her to Demonspawn and sink her into the sand of that realm. Once she was there, she would hold the rest of them in place. She believed she could accomplish what was asked of her, but she realized an important omission.

"You're not going?" Linda asked of Enin.

"I can't. It would be too much of a risk. Reiculf wants to take control of me, and if I enter Demonspawn, the same spiritual nature that will allow Ansas to take hold of Macheve will make me vulnerable to the daokiln's grasp. I will, however, be able to monitor the events since I will be utilizing you to send the others across."

"How will you stay connected to me?"

"Just the same as always, through the space that surrounds you. Your immunity will make it difficult, but not impossible. You stand out like a beacon to me, because the magic doesn't touch you. When it comes to the magic, you're like a hole in water. I may not be able to touch the hole, but I can touch the water that surrounds it."

"And what about Holli? These magical links and connections are confusing, but isn't Holli linked to you through the magic? And if you're vulnerable to Reiculf, wouldn't that mean she is, too?"

"No, I have always been very diligent about protecting my connection with Holli. While I have always offered my energy for her to use, I made sure she was safe from any potential dangers. I was very careful with her... it seems much more careful than I was with myself."

Linda had no further questions. All that was left for her to do was to decide. She turned her attention to Ryson, and gave her answer to him.

"I think I can do this. I think we both can."





Holli took command the instant they appeared in Demonspawn. She shouted out orders in quick succession as she scanned the strange horizon.

"Dzeb! Take a position next to Linda. Do not leave her side."

The behemoth followed the order willingly. With but a few long strides, he stood beside Linda and prepared to battle Reiculf himself to defend her.

"Ryson!" Holli continued. "Scout the perimeter and keep circling our position. Most attacks will come from ahead of us, but some of the demons may attempt to reach us from the rear. You have to watch for them."

The delver raced off across the dreadful landscape and called out reports as he completed one circle after another.

Holli turned to the spell casters.

"Haven, keep a circle of light around her, do not let it be extinguished. You must keep out every shadow."

"I will protect her with the very power of virtue," Haven claimed as she brought her hands together and focused on a spell of sentinel light.

A triangle of three equal sides formed at her wrists. She called out words that sounded more like a blessing than a spell and directed her fingers toward Linda. The triangle rotated off the sorceress' hands and flew to the space over Linda's head. A shield of golden energy encased Linda, protected her from the corruption of any demon.

Before Haven's spell had appeared, Linda had gazed out across Demonspawn, surprised at what she saw. She expected to see indescribable horrors, scenes bleaker than her worst childhood nightmares. She believed she would see unimaginable monsters with deranged expressions of violence and loathing. There would be pain and suffering in every corner and indescribable screams of torment.

Her surroundings were dire, but they were not as horrendous as she expected. The ground was mostly flat and composed of what felt like rough sand or perhaps metal filings. There was light from the sky, but it was muted and dreary, as if they stood under a gray sun covered by thick clouds.

She could not see far into the distance. It wasn't quite a fog or mist that limited her visibility, nor was it the lack of light. The region simply appeared to be incomplete in scope, as if it just ended abruptly, and a blank, gray screen surrounded them in every direction.

All of that changed, however, the instant Haven's spell surrounded her. As Linda was encased in an elongated sphere of golden energy, the gray world turned much brighter. Linda's spirit was lifted by the warm glow of the elf's magic, but only momentarily.

The spell of virtue caught the attention of demons in the distance, even as it enraged the very realm itself. Flashes of harsh light erupted repeatedly across the landscape. For a moment, Linda believed it might be lightning, but it lacked the awesome beauty of a natural storm. It was much more like the bursts of dull illumination from a dying star. The ground shuddered and shook, and a layer of thick, musty dust rose from the harsh granular soil. The gray screens in the distance began to melt away and deeper recesses of Demonspawn stood revealed.

Linda finally saw strange movement across the bleak land. It appeared as if the ground came to life with the slithering of serpents and the skittering of insects. Larger masses crept and crawled through the heavy shadows that could not be broken by the incessant flashes of bitter light. The movements appeared labored and disjointed as the silhouettes made twisted turns and unsteady leaps.

Though more of the landscape became apparent, another gray curtain formed in the distance. It seemed as if sections of Demonspawn would always remain shrouded in secrecy, its layers blanketed with shifting shadows and dark screens. The realm itself took on the form of a broken and disjointed mystery, a puzzle that allowed for no solution.

Despite the abrupt change in their surroundings, Holli continued to command her forces with deliberate attention on Linda's safety.

"Jure! Place another shield around Linda, a flowing current of water to protect her from any physical attacks."

The elder wizard complied immediately. A white ring of energy at his palm turned pale blue just as he thrust it toward the delver's wife. He continued to mold the spell as it surrounded Haven's shield of light. The light blue cover would protect Linda from any projectile as well as from the powerful blows of any demon that managed to get past Dzeb.

Within the golden shield, Linda watched as a second barrier formed around her. She could still see through the two walls, but the yellow and blue colors melded together and gave an emerald tint to her surroundings. But it did not appear as the healthy green of Dark Spruce. Instead, the land around her looked more sickly than before.

The hostile reaction of the realm increased. The ground shook more noticeably and the flashes of light grew in both radiance and frequency. It felt as if her surroundings were raging against her very existence.

Beyond the lightning and tremors, Linda began to notice a sensation in the very air around her. It was not wind, but she could not dismiss the stirring about her skin. It was something she had never felt before, not a wave of heat nor a blast of cold. It was more like a very dull sting, as if thousands of tiny spiders crawled all over her but their fangs were too small to penetrate her skin.

She brushed at her arms and legs with both hands over and over again, but the sensation continued. It began to irritate her and she forced herself to concentrate on something beyond the disturbing feeling.

Linda remained quiet. She knew she was well-protected, but she could only wonder if it would be enough against monsters that could exist in such a desolate place. She looked to Dzeb for reassurance and then to the fast moving form of her husband. She knew they would both defend her no matter what eventually rose from the deep shadows. There was little else she could do other than stand and wait.

Holli, pleased with the initial defenses around Linda, turned her attention to Ansas. She hoped to achieve their objective before any large scale attack could rally against them, but success in that regard was totally dependent on the sorcerer.

"Ansas, it is my guess that we have surprised Reiculf, but that will only last a moment. Begin your assault immediately."

"What do you think I've been doing all this time?" the sorcerer questioned with obvious resentment. "Watching the show? Scheff's core is influenced greatly by this realm. It will take time to find the proper path to Macheve."

"Then work quickly."

Ryson pulled to a quick halt in front of the elf and interrupted the conversation before Ansas could respond.

"Nothing is behind us yet," the delver reported, "but there are things out in front of us that I've never seen before. Nothing is moving directly at us, but they know we're here. They're creeping around slowly, probably trying to figure out what we want."

"Even more so, trying to figure out what we
," Holli stated. "When do you think a demon has ever witnessed a cliff behemoth in Demonspawn?"

"Never," Ryson admitted.

"And they are uncertain of what to do with us. That is the most likely reason for their initial caution. Continue your scout and advise me immediately of any changes in their movements."

The moment Ryson took off, Holli moved toward the spell casters to take council with Jure and Haven.

"How long will your spells last?"

"Almost indefinitely," Jure replied first. "I have constructed it to take advantage of our situation. It is replenishing itself with the magical friction caused between our existence in this plane and the force which is trying to repel us. It can withstand a great deal of pressure before it breaks."

"My shield will also last far longer than we could remain in this place," Haven reported. "It does not take a great deal of my essence to scatter shadow."

"And if we are overwhelmed by darowks?"

"That will force me to increase the energy into the shield," Haven conceded, "but Ryson could fight off the darowks with his sword."

"The sword will not reflect the unnatural light of this realm," Holli noted.

"My light is not of this domain, and I have access to sources of even greater virtue. It will take very little energy to sufficiently power the delver's blade."

"Very well. Both of you remain prepared to strike when we are attacked."

Holli stepped carefully but quickly about the grounds. She remained inside the circle of Ryson's patrol, but she needed to gauge the enemies' movements. She was surprised they had not yet been attacked.

They were being watched, she knew that for a fact, and if the demons knew they were there, then so too did the daokiln. Based on her understanding of Demonspawn and the swirl of malevolent magic that helped shape its existence, she believed Reiculf sensed their presence the moment they entered his realm. She also assumed the daokiln was aware of Scheff's unnatural state. An animated, soulless corpse would not go unnoticed in a place of such spiritual iniquity.

As Holli continued to stalk the hostile grounds that shuddered under her feet, she considered Reiculf's options. The daokiln could attack, and that seemed the most obvious tactic. Other options seemed highly unlikely. The demon lord wouldn't hide, and he couldn't flee. Though Reiculf's connection to Macheve allowed him to send his magical power outside of Demonspawn, he could not leave the realm without altering his very essence.

Macheve, however, was not bound by the same constraints. The serp could cross into other dimensions at will. Though the daokiln would remain protective of the serp, Reiculf might allow for such movement to save his pawn. Holli began to worry if the sorcerer had considered all possible escape routes.

Holli rushed back to Ansas with questions in need of immediate answers.

"Can you speak to me as you continue to search for a passage to Macheve?" the elf demanded.

"Of course," the sorcerer responded with almost sickening vanity.
"Can Reiculf send the serp out of here?" she asked hastily, ignoring the sorcerer's arrogance and focusing on a growing concern for a weakness in their plan.

"Of course he can. You know that."

"Would that not then be his best alternative?"

"No, it would be a foolish waste of time and energy."

"How so?"

"Because it would not change the basic elements of my plan."

"How can you say that?" Holli questioned. "Our purpose here is to break the link between Reiculf and Macheve. If she leaves, we will be left to face Reiculf. What must we do to recall her?"


"Then we would lose her!"

"Nonsense. At this point, all paths lead through Reiculf. Scheff's core remains tied to the daokiln, and so is Macheve. No matter where she goes, she cannot break the connection."

"So there is not one place she can hide, not even some far dimension? You will be able to reach her even if she leaves this realm?"

"Without a doubt," Ansas stated confidently. "The energy of this place vibrates with the rage that is within the daokiln. He could not cut me off if he wanted to."

The explanation seemed reasonable to Holli. She did not have Jure's gift for following the flow of magical energy, but she knew enough about such connections to understand certain properties.

She then considered their foe. If Ansas understood the workings of magic within Demonspawn, it was certain the daokiln comprehended them as well. Holli's growing concern turned to absolute alarm.

"Reiculf would know that, would he not? He would know the threat we represent."

"More than likely," Ansas agreed as he continued to inspect the magical currents that flowed in and out of Scheff's core, trying to find the distinctive stream that would lead to Macheve.

"And how do you think the daokiln will react? He would not just allow us to take the serp while he stands idly by."

"I assume he will attack."

Holli pointed to the surrounding landscape.

"With what? Not a single demon has moved against us. Demonspawn has responded to Haven and Jure's protective spells because it sensed the benevolence in their actions. Beyond that, we have faced no further resistance."

Ansas raised his head and scanned the horizon. He frowned as he realized that Holli was indeed correct. While the realm was reacting against their presence, not one demon appeared ready for any offensive. If anything, it appeared the shadowy beasts of Demonspawn were demonstrating remarkable restraint.

Ansas initially expected Reiculf to act quickly when they arrived. He believed both Linda and Scheff would be immediate targets. Knowing the threat the dead elf represented, the daokiln would attempt to destroy Scheff's body, or so the sorcerer believed.

Due to Enin's spell, Reiculf would not be able to reach out with his overwhelming magic to obliterate the animated corpse. He would have to rely on a more physical assault, and Ansas was prepared to defend Scheff, even as the dead elf's body remained somewhat protected by the fashion with which Enin teleported them to Demonspawn. Such defenses, however, were so far totally unnecessary.

"This is very wrong," Holli advised.

"Obviously," Ansas replied almost dismissively.

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