Splintered Oak (Winsor Series Book 3) (28 page)






“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked one more time as Jake popped his neck and ran his palms over his shorts. His anxiety came off of him in waves as he drove.

My parents were having their thirtieth anniversary party tonight and all of my family, extended or otherwise, were planning on being there.

“Yes, I’m fine,” he snapped and then sent a look of apology. “I need to do this. Meeting the family is an important step. I know this. I just hadn’t figured on meeting your
family all at once.”

I rubbed his back apologetically. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re totally worth it,” he assured me, squeezing the thigh closest to him. “Even if I am completely petrified.”

Jake and I had spent the last five glorious days together, reconnecting. His courting hasn’t stopped, taking me out every night to dinner or a movie or just for a walk around downtown. I couldn’t see how my family wouldn’t love him when he is treating me like a queen.

In fact, more often than not, he’d been the one to push me away when our kissing got a little hot and heavy. It was nice to have a partner who felt as committed as I did to keeping me pure.

“So, do you think Alex will shoot me in front of everyone or wait until the party’s over?” Jake asked, only partially kidding.

“My brothers will behave. Mom has already had a chat with them. My dad may be the head of the household, but my mom is the heartbeat of the family, and she has totally fallen for you.”

That statement seemed to relax Jake a little. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve never had a problem making women like me. I’ve been around them my whole life, so I understand how they think and what they need. Guys, on the other hand, they usually hate me.”

I pinched his cheek and then leaned in for a kiss. “That’s just because you’re so cute! But, trust me, my brothers will behave.”

He reached around my neck and pulled me for a quick kiss while his eyes tried to stay on the road. “I need to get my fill before we get there. I don’t plan to so much as touch you for the next several hours.”

“Are you serious?”

“Deadly. Trust me, the last thing your brothers want to see is you kissing some guy, especially someone like me. They need to see I respect your boundaries.”

I sat back in my seat and crossed my arms in a huff. “What about what I want?”

Jake let out a laug
h that warmed my insides. He had been doing that a lot lately, just laughing and enjoying life, but it still caught me right in the gut. “I would think my staying alive is what you’d want.”

He shot me a grin and wink which sent my stomach in a whirl. He just
got cuter with time. The more I was around him, the more I wanted to be.

Now that I kne
w what a real relationship felt like, I knew without a doubt I was never in love with Jonathan.

Infatuated, yes, but this gut twisting, pulse racing madness never
occurred before Jake. It scared me a little, how much I felt for him, but what was love without a little discomfort?

“What are you thinking about?” His words pulled me back as much as his hand rubbing over my hair did.

“Just how much I love you. It’s a little scary.”

Jake’s face softened and soon we were pulling off the road with the hazards on.

“Come here,” he said sweetly after putting the car in park.

I did as he asked and was soon swept away in a kiss so loving and intimate that it brought tears to my eyes.

He put his forehead to mine. “I won’t hurt you…never again.”

“I know.”

He kissed me again, practically pulling me into the seat with him. “Good. Then there’s nothing to be afraid of. Just be happy, Naomi. You being happy makes me happy.”

“I am, Jake,” I promised, kissing him again quickly before settling back in my seat. “We’re almost there. You ready?”

Jake pulled back out on the highway and let out a heavy sigh. “How many did you say again?”

“At least a hundred, probably more.”

I watched as Jake shut his eyes for a split second and then took another deep breath. “I can do this,” he whispered before looking my way. “So maybe you could do that prayer thing for me. Would you mind?”

Again, the tears threatened. Yes, he
did make me very happy. “Not at all.”



Fifteen minutes later, we parked along the curb behind a mass of cars already lining the street. Since my parents likely invited the entire neighborhood, I knew no one would care that we parked in front of their house.

Jake followed me stiffly, and only after a few minutes of convincing, kept his hand laced with mine. Multicolored lights covered the front trees and ran along the sidewalk and doorway. People were milling everywhere and Jake met at least ten family members before we even hit the front door. Everyone was friendly and I could see him relaxing just a little. Pulling him inside with me, I found my mom in the kitchen, furiously finishing up the last minute details for the feast she had prepared. She was there with her two sisters and seemed to love every second of it.

“Mom, you’re not supposed to be working. It’s your celebration!” I scolded from the doorway.

She jerked around when she heard my voice and ran to give me a big hug. Then she pulled Jake in for an embrace before grasping his face in her hands. “Aren’t you adorable?” she sighed before kissing his cheek. “And you make my Naomi smile.”

Jake was right about his ability with women. He had my mother and aunts eating out of his hand before we ever left the kitchen. They even let him sample the food, which was a serious no-no in the Bennett house.

Laughing as I pulled him away from his new admirers, we found our way to the backyard that was packed with people. Voices carried through the trees as laughter echoed around us. Jake just stood taking in the scene.

“You okay?”

“I’ve never had this. Family. It’s beautiful, Naomi.”

I didn’t care what he had said about affection and turned to hug him fiercely. He kissed the top of my head before slowly pushing me off. I immediately saw why when I spotted Jesse and Luke heading over to us like they were on a mission.

“Finally you’re here,” Luke said dramatically after giving me a hug. “You got out of all the work this morning, you cheat.”

“Oh whatever, Luke. You have a degree in avoiding work. I don’t want to hear it.”

Jesse pushed him aside and hugged me as well before glancing up at Jake. “Are you the reason she was moody and moping all over the place last week?”

“Jesse!” I yelled wanting to jump into a hole and get swallowed up. “Jake, meet two of my brothers, the most annoying two, Jesse and Luke.”

They all shook hands, and the stricken look on Jake’s face started to recede. It almost made me grateful they had come up to us. Almost.

“We’re just about to start a new game and we could use another person. You play basketball, Jake?”

I saw his eyes light up before he answered. “Yes, of course, but I don’t want to leave Naomi out here alone.”

Jesse laughed and looked around. “I don’t think she’ll be alone.”

“Go Jake,” I urged. “It’ll give me a chance to help my mom.”

“You sure?”

“Positive. Go.” I pushed him towards my brothers and then gave them both a warning stare, which received a smirk from both of them.

“Jake, you’ll be shirts. We don’t want to see Naomi drooling all over you.” Jesse let out a hearty laugh as he slapped Jake’s back before winking at me. Yes. I
was going to kill him later.

I tried to go back in and help my mom, but got kicked out before I ever picked up a dish. Resigned, I went back outside and started mingling. Aunts, uncles, great uncles, cousins, they surrounded me on all sides. I found myself getting caught up in conversation, but would still periodically check to make sure the boys were playing nice with Jake and made sure to stay close to the basketball court just in case.

Suddenly I felt myself being pulled over to an open spot and looked up to see Jonathan standing in front of me.

“Hey,” he said before letting go of my arm and jamming his hands in his pockets. “I thought maybe we should talk, clear the air a little.”

I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about Jonathan being here. Our moms were best friends. Of course he’d be here. Stupid. I should have talked to Jake about it. I glanced back toward the court and was relieved to see Jake completely absorbed in the game.

“I think we said everything that needs to be said.” I crossed my arms and stared up at hi
m. He looked remorseful, which was good. Maybe he wouldn’t make a scene.

“I see you brought Jake. I thought there wasn’t anything going on.” It wasn’t a statement, but more an accusation.

“I didn’t mislead to you, Jonathan. This is recent and didn’t happen until after our conversation. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

He reached out and grabbed my arm again, stopping me. Moving closer he kept his hand tight. “Naomi, wait. I’m sorry, okay? I know you’re mad I called Alex, but I didn’t know what else to do. I did it because I care about you.”

I took a deep breath and then pried his hand off of me. “I get that. I’m actually glad Alex found out, so no I’m not mad at you.”

He moved in closer, uncomfortably so, and ran his hand down my arm. “Good, because we’ve been friends forever. We are practically family, Naomi. I don’t want to lose that. You’re important to me.”

I felt Jake’s presence before I ever felt his hand slip around my waist. The distance between Jonathan and me quickly doubled.

“Everything okay here?” Jake asked politely, but I could feel that every muscle in his body was as rigid as a board.

Jonathan glared at him, but before he could say a word, Alex appeared and squeezed Jonathan’s shoulder. “Let’s go get some food.”

Jonathan looked between Jake and me with disgust, but soon started toward the food table with Alex’s urging.

I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding, then sucked it right back when I heard Jake’s voice in my ear. “Is there somewhere we can talk without an audience?” His voice was sharp and shaky.

I nodded and then led him around the house by the HVAC equipment. The machines were purring as they worked to cool the house, but we could still hear each other.

Jake rolled his shoulders and took deep, deliberate breaths. He was beyond angry, but I was proud he remained in control.

Finally he spoke. “I know I’m growing and evolving and all that stuff. But there will never be a time when I’m okay with his hands on you, Naomi. Whatever there is between you two, I’m not okay with it. Call me possessive, controlling, whatever, but I hate that guy.”

“I know and I’m sorry. It never crossed my mind that he would be here. But Jake, his family is tight with mine. I will be around him; it can’t be avoided.”

Jake put his hands on top of his head and closed his eyes, taking more deliberate breaths. “I can’t handle him touching you. I don’t think you understand the rage, Naomi, that happens inside me sometimes.”

I walked up and wrapped my arm around his waist. “Then I’m proud of you, because you handled it well. Much better than you would have even a month ago. Give yourself some credit.”

He relaxed into my hold and pulled me tight against him, leaning down to kiss me deeply. “I love you,” he whispered after pulling back.

“Me too.”

I heard a throat clear not too far away and looked toward the source. Alex stood, arms folded, as he raised his eyebrows at me. Sheesh,
did he have a radar or something?

“We’re about the do the cake and toasts,” he announced casually. “You two should probably get back.”

Jake immediately let go of me and stepped back before nodding. As we passed by, I saw Alex stop Jake mid step.

“Thanks for not making a scene. If I’d seen someone touch my girl like that, he’d have likely been on the ground.”

Jake actually grinned. “In my head, he was.”

Alex nodded and then let him pass. Me, he stopped and then whispered in my ear. “You two off alone is not okay, shorty.”

“I know. It won’t happen again,” I assured him and then he let me catch up to Jake, who graciously waited several feet away.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I realized that Jake had gotten the seal of approval from four out of six
family members, and now only had to deal with my dad and Manny.

We watched as my parents cut their cake and fed it to each other, my mom smearing a chocolate mound into my father’s face. The crowd roared and then cheered when she wiped it off and kissed him. They danced to their wedding song, and I couldn’t help but cry as I watched them together. Jake wrapped his arm around me and squeezed.

“Happy tears. I promise.”

The song ended and soon my dad was pulling me out on the dance floor with him while Jesse swept my mom up in a wild Latin dance. Everyone else joined in as my father spun me around.

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