Read Spoken from the Heart Online

Authors: Laura Bush

Tags: #Autobiography, #Bush; Laura Welch;, #Presidents & Heads of State, #U.S. President, #Political, #First Ladies, #General, #1946-, #Personal Memoirs, #Women In The U.S., #Biography & Autobiography, #Presidents' spouses, #United States, #Biography, #Women

Spoken from the Heart (84 page)

My parents' wedding photo. Daddy said the war caused him to lose his hair.

Mother holding me.

Me on Grandma Welch's lap. She was a sturdy woman with heavy, lace-up shoes.

Reading with mother.

Our house on Princeton Avenue.

Me, about age twelve.

My high school graduation photo, age seventeen. Born in November, I was always the youngest in my class.

With my father and Marty the dog by the Christmas tree when I was a teacher in Houston.

George and me with his parents on our wedding day. We had a small Saturday-morning wedding. (Frank Miller)

Having Jenna and Barbara was the answer to our prayers.

My father with the girls.

'Twas the Night Before Christmas in 1985.

Bar Bush casts a wary eye on Jenna during a 1984 Reagan-Bush rally in Midland. (White House photo)

The 1988 White House Easter Egg Roll. (White House photo)

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