Spread Your Wings: Men in Blue, Book 4 (33 page)

He stopped kissing her only long enough to glance over her shoulder and monitor Clint’s progress. His partner had a finger or two, he couldn’t quite tell from there, working devilish magic on Jambrea’s ass. From the moans she let fly, she had no complaints.

When Clint’s fingers pressed against the thin barrier separating them, it was Matt’s turn to groan. Too much more of that and his whole plan would be ruined.

“Hurry. Please, Clint.” He didn’t care if his begging seemed weak. If being overcome with rapture inspired by his two lovers meant he was feeble, he’d claim the insult any day.

“Are you sure, Jambi?” Clint leaned over her back, kissing her shoulder blades then down her spine until he got to her ass. He placed a peck on each cheek, then grabbed her bubble butt.

“Hell yes, just do it already. I’m with Matt.” She bit his neck. Actually bit him! And he loved it. “I can’t take this forever. I could come any second. But I want you inside me first. Both of you. Together.”

“Then you’ll have us.” Clint aligned their bodies carefully. Even still, he struggled to fit himself within her. His cock slipped off the mark and rammed into Matt’s balls. Matt moaned, and not entirely in discomfort, as their skin glided across each other.

The next time Clint attempted entry, he breached her tight rings of muscle.

Matt caressed her everywhere he could reach, trying to cover up any pinch of discomfort with the euphoria they brought each other. It seemed to be working if her incoherent cries—definitely of the
variety rather than the
kind—were any indication.

Her fingers curled against his pecs, digging those sharp claws into his chest. Her head tipped back, exposing her neck as she arched unnaturally. Matt sucked on the sensitive spot just below her jaw, not caring if he marked her. Let the world see who she belonged to now.

He’d let her do the same if she pleased. Hell, he might ask her for the badge of pride.

Clint began to thrust, in counterpoint to Matt’s own upward spearing at first. Though he loved the rub of Clint’s blunt head on his shaft through Jambrea, he wanted this to be about her. So, without words, they somehow merged their rhythms and began to impale her simultaneously then withdraw in time to one another.

It only took a handful of dual advances before she tensed, enhancing their rapture.

They were relentless, driving her past the point of no return.

Matt held her tight as she unraveled.

“It’s a lot. Ohmigod. So much.” Jambrea screamed as she came. She clenched around them so hard that Clint slipped from her ass. He held his cock at her entrance, but the spasms of her muscles made it impossible for him to penetrate as she danced on top of Matt. Though she scratched at his chest, he didn’t complain, loving every bit of the stings that demonstrated her delight.

When she went limp, yet mewled for more, Clint attempted to advance again.

“Wait.” Matt stopped him.

His partner locked gazes with him. “Are you kidding? I have to. That’s the best thing I’ve felt in my life. Being with you both at the same time.”

Matt knew he’d made the right decision. He smiled up at Clint, then rolled over, still buried balls deep in Jambrea. He spread his legs, digging his knees in the mattress, both for better purchase as he drove into their wild thing, spiraling her higher again, and leaving himself wide open.

For Clint.

“Take me instead.” He glanced over his shoulder, thrilled to see lust and not revulsion in Clint’s lascivious stare.

“Because you’re sparing her or because you want my cock?” The brat smacked his erect tool against Matt’s ass.

“I think you know the answer to that.” He didn’t stop fucking Jambrea with tiny rocks that eased her from the fullest peak of her orgasm yet kept her riled and ready for more.

“Say it,” Clint demanded.

“I want you to be my first.” Matt closed his eyes. “My only. I want you in my ass because I need you. Like this and in my life. Always.”

“You’ve got it.” Greased fingers probed Matt’s back passage before easing inside surprisingly smoothly. It wasn’t long before Clint inserted a second and then a third, stretching him mildly with each addition. “How is that?”

“Damn!” Matt couldn’t explain better. He hoped he wasn’t crushing Jambi with his invigorated fucking. No way could he control himself with the increased stimulation.

“That’s right, and it’s going to feel even better when you’re spread apart by my cock.” The first press of Clint’s blunt head against his extra-puckered hole had him jamming his hips forward, pounding Jambrea. Her moan guaranteed she didn’t mind. “You’ve got me.”

The promise inherent in his partner’s speech had Matt relaxing a hair. Enough that Clint proceeded, dilating Matt’s ass around the spear-shaped head. When he’d poked through Matt’s initial resistance, he slipped in several inches at once.

“Holy fucking shit,” Matt concentrated on breathing.

And this time it was Jambrea soothing him. “You’re doing great. So sexy. Love to see you like this. You’re going to make me come again soon. Would you like that? To feel me hugging you while he fucks you nice and deep?”

He could only moan in response. Though the jerk of his cock in her pussy should have been answer enough.

“He likes it, Clint. Don’t worry. Fuck him. Like you fucked me. It felt great.” She bridged the gap between them, eliminating any chance for the misunderstandings they’d all suffered from this past year. “Go ahead. Screw him. Shove him into me. I’m proud to take you both.”

Matt couldn’t ignore her generosity any longer. He kissed her long and deep, finding a way to fuck into her every time Clint plunged deeper into his ass. Soon his partner’s hands were sure on his hips as he drove Matt, and Jambrea through him, hard and fast.

They may not have been graceful this first time around, but they’d get better. Smoother.

And he intended to practice a lot.

Jambrea opened her eyes and stared into his as they sucked on each other’s tongues. She didn’t have to speak for him to understand what was about to happen.

When she came, she set off a chain reaction. The milking of her pussy drew his come from his balls. There was no resisting it this time. His own orgasm did the same to Clint. It felt surreal when his best friend poured his hot release deep into Matt’s ass.

Grateful for his big frame now, he held himself up to keep from crushing Jambrea while Clint blanketed his back. The weight of his partner made everything perfect.

Sandwiched between the loves of his life, he drifted.

Eventually Jambrea shifted, so he rolled over, depositing Clint on the bed then landing on his back.

To his surprise and delight, both Jambrea and Clint curled up to his sides. They laid their heads on his chest and met in a sensual kiss that had his cock twitching.

Catching him even more off guard, Clint looked up when he finished caressing Jambrea’s mouth with his own. “Matt Ludwig, thank you for trusting me. For always being what I need in a partner. I love you.”

Jambrea’s breath hitched. When Matt glanced at her, tears dripped down her cheeks.

He decided to opt for simple words, when his actions and his heart screamed out so loud that Clint had to already know. “I love you too.”

They took their turn, nibbling on each other’s mouths before lashing each other with overenthusiastic tongues. Finally, they settled, thoroughly exhausted by their outpouring of physical and emotional energy.

“So it’s the three of us forever, right?” Clint grasped one of Matt’s hands and one of Jambrea’s. “Promise me.”

“I do.” Jambrea smiled as she said it.

What the hell, Matt figured, why not? “I do too.”


Minutes passed in utter silence and satisfaction. Until Jambrea sighed.

“What’s wrong, wild thing?” Matt swallowed hard, as if she would be anything less than content after their heartfelt confessional.

“I don’t want to get up, but I have to.” She grimaced.

“Do you need your medicine?” Clint shoved onto one elbow. “I’ll get it and a glass of water for you.”

“Well, yeah, that too. But I really have to pee before I fall asleep,” she admitted.

“Sorry, can’t help you there. Golden showers really aren’t my thing.” Earning a slap from Clint, Matt grossed them all out. He loved to do that as much as Razor treasured playing practical jokes on the guys at the precinct.

“Okay, I’m going. Don’t miss me too much while I’m away.” She swung out of bed. Or she would have except her arm had gone a little numb so when she pushed off it, she lost her balance. Flinging up her foot to right herself, she caught the edge of the nightstand.

Things went flying across the hardwood floor.

“Oops.” She tried again, successfully this time, to escape from the cozy nest the three of them had made. Hoping she hadn’t broken anything, she fell to her knees on the area rug and searched for displaced items.

After collecting a few knickknacks, she realized what the major clatter had been.

Her keepsake box from John. Oh no.

Jambrea ran her hands over the surface of the carved heirloom, searching for cracks. Thankfully it seemed all in one piece. She hugged it to her as she continued to trail her fingers over the relief that matched her tattoo. Except, something felt a little different to her than she remembered from studying it the past two days.

“Guys?” She scooted over so that she occupied the shaft of moonlight pouring through the window.

“Everything okay, wild thing?” Matt popped his head up so he could take a visual inspection of her safety, or possibly of her nudity in the silver glow.

She was good with either.

Except for once, sex wasn’t the first thing on her mind while trapped in this cabin with them. “Maybe.”

“That doesn’t sound good.” Clint rolled from bed a hell of a lot more gracefully than she had, coming to kneel by her. “What’s up?

She clutched the box to her chest so he couldn’t cheat. “What does the box John carved have on it?”

“It looked like this place kind of, lots of trees and animals. Some birds towing a sign that has your tattoo quote in the banner.” He recited from memory generally what she recalled.

“No stars?” She asked.

Then Matt was suddenly at her side also. “There weren’t any stars on the box. I’d have remembered that given your medal and the combination we found inside its case.”

“Feel this.” She bit her lip as she turned the masterpiece around.

Even his big fingers got caught in the divot she had noticed while groping in the dark. Then a second as well, a little farther down. “What the hell?”

Clint put his hand in the same spot when Matt withdrew. “Wow, I feel it too.”

“I’m turning the light on, look away,” Matt advised.

Once they’d all adjusted, they studied the box on the floor between them. Where they’d felt star shapes, there was only a depression between a tree and a bird on one side and the banner and a different tree to the right. Slight shadows there bore only a passing resemblance to what she’d detected nearly blind.

Ignoring what their eyes told them, they each took a turn feeling the carving again. The stars were evident to the touch, though only blobby shapes of varying degrees to the eyes.

“That can’t be coincidence,” Matt said.

“So why are there only two?” Clint wondered.

“How many should there be?” she asked.

“I’d guess three.” He scratched his chin. “I’m not great at puzzles, but it seems to me like maybe we’re supposed to take the three numbers from the medal container and use them with this. He left it for his sister to give to you. He had to know that would only ever happen if the shit hit the fan.”

Jambrea stared at the box and the quote she knew so well. No secrets burst from the adornments to solve the riddle. Why couldn’t life be like TV? “Maybe you guys should call the Men in Blue. We need help.”

She headed off toward the restroom. By the time she returned, they’d relayed the critical information and disconnected. Though Shari swore the line was secure, they took as few chances as necessary.

“They’re working on it. All we can do now is rest and be ready.” Matt patted the gap between him and Clint on the bed.

“It’s been a helluva long day.” Her other lover yawned mid-sentence. “Come dream with us.”

So she did.

Chapter Fifteen

Jambrea was pleased when a knock came on the door early the next morning. A delicious soreness pinged from different parts of her body as she rushed to put on her rewashed clothes. The guys filled Shari in on their discoveries from the day before while Jambrea cooked the fresh bacon, eggs and toast their host had brought over.

But all too soon, breakfast was done. Matt washed the dishes while Clint dried them. They tucked cobalt blue plates away in the solid wood cabinets, which Shari told them John had designed and constructed after building the home for himself.

The guys had only been inside most of the afternoon yesterday, but used to roaming their beat and living a very active life, they were going stir crazy already. They paced the perimeter of the cabin, staring longingly at the lake until even Shari caught on. “Why don’t you two take a boat out? If you stay on this side of the lake you’ll be able to see if we flag you down.”

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