Stalemate (8 page)

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Authors: Dahlia Rose

Tags: #contemporary romance, #Interracial romance, #Multicultural romance, #BW/WM, #billionaire romance

“Isa, you called the mansion a big empty place in no uncertain terms, and it is cold and empty,” Bryce said. “That night when we were in there was the first time I’d been in that family room in months. But it felt warm and alive, like what my parents had when I was growing up. I felt used and betrayed when I found out you used Tawny’s name. But then when you said you were pregnant, a sense of elation bubbled up inside me, even though I was angry and my pride was bruised.”

“Why?” Isa whispered.

“Because, now that empty house would be filled with warmth and the sound of laughter and happiness in all corners. It would resound through the halls and there would be toys on the floor and pancakes with chocolate chip faces in the kitchen.” Bryce grinned. “I always wanted siblings, and here you are giving me twins so they won’t ever have to play or feel alone.  I pushed for a wedding because I was trying to seal the deal so you couldn’t leave and we wouldn’t live apart. I admit now it was a bullish way to do things, but the sentiment remains the same. I want you, I want a family with you, and that’s the truth.”

“So she tasted like cigarettes and baseballs?” Isa teased. “Who was she anyway?”

“And a hint of tuna.” Bryce grimaced. “It took two glasses of champagne and the disgusting taste of caviar to get it gone. She’s the daughter of some real estate tycoon with old money to back him. She sees herself as a starlet, singer and actress when she is none of those things. I think people put up with her for her father’s money.:

“Wow, a billionaire who doesn’t like expensive raw sea eggs. You are a mystery, Bryce.”

“I’m also eccentric. I like my socks from Target instead of argyle and I eat McDonalds.” He pulled her close.

“I’m sorry to tell you, that’s not being eccentric, it’s called everyday life,” she replied with a smile.

Bryce kissed her nose. “See, I wasn’t letting her lick my tonsils. I was trying not to gag.”

“I get it, I get it, I’m sorry.” The babies kicked hard and Bryce laughed. “They are telling me to say it again.”

“Good boys, they are getting strong.” Bryce laughed huskily.

“They could be girls,” she pointed out with a smile.

“I think they are also saying that their mother should kiss me,” Bryce said huskily.

“I think we can do more than that,” Isa said throatily, and took his hand to lead him to the bedroom.

“Are you sure? Are you cleared medically for—”

“Ben cleared me about eight weeks ago.”

Bryce shook his head. “I wish you wouldn’t call him Ben. I feel like he wants to be more familiar with you.”

“More familiar that seeing my hoo-hah when two babies pop out in a few months?” Isa teased.

“Not a good picture in my head. I don’t like him,” Bryce practically growled.

“Honey, there is nothing to worry about. Ben asked me about Tawny a few weeks ago at my last appointment.” Isa laughed.

“Alright then I’ll resist the urge to break his legs.” Bryce kissed her hungrily.

Isa gasped as he ran his hands down her body. “Yes, let’s not break the legs of the man who has to deliver or children.”

Bryce leaned his head down to hers and Isa put her hand on his chest.

“Before we even go there, tell me you brushed your teeth after the bad-breathed bitch kissed you?”

“Twice at home and gargled with mouthwash,” Bryce answered.

“Okay, then you can continue kissing me, and the next time, I’ll be with you to punch any unsavory types coming at my man,” Isa said with a smile.

“I should’ve taken you in the first place.”

She pressed her body against him. “I’m glad you see that.”

“Do you know how hot I’ve been for you?” Bryce cupped her cheek and kissed her hard. “Your body, full with life, our children, your skin so smooth and sexy. I’ve been thinking about you since that first night and I’ve wanted you more each day.”

Isa stood on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck. “No more doubts or insecurities. If you want me and this is about us, then I’m yours, Bryce.”

His answer was a kiss that seared her senses and caused gooseflesh along her skin. To Isa, the connection she felt to Bryce was back and stronger than ever. He locked his fingers with hers as they stood in the middle of the room and kissed. Bryce pulled away only long enough to push her bathrobe of her shoulders and undressed her slowly. The moonlight spilled through the slat of the French doors that led to her small balcony. The beams caressed her skin as she stood there, gloriously naked, her stomach full of life and open to Bryce’s hungry gaze.  Isa covered her breasts with her hand and Bryce pulled it away.

“No.” His voice was a husky rasp. “Don’t hide yourself from me. I want a mental picture of you like this to treasure forever.”

“I’m so big already,” Isa protested.

“Carrying our children, you’re gloriously sexy to me. Don’t forget that,” Bryce said as he stripped his shirt off.  “Any man who can’t look at his woman while she’s pregnant and see nothing but beauty is an asshole.”

Isa stepped back into his arms willingly. “You say the nicest things.”

Their lips met again, and soon her breathing was thick with desire. He settled her on the bed gently before he finished undressing, and she watched him with appreciation. His body was lean and his abs pronounced. The man was built for all kinds of sexy fantasies and she wanted to try every one she could think of with him. She thought about all the desires they could fulfill together after the babies were born. Isa bit her lip as he moved towards her. His thick cock was already hard and proud between his legs.

“Now to please my lady,” Bryce said as he crawled onto the bed.

He trailed around the dark areola of her nipple and she could feel it harden to an aroused peak in response. He moved his hand lower to her stomach and ran it in wide circles as he lowered his head to her breast and took her nipple into his mouth.

“That feels so good,” she gasped as he drew it deeper.

“I think I want to go further down.” He pressed his mouth to her round belly and the babies kicked in response. “I hope they don’t know what we’re doing.”

“They’re responding to your voice,” Isa explained. “Don’t stop.”

“I wasn’t planning on it,” Bryce murmured.

He came back to her lips and they shared a kiss that, to Isa, sealed the promise of their lives together. Isa moaned under the onslaught of his lips and tongue and reached between them to stroke his engorged cock.

“It’s always going to be you, Isa
” he murmured.

“I’m happy with that because it’s only you for me.” Her voice was soft.

“There’s nothing in this world more beautiful than you right now. All I could think about at that gala was coming home to you.”

“Make love to me,” Isa pleaded. “Make me feel like that first night.”

“This will be even better because we know who we truly are and what we want now.”

Isa caressed his face. “I like that.”

“You are that very special part of my life, but now is not for talking. I’m going to show you how I feel,” he said.

“Yes, please.”

Her words ended on a low moan as he took her nipple in his mouth again. His other hand massaged her other full breast that had become heavier with pregnancy in preparation of feeding the twins. Her lips were swollen from his kisses and she panted in response to touch, shifting restlessly as arousal coursed through her. The deep rumble of his groan came from his chest and he cupped his hand around hers on his shaft and moved it gently, silently begging her to stroke him. Isa took up the rhythm and was rewarded by the feel of his pre cum on her hand.  He cupped her mound between her legs and delved his finger between the lips of her sex to rub her clit gently. The action sent pleasure coursing through her core and she lifted her hips in response.

“Oh, God, yes, I want to feel you inside me now,” Isa moaned.

“Not yet, darling.” He chuckled. “It’s been so long since we were together. I want to learn your body all over again.”

He kissed his way down her body and pushed her legs apart almost slowly. “I want to taste you.”

Isa felt his breath against her pussy and she shuddered in anticipation. He ran a lone finger along the swollen lips of her sex and slipped it inside her slowly. She cried out and arched, clenching her hands into the pillow under her head as she gave into the pleasure he created. Bryce’s groan was low and guttural as he sucked on her clit and used his finger at the same time to drive her higher. Bryce lashed her clit with his seeking tongue until she cried out his name. Bryce drove her to the edge of reason with his tongue and fingers until the release she was striving for took hold. She couldn’t help the small scream that escaped her as she came hard.

“I can taste your come on my tongue.” He groaned. “Delectable. I want you to come again for me.”

She gasped when his fingers picked up speed, fucking her faster and deeper than before. No slow build up but a crashing wave of ecstasy that left her breathless. She didn’t know she could get that wet, but her sexual essence was all over his hand. She felt it against the sheets beneath her.

“Again,” he growled. “I think your being pregnant is one of the biggest turn-ons there is. Your taste, even your scent is addictive.”

“I don’t think that’s possible,” Isa gasped, still writhing under his touch.

Bryce proved her wrong. He buried his face between her legs once more. His tongue burrowed deep, tasting her ravenously, licking between her labia and penetrating her core.

“Now, now,” Isa begged after another blinding orgasm.

“Yes, I need you,” he muttered. “We’re going to have to make you comfortable.”

“I was reading up on it.” Isa looked away shyly. “On my hands and knees with pillows by my tummy.”

He gave her wicked grin. “I like a woman who takes initiative.”

Bryce took two of her fancy pillows, and with his help, she got on her hands and knees and her tummy was comfortable. He knelt behind her and rubbed his cock against the slick, aroused lips of her sex.

“Ah, yes,” Bryce moaned, and he carefully sank into her inch by torturous inch.

Isa whimpered and felt his hands on her hips. He pulled out and thrust into her once more. Heat washed over her skin each time he moved within her. Even in her pregnant state, her arousal was so high that she could only call out his name and plead for more. Isa pushed back against him to meet his thrusts, and soon they moved together in unison, hips meeting hips. His cock throbbed within her and she heard his almost agonized groan as their pace increased.

“I’m going to come. Oh, Bryce, yes,” she said, panting.

“Darling, I’m with you.” His voice was harsh with desire.

He gave a guttural cry and her body began to tremble. Isa felt her pussy contract and clench tight around his shaft. His cock throbbed and, as he pumped his body deep within her, Bryce took them both over the edge. He took them down slowly to the bed so she was lying on her side. He made sure her head was nestled comfortably on the pillows that were left against the headboard. And after cleaning them both up with a towel from the bathroom, he put another one under stomach to help keep her comfortable. Isa felt cherished as he took care of her and then nuzzled her shoulder and neck gently as he ran his hand over her taut stomach. She wiggled against his body spooned behind her and he ran his hand down the smooth skin of her naked thigh.

“Keep that up and we may have to start all over,” he chuckled.

“I wouldn’t mind,” Isa answered, and yawned.

“Sweetheart, you can hardly keep your eyes open. Sleep, and when we wake up, we’ll go home.”

“Can we stop at Waffle House on the way? I want my usual,” Isa said sleepily.

“Yes, of course. I don’t need Tawny trying to kick my ass for not keeping you happy.”

“She’s changing her name to Tricia,” Isa murmured.

He was still rubbing her stomach and it was making her drowsy. Isa never heard his reply as his gentle caress lulled her to sleep. The next morning, he woke her with kisses and, true to his promise, they ate her favorite food before heading back to the mansion that she would now call home.

Chapter Six

ater that night, Isa lay in bed in at the mansion. The summer was slowly dwindling away and French doors that led to the balcony were open. The breeze was cool and she could pick up the scent of fall leaves in the air along with the rain that had fallen earlier that evening. Isa sighed in contentment, admitting to herself that she wanted to be here. Even though Marjorie was a stern older woman, Isa had to admit that she liked her fussing over her. It was motherly and she’d never had that before.

There was a knock on the door and Bryce stuck his head in as he opened it.

“Hey, are you asleep?” he whispered loudly.

“If I was, that whisper could wake me and the dead.” Isa sat up and put on the light on the side table. “I’m up. I was listening to the rain and I opened the doors for the breeze.”

“I love a good thunderstorm,” Bryce said. “I came to ask you something, well, a few things.”

Isa looked at him curiously. “Hit me with these late night ponderings.”

“What am I to you? I mean, we are on a new level of our relationship. I was wondering how you saw me in your world?”

“You’re the father of my children,” Isa answered automatically.

Bryce frowned. “That’s it, I mean, even after last night?”

Isa could hardly believe it, but was Bryce feeling insecure? It stunned her because the man had so much power and was so strong and confident. Yet he was sitting on her bed plucking an invisible thread on her blankets, looking everywhere but directly as her. Isa smiled, feeling more endeared to him than ever before.

“If you mean relationship wise, Bryce, I want you as a man as well. I want a relationship with you,” she said gently. “I know we started out on seriously rocky ground, but I think we can be a couple, a family...that is, if you want me.”

A slow grin spread across his face. “Hell yeah, which leads to my next thought. You should move into my room, and I have a surprise for you.”

Isa nodded. “I think I would like that.”

He held out his hand. “Come on.”

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