Read Stalking Darkness Online

Authors: J.L. Oiler

Stalking Darkness (7 page)

did you find out?” Gavin asked
interrupting the wet
dream Hugh had been building in his head.

“Well let’s
see,” she began with a teasing under tone. “They say I look hot and it’s a
shame for something this fine to be walking about campus alone.”

of responding to her jab, Hugh watched Gavin tighten his mouth to avoid the
smile, which still managed to curve the farthest edges of his lips as he raised
his brow in mock reprimand.

friends have been busy. There have been two disappearances on campus since
Wednesday, the schools trying to keep it on the down low to avoid any
unnecessary panic,” Cadence told them as she pulled the blond wig from her head
and tossed it on the seat beside her. “The frat party that was supposed to
happen tonight was canceled by orders of the College dean, but it just means
they moved the party elsewhere. Seems they’re having a rave at an abandoned
warehouse on the other side of town tomorrow night. Can you guess who knows the
password to get us through the door?”

smiled wide and started to put the vehicle into gear, anxious to get back to
the house. Without a word Gavin threw the door open, causing the screeching
buzzer to sound and forcing him to slam on the breaks. In a flash the team
leader had climbed into the backseat and pulled Cadence straddle him.

the fuck? Am I supposed to watch you two in the rear view?” Hugh complained,
turning to glare at the pair who was already kissing, Cadences shirt pushed up
around her neck.

means you’ll get us home faster,” she purred, blowing him a kiss over her
shoulder as Gavin busied himself with a mouthful of the smooth flesh of her


body hummed with energy as Gavin’s mouth traced along her neck and breast, his
teeth scrapping delightfully across her skin and making her breath become more
ragged with each seductive caress.
hands moved down and under her skirt to tug at the thin string-like sides of
her panties until his impatience ripped them from her body. Closing her eyes,
she savored the feeling of his fingers rubbing across the lips of her cunt
before he shoved several digits into her and stroked her swollen clit.

Cadence released the closure on Gavin’s pants,
feeling his swollen cock spring from its confinement, ready for action.
Arching back, she slowly lowered herself onto
him, slowly taking him inch by inch into her hot wet cunt until she was fully
seated. Leaning her forehead against his, she smiled down at him, taking the
scrap of torn silk from his hands and tossing it into the front seat.

“Bet you cum first,” she purred beginning to
slowly slide up and down.

test me, woman, or I will do more than pull you hair.”

that a promise?”

needing any further encouragement, Gavin grabbed a handful of her hair, jerking
her head backward so he could nip at the flesh of her neck as she rode him.
With the other, he sunk his fingers into the flesh of her hips, attempting to
control her pace. Both were actions that caused Cadence to moan in pleasure.

hands gripping the seat tightly to either side of his head, she increased her
speed and twisted a bit each time she reached the greatest depth of
penetration. The added bit of action caused the sweat beads forming across his
brow to trickle down his face as he tried in vain to hold back his
Cadence knew she won this
little contest. Slamming her body down hard onto his pulsating cock, she
trailed her tongue across his shoulder before extending her fangs and biting
down. She felt him stiffen a moment before he roared out in release. Gavin
trembled inside her as he kissed her face and lips. The SUV pulled into the
driveway, and Hugh turned off the motor.


laughed as he threw the door open to find Gavin breathing hard, sweat pouring
down his face. The flushed color of his skin said he’d cum first. Cadence
winked at Gavin as she climbed off her now limp perch and stepped from the

nice to leave a lady hanging,” Hugh said shaking his head.

leaving some fun for the rest of you,” Gavin responded with a satisfied grin.
“You better hurry before the others decide not to leave any Candy for you.”


heard the sound of moaning and heavy sighs as he rounded the corner from taking
Phynix out for the animal’s evening walk. Even before he entered the house’s
large living room, he knew what he would find. His mind had played this night
out several times since he saw her leave the house earlier, and his cock jerked
as he stepped into the room and saw the tangle of arms and legs. Only Gavin sat
off to the side watching contently from the overstuffed armchair.

Hugh groaned as he continued to shove deep into Cadence as she kneeled before
him. “I do believe she has room between those lovely lips of hers.”

Drake,” Cadence cooed, licking her lips and encouraging Raven with a hand to
the back of his head. “Let’s see what you bring to the party.”

He was
barely able to contain himself at the thought of her sucking him. Dropping his
trousers and kicking off his boots, he moved to her head, his large, swollen
cock gripped at its base, the purple head already seeping a small drop of precum.

does look tasty,” the dark haired vampire said with a curve of her perfect lips
before wrapping them around his cock and sliding him deep into her throat.

leaned his head back and closed his eyes while gripping a handful of soft hair
to guide the hot, wet suction. He’d thought of a moment like this, of having
Cadence before him, pleasuring him. He felt her scrape her teeth along the
sides of his cock, and his balls tightened moments before she reached to caress
them. Any other time he’d have lasted hours, but tonight wasn't any other time.
With a tremor his cock jerked, and his seed spurted into the mouth of the sexy
woman who continued to suckle him.

Chapter Seven


applied another coat of red to her lips before blowing a kiss to Phynix who sat
on the floor at her feet, his tail beating a steady melody on the hardwood
The dog was a constant at her
side, sleeping across her bed and taking a run every evening along the trails
that circled the property. Tonight would be her first head-to-head with a live
target, and Phynix would be returning to action. Cadence hoped they made a
great team.

go boy, the guys are waiting,” she told the dog while leaning down to rub
behind his ears.

and the others were in the dining room double-checking their weapons, each
dressed head to toe in dark BDUs.
own 9mm waited on the edge of the table for her to slip it into the holster hidden
in the leg section of her knee-high leather boot. Her own dress was less battle
like, a black tank top and pair of tight jeans would allow her to blend in with
the crowds.
For the most part, she was
the least armed in this endeavor, and that fact did not slip her mind. She
supposed Cannon foresaw this, which is why the two of them spent a good amount
of time using weapons of opportunity. If it came to dealing damage with a lamp,
coat stands, or picture frames Cadence had it covered.

“Ready, sweet cheeks?”
Drake slapped her across the ass while he headed for
the door.

chose to answer with a roll of her eyes, slipping the tiny earpiece into its
spot. She really wanted a stiff drink to calm her nerves but opted for a clear
head instead.
The party was likely going
to be wall-to-wall people and she needed to be ready for whatever came down.

not, our Cadence,” Raven said, placing his hand on her shoulder and leaning
down to brush a gentle kiss on her hair. “You will face the challenge ahead
with strength you do not even know you possess. Though your heart will hurt,
the first part of your mission will prevail.”

looked at the Native American, attempting to unravel the cryptic message of his
words and wishing he would just say it in terms that did not seem like a
puzzle. Then again, she knew his visions never revealed themselves in that
manner. Better to take what she could get and hope to figure it out along the
way. Standing up on her toes, she kissed his cheek and gave the tight braided
dark hair a playful tug.

fear, love,” she told him with a pat to his firm chest. “I have such strong
sexy backup that I may just end up having to rescue you all from the horde of
college chicks I’m certain will be fighting for a piece of you.” With a wink,
Cadence turned and headed out the door. She was ready to get this over with and
back here for a night of pleasure.

short ride down to the drop off point about a block from the warehouse flew by
as Cadence went over her training and the plan repeatedly in her head. This was
her chance to prove herself and get a bit of vengeance in one swoop. She did
not want to fuck it up.

plan was simple. She’d go in, mingle with the huge crowd that was certain to be
attending and see if perhaps she could catch sight of Nigel, Anton or any of
their flunkies. The guys would do basically the same, but rather than wading
right in to the middle of the festivities they’d keep to the shadows, not
drawing attention to
Gavin figured Cadence would not warrant much
thought. He was certain the pair of vamps thought her dead. The unit would keep
in contact and once the targets were confirmed move in to take control of the
situation. Of course, by taking control he’d meant to scare the crap out of the
partygoers so they all fled the premised and would not be a factor in the next
phase of the operation, which was killing every member of the rogue group.
Once too often they’d been forced to clean up
the bloody aftermath of those bastards and this time they were being given the
opportunity to save lives. Each of these kids would flee here with an
opportunity that none of the team any longer possessed, a chance at a family
and life oblivious of the darkness lurking around every corner.

Hugh pulled
the SUV into the determined alleyway and turned off the engine. Cadence felt
the butterflies flutter once again. Climbing from the vehicle, she straightened
her clothes and took a slow deep breath. Heading down the sidewalk away from
the rest of her crew, she began to listen to the steady cadence of her own
footsteps on the concrete, allowing it to steady her nerves as she grew closer
to the destination.

her top down a bit so her cleavage was the main attraction, Cadence flashed the
large male working the door a dazzling smile. Her reward was swift as he
ushered her past a small line of others awaiting entrance. The sound of techno
assaulted her ears, growing louder with each foot closer she came to party
until her heart seemed to match the deep, resounding bass.

It did
not take long for her to find a familiar face in the crush of people occupying
the makeshift dance floor. Anton moved to the sound pouring through the large
speaker, surrounded by a flock of half clothed co-eds each vying for his
Unlike the jeans and tee
shirt he’d sported when they’d met, he was dressed in a dark blue silk shirt,
unbuttoned to his waist, and a pair of black slacks. Paired with his dark hair
and blue eyes, she understood her original attraction.

smiled, running the tip of her tongue along her upper lip when she caught his
eye. The vamp returned her toothy grin, and with one finger motioned for her to
join them. Instead she shook her head in rejection, a slow intentional flirt,
before walking through the crowd toward one of two crude bars set up to serve
all varieties of alcoholic beverages. Leaning against the sticky plywood bar top,
Cadence ordered herself a bottle of beer. Instead of a tall cold bottle, the
bartender attempted to hand her a fruity smelling drink with a bright umbrella.
Shaking her head no and pointing toward what she’d originally ordered
Cadence watched him twist the lid from the bottle and hand
it to her with mock sadness. She'd learned her lesson about letting someone
else choosing her drinks.

we met before?” Anton’s familiar purr said against her ear from behind.

so she faced him, Cadence bit her lower lip in mock interest. Inside her body
raged in anger, screaming for her to rip his eyes from his face. Still she
tilted her head to the right and listened as he spoke a mass of lies of how she
made every other woman in the place pale in comparison and a few comments she
recalled dripping like acid from his lips during their first meeting, every
word like a needle jabbed into one of her eyeballs.

love…” A female
and Cadence found herself
twisting to face the barkeeper.

hands trembled as she wrapped them about the cold glass bottle and brought it
to her lips. Julie stood only a few feet from her, the woman’s scantily clothed
body draped against Anton as she cooed to him about Nigel wanting them to step
things up because of reports that the hunters were in town.

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