Star-Crossed (24 page)

Read Star-Crossed Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Then he pushed at his pants, forcing them past his hips, and Jules forgot everything else as she eagerly tugged them down, wanting him as naked as she was. He was commando, and she couldn’t hold herself back. She swallowed his cock hungrily, stroking him and taking him as deeply as she could.

Romeo let out a low growl, his hold on her braid tightening. Jules let him guide her movements as she sucked him, submitting to him when she hadn’t for others. She’d always enjoyed doing this, tasting a man, teasing him, controlling his pleasure, but it was different with Romeo. She respected him. She loved him. His pleasure was important to her, and if dominating her like this turned him on, it turned her on too.

It more than turned her on; it drove her wild.

Jules was so aroused she couldn’t help but slip a hand between her legs, desperate to ease the throbbing ache. All the while she sucked him, letting Romeo force her to take him deeper than usual. Both of their limits were still being pushed, the envelope split open by the connection they shared. Everything took on a surrealistic, red haze. The sexual hunger colliding with the endorphin rush that came from extreme physical exertion, making Jules feel euphoric as she knelt in front of Romeo and got off on pleasuring and serving him.

She was moaning, the sound of it muffled by his cock, and Jules realized she could come just like this. As if sensing it, Romeo tugged her braid, forcing her to release him.

She growled in complaint, reaching for him, but he fell down to the mat with her and grabbed her hand when she fought to touch him.

His eyes were vibrant, commanding, brooking no argument, and Jules bit her lip rather than complain. Then he brought her hand to his mouth, his gaze still holding 190


hers captive, and sucked on the fingers she’d been touching herself with. Her breathing was harsh and irregular, and she was almost dizzy with the rush of need as she watched him relish her essence.

Romeo released her fingers with a
, his gaze darting down to the mat. “Put it on me.”

Jules followed his gaze, finding the condom he must have dropped. She snatched it up and used her teeth to open it.

He fell back in seisa position once more, his ass resting on his ankles as he offered his cock up for her. Jules rolled the condom on and then crawled onto his lap. Too hot for him to down her enthusiasm, she boldly grabbed Romeo’s dick and guided him inside her.

Her mouth fell open, a silent moan trying to fight its way past the pleasure as he slowly stretched and filled her. It felt so incredible that Jules couldn’t wait until she was fully seated on him before she started rocking her hips, craving the friction of their bodies moving together. Romeo’s wide palms were on her back, holding her, supporting her as she rode him.

Jules threw her head back from the rising bliss, and Romeo dragged his tongue up the long line of her exposed throat. Then he used his hold to force her farther back, exposing her tits. Jules found her voice then, gasping from the electric shock of pleasure when he sucked one nipple into his mouth, his teeth tugging lightly. With his cock buried deeply inside her, she flattened her hands against the mat and let him feast on her tits, still a slave to his will.

Jules was sweaty and light-headed with the bliss, breathless from the teasing as Romeo’s mouth relearned her body, running from her nipples to the curves of her breasts and back up the sensitive arch of her throat. He licked and tormented until Jules thought she’d die with the need to come.

With Jules tinkering on the edge of insanity, Romeo’s warm breath moved up to her ear, his voice low and edgy with desire as he asked, “Do you want it?”


“God, yes,” she moaned.

“Beg me,” he said with the hint of a challenge, as if silently daring her to do it.

“Beg to ride me until you come, Juliet.”

“Please,” she whispered, pride obliterated under the weight of her need. “Let me, Romeo. I need it.”

“Well, if you need it”—Romeo used his impressive strength to pull her back up, supporting her weight as his hands moved up the center of her back—“then do it.” Jules gripped his wide shoulders and rode him, using his cock brazenly. She buried her face in the curve of his neck, clinging to him as the pleasure simmered, rising higher and higher until choked, broken sobs were bursting out of her.

Both of them were sweaty now, the slide of skin against skin easier as Romeo rode the wave with her. His body grew tenser, the muscles under Jules’s fingers tightening as the friction and passion pushed them closer to the edge. Suddenly he grabbed her braid, forcing her head back, and kissed her like a man starved. His tongue pushed past her parted lips, making her think Romeo was looking for an escape from the inevitable, but it was already a pointless battle.

Her movements over him became harder, more desperate. She lost the Zen-like calm somewhere in the storm, and she pulled Romeo into the darkness with her. When he stopped kissing her, it was only to lick her neck and suck at the sensitive skin, marking her in a primal claiming that would have been painful if she wasn’t completely out of her mind.

He tugged her braid once more and growled, “Come for me.” And Jules did, hard, shaking from the force of it and screaming his name as the ecstasy slammed into her like a freight train careening wildly out of control. Somewhere through the haze she felt Romeo stiffen under her, his big arms tightening around her like a drowning man searching for salvation. He clung to her as tightly as she did him as they crashed and burned together.



When the tide started to recede, leaving them quivering under the aftershocks, Jules started to notice their harsh breathing and feel the first aches from the fighting and fucking, but she was more content than she’d been in days. She rested her cheek on his shoulder and ran her fingers over the sweaty, sinewy muscles of his broad back, enjoying the way they shifted lightly under her touch.

Romeo kissed the inside of her arm and whispered, “I love you.”

“Mmm,” she hummed, still blissfully surfing the aftermath of her orgasm. “Love you too.”

“You can play sensei next time.”

“Nah.” Jules grinned and blushed as she admitted, “I kinda like the way you do it.”

Romeo laughed, placing another kiss against her shoulder. “I like the way you play uke. You take direction well. It’s sexy.”

Jules giggled and would have said something if the loud buzz of the front lights turning on didn’t have both of them stiffening in shock. There were only three other people who had keys to the Cellar, and none of them knew Jules and Romeo were involved. Romeo had the forethought to grab one of the tops next to them and toss it over Jules’s back, but all she could do was turn around in horror to see who had caught them.

Then she heard, “Oh shit,” before she saw Chuito standing there, stunned. Even with his tan skin, Jules was fairly certain the light heavyweight champion was blushing.

Without saying anything else, Chuito turned on his heels and walked back toward the front, and Jules scrambled off Romeo. “I got this.”

“You’re naked,” Romeo whispered back at her.

Jules clutched at the gi
top Romeo had thrown on her and grabbed a pair of pants before she ran after Chuito. She put her arms through the top that she realized was Romeo’s rather than her own, because it hung like a tent on her.


With no belt she held it closed and called out when she got to the front desk,

“Chuito, wait!”

“I didn’t see anything.” Chuito’s back was to her, and he rubbed at his eyes with both palms as if trying to wash away what he’d seen. “Okay, I did see a little. Or a lot.

Too much. I’m gonna
what I saw. There’s definitely a bottle of Patrón with my name on it.”

A hysterical giggle slipped out of Jules as she stepped into the pants that were fortunately hers. She was still working on pulling them up when Chuito turned around, catching her struggling with her pants and Romeo’s gi top hanging wide open as it sagged down her shoulders.

” Chuito spun back around and snapped, “You didn’t get dressed before you came after me?”

“I’m working on it!”

He took a cooling breath and started, “Jules—”

She couldn’t help it; she laughed because the situation was so ridiculous it was funny. “What?”

“I can’t
any of that.”

“You’re okay,” she assured him as she tried to fight the hysteria that had her choking back more laughter. “But listen, this is important, you can’t—” Chuito peeked over his shoulder, and Jules straightened, holding Romeo’s gi

together, keeping all the vitals covered.

He turned around and folded his arms over his chest, looking hesitant as he asked,

“Can’t what?”

Jules winced. “You can’t tell anyone.”

Chuito rolled his eyes and looked away. “This is definitely not an experience I want to relive by telling others.”




“No, really,” Jules said seriously. “You know how this town talks. If you tell someone, it’ll get back to Wyatt, and Romeo ain’t ready for him to know yet.”

“It’s cool.” Chuito shrugged. “I get it.”

Jules took a shuddering breath, thinking it’d be a minor miracle if this didn’t get out. “Chuito—”

I get it
,” Chuito repeated slowly and then looked over her shoulder, his gaze hardening for one long moment. “I probably get it more than you do. I won’t tell anyone.”

“Thanks, man, we’d appreciate it,” Romeo said behind her, and Jules turned to see him wearing only his white pants.

“Just, you know, hang something on the front doors next time,” Chuito said, shaking his head like a wet dog as if trying to force the memories out. “Warn me. Save me the trauma.”

He turned to leave without another word.

Jules felt sort of guilty and called out, “Are you gonna be okay?

Chuito held up a hand, not looking back as he pulled open the front doors.

“Shit.” Jules sulked as she watched Chuito walk into the parking lot. “He’s gonna tell someone. He’ll open his big mouth to Alaine, and she’ll tell one of her friends on accident or something and then the whole dang town’ll know. I should’ve told Wyatt before now.”

“He won’t say anything.” Romeo wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his chin on top of her head. “It’ll be fine.”

“How’d you know?”

“Guys like him don’t nark on their own. It’s just a weird…street thing.” Jules turned to Romeo, willing him to tell her his secrets, but when the silence stretched out in front of them, all he offered was, “Wanna take a shower in the men’s locker room with me?”




“Sure.” Jules nodded and tried to push away the nagging feeling there was more than prison he needed to tell her about. But now wasn’t the time anyway, so she forced a smile and said, “Showering with you is always fun.” 196


Chapter Thirteen


“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” Tino groaned, face pressed against the comforter as he lay sprawled across Romeo’s bed in the master bedroom wearing nothing but a towel.

“Fucking hicks. Even my toes hurt.”

Romeo should have told Tino to shut up and stop complaining. He wanted to be a professional fighter. This is what pro fighters did: they hurt and they learned to love it and Romeo might have explained it if he could have done more than groan and fall into bed right next to Tino.

“I’ll pay you five thousand dollars to rub the knots outta my shoulders,” he offered his brother, being dead serious. “This jujitsu shit is killing me.”

“Fuck you.” Tino snorted. “I had that damn class again tonight. I can’t even move to scratch my balls. I’m covered in bruises.”

Romeo laughed into the comforter, his shoulders shaking, which nearly killed him. “I sent a video to Nova of all those girls beating on you. I think it made his life. He couldn’t even talk he was laughing so hard.”

Tino laughed with him, then groaned in pain. “These country chicks, I’m not even kidding you, they’re fucking hard-core. They’ll kill your ass and make it look like an accident. You drag the lakes around here and I promise you, there’s dumb assholes who tried to get laid by the wrong chicks floating at the bottom of it—concrete boots—and I think your girlfriend’s distributing them. Sadistic bitch.”

“Say it again.” Romeo reeled up and punched Tino in the side. “I dare you.”


“Motherfucker!” Tino gasped. Already sore, he grabbed his side and gave Romeo a look of disbelief. “You’ve gone oobatz for this chick. She
a sadistic bitch. I got the bruises to prove it. Wanna see?”

Romeo had to punch him once more, twice as hard, because he’d said it again.

Tino grabbed the edge of the comforter and rolled it protectively around himself, snuggling into Romeo as he did it, completely oblivious to personal space. “Where’s my real brother?” he asked, his voice muffled by the material. “You know, the one who’s not

Romeo turned on his side, studying Tino, who was still wrapped up in the blanket, only the inky strands of his thick hair peeking out of the top of the protective cocoon. With his face hidden, it was easy to finally say out loud to someone besides Jules, “I love her, you know?”

“No shit.” Tino grunted, not sounding shocked by the revelation. “And you two are
for each other. Mean.”

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